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Self-Diagnostic…Buffering Support. From family, friends, groups, or bras  – support is important. Why? We all have saggy moments, even the world. I admit to feeling shaken and stirred – maybe it’s just too much time in the shallow end, I feel surrounded by ‘s’ words…

2. Salt. People have been using it for like 10,000 years, slightly longer than I’ve been alive. As a baby I had a saltlick in my crib. I wander the streets following salt trucks. I envy cats, dogs, and giraffes – they can freely lick humans for salt. I know it’s bad for me…my precious. I’m slowly desalting.

3. Selling. Everything seems to be for and/or on sale now. The new genius? Stephen Hawking selling cars.

4. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. One word review: Why? Just move on – Wonder Woman, Aquaman…just move on.

5. Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart. I have so many questions about their Potluck Dinner Parties. Who’s their demographic? Who’s made most uncomfortable watching this?

6. Sorry. Never too late to say sorry, or is it, you decide.

7. Stupid. A lifestyle for some. We hate feeling stupid, it’s one of the top reasons we won’t admit to making mistakes. We can learn.

8. Self. With a silent ‘ish’?

9. Sugar. We broke up by text last week then it sent me sugar roses and chocolates, so we’re still together, but seeing less of each other.

10. Stress. Yes. And plenty of it.   

Squirrel! Sorry, what were we talking about?

11. Sherlock. Enjoying the twisting labyrinth of Sherlock’s mind, the villainous machinations of his enemies, the long-suffering humour of Watson, then, it’s over again.

12. Sense and Sensibility (and Seamonsters?). I think it’s about time to Jane Austen myself silly.

13. Sarcasm. An oft misunderstood art form.

14. Superheroes. Supernatural. My Spidey senses tell me we can all be heroes, even superheroes.

15. Self-publishing. Haven’t tried this yet, but want to. Been writing and reading  – I see a book review post in the future, until then

16. Scared. Silly.

17. Sad. Nothing wrong with being sad sometimes. Being happy or acting like it all the time doesn’t make everything ok. Today is Blue Monday, apparently the most depressing day of the year (I think Friday will ‘trump’ Monday a million times over). Lots of cool blue things, lalalalalala Smurf a happy song…

18. A Series of Unfortunate Events. First, staggeringly stunning books by Lemony Snicket (sounds like a real name)…Then a cool movie – I bet Meryl Streep can think of way more unfortunate events nowadays…Presently, a quirky, impertinent series starring Neil Patrick Harris and Patrick Warburton. I’m so desperately happy it’s so desperately sad?

19. Saturday.                     Sunday.     Smonday. All superb days of any week.

 20. Simplicity. Striving to live simply, in the here and now – with all manner of stuff

While my self-diagnostic is buffering and it continues…What are your favourite ‘s’ words and why?


Very me

179 thoughts on “Self-Diagnostic…Buffering

  1. Wow, is it still Monday? I was so involved in your post I was just dragging it out rather than let it end. I feel as though I’ve had all the entertainment for the week in just one day. You are nothing less than hilarious and I’m a very jealous person.
    Incidentally, I’m told that walking round with a salt cellar to top on up my tongue frequently is not good for me. Like you I’m having to cut back, at least till dinnertime.
    xxx Gigantic Hugs xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s Monday or as I prefer to call it Smonday, more fun that way. 😉
      I’m so glad you were entertained, dear David, I like to think of you smiling (another wonderful ‘s’ word).
      Yes, I don’t know if I like food or just food covered in salt, but I’m finding out.
      Massive I hope you never get the blues Monday hugs xoxoxo

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  2. Very thought-provoking but also made me smile, Donna! Number 6 – my favorite! But basically most of them I can relate to. That self-ish-ness is not too bad and also sarcasm. Sometimes both help us to survived! I love your post overall. A word that comes to my mind which I like a lot is: Silence!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Hmmm… Favorite “S” words… Well, “Shazam!”

    And Shazam, I can’t think of another because now I’m caught in a Shazam loop!
    Thanks for this lovely link-filled post, Donna. You’ve made Monday less blue. Definitely purple, maybe fuchsia… If I keep browsing your wonderful blog, I might even get to green or yellow. Mega hugs, my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That video made me smile and thought of my Dad who loved that show. Sha-zam! Then my mind went to the superhero and it just keeps going. Thanks.
      Anything that lightens up the blues, dear friend, maybe you’ll get to maroon or better yet macaroons? They might make the day better.
      Mega gollee hugs xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly. If the post had ‘M’ we know what would have been mentioned on a Monday – Murdoch Mysteries. 😉
      Hope this day treats you kindly, Me Ol’ Mucker. 😉


  4. Dear D.P.; After reading this glorious post and finding myself in each segment (yes; I am self-centered) I think my best bet is to go ‘solitude’ where I can ‘sin’ no more and avoid the near occasions of ‘sex’. My last confession was 6 months ago. I vow to avoid all future occasions of whatever ‘s’ s there are that I may overlooked. I will now genuflect 200 times and do 50 pushups in hopes of avoiding any ‘sagging’ _____, ___ and ____. (You fill in the blanks) .
    Thanks for a great post. It was, as usual, a lot of effort on your part (but I bet a lot of fun also).
    So sorry to hear that you are friends with THE HOOK. 🙂 , I think he has some mental issues.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. That is a lot to process, but some great ‘s’ words. I filled in the blanks but they weren’t ‘s’ words, er, mostly.
      Thank you kindly.
      lol Aren’t all the most interesting people? And he’s a Murdoch Mysteries fan, that speaks volumes. 😉
      Hope each segment of this week treats you, you, you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for the reblog, dru. I agree laughing instead of crying is the way to go and thanks for the Cowboy Junkies tune, they’re awesome. Thanks again and hope this week has less to cry about (seems unlikely all things considered, but we an hope). 🙂


  5. Simply sensational and silly, you scooted through several sides of “S”, and I, for one, am so sure you will start singing songs soon so you can search for some more “S’s”! (and my alliterations are awful!)


    Liked by 3 people

      1. I ate them up, just couldn’t get enough. 🙂
        We were lucky, the freezing rain mostly passed us by, feels like spring out there. Hope you’ve been having a swell week so far, Debby. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ya, a balmy plus 1 today, felt like almost summer compared to past days LOL. Look at the temps we’re grateful for LOLOL 🙂 Busy week, but no complaints, so it’s a good week. 🙂

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  6. Satisfactory. In grade school it meant that I just barely passed a test. I found the best way for me to get an S (for satisfactory) on a test was to show my work in detail. Crisp, clean, precise. But to not include the answer in the space provided. “Melvin. Your work is good. But you didn’t answer the questions.” “No ma’am. But I showed YOU how to do it. And in the long run, isn’t that better?” S. and see the principal after school. (I had a little crush on the principal)

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Cool post, as always, Donna. For myself, I stole (well, not really stealing) the horses’ sugar cubes [the little ones, before they nibbled on them!] from the barn and ate them. Explains a lot, huh? So, I guess my “S” word would be Sugar, although I very much like the words “serenity” and “serendipity.” Oh, and susurrus for those special lyrical occasions.
    I hope you will feel less shaken and more stirred (in a creative, lively sort of way) in 2017. Hang in there; just logically speaking, it’s got to be better than 2016, doesn’t it? 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Horses are such kind souls, I’m sure they would love to share. 😉
      Sugar, sweet word, Leigh. Also love serenity, the word and the feeling and the movie with Nathan Fillion. And serendipity is such a delight, mostly, and the movie always.
      I’m feeling stirred up, creatively and otherwise, so I’m going to try to make it a better year, although it’s had a bumpy start. Best wishes for the week and the weekend, all the best. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the lovely feature!!! Sorry to be late, but this weekend, to be honest, this weekend plus didn’t turn out the way I thought it would and time ran away. But I thank you, thank you, thank you so much for sharing this and I enjoyed reading so many blog posts/sharing posts. Hope this week is treating you all kindly. 🙂


  8. Loved this. Especially Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards. I never noticed that. Now do I eat dessert because I a stressed, or am I stressed because I eat too many desserts? Hmmm, will need further investigation. I actually had to put salt back into my life. I don’t care for it much and then totally cut it when it was said to be bad for you and my family has history of high blood pressure. But I run and I was training for a marathon and I was constantly dizzy and lethargic. A running mate made me eat nachos and told me to start eating salt again. She was right, plus it turns out I have LOW blood pressure hence the dizzy spells. Live and learn. Have a great weekend despite the turn of events down here. (trying to ignore it)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think we might be stressed without desserts or I might just be justifying… 😉
      That’s interesting, yes, we do need some salt and especially if you’re training. Oh, low blood pressure can be tricky, hope you keep a close eye on that. Well, all things considered, things are ok and hope this week (again, all things…) is treating you well. 🙂


    1. Thank you Jonathan, wait, you’re laughing, are you trying to imply that chocolate as salad is funny? Ok, it is, but I still think it could also be true, somehow. 😉 Thank you for the reblog and how this week treats you kindly. 🙂


  9. Oh my goodness, here I was just about to say that was the best and most fun list of totally random thoughts I’ve seen in ages, but it’s not random at all is it?

    My favorite S word is of course Sebago, as in the Sebago Canoe Club in Canarsie, Brooklyn! Woot!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Congrats on the award!!! Loved your answers, had so much fun reading them. 🙂 Thank you for your kind nomination, I’m so honoured you thought of me and wow, am I in awesome company here, nominated and nomineed 😉
      Thank you, thank you, thank you, hope this week is treating you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Mom says that one of my favorite words as a little child was “Ridiculous.” I would go around saying, “That ridiculous!” — in a baby talk way. I guess that says a lot.

    Looking at your post “Snoop and Martha” in the same sentence is an interesting word combination.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Hi Donna,
    I believe I’ve already commented on my love for Carrie Fisher and my sadness over her mom’s death and her death.
    Thanks for bringing your post to last week’s Blogger’s Pit Stop.
    Janice, Pit Stop Crew


  12. Hey, I give a blog when you don’t blog. You’re so funny. And true. Love it! I love these little moments when I burst into laughter in my office, the birds are startled and my family wants to know what I’m laughing at….”well, I say, it’s “yadar…..”

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. And you’re very welcome. Yes, the weekend had been great, a lot of cleaning up. When you have land, you have to take car of it. All worth the effort. It was lovely to hear from you.


    1. Wow, Ian, what a lovely welcome back gift! I’m pleased to be back and barring any unforeseen circumstances (just waiting for yet another shoe to drop, hopefully not a whole closet full of them this time) I hope to stay. Thank you for reblogging this, much appreciated. I hope you have been well and happy, wishing for a wonderful combination of both for us, my friend. Best wishes and hugs xoxo


    1. I dream of sleeping. And Daylight Savings Time isn’t going to help, then again, with insomnia you always feel like it’s Daylight Savings Time. lol 😉
      Hope this weekend is treating you kindly so far.

      Liked by 1 person

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