Posted in Christmas, Poetry, Uncategorized

‘Twas The Month Before #Christmas …Again

‘Twas the month before Christmas and all through the city,
Not a creature was stirring, er, you find a rhyme…
I’m really not that witty.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
Oops, don’t have a chimney, hmmm…
Oh well, Santa’s magic, right, so who cares?

The people were nestled all snug in their beds,
(your business what you’re doing there).
While visions of shopping malls danced
in their wallets and heads.

I in my Soft Kitty PJs and the cat in the hat
Had just settled down to read,
maybe eat some cookies…
How about that?

When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed (sprang is a complete exaggeration),
To see what was the matter.

It was just some drunk guy,
With his nose all aglow,
Shouting and singing,
‘Let it go, let it snow, let it go…’

The moral of this story is plain to see,
Please don’t sing outside my house
At Christmas, or any other time,
Even on key!!!


Very me

76 thoughts on “‘Twas The Month Before #Christmas …Again

    1. I know, they’re a worse horror movie than has ever hit the big or small screens. Shudder!!! 😉
      Hope this week is treating you kindly (mostly if you manage to stay far from the madding crowds). 🙂


  1. Threading my way from shop to shop,
    with a coin for all in my pouch,
    I heard a sound that held me fast,
    It must be Oscar the Grouch.
    For he had joined up and was walking the street,
    with one who could make the generous pinch,
    none other than the infamous Donna the Grinch.

    Kick the Grinch into touch Tiny Tim, let Donna shine again and open our hearts to the time of joy that is Christmas.
    Ginormous Hugs

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re a wordsmith, dear David, your joy floats across the ocean to bring me smiles. Thank you. I’ll enjoy Christmas closer to Christmas, the peace on Earth thing is missing when all people can do is argue, fuss, shop, and fight. But the music is starting to get to me. lol 😉
      Thank you dear friend and hope this week and season is treating you kindly. 🙂
      Massive I still don’t want anyone singing outside my home off key, ever hugs xoxoxoxox

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Donna, it’s always a delight to visit you — no matter what the season. Thanks for being you, my friend.
    (I’d rather have singing off key outside my door than the barking dog on the other side of the wall. It’s NOT jingle bells that he’s yapping. :/ Hmmm…. although I could go “caroling” next door, and bark out Jingle Bells in their faces. Oh, suddenly I’m in the Christmas spirit!)
    Mega Grinchy hugs!


    1. Dogs are adorable, except for incessant barking or biting. I sadly assume he has a family that doesn’t love him enough to give him the attention he deserves. I don’t know if what you’re suggesting is Christmas spirit, dear Teagan, but I do believe you should have peace and quiet. 😉
      Thank you for stopping by and I hope the woofer 🐕 finds some peace on Earth then you can too.
      Hope this week treats you kindly, dear friend. 🙂
      Mega silence truly is golden hugs xoxoxoxox


  3. Christmas should start on Dec 24th and end on 25th. Presents should be giving ourselves to our families by being with them on Christmas Day to have a lovely meal and children should get no more than one present each. It’s become Greedymas – I detest it. Fa la la la la, la la la lahhhhhhhh! Humbug. 🎄😀


    1. I have vague memories of childhood that Christmas a few days long, with a few gifts, family, friends, food and fun. I agree with you, Gilly and The Grinch on this one, too commercial. 🎄🎄🎄

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I just read a very sad blog, and I saved you and this blog read for last. I knew it wouldn’t bum me out. Just couldn’t wait til Dec 1st could you? I couldn’t either as I been posting presents overseas this week to ensure their arrival in December. I been watching Christmas movies everyday since Thanksgiving. I see from your blog I missed Will Farrel’s “Elf”. I should be able to find it somewhere. I did watch “The Grinch” film twice. Something about Whoville appeals to me. I must say no one ever came to my present home to sing carols. I don’t mind it though, as long as I don’t have to feed them all!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are so many Christmas movies and songs…I’m more or less avoiding the holidays, but it’s hard, the malls are already wild and well, we ave so so it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. 😉
      Love Elf and The Grinch in all forms is a delight. Did you do any of the classics like ‘White Christmas’, etc.? They can cheer you up. 🙂
      Best wishes every day and of course, the holidays season (we quite know the reason). 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to give anyone a case of the giggles. 😉
      I adore #trafficjamweekend – I don’t know how they do it week after week, but so pleased they do.
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly and with plenty of giggles. 🙂


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