Posted in Cats, Christmas, Doctor Who, Family, Holidays, Jane Austen, Movies, Music, Star Wars, Televison, Uncategorized, Zombies

The Christmas Carol Awakens

christmas159I had too much to dream last night.
I feel like I have a dream hangover.
I woke from my confusing, at times,
exhilarating Dickens’
A Christmas Carol-like dream
(unfortunately no Muppets), but
filled with revelations.

First, I was visited by Donald Trump who told me 3 others would visit that night. It was terrifying, he wore the chains of greed, intolerance, and suffering he’d forged link by link…it seemed like there was more of the hairspray than grave about him.


Then Colin Firth showed up as my Ghost of Christmas Past in the white shirt from Pride and Prejudice (you know the one ladies). This dream just got a whole lot better. He reminded me that all things past are actually always still with us…


1. Christmas songs are playing everywhere yet I rarely hear Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsman. It’s my all-time fav, it’s about peace on Earth, goodwill, and about how even the worst of enemies can put aside their differences, if only for a little while…we sure need more of that.


2. Dean Cain and many others we haven’t seen in a while do still have careers, kinda, hey, I like Christmas movies.

3. And even on a crummy morning a gingerbread man still makes his bed with cookie sheets.

Then Taylor Kinney (without fiancée, Lady Gaga…hey, it’s my dream) floated in as my Ghost of Christmas Present (subconscious you’re so good to me) dressed as Fireman and reminded me that despite the season, it’s getting hot in here. Whether it was just a hot flash or I’m watching too much Chicago Fire (is that possible?), I woke up in a sweat. Back to my dream, rescue me.


4. Christmas is about giving. Though I’m broke and obscure I still believe in giving to others and weirdly, sometimes you get stuff back. For example, by donating, I won a month gym membership and a few other goodies. So now I can be buff like Arnold, though I’m saying this in Schwarzeneggar accent, the buff part seems unlikely.

5. I’ve noticed my Mom (a senior) and my son (a teen with Autism) have a much fuller social life than I do, I need to work on that. And the only action I’m getting is from my latest mammogram.

6. I don’t have to wait in line for some guy in a red suit to make me promises, I’ll make some to myself.


My Ghost of Christmas Future was Norman Reedus, well, actually Daryl Dixon (my dream, so he’s holding a cat reminding us to Shop Cruelty Free’d like to add, that goes for people as well), who showed me that…


7. Christmas could be a little late this year, instead of making toys, Santa and the elves are already lined up to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

8.  The Christmas feeling could be there, even without the gifts, the lights, the decorations, chocolate (this one is iffy), turkey and toys, even without the Christmas.

9. Ordinary rules of time and space don’t apply to Santa or The Doctor (Hello Sweetie, Doctor Who Christmas Special on almost Boxing Day – Christmas but late, can’t wait, but it’s times like these I miss David Tennant), but they do apply to us, we only have so much time in this world.


Can happiness or success be measured by what we have instead of the joy and comfort we bring to others? Do we really think in the end, we’ll care about how much we shopped, what car we drove, how big our home was, if we had the latest iPhone, or what we were wearing? Or will we remember the good times, the fun times, the laughter, the kindness, the little moments.


This season, remember a date on a calendar is just that, but life, life is for living, every day.

Oh yes, and if you don’t see me around here for a bit, I’ve checked myself into Clementine rehab.

I can quit anytime I want.




Very me

250 thoughts on “The Christmas Carol Awakens

      1. I’m afraid I haven’t seen him in anything else other than a brief appearance in a Harry Potter movie, but (in my opinion at least) he’s by far the best actor to have played The Doctor in terms of sheer ability. He has a very broad dramatic range. Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend too. 🙂


      2. Really? That one passed me by, although I tend not to watch TV nearly as much as I used to now that my kids are old enough to use the remote control. It would be interesting to get both versions and compare them. It sounds like a nice project for a wet weekend sometime. 🙂


  1. Love this post. Thank you for such a great and entertaining one. Do you have Netflix? I suggest you watch “A Very Murray Christmas”. It’s almost as entertaining as your post! Well done you! XOXOXO!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your blog post is funny…. How you used gig to tell your story is awesome. The meaning behind your story is simple put our life should matter more not the toys at Christmas that is my take thanks for sharing with me.


  3. Thanks for sharing that very personal dream!! 🙂 I love your dream world and the people (men) who inhabit it, particularly your Ghost of Christmas Past. Colin Firth – sigh. Yes, the date isn’t about a certain date, it’s about living with joy and expectation. I expect you’re going to have a great 2016.


    1. It started off badly, but got much better. 😉
      Yes, living with joy and expectation, exactly. 🙂
      I have a sudden urge to watch Pride and prejudice again… 😉
      Hope this week treats you well and Happy Holidays and all the best in 2016! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. lol Yes, how true. 😉
      Well, across The Pond we don’t get it until late Christmas, almost Boxing Day and I don’t know how I’m going to avoid the spoilers (funny since River Song is back which gives Spoilers a whole other meaning). I haven’t watched any trailers, but already bits and pieces are sneaking in (aaargh). Maybe they could pop David Tennant back in again, for a wee Christmas giftie! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh how I love this post. So much truth in it (including Star Wars). I just decided to have a little bit more fun in my life, because I couldn’t really answer the questions, “What do you do for fun?” when a teenager asked me.

    Time to bring the fun back. Happy Holidays and may the Force be with you 🙂


  5. Loved this. We haven’t watched any Christmas specials yet this year and with the warm temps I’m having trouble getting into the spirit, but I’m sure I’ll get there soon.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours 😀


    1. I keep hearing people wish for a White Christmas, but I say watch the movie and enjoy each day without heavy boots and coats, shoveling and winter driving. 🙂
      Merry Christmas to you and yours Norm, enjoy the weather and hope 2016 is good to you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post! BTW, if you listen to “60s on 6” on Sirius XM (satellite radio) they play Snoopy vs the Red Baron all of the time. Uhm, yeah, I usually choose to listen to anything but “60s on 6)…. Still, great post!


    1. Thank you kindly. 🙂
      That’s what I’m doing wrong, I rarely listen to the radio, satellite or otherwise, but luckily I have my own (it’s on a cassette, but it still works). 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Lovely, funny post and you are so right about it being just a date on the calendar. I was talking to friend earlier and we were wondering why everything speeds to to frenetic levels at this time of year – and then it will all be over.
    Christmas past – Colin Firth – that shirt. You did have a good dream.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. We will have to agree to disagree on certain Trump points, but then there was Colin Firth in his shirt and I had to keep reading. Well played!


  9. Love your take on this, Donna. And love your 3 ghosts…especially Norman Reedus. What is it about that guy ??? How is it we’re attracted to a guy with unkempt hair and minimal verbage ???

    My favorite image is Bill Murray…there is sincerity in his eyes that speaks to your message. Create those lasting memories, Donna. Thanks for your always- entertaining posts. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Daryl seems like he’s a sweet guy who wants to do the right thing and had (and still having) a hard life, but he’s not hard to look at.
      Bill Murray can give so much in a single look, amazing.
      Thanks for dropping by and hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Daryl/Norman…. for me it’s the intensity in his (lived-in) eyes. And that when he *does* talk it matters. And– his upper arms in that sleeveless black leather vest are very distracting. Not that I’ve given this a lot of thought or anything.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I see you’ve given this as little thought as I have lol 😉 I know the sleeveless look isn’t a great idea in the zombie apocalypse, but hey, it’s worth the risk and after all, he’s Daryl Dixon, he’ll survive. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Love your version of a classic. I also miss David Tenant. And Matt Smith. I’m behind on the new doctor, but I think I will like him. Merry Christmas!


  11. Another delightful meandering, Donna — you’re not obscure to us! (Always loved your blog title.)
    Enjoy the Clementines. My favorite is a Cushman’s Honey Bell (a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit). But I don’t see them before January — and only for a short time then. I suppose I could wait and do my version of “Christmas” in January… but they’ll already be starting the next Christmas by then anyway.
    Mega hugs my friend. 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly, Teagan, I’m playing catch up again, it seems like a game that might be getting the best of me 😉
      Awww, thanks Teagan, strangely I don’t mind being obscure, but the broke part is dreadfully tedious. 😉
      Now I’m drooling thinking about Honeybells, but I shall have to, oh no, look a clementine just magically appeared in my hand, how does that keep happening, it must be clementine fairies, I want to resist, but you know what they say, resistance is futile. 😉
      I suspect soon we’ll all be like Whoville where it’s all Christmas all the time. 😉
      Hope this weekend is treating you well, dear freind, megahugs and dreams of honeybells – that sounds like a cool name for one of your characters in Atonement in Bloom, Honeybell 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Honeybell…. that’s a brilliant idea Donna! Consider it done! Ahh but you’ll have to wait and see what sort of character Honeybell is! Seriously. I’m doing this. 😀 More hugs!


      2. Really?!? Really?!? I inspired a character name in your new book, I’m so excited! Cool. I’ll wait, I don’t want to, but I will…maybe some hints in upcoming posts? Pretty please with sugarplums on top? Megahugs and all the best this week, dear Teagan. 🙂


  12. Yes, I’d say it’s a wonder your bed didn’t catch on fire! I do remember Colin Firth in that white shirt – send him my way tonight!!! Thanks!


    1. Luckily I had a Fireman (well, at least he plays one on TV) as my Ghost of Christmas Present (and what a gift) to put out the flames although I think he’d fan the flames instead. 😉


  13. Beautifully written, as usual. I really love how your posts take a reader on a journey, both writing-wise and with the images. Gives me a lot to think about. What film is the Michael Caine still from? And I can’t even begin to describe how warm and fuzzy I feel, when I see DT being adorable. Even better if it’s as The Doctor. I do have to add to your thematic and picture gallery his role as the ghost of Christmas Present in Catherine Tate’s Nan Christmas special. I’ve never been able to say “risotto” in a normal pitch since!


    1. Thank you kindly for saying so, that’s what I want to do. 🙂
      A Muppet Christmas Carol where he played Scrooge. 🙂
      Strangely, despite Catherine Tate’s Christmas bash David Tennant didn’t show up in my dream, instead Taylor Kinney from Chicago Fire took his place (I blame binge watching and the fact that I’m sadly lacking in DT fixes, especially as The Doctor, I may have to go back and revisit, but he breaks my heart every time when he says, “I don’t want to go”). 😉
      Hope this weekend is treating you well and now I want to somehow incorporate ‘risotto’ and ‘physics’ into a sentence. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I need a good DT fix, and would give anything to watch Jessica Jones if I could. I am getting mine by watching clips of various silly, wonderful things he’s done in real life (and they including pranking people a lot). Did you watch that video of him getting the TV recognition award? Cried the whole way through, especially when his dad spoke about him. You know you’ve raised a good son when you are able to say on television, “David makes the world a better place.”
        He’s doing some new Who on radio with Catherine Tate. Will be brilliant! I’d love to watch the old Who episodes too. I miss the characterizations of the Russell T. Davies era. There was such variety and loveability in them, even if they had farty baddies.

        I told a friend of mine today that DT was probably the skinniest human teddy bear.


  14. I could have written so much of this, starting off with the first one. I haven’t heard that song yet this season ,must remedy that…

    Jessica Jones almost ruined David Tennant for me. Almost.


      1. I am respecting the rejecting of my deflecting you are projecting, and protecting your right to be expecting me to be dissecting and inspecting the prospecting the suspecting… for the win


      2. I bought that thought, and gave it a shot, put it in a pot, but there wasn’t a lot, so the thought I bought wasn’t that hot, and I got some fish that I caught, and after we fought, I had a lot in the pot.


  15. A yummy post for filling the heart, Donna. I had to laugh at the hairspray comment and then ended with an Awwww. Have a wonderful Christmas day and every day. Easily done if you “remember the good times, the fun times, the laughter, the kindness, the little moments.”


  16. We have quite a “Christmas Carol” movie collection – over a dozen versions ranging from 1918 to last year. Just when I thought I’d heard all the interpretations, I land here! Thanks for the change-up!


    1. I don’t think there’s a version of A Christmas Carol I don’t like and mine was very, well, I think Hollywood should take a look at my casting choices…just sayin’. 😉
      Happy Holidays to you and yours and all the best for 2016!!! 🙂


  17. Brilliant, brilliant, my dear! You know, I have the Annie Lennox song (or is it the Eurythmics?), “Sweet Dreams are Made of This (or is it, “These?) *LOL* *LOL* I must still be dreaming, as it certainly doesn’t appear that I am coherent right now! Oh my! Love this post, Donna! Big hugs, Cher xo


      1. That is how I feel, my dear! You are awesome! Well thank you so much! Please stop by again if you have time! I know everyone is so busy and I am extra-grateful for the time taken to stop by the party! And to you as well my dear; it’s insanely warm here as well! I had the windows open earlier! Wow! Big hugs, Cher xoxoxoxo


  18. hahahaha! Really cute post filled with LOTS of good and SMART tips for a happier holiday and a happier life. Thank you! I wrote one myself about the things I learned from Santa but yours was much funnier — and filled with dream-enhancing visions! 🙂 Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas!


    1. Isn’t that the wonder of blogging though, Kathy, we all have our own take on things, versions of things that we share. And you would certainly know ‘Smart’ tips. 🙂
      Thanks for dropping by, Happy Holidays to you and yours and all the best for 2016!!! 🙂


    1. Yes, as far as I know it did…I still have a cassette that works so I’m enjoying it that way so far. 😉
      Thank you kindly for the reblog, very kind of you. 🙂
      Hope this weekend is treating you well. 🙂


  19. Well I said your posts were getting better – well this is one your very best it’s so well written and connected l just had to feature it – as it is truly #Donnamazing from a truly wonderful person direct from her ❤️ lots of hugs X PS David Tennant the best Doctor fab FEATURED: ‘ The 🎁Christmas 📖 Carol 👻 Awakens ‘ | ‘ Ace Social & Media News ‘


    1. Ian, thank you so much, for the kind words and for sharing this post, and above all, for sharing the Shop Cruelty Free message!!! 🙂
      Happy Holidays and all that is best for you, dear friend in 2016 and always!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, not just for the awesome reblog (thank you, thank you!!!), but for the lovely compliment as well – made my day, week, month, maybe my year!!! 🙂
      Hope this week treats you well! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  20. I love your intelligent way of writing your posts Donna and with so much humor in it. I don’t watch TV, so no comments that way.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours and wish you a great new week 🙂


    1. Thank you Debby!!! 🙂
      Hope this week is being good to you, I know it’s early, but I hope it’s going well and just gets better and better! 🙂
      Happy Holidays and all the best for 2016! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. What’s that song by Michale Buble, I’ll change it to: Taylor Kinney just hasn’t met me yet!!! Hey, it’s Christmas, anything is possible, right? Maybe if I write my letter to Santa… 😉


  21. I think Snoopy should run for President, Woodstock for Vice President, and install the Muppets as the cabinet. At this point, I think they could do as well as any of the others. Oh, and please as a Christmas present, convince Taylor Kinney that he should visit each of the ladies who consistently leave comments here – now that would be a way to start the new year off right. 🙂


    1. Here here, POTUS – Peanuts of the United States!!! And I think the Muppets would be awesome too – let’s have Waldorf and Statler do the press conferences and updates and commentary!!! They’d be better and entertaining! 🙂
      That’s a great idea and Taylor Kinney should start with the ‘lady’ who consistently answers the most comments lol 😉 That would start any year off right! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Thank God and whoever else you want to thank that Trump was not the last one to appear in your dream! Imagine! Like this the nightmare turned into a decent kind of dream with all those guys…


    1. Never as long as I want to, but with those kind of dreams, I want to sleep forever! lol 😉
      Great, now you mentioned clementines so guess what I have to do? 😉
      Hope this week is treating you kindly and you’re getting enough Vitamin cutie pies. 😉


    1. It’s so true, isn’t it, we have to live each day. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you well, Kathleen, great #BloggersPitStop this weekend, thank you to all, who hosted and participated, it was a delight!


    1. Thank you so much for sharing this Ian and I hope you can drop back and share some of your links for others to find you. Thanks again and hope this week is treating you well so far. 🙂


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