Posted in Books, Movies, Televison, Uncategorized

Crapathy Stressed out. Every day we hear how people are stressed out, exhausted, scattered, distracted, besieged, anxious, under pressure, just generally overwhelmed. Times haven’t changed, just magnified, still going in circles; instead of Keeping Up With The Joneses, we’re trying to Keep Up With The Kardashians.

Our Amygdala’s primary job is the processing of memory, emotional reactions, and decision-making, that’s a lot to handle, so she can get a little overstimulated. Her nanny, the Prefrontal Cortex is all like, whoa, slow down, Amy, you need a time out. But what if chronic stress has hacked PreCor, making it too weak to calm Amy down, stop her from some unrestrained Brains Gone Wild moments? As my fav song by The Tragically Hip says, we Blow At High Dough, that’s us, going too fast, burning up, burning out.

My growing, life-changing magic of apathy toward crap, a sort of crapathy, has me bored, yes, but also ashamed, ashamed of our frivolity, and at myself for being any part of it. I can’t change my hyper-awareness of all the crap, but I can change my perception, actions, and reactions.
Many experts, including renowned time researcher and sociologist, Professor John P. Robinson, known as Father Time, agree that not having enough time is actually an illusion, self-imposed, many people have more leisure time than ever before. Then why do we feel so overwhelmed? Maybe it’s all the things we’ve been sold to improve and simplify our lives. Really, why, when complicated means more money. up I wanted to be Nancy Drew…instead I was Donna Parker. Both outrageously ignored repeated and dire warnings while being fiercely loyal, generous, and independent. Both wore, gasp, dungarees.

My dungarees and detective cap on, I find my courage and follow the clues, to investigate what’s working in my life and what isn’t; I join the ranks of those who couldn’t resist the siren call of a mystery:
Nancy Drew, Miss Marple, Monk, The Scooby Gang The Hardy Boys Sherlock and Watson Sookie Stackhouse, Donna Parker, McCloud, Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster

Mulder and Scully Sam Spade, Veronica Mars, Honey West, Hannah Swensen The Bobbsey Twins, Father Brown, Phryne Fisher Temperance Brennan (Bones), Alex Cross, Ellery Queen, Mannix, Elvis Cole, Murdoch, Quincy Patrick Jane, Mike Hammer, Cadfael, Cherry Ames, Cagney and Lacey, MacMillan and Wife (she had a name, Sally), Stephanie Plum, Kay Scarpetta, Columbo

Jane Tennison, Lord Peter Wimsey, Audrey Parker Clarice Starling, Daisy Dalrymple, Phillip Marlowe, Peter Gunn, Nick & Nora Charles, Frost, Dexter Magnum, The Harts, Nero Wolfe, Jessica Fletcher Foyle, Poirot, Jim Rockford, Perry Mason, Jessica Jones, Houdini and Doyle?

Inspector Clouseau, Castle Trixie Beldon, Rizzoli & Isles, Dupin, Sally Lockhart, The Girl Who…well, you know what she did.

My Cases So Far:

1. The Clue in the Diary (decoded, started a blog).
2. The Secret of the Old Biological Clock (unraveled, acceptance).
3. The Haunted What Ifs (the voices of my past fade into the void, including but not limited to: family, friends, Prince, Bowie, The Tragically Hip aka The Hip, Spirit of the West, The Ramones, etc. Yet I have to smile, because they happened).
4. The Sign of the Twisted Scandals (solved, don’t care).
5. The Mystery of the Dating Dilemma (more probing needed).

6. The Secret in the Old Attic (aka my head, ongoing).
7. The Password Puzzle (deciphered, but it’s a secret).
8. The Aging Writer Mystery (further review).
9.  The Ghost of Broken Dreams (phantom case).
10. The Clue of the Missing Keys (found, Marie Kondo organized my life

Broke, obscure, and chronically ill, I have probable cause to get discouraged and depressed. 1nd9

It’s easy to believe the voices that bludgeon me, sticking a knife into my self-confidence, slamming an axe into my feelings of worth, poisoning my pride, shooting holes in my dignity. The suspects are many, with means, motive, and opportunity, so I have to solve the mystery, before it’s too late! probably didn’t think you had time to read this whole post, so like me, maybe you need to Go Nancy Drew Yourself!


Very me

246 thoughts on “Crapathy

    1. Professor Robinson says we make time for things we want to do, when I first heard that I thought, sure, easy to say and then I started thinking about it, and yup, he hit the nail on the head. Sigh. I wish he was wrong more often. lol 😉
      Hope time is kind to you this week. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Jaqueline,

      You do have the time, always The time is NOW….what you chose to do with it is STRICTLY up to you and My gal you can do whatever the heck you chose…seriously….! I used to worry about time. Now I let my day take me as as long as I get 3 things done daily, am good to go….That means I get to chose when I do them…Isnt life a hoot lol.

      Donna gal…I loved your meanderings lol what a hoot of a post yet full of life wisdoms, laughter and well lets just say i got a smile to take with me…Thanks for sharing at the Pit Stop and Your sheer giving! Keep rocking!

      Julie Syl Pit stop Crew


      1. Always love the Blogger’s Pit Stop, not only a great place to relax, but a wonderful spot to find other blogger’s, I can’t count how many blogging buddies I’ve found there. Thanks for everything. Hope the week ahead treats you well. 🙂


    1. It really is, and just because we’ve become used to it doesn’t mean it can’t change.
      I really try not to, even when they’re so loud. 😉
      Hope this week treats you well. 🙂


  1. It’s no mystery to me.

    We live in an instant gratification world. I grew up in an “it might be delivered to you in a month” world, a “wait behind the lady with a cart load of groceries while the cashier pushes buttons to calculate her total” world and an “I know how to count back your change” world. We learned early on that we COULDN’T go fast. So we spent our time talking to each other, playing board games as a family, and playing outside with friends and neighbors without the constant intervention of the PC police.

    Our dogs and cats roamed free, and so did we. 🙂

    Liked by 7 people

    1. I grew up in that world too and I’m not ashamed to say I miss it, especially the connection and the pace.
      Yes, times have magnified and not in a good way, more of a we’re-ants-under-a-magnifying-glass way.
      Hope this week treats you kindly and you roam free! 😉

      Liked by 5 people

  2. It’s funny, when I read “McCloud” my first thought was, “Where’s Columbo?!” I mean, doesn’t the word “Columbo” always follow the word “McCloud” (though Columbo was much better!) And then I scrolled and there he was. I guess it shows which generation I’m from. (At least I didn’t ask about McMillan and Wife!)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You’re spot on, Erika, we’ve been sold the myths of multi-tasking and busy, but it’s stressful, not productive. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you well and clearly. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. HA! I loved this. Nancy Drew was one of my favorites, the originals before they started editing her and making her more politically correct. She was always calm and self assured, the opposite of stress. That “just taking a nap” when you have so much to do, that can be smart. Babies know their brains need a rest, but most of us grown ups forget that and spend all our time trying to fix things when really all we need is a nap.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Things can go to far in the world of politically correct, to overly correct.
      I agree, we need to listen to our instincts, look past the frenzy to the reality.
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Your posts always make me feel so much better, Donna! Your gift of cultural humor is the best. I love your Nancy Drew references. I grew up reading ND books and your post made me giggle.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly. I loved Nancy Drew books as well, but it’s really too bad Donna Parker books hadn’t been as popular, I would be Googled more often lol 😉
      Hope this week is treating you well. 🙂


  5. Donna, wow!! I’m impressed by all your mysteries you’ve already solved! Go you!!
    I’m finally learning the secret of s l o w i n g d o w n. Maybe it’s an age brings wisdom thing??
    Even tho I don’t feel very wise yet, I do know more than when I was younger!
    Thanks for the stress relief permission!
    I loved Nancy too!! And the Hardy Boys!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think putting on my dunagrees and detective cap really helped, as for knowing more, at least I know that I know less and that’s a big step forward. 😉
      Hope this week treats you kindly, pretend that stress is a kite, go fly it and hope it gets stuck in a very tall tree!!! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the term “crapathy!” How great is that? I think crapathy is a good thing, a sign of wisdom that only comes with perspective, which only comes with experience (age). Crap reduction creates room for mindfulness and a slower, more graceful life. I’m a constant complainer about not enough time, so Robinson’s statement about our amount of leisure time struck me. Is my lack of time self-imposed? Interesting to ponder. Maybe it’s just that writing is a huge time-gobbler, because it’s about all I do 😀 :-D. Have a peaceful crapless day, Donna. Thanks for a great post ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Perhaps it is a sign of wisdom, sure, let’s go with that, crapathy for all!!! 😉
      Professor Robinson aka Father Time has some major insight into time, it’s a little scary sometimes, but also enlightening. I agree, writing is a huge time-gobbler, but I think it’s worth it.
      Hope this week is being good to you and keep time-gobbling with that writing, we appreciate it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I am completely and totally stealing the word crapathy. I love it. Also, I read every Donna Parker book ever when I was a kid, in between re-reads of Little Women and Bobbsey Twins. For mystery I used to read Ellery Queen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, crapathy is my new portmanteau of the day, it really describes how I’m feeling. Please, use it, set it free upon the world. lol 😉
      I got given the Donna Parker books as gifts when I was a child, so I read all 7, was there 7, something like that, ironically I have none now, but they’ll always be in my heart. I loved Little Women too, still do and The Bobbsey Twins were cool. Oh yes, Ellery Queen, don’t know if I got that in there, wasn’t there a TV series of that too, with John Hillerman? Good times. Thanks Jill, and hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂


  8. Donna, I loved this. All the way from the Terry Pratchett quote to the list of your cases (those are masterful!). I wanted to be Nancy Drew too. I’m so tired of being constantly stressed out. Thank you for this — I feel less alone. Mega hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Teagan, I’m so glad you enjoyed this and I owe you an apology, your email got scooped up in my spam (I don’t know why and I don’t ask questions anymore, I’m not sure I’ll like the answers), but I found it and will be answering soon.
      I always loved Nancy Drew and I wish the Donna Parker books had been even slightly as popular just so I’d get Goggled more often. 😉
      I understand completely, dear friend and you’re not alone, we’re all here, with you, for you, even when our spam monsters attack. 😉
      Hope the rest of the week treats you kindly and dare I say, with no or at least less stress.
      Mega mystery hugs xox

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Those video clips sure took me back! I got in trouble for reading Nancy Drew on the sly (book hidden under my desk) instead of listening to the teacher. Imagine getting into trouble for reading. I still don’t find enough time for reading. Must be all that stress! Nice post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I never understood when teachers told me reading was wrong, wasn’t that what they were supposed to be pushing? I guess they just wanted us to pay attention, but the books are so distracting. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you well and you find time to read. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree with you completely. I grew up to be a teacher, but I sure didn’t stop kids from reading. There might have been the odd time someone read when they should have been listening, but I phrased it right to get the student to put the book away until later. It showed me how important it is to hook the reader, now that I’m an author.;-)


      2. I loved teachers that said put the book away until later, I always understood they loved books too and would have rather been reading.
        It’s amazing you are an author now…and the love of books continues. Congratulations for making your dreams a reality. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  10. 😀 😀 I’m stressed out from reading this ‘in-depth’ post. I remember those by-gone days too. Kids went outside after breakfast and came home for lunch or ate at a friend’s house and arrived home for supper. Kids played, were free, safe, used their imaginations. Both parents were tired at the end of the day but nothing like today after both jump off their roller-coaster jobs, raced home to make supper,and took the kids to sports games. I don’t know how young people with families survive today. I’m glad I don’t have to cope with their merry-go-round lives. Phew.
    As always, another illuminating, fast and no-nonsense look at the world around us. Thanks, Donna.Hope you take a stress-free moment.<3 ❤ ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh no, I hope a good book and kitty cuddles perked you back up, Tess, if you found the time lol 😉
      I know exactly what you mean, I feel bad for people now who race around, always in a hurry, their lives a frenzy, I feel bad they’ll never know the joy, the unparalleled joy of slow, of calm, of a natural rhythm of life.
      Thanks for your kind words, hopefully I’ll be able to play catch up in the next couple of days and find some time to relax, sorry, make time to relax. 😉
      All the best, always. 🙂


  11. I always thought, when Phil Collins sang ‘You can’t hurry love’ he put the comma in the wrong place and he meant ‘you can’t hurry, love’. Or at least you shouldn’t…

    Liked by 2 people

  12. This is a brilliant way to think about the events and dilemmas in your life. I was all about Nancy Drew as a girl, so why not frame my life as her books? As for stress, I try not to buy into it. But it’s difficult to not get caught up in it when everyone else is running around wired to be frazzled.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Laughter is the best medicine and it sure beats crying, unless there’s a sad book or movie or something, sometimes crying works too. 🙂
      Hope this week is being good to you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Donna, great, energetic post. I read to the end! “Go Nancy Drew Yourself.” Love that and loved Nancy Drew as a kid! Think I do investigate my life everyday. I have less stress and more time to do that in retirement! However, sadly younger “sons” have stress up to their eyeballs! Have a wonderful rest of the week! 💛 Elizabeth

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Elizabeth.
      Yes, Ms. Drew was a spark that made a lot of girls think life should be examined. And her favourite colour was blue, mine too. 😉
      Glad to hear your stress is down, but sorry to hear your sons’ stress is up. Hope everyone has a less stressful week or weekend. 🙂


  14. I loved this Donna. Most people have definitely forgotten how to stop and smell the roses along the road of life. Multi tasking and keeping up makes the clock go faster. It goes back to the old saying, ‘haste makes waste’, when we slow down and pay good attention to what we’re doing, things are done properly, unrushed.
    Happy weekend to you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Debby, it’s so true, but it’s a tough thing to do in this busy, busy world. That is a wise saying, very wise.
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly, with lots of lovely smelling roses. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was reminded of a Far Side cartoon today, I think it was on Danny’s ‘Dream Big Dream Often’ where a cow is dressed like a guru and he’s reminding another cow to take time to stop and eat the roses. Made me giggle. 🙂
        All the best, Debby, always. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  15. My word for the year is Balance and I’m finally starting to find it in my life. I retired, took up blogging which took over my life and ‘was so busy being a legend in my own blogosphere, I didn’t have time for anything’! My philosophy has changed it is now healthy eating, regular exercise but most importantly finding and keeping balance. It must be working because I read your whole post!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lol Yes, it must be working! Moderation (oh no, I used the ‘m’ word!) is something sorely missing these days. And I love that, being a legend in my own blogosphere. Thanks for the Friday morning giggles, I needed them, in moderation, of course. 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


  16. I LOVED the Donna Parker books as a kid. I thought she always had great hair on the cover artwork. (My fave was Donna Parker in Hollywood.)

    Don’t get me started on the fab Nancy Drew. I read every N.D. book in our school library, then moved onto the Bobsey Twins because I was jonesing for those kinds of mysteries. Great books, all. Kept me out of trouble!

    I’m another one who loves your word Crapathy. Also, I agree that sometimes a person just needs to take a nap…or make chocolate chip cookies. Both have a therapeutic effect on me.

    Thanks for giving me a welcome break during a stressful week. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I loved that Donna Parker one too, and ‘Special Agent’ and ‘On Her Own’, ‘Takes A Giant Step’, I used to wonder if I only liked them because of the name, but they were pretty good. 🙂 As was Ms. Drew.
      Glad you liked my crapathy state of mind, it was one of those days! 😉
      Cookie then nap then cookie again? Works for me.
      Happy to relieve any stress, hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Hi, Donna
    I don’t understand we are in so called technical age, but our life are busier than that of our parents. Stressed out is an understatement. We are so overwhelmed by everything going on in our life that sometimes I feel like ” let fly away and get lost – this is right thing to do at this moment’

    Thanks for another one of interesting article. will Share!

    Stella Chiu

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So true, Stella, life should be easier, instead it’s quite the opposite.
      Wise words – “let fly away and get lost – this is right thing to do at this moment”. I agree.
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


  18. Ha ha! Thank god I don’t want to Keep up with the Kardashians, but you’re right, that’s exactly what most people are going for – no wonder they’re so unhappy!! Also loved your Secret of the Biological Clock. (-8

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Katie. 🙂
      Yes, we should be happier with what we have and who we are, not look outward (especially ‘there’) for happiness. 🙂
      And we shouldn’t let a few bad apples spoil anything (loved your Thelma and Louise-ish post lol). 🙂
      Thanks, it’s time. 😉
      Hope this week treats you well. 🙂


  19. The master de-crapathy comes into the Pit Stop to be refueled and charged up for the next episode. Love the Far Side cartoons – good for a mind makeover or should that be workover. Hang in there girl only listen to good self-talk and put the rest – were it belongs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m trying, Kathleen, the negative voices are loud, but I keep ignoring them, or trying to. Thanks for dropping by, hope the week ahead is good to you. 🙂


  20. In my personal experience I’ve found that people who have “extra or free time” usually have some sort of support system or they have lots of money to pay someone to do housework or other types of tasks. If you have obligations or responsibilities the term “Free Time” is an oxymoron. I can only go from my own experience as a full-time worker who has to work an extra 20 hours of overtime just to make ends meet and care for my developmentally disabled brother Stephen. Don’t get me wrong I Love Stephen very much but realistically most of the my personal hopes, dreams and goals for the future are on the back burner or have been mostly neglected. There are probably many things I will never accomplish in this life because I had to make a choice. True Love means you will sacrifice your happiness for another. As long as Stephen is happy I’m happy. Honestly I wish that I had more help but our parents have been deceased for many years and pretty much the rest of the family has disowned us because in their opinion people with disabilities and caregivers have no value or worth. Still I struggle on financially and physically. Despite the fact that age (I’m 57) and my own battle with disability is catching up with me I stay quiet, suck it up and keep things moving because Stephen depends on me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You have so much wisdom and love in these words, I agree, when you love deeply, their happiness is your happiness as well, I feel the same way about my son who has Autism and other medical conditions. But I know how important it is to find balance, it’s just how to do it that sometimes eludes me. 🙂
      My thoughts are with you, and I hope you find time to be happy this week. 🙂


    1. I think busy is like everything else, good in moderation, as soon as it starts to make you feel stressed, there’s a problem. 🙂
      Hope this week is good to you. 🙂


  21. Until I read this post, I never knew about Father Time’s real identity (John P. Robinson, Director of the Americans’ Use of Time Project). Now I’m just wondering if he’s any relation to Grandfather Clock. 🙂

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  22. I can totally relate. I had so much to do today, but I have up. I’ve got a migraine abs my back hurts. Mother nature decided to spring one on me. I try to use my time wisely but it often didn’t work. I get distracted easily. I hope your having a great Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mother Nature can be cruel. I’m sorry to hear that, both the migraine and the back pain, hope you feel better soon, maybe have a heart to heart with Mother Nature. ;
      I try not to get distracte…squirrel!!! 😉
      So far, so good, hope this week treats you well. 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly, Ian, for the lovely reblog. 🙂
      How have you been, keeping busy? This time of year always seems to be hectic, for all.
      Hope you’ve been well and happy, all the best in the week ahead. 🙂
      Thanks again, it’s much appreciated.


  23. Great post, Donna! I am feeling the stress now too but only because I put it on myself. My goal was to publish five books this year. I have yet to publish one!! Yikes! Health issues got in the way with family and now I am trying to publish one. I still hope to get back on the writing wagon and publish three at least.

    Hope you have a stress-free week ahead and have some time to take a nap to recharge. Thanks for the entertaining post. I loved Nancy Drew too and a lot of those shows especially Columbo. All this makes me wax in nostalgia. Blessings & hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly. That is an extremely ambitious goal, and hopefully when some of the stress eases up you’ll be able to get on with it. I hope someday to read your work, besides the writing in your blog, that is. 🙂
      Hope you have a less stress week as well, all the best. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand that too, Sally, I guess in that way I have combo stress, some from out and some from within.
      And I hear you about the solitaire…in fact, now I want to play solitaire. lol 😉
      Hope this week treats you well, with little boredom, and lots of high scores. 🙂
      Big hugs, Donna

      Liked by 1 person

  24. I love this line, “I can’t change my hyper-awareness of all the crap….” This made me laugh and think of you carrying a Crap Detector shouting out “Crap! That’s Crap!” wherever you go.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One of my favourite shows ever! Makes me laugh, no matter what. 🙂
      Yes, let me know how your cases go – lol, now I’m picturing Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. 😉
      Hope you’re having a stressless week. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Hi Donna,
    Great to see you! Everybody is tired at this time of the year with school ending. I still need to submit grades, yet here I am blogging, LOL.
    Thank you for bringing your post to the Pit Stop last week.
    Janice, Pit Stop Crew

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How true, Janice, so much seems to be going on, but I hope you can find time for both. 🙂
      Really enjoy your Blogger’s Pit Stop, I’ve found so many lovely bloggers to follow. 🙂
      Hope this week is being good to you so far, maybe we can’t hope for stressless but at least less stress. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Rob, you made my day, not just the reblog (but thank you, thank you, thank you), but the kind words, you made me smile. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you well and you’re staying cool. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  26. This is some funny crap you have here, Donna! I grew up reading Nancy Drew as well and think ultimately it aided me in my investigative work in finding my biological family. Keep on 🙂 Pepper

    Liked by 1 person

  27. I so enjoyed your post,, Donna, and it’s spot on. Multi-tasking is a big con – it just leaves me exhausted and stressed. I’ve just this week closed my salon, having decided that keeping two jobs going at the same time isn’t worth it. And to top it all, the sun has come out over Ireland and we’re having an early summer, so I’m loving the time I’m getting to relax in the garden. Last time we had this many good days in a row was about two years ago – and I was working six days a week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jean, I agree we have a lot to do and lot of choices, perhaps too much, either way, it’s a lot of stress. I’m sorry to hear you had to close your salon, but I hope it works out for the best. As for the sun, I understand, here in Canada it feels like a sauna, and not the good clean out your pores way, but it sure beats the cold so I’m not complaining, well, too much. 😉
      Enjoy your sunny days and your garden. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly. 🙂
      Look for clues, they always lead to the answers…oh and don’t forget to wear your dunagrees, they help a lot. 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂


  28. I was sad to discover that Franklin W. Dixon and Carolyn Keene didn’t really exist as individuals. You never really knew which one of the syndicated scribblers had turned the latest one out. They were riddled with inconsistencies, of course.
    Then, of course, the latest re-issues have been sanitized by the PC brigade. Yuck.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, but isn’t that true of so much, I miss the days where I barely knew anything about anyone. lol 😉
      Hope this week is good you. P.S. I’m real 😉


  29. You referenced The Tragically Hip!!! We were separated at birth, right? While you’re out in your dungarees, wearing your sleuthing cap, don’t forget that Nancy Drew’s got nothing on Darcy Parker. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was such sad news about Gord Downie, hopefully his talking about his illness brings awareness and resources for others.
      Still out sleuthing, hope your week is going well so far. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  30. The very best thing about being retired and living this life is the extreme reduction in stress. Thankfully. Then again, I used to think I handled it well. Maybe not, but that was my belief at the time! There might have been clues, though….


  31. Stress… In my world, stress is nothing more than a negative emotion that was caused by one of 6 major fears.
    Can we have a stress free life? – Absolutely !!!
    Once you understand where it is coming from,
    there ways of stoping it as soon as it craps up to your emotional state.
    (if I talk too confusing, you might visit my website, it has explanations to some terms I use)
    Anyways, love your post, keep doing great work

    Love, Health and Wealth
    Alex Moses


    1. Sounds wonderful, Alex and I really wish life was that simple, and maybe it is, for some, at least, I hope so.
      Thanks for dropping by, hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  32. Isnt it funny that we are always worrying about time. Whether we don’t have enough time or we are waiting for time. Time is just the epidemy for everyone.


  33. Your blog slays!
    How can i not follow after reading this?
    *follows immediately because instant gratification slave*


      1. what am i supposed to do there? i am a noob still (blogging for two weeks) so please explain the basics!


      2. No problemo. So, on your blog you click on the link you want to share, copy the link in the little bar thingie at the top. You then go to and in the comment box paste the link – you can introduce yourself, leave as many links as possible, or come back as often as you like. Some people just leave the link to their actual blog (same as the above just your actual blog link) and/or social media links (ie, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, etc.).
        You can also press the ‘Like’ button – we bloggers tend to like likes. And there are a bunch of social media buttons – you can use those to share the post on various social media sites which helps me and you. 🙂
        I hope that helps, if not, let me know.
        Hope this week is treating you well so far.
        Best wishes. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thank you very much for your help! Due to the nature of my blog though i can’t share it on normal social media.Things will become way more explicit so anonymity is necessary


      4. i think i got it, shared my introduction post
        *sits waiting for the thousands of followers*


  34. I always liked Nancy Drew, now wish I had read Dorothy Parker. I liked the Bobbsey Twins, the March sisters, the Hardy Boys, Boxcar children.
    I like Rizzoli and Isles, Kay Scarlett’s, Kinsey Milhone, Veronica Mars, and even though not a detective, Mindy Kaling rocks!
    Sorry about WordPress who decided in January to take all of my carefully planned posts and send them all out at the wrong dates and in a bunch! Yikes! Fellow bloggers were so nice, ignoring this or accepting my apologies! Take care and have a relaxing week and stress free weekend, if possible. Hugs! ~ Robin


    1. Robin, it’s never too late for Dorothy Parker, I think I started reading Dorothy Parker because ours names were similar, even more so with D. Parker, but she really thrilled me with her playful use of language. Then there was Donna Parker who if she’d been a tad more popular could have future helped me with Goggle searches. lol 😉
      You’re right, Mindy is a slice of delight
      Oh Robin, you’ve clearly had your WordPress woes too. Many bloggers are so supportive of these things, I guess they can understand because they’ve had woes themselves.
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly, please feel free to drop by the blog party and share some of your posts 🙂
      Hugs and best wishes, Donna xo


    1. Thank you kindly, I’m blushing, but please, go on. 😉
      Have you dropped by my blog party yet and shared some links to your posts?
      Oh and here’s where I whined about how WordPress messed up he blog party and is messing up so many of our blogs lol 😉
      Drop by as often as you’d like and leave as many links as you’d like. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  35. I know this isn’t the topic of your post but I have to profess my LOVE for Psych. I watch it on Netflix weekly. The chemistry between James and Dulé made the show iconic. It was the best show on television.


    1. I agree 100%!!! It’s my favourite show ever, I watched it years ago on TV, then when my son got old enough, I got him the DVD set (now you can stream it on places like Netflix as well) and he feels the same. Psych rules! I even have a Pinterest board entitled: I’ve Heard It Both Ways. 😉 Now I have the California kitty scene running through my head and I’m typing this in that accent. lol 😉
      Welcome, Kwame, I’m glad to have virtually met a fellow Psych fan and I’m following you now. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂


  36. I question whether a cat should be the poster child (or kitty) for “Time is a drug.” For cats that I have known and loved, time is a draaaag (but at least they handle it a lot better than many humans).

    P.S. Sorry I’ve been out of touch with your blog for a while, but as a senior citizen, I have a good(?) excuse: it is in our nature to lose track of things.


    1. I love the way cats use time, they treat it with the respect it deserves (none, it’s an illusion), cats always know what’s what, don’t they? And they certainly handle it a lot better than most humans, for sure. 😉
      No worries, I’m so far behind, I’m ahead. 😉
      Hope the week ahead treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  37. Read the whole post D and I LIKE IT, I LIKE IT, I LIKE IT!

    I love most, if not all characters cited but have not visited any of the links as of yet. I’m going to mark this as a favorite and go back time to time to enjoy each link. I was going to try for another Ground Short Story, called “Ground Hog Outs Monsanto” but I never got there…as of yet. ~~dru~~


  38. Hi Donna,
    We have a lot in common– our love for Gilligan’s Island, Psych, and I Love Lucy. I smile to hide how overwhelmed I am too.
    Question: I might blog about how blogging hurts health and how to fix that. Is there a connection in your case? If yes, can you give me a quote to use for my post? My Email should have come in with my comment. Thank you!


    1. Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, Janice, life is not being cooperative. I don’t think blogging has hurt my health, but I’m not sure it’s helped either. lol 😉
      Yes, I agree, Janice, we do have a lot in common, and note how all those things make us laugh…and smile. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you kindly. Really enjoyed #BloggersPitStop as always! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  39. Donna, I hope your blog holiday has helped to relieve your stress. My half blog holiday has given me more time to concentrate on being in a healthier place. I think it is time for me to do another Donna Parker post feature on The Blogger’s Pit Stop. Wishing you well, so often the battle is in the mind. Your amazing sense of humor will work for your good. Look for a feature on Friday.
    The Bloggers Pit Stop


    1. It has been a wonder, Kathleen. I’m so pleased to hear your half blog holiday has lead you to that healthier place, really, it’s the only thing that really matters in the end – we can’t be there for others if we’re not there for ourselves. 🙂
      I love #BloggersPitStop – it’s always a blogging goldmine. You’re so supportive and kind to bloggers, thank you.
      Hope this week is treating you well and keeping you well, dear Kathleen.


    1. Wow, another brilliant and delightful #BloggersPitStop Congrats! 🙂
      Thanks for this lovely link-up, ladies and an extra big thank you for the feature, you’re all so kind and supportive! 🙂
      So far I’ve visited many, shared some, and commented on #49, #59, #65, #80, #96 and Lucie and Louise’s post. I have to go, but I’ll return later and visit more and more! 🙂
      Thanks again and hope this weekend is treating everyone well. 🙂


    1. Wow, another brilliant and delightful #BloggersPitStop Congrats! 🙂
      Thanks for this lovely link-up, ladies and an extra big thank you for the feature, you’re all so kind and supportive! 🙂
      So far I’ve visited many, shared some, and commented on #49, #59, #65, #80, #96 and Lucie and Louise’s post. I have to go, but I’ll return later and visit more and more! 🙂
      Thanks again and hope this weekend is treating everyone well. 🙂


    1. Wow, another brilliant and delightful #BloggersPitStop Congrats! 🙂
      Thanks for this lovely link-up, ladies and an extra big thank you for the feature, you’re all so kind and supportive! 🙂
      So far I’ve visited many, shared some, and commented on #49, #59, #65, #80, #96 and Lucie and Louise’s post. I have to go, but I’ll return later and visit more and more! 🙂
      Thanks again and hope this weekend is treating everyone well. 🙂


    1. Wow, Ian, what a lovely welcome back gift! I’m pleased to be back and barring any unforeseen circumstances (just waiting for yet another shoe to drop, hopefully not a whole closet full of them this time) I hope to stay. Thank you for reblogging this, much appreciated. I hope you have been well and happy, wishing for a wonderful combination of both for us, my friend. Best wishes and hugs xoxo


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