Posted in Christmas, Uncategorized

Dear Santa, I Can Explain…12 Links of Christmas Blog Party the Christmas lights on, it’s less dangerous. Here we are now, entertain us. I feel dazed, not contagious. Here we are now, entertain us…I’m worse at what I do best And for this gift, I feel blessed… Our little blogging group has always been. And always will until the end. HoHo, HoHo, HoHo, HoHo, HoHo, HoHo. Ummm, Smells like Christmas spirit?

In a kind of Welcome-to-the-Christmas-Jungle-type way, it’s been a strange few weeks, so Dear Santa, I Can Explain….

1. I’ve fought a prolonged battle with a vicious cold, it almost won, until I released my dragons, ok, it was chicken soup, but it was epic.
2. I overindulged in great gently used ‘finds’, tea with seniors, and raffles – if loving Christmas Bazaars is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

3. I fell out of bed (and not in a fun way), luckily no serious injuries, but it sure knocked the stuffing out of me.
4. I was baking for Christmas and I had to taste, right? I couldn’t serve it or give it away without tasting, right?

5. Got the results of my colonoscopy, turns out my colon is a trophy wife, looks beautiful but doesn’t work.

I love Christmas, always have, but things have changed, become confusing. I feel like I’m being visited by the ghosts of rampant, raging, unrestrained consumerism – past, present, and future. The wraiths of oblivious conspicuous consumption, the specters of overt displays of wealth swirling around, I feel chilled, haunted, saddened – what could all that money be used for, who could be saved, cured, comforted, how much joy could be spread to so many instead of so few? This time of year isn’t about gifts, lights, food, carols, it’s about people, everywhere, whether they celebrate the holiday or not. How can anyone admire, emulate, and/or trust those who consume without a care?
Having lost so many of those I love in the past few years, the holiday season has more and more become a time of remembrance. Most of the memories are wonderful, but some are tinged with regret and loss; I listen to the carols, the songs sing, yet part of my heart wishes for more as it swells with remembers.

Here’s my Christmas card to you, dear readers. Let’s share some tidings of comfort and joy. Please join my 12 Links of Christmas Blog Party. It’s ongoing (why put a time limit on fun?), so keep on coming back right up to and after Christmas! The posts you link to don’t have to be Christmas-related and I’m not going to ask you visit other bloggers, comment, or share, but please, if you feel so inclined, give to others: press Like, reblog, share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, etc. No badges (we don’t need no stinking badges).
If this is your first time joining a blog party, I’ll be gentle. Cut and paste your link. Then in the comment box below, paste that link and tell the readers and other bloggers a bit about your blog and/or yourself (if you wish, not necessary). Leave up to 12 links (one per box please). Here are my 12 Links of Christmas…

I’d also like you to tell us what brings you comfort and joy at Christmas or anytime. Here’s an example, I get comfort and joy from doing nice things for people, little things, they’re not truly selfless acts (anyone remember that Friends episode?), because I enjoy them. I also love Christmas movies, the one place in the world where I’m pretty sure everything is going to work out well. Reading, walking, baking, board games, and I find my joy of writing has returned, creeping in. Of course, I find comfort and joy in wonderful son, family and friends, including my amazing blogging family.

I know everyone is busy, but please, join my holly jolly Christmas Blogging Party!

Nog nog. Who’s there? Virtual eggnog or hot cocoa (with mini marshmallows), take a sip, dip a biscotti or cookie.

Happy Holidays and take time to enjoy what really counts.


Very me

391 thoughts on “Dear Santa, I Can Explain…12 Links of Christmas Blog Party

    1. Thank you for dropping by and sharing this link. I always get giggles and at times full liquid out the nose laughs from your band name posts. Keep sharing, the party is still going. Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, being perfectly normal myself, ok, I almost typed that without laughing…
        All the best, David and keep dropping by with those links, I can tell you by the numbers, people are still here. 🙂


    1. Yahoo and with an awesome post! As a Daddy’s girl myself I love this and yes, my Dad, a gentleman showed me that there are amazing men out there. Have a lovely time visiting and hope you come back. Hope the week treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. People are really stepped by leaving everyone so many gift of comfort and joy – thank you for leaving us this gift, please feel free to drop back and leave more. Hope this week treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Sorry to hear about your ‘trophy wife’ but hope there’s a happy ending to that chapter. Charlie Brown and Linus can always make me smile. Sometimes during the holiday, I avoid at all costs going into the stores during the busy times. And, watching White Christmas always makes me mellow. 🙂


    1. It is what is is. 😉
      They make me smile too as does ‘White Christmas’, it makes me feel happy. Thanks for dropping, please feel free to drop back and leave some links to your lovely posts, Judy. Hope the week is treating you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this Ian and I hope you can drop back and share some of your links for others to find you. Thanks again and hope this week is treating you well so far. 🙂


  2. I’m sorry you’ve been ill, but I am also moved by the reflective theme of your post. I suspect that’s why the Advent season leading into Christmas is so important for me: it makes me more thoughtful, and encourages me to think beyond the noise of Christmas shopping. Whether one believes in Christ or not, Christmas should be much more than spending money.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, it is what it is.
      Excellent why to phrase such an important point, Cynthia, “Whether one believes in Christ or not, Christmas should be much more than spending money.” Please drop by later and leave some links to your posts so others can enjoy. Hope the week is treating you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reblogging this and sharing the blogging comfort and joy. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you well, please feel free to drop by and leave up to 12 links to your posts (don’t have to be Christmas related). 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey, Donna. Thanks for hosting a Christmas blog party. I hope you don’t mind but I’d love everyone to hear about my Glimpses competition where there is a £100 Amazon Gift card up for grabs and 5 runners up prizes of a £20 Amazon Gift card each. I’m running this competition in conjunction with having just become a first-time published author. 😀

    The competition is open right up until 28th February 2017, so there’s plenty of time to party over Christmas and then come on over and enter.

    I’ll be back with some more links if it’s OK with you?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank for dropping by, Hugh. Don’t mind at all, in fact, I’m thrilled you left this link, and yes, please drop by and leave more links so others can be lucky enough to find your blog. Hope this week is treating you well, Happy Holidays! 🙂


  4. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Donna Parker is sharing her thoughts on Christmas.. and I have to say that I do agree with much of the gift giving.. we had the discussion today.. we have just given away half our household that had not been used in more than two years.. would not fit into our new house and would not go over my left leg, let alone my hips. Having done that we have no wish for another damn ornament to dust or need anything else for that matter.. We do however want to enjoy people’s company and time which is the greater gift. Anyway… I digress.. please head over to yadadarcyyada where from now until after Christmas you can leave your links to your posts and introduce yourselves to everyone else in the comments section.. Hi I am Sally, I am not really a grumpy old woman and in fact love Christmas… here is the latest link in the Smorgasbord Christmas Party posts with guests, short stories and of course food. Thanks Donna for the invite.. I was fashionably late but I was out carolling..hugs


    1. Sally, thank you so much for the kind words and the reblog, this is a lovely way to share the Christmas spirit. 🙂 I agree with you about the stuff, the more I give away the lighter I feel. All the best, dear Sally and thank you again and again – especially for leaving your link to you post which made me drool, please feel free to drop by and leave more links. Hope this week is treating you well so far. 🙂 Big hugs xox

      Liked by 1 person

    1. This is lovely, Debby, thanks for sharing this and for the kind holidays wishes. All the best in this the holiday season and all the year through (please drop by and share more of your links so others can find you). 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, Fab blog! Merry Christmas to all! Can’t believe that I have been blogging 9 months already! I love to link in with fellow bloggers to get the word out there. I would appreciate you having a peek at my blog, as I have published several posts. Feel free to like, comment, follow or just take a peek. Happy to follow for a follow Thank you 🙂
    Also, I am excited as I am officially in the running for the UK BLOG AWARDS 2017! If you could click the link and choose FoodandDrink&Lifestyle on the drop down menu:
    Thank you kindly in advance your vote is much appreciated
    Melanie xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pleased you’re now part of the blogging world and in particular, this blogging community. Cheers on your blogging and to many more years of doing it. 🙂
      Thank you for leaving your link, please feel free to drop back and leave more. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hello to all! What a fun group of Bloggers you all are! Christmas is my favorite time of the year and I am so excited to have found your Blog. I am Teresa, i am a very proud Momma of 3 boys who have grown to be amazing young men (all early to mid 20’s). Although I had always enjoyed writing, it wasn’t until June 2016 I discovered the Wonderful World Of Blogging and the true passion for writing. After “nudging” from a few people close to me, I started to explore what this Blogging thing was all about. I began joining a few Facebook Groups and the first one I really looked into, I saw a post from a Blogger preparing to launch a new online Lifestyle Magazine and he was asking for content writers. I still don’t know what came over me that day, I PM’d him with absolutely NO experience and said “Sign Me Up!” I don’t know if something came over him or if he is just crazy, after a few messages and my admitting I had no experience, portfolio or samples to give….he welcomed me aboard. Best on a whim decision I have made and I have never look back. So, you see, I am kinda still in the “Newbie” stage. I jumped in with both feet and decided to learn later. With most of my writing time going the the magazine ( I am just beginning to give my personal blog the attention it needs to go to the next level and monetize. Since June 2016 I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award and Leibster Award. This is the link to my Blog, one of my fave things is interaction with readers, so comment away!

    I apologize for the length of this, I would love to come back and share more,

    Teresa Branam Wilgus


    1. That is a cool story, Teresa, no worries, my tagline says Vague Meanderings so I could never complain lol 😉
      Thank you Teresa for so many things, to begin, thank you for reblogging this and spreading the comfort and joy. Second, thank for leaving your link and your story about blogging on my post, I really enjoyed it. Third, thank you for dropping by my ongoing blog party so I could find you – you proved how well these parties work in finding new blogging treasures. So glad we could find each other in this giant virtual haystack, hope we can virtually visit often. Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much for the kind words and Shares! I still have a long way to go figuring out the “Ins and Outs” of Blogging and Social Media. I want to leave another story for all to hopefully enjoy. Although, it is not necessarily “Christmas Cheer” “Tis The Season my Mom and I spoke at least 3 times a week…I am in Seattle and her in Nashville, TN. We have a strong Czech heritage, traditions focused on Christmas. We lost Mom May 2015 (unexpected). Did not believe I would make it through last year. To date, the Season is a bit easier. Thanks for letting me share……


      2. It takes a while and really, blogging is such a journey, we’re all still learning.
        This was a lovely post and I know exactly what you mean, but with my Dad. Big hugs. All I can tell you is each day it gets a bit easier, it’s like the loss and memories take on a warm, fuzzy edge, never leaving, but without the sharp edges. Thank you and drop back again with more links. I hope the holidays continue to treat you kindly, Teresa. 🙂


    1. Thank you Teresa for so many things, to begin, thank you for reblogging this and spreading the comfort and joy. Second, thank for leaving your link and your story about blogging on my post, I really enjoyed it. Third, thank you for dropping by my ongoing blog party so I could find you – you proved how well these parties work in finding new blogging treasures. So glad we could find each other in this giant virtual haystack, hope we can virtually visit often. Hope this weekend treats you kindly.🙂


    1. It is, these things tend to go on for weeks and why put a time limit on fun. 😉
      Thanks for dropping this link off – I totally get the roller-coaster point.
      Hope you have a wonder-filled weekend Shannon. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. They’ll get more than one or two blogging tips, Janice, they’ll get a wealth of blogging information and help, not to mention your awesome blog parties and #BloggersPitStop – your site is a blogging goldmine! 🙂
      Happy Holidays and to a wonder-filled 2017! 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  7. Hi Anne, just taking a minute to introduce myself. teresa here and I only joined this lovely party yesterday, so cruising around “socializing” and getting to know other lovely people. Your Blog site is beautiful and I love the variety. I am not as “seasoned” as others here and love seeing how others create.

    Thank You For Sharing…


  8. Although my introduction post yesterday was long enough to be published, I contained myself and tried not to elaborate on my proudest accomplishments. My 3 Amazing children! My 3 (now amazing young adults) sons have kept me strong when they didn’t even know. Here a little something I wrote to try to explain:

    P.S. I am so enjoying getting to know all the talent here!



    1. I could feel the heart in each and every word of this post, Teresa, thank you for being kind enough to share this with everyone (and I had to share it too). I’m glad you had a good time, it’s been a great party so far. 🙂
      Merry Christmas and all the best in 2017!
      P.S. I know just what you mean, I feel the same about my superhero son too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much! Your words are exactly what I want to strive to be as a writer. If I know that I have the ability to express my feelings appropriately and readers “feel” what I am feeling, I have done what I set out to do. And the “Bonus” is if by chance there is a reader struggling and the happen across something I have done and it has helped somehow. Even if just to plant a seed for their future.
        Merry Christmas to you as well, my new friend. Thank you for the share and God Bless in the New Year!


      2. We have so many reasons to write and we try to do as we feel works for us. Keep writing, keep blogging – you’re doing great!
        Merry Christmas to you and yours and all the best in 2017! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome, spreading comfort and joy, thank you, Caroline! And when I read this quote in your post: “A light heart can carry the most weight.” ~ Marty Rubin I had to smile and say ‘yes’!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Lovely post, Hugh, right in the spirit of giving. Thank you kindly, I think I’ve visited all mentioned, but it never hurts to do again and again. 🙂
      Merry Christmas to you and yours in this the holiday season and all the year round. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Wonderful links, thanks for stopping by and leaving them. I enjoyed and shared. 🙂 Drop by again (the posts don’t have to be Christmas related although I enjoyed these very much).
      Merry Christmas! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving a link to your very helpful blog, Janice. I just downloaded your new ebook and I will be reading and reviewing it soon. 🙂
      Happy Christmas Janice and all the best in 2017! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Donna, I’m loving (no, not French fries) this post! Well, except for the cold, falling out of bed (thankfully you’re okay; I did that when I was little; knock on wood, not since then, though—I used to be a laugher and still am occasionally a kicker). I can especially identify with this ” I feel like I’m being visited by the ghosts of rampant, raging, unrestrained consumerism – past, present, and future.” I just got e-mailed the other day saying so-and-so (other kids in the extended family) are getting a lot for Christmas and did I want help in getting our kids more stuff. You know what, and I guess this is kind of hypocritical of me (but hopefully it turns out well!), I don’t want them to get tons. I’m not religious, but this holiday is not about buying, consuming, etc. (or at least it shouldn’t be); and here’s where I always introduce the idea of the movie “They Live.” I feel certain you’ve seen it, Donna. Well, as usual per me, I’m late to the party and blathering on about me-me-me. Here’s another plug for me, too, but also a plug for a nice little site for those who love reading flash fiction (specifically in 50-word story format):
    Anyway, happy holidays to you and your family, Donna, and to all who celebrate, however you may celebrate (or not). Let’s get this terrible year over already . . .


    1. I’m doing fine, Leigh. Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope the holidays are treating you well so far and all the best for 2017! 🙂
      I think so much of the magic of the season (and all of society) really has been lost to the gimmes and gottagets. It’s sad.
      Don’t worry about being late to the party, it’s ongoing. 🙂
      Bring on 2017 (but I’m not going to say it couldn’t get any worse because somehow I have a suspicion, sigh, it could).

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Shannon, this sounds like a great recipe, in fact, I just baked some and next time I’m trying yours instead, they look delicious. Now I want cookies (drooling on keyboard). 😉
      I hope the holidays are treating you well so far and all the best for 2017! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Ian, took me long enough to get here, sorry, but this has been a wild wild week or two or three or fifty. lol 😉 Thank you so much for the delightful reblog, it’s much appreciated even though the time lag might not reflect that. Hope the new year is treating you well so far. 🙂


  10. This really is an ongoing party!! I love it and I always enjoy reading your posts 😊 as they make me laugh. I love blogging about travel, lifetstyles of the newly retired and all that stuff that no one really cares about but hey it’s fun for me!! Thanks for sharing with us at #BloggersPitStop
    Debbie from


    1. My blogdoor is always open, if someone wanted to add a link even now, it’s more than welcome, the party never stops! 🎉 🎈 🎉
      The truth is, Deb, you’d be surprised how many people are interested, it’s just a matter of getting the info out there…the trouble is, how to do it (tell me about it). 🙂
      Thanks, I love #BloggersPitStop – what an awesome place to connect and again, get the word out. Thanks from all of us, we do appreciate it even if we don’t show it enough. 🙂
      Happy Holidays!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Today we’ve got a lot of melting going on between the rain, sun and wind – not all at once. But the storm in other ways still rages. Stay safe. xoxo


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