Posted in Blogs, Canada

#WordPress Hates Me, How About You? hates me
I don’t know why…
sometimes it makes me
want to cry. do not like me here or there,
they do not like me anywhere. steal my Likes
That’s just, yikes!

hate11Screwing up my posts,
Hurts the mosts. bloggers they unfollow
A giant bitter pill to swallow. posts with unpaid ads
Really, really makes me sadz. give us new stuff
that don’t work.
We say enuff!
They go beserk! what if each blog post ain’t a pearl?
On them haters I’m gonna twirl… do not like me early or late…
What you gonna do, haters gonna hate.
They do not like me here or there.
They do not like me anywhere.

They don’t like bloggers who point out their vices…
Each day on their platform is a crisis… may like you.
You will see.
as they hope
you pay each fee… would not,
could not,
condone ruthless greed…
makes me think I do not need (WP). hates me,
how about you? I need more cake…
before I go jump in a lake!

‘Twas the month before Christmas and all through the city,
Not a creature was stirring, er, you find a rhyme…
I’m really not that witty.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
Oops, don’t have a chimney, hmmm…
Oh well, Santa’s magic, right, so who cares?

The people were nestled all snug in their beds,
(your business what you’re doing there).
While visions of shopping malls danced
in their wallets and heads.

I in my Soft Kitty PJs and the cat in the hat
Had just settled down to read,
maybe eat some cookies…
How about that?

When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed (sprang is a complete exaggeration),
To see what was the matter.

It was just some drunk guy,
With his nose all aglow,
Shouting and singing,
‘Let it go, let it snow, let it go…’

The moral of this story is plain to see,
Please don’t sing outside my house
At Christmas, or any other time,
Even on key!!!

‘Twas The Month Before #Christmas …Again

Posted in Poetry, Televison, Uncategorized

Barbarians at the Deflate-Gate

How would you rate1balls2
this latest debate?
Whether or not
were full of air
Do we dare
We confabulate,
argue and deliberate
the fate
There can be no
clean slate
as the great state
of sports
gets revved up
to satiate
their hunger for
As they interrogate…
at least we won’t have
to hear
what Will and Kate ate
for breakfast.
Nor will this negate
the terror at the gate.
Couldn’t those balls
have waited
to be
back up to size,
no one any less the wise?
1balls1So take a poll
who’ll reach their goal
to make it to
the Super Bowl.
Until then
continues to rehash
and meditate on…
the size of balls. 1brand36

Posted in Family, Holidays, Poetry, Uncategorized

In the blink of an eye

I wish we could talk again
Like we used to years ago
You should be here right now
I wish you didn’t have to go

The voice whispering in my head
A voice so beloved yet dead
A voice I hear and sometimes hate
Because it’s gone away

What did I last say to you
I don’t even remember
Goodbyes are so frustrating
More if you don’t say them

I miss the things I never had
Though I don’t know what they are
I miss the time and the place
Before we were pulled apart

I’m not myself right now
The air pushed from my lungs
My breath a frightened child
Hiding in the dark, waiting

I wish we could go back
Before we forgot what was real
The voice shattering in my head
A voice so treasured never dead

What did you last say to me
I don’t even remember
I miss the things I always had
I miss the future because it’s past.

Be thankful
In the blink of an eye
Everything changes.
