Posted in Blogs, Uncategorized

Nobody Puts Bloggers in a Corner upon a time, a woman began a blog; she had no idea what she was doing, but that had never stopped her before. Almost four years passed and she found blogging was just like life, only with fewer calories and even more emails.

1. Life and blogging are about choices. Good? Bad? Who knows, until you make them.

2. If you want chocolate, bacon, butter, donuts, cookies, cake – go for it, but like in blogging, only so much before the clogging…

3. The truth is always out there, whether it comes out or not, you’ll always know it can come out.

4. If you’re going to worry, make it worthwhile. On your deathbed I doubt you’ll be stressing out about if your toes look good in sandals, if you have the biggest house, fanciest car, most jewelry, and who you knew…

5. You’re not the only one. Find someone who also thinks they’re the only one – you might help each other.

6. Having a love affair with cake and cookies can be epic, like, movie epic. Then again, Titanic and Romeo and Juliet…Balance in all things.

7. Laundry is evil and like all evil it grows if you ignore it…even to blog.


8. Be selective how you’re giving your time, it’s the one thing you’ll never get back.

9. Let your imagination run away with you sometimes.

 10. Be a superhero. You don’t need fancy gadgets like Batman, alien powers like Superman, Amazon (ish?) powers like Wonder Woman. No cool suits like Iron Man, Deadpool, or Spiderman…Nope. You just need to care. Be a friend. Be there. Help someone. In the blogworld, ‘Like’ their post. Share their post. Blogging is strange when you’re a stranger…get out there and show some #bloglove Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (awesome, but I wasn’t as hooked on the soundtrack as the first one…I am Groot) – it made me want to run out and help the world. Had to rewatch Guardians of the Galaxy because, hey, Chris Pratt.

11. There’s enough hard stuff in the world and the blogworld, don’t add to it.

12. The worst crime that I ever did, besides listening to rock’n’roll (paraphrasing The Stranglers, with a giggle), was telling myself I wasn’t good enough; if I didn’t believe it, why the Hell else would anyone else?

13. People always say “quit whining”…why? Sometimes, in the midst of a good whine sometimes comes a flash of insight, a bolt of wisdom, a bombshell of brilliant. Again, moderation.

14. If you’re good at something, learn how to be good at it for others too. Have the Time of Your Life. I watched the TV version of Dirty Dancing…made me miss Patrick Swayzeand Jennifer Grey’s nose. Nobody puts bloggers in a corner!

15. Life goes around and around. Watching Twin Peaks: The Return – just as weird, but sadly, less playful –  I’m reminded, you always look back through different eyes. My blog has something to tell you – when you get there, you’ll already be there.

16. You can lead a good life without TV, you can also lead a good life with TV – life doesn’t have to be back and white (TV taught me that).

17. Despite what you may have heard, ‘Grease’ is not the word, but neither are: ‘low-rise’, ‘low-carb’, ‘SEO’, ‘dirt jeans’, ‘alternative facts’, ‘influencer’…

18. Don’t be a wrecking ball (also don’t swing on one naked, you don’t want to become a meme, right Miley Cyrus? ). Try to leave things as good or better than you found them.

19. Watched Girlboss on Netflix, different, in a good way. Britt Robertson (Under The Dome, Life Unexpected, A Dog’s Purpose, etc.), plays charmingly frenetic Sophia. Produced by Charlize Theron  – based on an autobiography of Sophia Amoruso, an American businesswoman, who at 23 started an eBay store, Nasty Girl Vintage, which became multi-million dollar Nasty Girl., Dean Norris (Breaking Bad Under The Dome, X-Files 24, Grey’s Anatomy The Big Bang Theory – everything, does this man sleep?), Norm McDonald (SNL)… Reminded me of an important life/blog lesson, a lot of things can go wrong before, during, and after they go right. I loved how the two friends always said, “Love you, in case I die” to each other, negating that terrible thought, the regret, that if you lost someone they might not know you love them.

20. Gratitude is often misunderstood, you can be poor, sick, longing, grieving, hurting, waiting, low blog stats, and still be grateful. Be grateful.

I probably won’t be blogging much this summer, so Happy Birthday Canada and America

I’ll be here and there, dear readers…and love you, in case I die.


Very me

259 thoughts on “Nobody Puts Bloggers in a Corner

    1. Cheers, here’s hoping and that we all have a lovely summer, although Mother Nature could turn down the thermostat just a tad lol 😉
      Happy summer, happy blogging, and love you too, Lisa, best wishes xoxox

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I love your sentiments about leaving something better than how you found it. I hope you enjoy your blog break over the summer. And thanks for joining us at #blogcrush

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If people just did that, imagine what the world would be. 🙂
      Thank you kindly and I hope your summer is grand so far, Lucy. 🙂
      I try to make it over as often as I can, but I find the commenting difficult (I just freeze up when I have to make mandatory comments, just a thing I have), but I enjoy the idea of your #blogcrush – love sharing other posts.
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. First of all I loved #s 8, 9, 10 and 20!! I liked the new Guardians of the Galaxy better than the older one!
    I am grateful for knowing YOU! 😀 🌹 🌈 🙃
    Enjoy your summer and I have been blogging for five summers. I just wish I could say thank you to whoever is our “six degrees from Donna” connection. 🎆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yahoo! So glad you enjoyed it. I love both GOTG, oh I should be honest, love might be to weak a word lol 😉
      And I’m grateful we found each other in this giant virtual haystack, however we did it.
      Wow, you are a brave one, 5 summers! Hope this summer is being good to you, blogging and otherwise. 🙂
      Big degrees of finding hugs xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much, Donna! I’m glad we stay in touch! Chris Pratt is an attractive young man who is easy on the eyes. . . 😉 The whole post had me chuckling when I read this!! You are a natural day brightener!
        Hope you get a chance to see some version of the solar eclipse. Dear friends pick up where they left off. This is how I feel about our mutual respect and enthusiastic responses.
        My youngest daughter also find the young man Matthias Schoenaerts from the remake film, Far from the Madding Crowd is a “new attractive actor!” Enjoy! xo ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You are so right, I’ve noticed that with some friends, time can come and go, but the friendship just stays there, just waiting for it to start up again, like time never passed.
        Loved that movie and book – it’s nice to have eye candy lol 😉


    1. Thank you kindly, not just for including my post but for spotlighting all these wonderful bloggers (I love, love, love finding new and amazing bloggers). Enjoyed and shared and now following you all over the place but in a totally love bloggers not stalkery way. 😉
      Hope this weekend is treating you beautifully 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly, not just for including my post but for spotlighting all these wonderful bloggers (I love, love, love finding new and amazing bloggers). Enjoyed and shared and now following you all over the place but in a totally love bloggers not stalkery way. 😉
      Hope this weekend is treating you beautifully 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly. Summer is good so far, little to warm for my taste, but as Canadians we complain about all the seasons lol, it’s a thing. 😉
      How are you doing, what season are you in, like winter heading toward Spring?
      Big hugs xo

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re too kind. Thank you so much, words are not enough, but thank you. 🙂
      I dropped by once and visited and shared and will pop by again. Unfortunately, due to the new rule about comments I probably won’t be leaving links, it’s just a thing I have, I don’t do blog/link parties with mandatory comments, etc. Sorry, but I like to leave comments, share, etc. as the feeling comes to me, I just don’t enjoy the pressure or the forced feeling of the comments I leave if it’s mandatory. I have enjoyed #BloggersPitStop and will continue to visit and share. Hope this summer is being good to you so far. Big hugs xo


  3. OH, this is terrific post,D. the second i”ve read.

    found your blog recently through sleepy girl’s paper
    we each have so many qualities to share thiis summer.

    have you yet heard of the WONDERFUL superhero, HOT FLASH, MENOPAUSAL SUPERHERO, who uses her menopausal symptoms to disarm crime.

    Hot Flash is a web miniseries i just found. produced by Amy Buchwald and Danny Woodruff.

    it is online on youtube. the first two episodes are up. and it is uplifting to see this type of dialogue for aging and women and FINDING OUR powers .

    i will be reading more to catch up and wish you well on the rest of your summer adventures.

    Happy solar eclipse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds cool (haha, no, guess it would be more like hot, cool then hot then super hot then cool then hot again and that’s just a minute lol). I’ll check it out, thanks, hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


  4. Hey! I hope you are doing well!
    Since you are on break (and I am callously breaking it, sorry!), are you accepting awards or tags? Or would you rather wait?
    I miss your wit and humor. I hope you are enjoying your break!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I think that’s one reason I don’t take breaks, I’m afraid it would become a semi, if not, permanent break and I need the stimulation and friendships!
        Looking so forward to seeing you back, can’t wait!
        You have a wonder-filled weekend, too!
        🙂 ❤


    1. Miss you all too and I’m struggling through the mire to return…hopefully sooner rather than later, then again, look how long it’s taking me to get to comments. Sigh.
      Hope this week has been kind to you, Mitch. xox


  5. I have watched Dirty dancing so many times that I know it word for word almost, I couldn’t bring myself to watch the new television version, as I don’t believe it can be done without Patrick Swayze #trafficjamweekend@_karendennis

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My curiosity got the best of me – if I had never seen the original the newer version would have been better, as it was I thought of it like going to see a play of a movie, different. Now I watch to watch the original again. I miss Patrick Swayze.
      Hope this week is treating you kindly so far, Karen. 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly, Ian, I don’t know if you’re getting these comments, sometimes WordPress plays tricks (no treats) and says No!
      Hope this finds you safe and sound. Thank you for the lovely reblog! How delightful!
      Stay safe. Stay connected. 🙂
      Big non-contagious hugs xoxo


    1. Thank you kindly, Ian, I don’t know if you’re getting these comments, sometimes WordPress plays tricks (no treats) and says No!
      Hope this finds you safe and sound. Thank you for the lovely reblog! How delightful!
      Stay safe. Stay connected. 🙂
      Big non-contagious hugs xoxo


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