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Self-Diagnostic…Buffering Support. From family, friends, groups, or bras  – support is important. Why? We all have saggy moments, even the world. I admit to feeling shaken and stirred – maybe it’s just too much time in the shallow end, I feel surrounded by ‘s’ words…

2. Salt. People have been using it for like 10,000 years, slightly longer than I’ve been alive. As a baby I had a saltlick in my crib. I wander the streets following salt trucks. I envy cats, dogs, and giraffes – they can freely lick humans for salt. I know it’s bad for me…my precious. I’m slowly desalting.

3. Selling. Everything seems to be for and/or on sale now. The new genius? Stephen Hawking selling cars.

4. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. One word review: Why? Just move on – Wonder Woman, Aquaman…just move on.

5. Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart. I have so many questions about their Potluck Dinner Parties. Who’s their demographic? Who’s made most uncomfortable watching this?

6. Sorry. Never too late to say sorry, or is it, you decide.

7. Stupid. A lifestyle for some. We hate feeling stupid, it’s one of the top reasons we won’t admit to making mistakes. We can learn.

8. Self. With a silent ‘ish’?

9. Sugar. We broke up by text last week then it sent me sugar roses and chocolates, so we’re still together, but seeing less of each other.

10. Stress. Yes. And plenty of it.   

Squirrel! Sorry, what were we talking about?

11. Sherlock. Enjoying the twisting labyrinth of Sherlock’s mind, the villainous machinations of his enemies, the long-suffering humour of Watson, then, it’s over again.

12. Sense and Sensibility (and Seamonsters?). I think it’s about time to Jane Austen myself silly.

13. Sarcasm. An oft misunderstood art form.

14. Superheroes. Supernatural. My Spidey senses tell me we can all be heroes, even superheroes.

15. Self-publishing. Haven’t tried this yet, but want to. Been writing and reading  – I see a book review post in the future, until then

16. Scared. Silly.

17. Sad. Nothing wrong with being sad sometimes. Being happy or acting like it all the time doesn’t make everything ok. Today is Blue Monday, apparently the most depressing day of the year (I think Friday will ‘trump’ Monday a million times over). Lots of cool blue things, lalalalalala Smurf a happy song…

18. A Series of Unfortunate Events. First, staggeringly stunning books by Lemony Snicket (sounds like a real name)…Then a cool movie – I bet Meryl Streep can think of way more unfortunate events nowadays…Presently, a quirky, impertinent series starring Neil Patrick Harris and Patrick Warburton. I’m so desperately happy it’s so desperately sad?

19. Saturday.                     Sunday.     Smonday. All superb days of any week.

 20. Simplicity. Striving to live simply, in the here and now – with all manner of stuff

While my self-diagnostic is buffering and it continues…What are your favourite ‘s’ words and why?

Posted in Blogs, Canada, Family, Televison, Uncategorized

We’ll Be Counting Scars


Doesn’t age have any advantages? I still don’t sleep well. Stars glistening, moon beaming, I think of bills, appointments, problems… I make lists, read, try to write (curse your inevitable betrayal writer’s block), and tried to simultaneously organize and turn off my thoughts.

It gives too much time for reflection. I ponder if my life would be easier if I had a hero. He can’t be just any hero; the term so loosely used nowadays. He’s gotta be strong…he’s gotta be sure… and he’s gotta be larger than life….my exhausted brain sighed, you’re just tossing and turning, with that Bonnie Tyler song in your head. I think of heroes as I slip into the arms of the sandman.

1hero18As a teen, I was a soap opera junkie. I couldn’t get enough of the endless tangled story lines, because like sands through the hourglass, so was that phase of my life.

I was breathless as Bo, a streetwise Hercules roared in on his motorcycle and saved Hope from a fate worst than death (really?). Her excessively cumbersome 80s wedding dress bunched up, arms around her hero, they rode off on his fiery steel steed, impossibly large 80s hair rarely moving in the wind.

Strangely, I didn’t find them nearly as amusing once I had some soap trials and tribulations myself.


We love superheroes because we are them. We may not have the capes or gadgets or tights (ok, some have tights), but who hasn’t felt like they’re from another planet? Been of two minds? Felt like we could do more? Wanted to save people? To help? To do good? Felt guilty because we could have done more? Tried to prove ourselves? Wanted things back the way they were before something horrible happened?

Life gives us chances to be heroes or villains.1hero19

Chances for joy and loss.

Chances for creation and destruction.

Sometimes, scars are born, on the surface and others deep inside. Too often seen as disfigurements, as imperfection when they’re actually signs of resilience. So much is written in the scars. Never the same, but no longer bleeding, no longer open. Healed.

We can heal. We may never be exactly the same as we were.
We may never get back to our ‘old self’.
Things may never get back to ‘normal’.
There’s no time limit for healing, it takes as long as it takes. 1hero5

It doesn’t matter how many times we get knocked down and there’s no time limit on getting back up.

Hopefully, not destroying everything around us in the healing process.

So we rise again and again, getting and giving help along the way.


Posted in Books, Movies, Uncategorized

Iron Man

iron12I’ll start with a confession. I take my son to movies like Iron Man, but I probably enjoy them just as much as him, perhaps more. But it’s a fun thing to share.

Iron Man is an unlikely andiron3 astonishing superhero. He technically starts out bad, inventing and producing weapons that kill people. When injured he’s forced to start using his genius and ingenuity to save himself and others rather than destroy, but he doesn’t become a perfect hero by any stretch of the imagination.

Almost invincible on the outside, hard and defended, on the inside a wounded man-child, who struggles with addiction and his inner demons, which is probably why Robert Downey Jr. is so effective in the role.

Iron Man was originally created by the astonishing Stan Lee; developed by scripter Larry Lieber; cover-artist and character-designer Jack Kirby; and story-artist Don Heck. Iron Man first appeared in March 1963 in Tales of Suspense #39. And Tony Stark/Iron Man has been on it ever since, well, except for the time he had to wipe his brain to keep Norman Osborn from gaining his information, but who hasn’t had days like that?iron5As much as I love the comics and some of his appearances in cartoons and video games, etc., bringing Iron Man to the big screen was a lovely treat. Everything it should be: intense, high-tech, dramatic, melodramatic, unrealistic edging on absurd and thanks to RDJ and Jon Favreau, hilarious.

Iron Man 2 not so much. It seemed to be struggling to find its direction and ultimately just wasn’t up to the first one. It seemed more about the tech than the people, than the story.

They made up for it with Iron Man 3. Clearly I’m being sarcastic, wow, what the…why though? Just why?iron8Now the word is although RDJ will be back in Avengers: Age of Ultron, they’re thinking of replacing him with someone younger in the 4th Iron Man. What? Why? Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man. I’m always amazed how bizarre studio thinking can be. We’ve got a money-machine franchise, let’s play with it by replacing one of the stars. Huh? They’re as annoying as Doctor Doom, maybe more so.iron11

So now just waiting for Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron.

And for the Illuminati to show up.

iron9And Ms. Marvel.

And Arachne.

And Mockingbird.

So I guess just waiting.