Posted in Blogs, Canada, Chocolate, Family, Movies, Televison, Uncategorized, Zombies

Monster Meet and Greet Mash

1halloween84I was working
on my blog,
late one night
When my eyes
an eerie sight
For my post
from its slab,
began to rise
And suddenly
to my surprise
It did the mash,
it did the Monster Meet and Greet Mash!
A monster blogger mash, it was a graveyard smash!
It did the mash, it caught on in a flash…
It did the mash, it did the monster blog mash!
The zombies and bloggers were having fun,
The blog party had just begun…
The scene was rockin’, we were digging the shares,
Some were commenting, well, those who dared
So add your link and des-
crypt-ion, girls and guys,
Then suddenly to your surprise…
You can mash, you can monster blogger mash!


While I often say the best part of blogging is ‘meeting’ other bloggers, readers, etc., it’s been too long since we hung together, so welcome to the party, please, feel free to leave your blog name, a link to your blog or favourite post(s), and a des-crypt-ion. And pass it on: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Google+, LinkIn, or reblog, so others can dig it too…

For some special treats, drop by some of the other blogs and Suzie’s Blog Party on Halloween (fabulous British blogger and creator of Twitter’s popular #SundayBlogShare). I’ll check back, enjoy the snacks, but I have some busy times ahead, including preparing something completely different…Hopefully I haven’t bitten off more than I can chew-ie and end up as blaster fodder. May The Force be with me.


Yes, It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
People dressing as ghosts, goblins, and ghouls,
Celebrities, minions, villains, and fools
Filled with fun, food, and fear
It’s the most wonderful time of the year

It’s the hap-happiest season of all
With trick or treat greetings and candy meetings
Friends and strangers coming to call
It’s the hap-happiest season of all


My happiness project is kinda sputtering, as it turns out, a year is a really, really loooong time. Here’s where it all began:


And more…Week 18
I don’t have to keep track of every little thing to be happy.

Week 19
I finally fully understand more but better…maybe.

Week 20
Too tired to decide if actually happy, or merely exhaustedly happy.

1halloween63Week 21
September gone? October started? I want a recount.

Week 22
Internally screaming could become real screaming if I keep hearing about how many weeks until Christmas, before we’ve had Halloween and in Canada, Remembrance Day! Aaaarrrggh!


Week 23
Annual library book sale! Books! My precious! They sold you to me!

Week 24
You think the storm will never pass, but it does. Until then, enjoy the show.


Week 25
1. Turns out, weight loss isn’t one size fits all.

2. Still waiting for my own epic-everytime-I-enter-a-room-music-a-la-John-Williams.

3. Rewatched Edward Scissorhands and It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Now that’s entertainment.


4. Black cat crossed my path. Way too adorable to be bad luck, um, right?

5. Since Christmas is bleeding into Halloween anyway, why not combine the music – Carol of the Hells?

6. Maybe I’ll dress up as an author for Halloween. Treat or trick, publish my book! 😉

7. Halloween over for another year, you know what that means…chocolate on sale!

Keep calm and blog on…



Very me

555 thoughts on “Monster Meet and Greet Mash

  1. Wow. What a great post! And what wonderful comments too. By the time I scrolled thru (most of) the amazing stuff written here, I was absolutely exhausted. But not too exhausted to leave my blog address. Here’s hoping that some of your delightful readers enjoy it. The latest story is called ‘Be afraid. Be very afraid. There’s nothing scarier than a Teenage Girl’. I think parents (and non parents too) will dig it:


    1. We’re never too exhausted to be shameless self-promoting bloghussies!!! 😉
      Glad you could stop by, there’s still candy around here somewhere! 😉
      That post was scary, made me glad I had a teenage boy, then I remembered, omg, I was a teenage girl (sorry Mom and Dad). 😉
      Thanks for getting into the spirit of the party and hopefully others are lucky enough to find their way to your blog (I know I’m glad every time I do). 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you found me and best part, then I found your blog. 🙂
      If I didn’t already want to see this Bond movie, your review would make me want to go (kinda makes sense) and I loved your post about who should be the next Bond, great choices. May I add Richard Armitage? Hope springs eternal. 😉
      Thanks for popping by Richard and hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for getting into the spirit of the season at my Halloween blog party!!! And thank you kindly for reblogging it and sharing it with others – you’re boo-tiful 😉
      Hope this weekend treat you well – wishing all a safe and happy Halloween!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Donna this great!! Thanks for your Party and for stopping by to my HALLOWEEN Meet and Greet event on my Blog here is the link everyone is invited leave your link and meet new amazing blogs!!!

    I also leave you with my Blog link
    I am an Artist Designer and I express my Art and Creativity in many different ways I hope that you will visit and enjoy!


    1. Thanks for being the hostess with the mostess, I thoroughly enjoyed your party and so glad you could pop by mine as well. 🙂
      I hope others bloggers get a chance to go to your party and to take a peak at your boo-tiful blog! It is stunning! 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly and wishing you a safe and happy Halloween! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you I am so glad that you left the link to your Party I am sure that others followers will stop by there too! It was a pleasure to leave my link thank you for the opportunity! And always thanks for your kind words I am happy that you love and enjoy my Blog! ❤ ❤ ❤


      2. Thank you and come back again and leave more links – the more the merrier and with this lot of wild bloggers, the party could go on for days yet! 😉


    1. It’s never too late for you, sweetie, and hey, you brought nibbles, my blog door is always open for you! 😉
      Thanks for getting into the spirit of the season and leaving a link so others may find the wonder of Edwina (I’m soooo glad I did!). 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for dropping by and thank that fellow blogger, isn’t it a lovely community to be in? 🙂
      So pleased you could pop by, stay a while, mix, mingle, wander around the archives. 🙂
      Hope this day is treating you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Alex, thank you so much for dropping by. 🙂
      You’ve helped prove the point that the best part about blogging is finding other bloggers and so glad we found each other in this giant virtual haystack. 🙂
      Hope we can virtually visit often. 🙂
      All the best, today and every day. 🙂


    1. Thanks for sharing the #bloglove Sarah and really getting into the spirit of Halloween by reblogging this party! You’re boo-tiful! 😉
      Hope this week is spook-tacular!!! 😉


    1. That’s wonderful, Deniza, I’m so glad you could be here to join the party! Isn’t Janice just amazing? 🙂
      Pleased that you found me and I found you, not only is your blog informative, you have a great way of explaining that information to make it accessible.
      Lovely to meet you and I hope we can virtually visit often. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh wow what a lovely reply! I’m quite sick but you made me so happy 🙂 nice to meet you too dear, looking forward to future visits for sure :* wish you a great weekend as well❤️


    1. Thanks so much for the spook-tacular mention, Hugh, both mine and Suzie’s Halloween blog parties seem to have caught on in flash…Hope this weekend is treating you kindly. 🙂


    1. This is a spook-tacular peek into a Downunder Halloween, Ro, I like your way of celebrating, it’s more how we used to do it here in North America until Halloween (like every other holiday) blew up into a huge commercial freakshow.
      Thanks for sharing and thanks for dropping by my Halloween Blog Party! Come by anytime, my blog door is always open. 🙂
      P.S. I wouldn’t mind some Vegemite. 😉
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂


  3. I’ll be back for more meet and greet after work today, but I wanted to join in the fun. A little about me: I just returned from a six-year teaching stint at a university in Taiwan. A couple of years ago, Halloween fell on a day that I was scheduled for class, so I “warned” my students I would be dressing up. Only one other student joined me, but it was rather epic. So the photos in this post are from two years ago, but they still make me smile.


    1. That is awesome, you really know how to get into the spirit of the season.
      So you’re what’s known as a cool teacher, I love those, I always found it was easier to learn when having fun. 🙂
      Thanks for dropping by and I hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂 Happy Halloween!


    1. Thank you kindly for reblogging and letting me part of your pursuit of a new adventure, love the name and the thought. 🙂
      It was spook-tacular that you could join into the spirit of my Monster Blog Mash. Please drop by anytime, my blog door is always open. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂


    1. Thanks for finding me and for dropping by the party – refreshments to the right and a boo-tiful bunch of bloggers all over the place!!! 🙂
      Drop by anytime, my blog door is always open! 😉
      I enjoyed visiting your blog and I know I’ll return often (your family time is the new black was inspiring!). 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly! 🙂


  4. Hi dear Donna! I’m loving this awesome Monster Meet & Greet Mash! Thank you again for hosting it! If it’s okay with you, I’d like to share another post called, “Profoundness In Aisle 5. It’s about a young man in downtown Chicago who displayed the most amazing empathy for others despite their treatment towards him. Thank you Donna! Lots of wonderful bloggers here! Cher xo


    1. This is an awesome one, Cher and thanks for popping back, as you can see, it’s gotten a tad wild, but with this boo-tiful bunch of bloggers, everyday is party! 😉
      Keep coming back, Cher and share as many posts as you’d like, the more the merrier!!! 😉
      Big hugs, sweetie!!! xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah, bless! Thank you so much, my dear! You throw one heck of a big time monster meet and greet mash, Donna! Lots of amazing bloggers! I’ve brought some Chicago deep-dish pizza to share!! I’ll shimmy around and introduce myself! Big hugs, my dear!! Cher xo


      2. Can’t wait to see all the trick or treaters, well, Canada-style, you know, Princess in The North Face, minion in Columbia, Katniss in Canada Goose, Capt Jack Sparrow in a LL Bean winter vest, ghost in Gap coat, ghoul in Joe Fresh, hobo in George and so on. 😉 I don’t think Iron Man was meant to have a snowsuit, but hey, it’s a cool look. 😉
        Big hugs Cher and all the best. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. *LOL* *LOL* Oh Donna my dear, you are too funny! And you know that I can completely relate to those scenes quite well! Down here, not so much! Having been through many harrowing Halloween frost zones, I am surprised no one ever gave out popsicles! 😉 xo Big hugs to you my dear, and I’m enjoying myself thoroughly at your mash! Cher xo


      4. Yes, it sure does, doesn’t it? We stayed up late with all the lights off, candles on, and watched some TV shows we had taped to catch up on! So now, it’s almost 11:00 a.m. and I’m confused!! *grin* I hope you have a wonderful day my dear; and again, thank you for hosting one heck of an awesome MASH!!! Big hugs, Cher xo P.S. sending you some healing for that pumpkin carving hand of yours!


    1. Isn’t Suzie awesome? I’ve popped over there a few times today, she sure knows how to throw a wild party! 🙂
      So glad you could make it, Dann, and glad I found your blog. Hope we can virtually visit often. 🙂
      All the best and I loved your pumpkin ‘carving’…I’m off to do some myself, wish me luck. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re never too late! My blog door is always open and with this boo-tiful bunch of bloggers, the party will go for days yet…drop by as often as you like and leave links, the more the merrier! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you could drop by, please feel free to pop back anytime, leave more links, visit other posts (I have an extensive archive), other bloggers!!! 🙂
      Hope this weekend is treating you well so far! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Austin, this one is scary, but awesome, but scary…makes sense, you living in Maine, thanks to your neighbour Stephen King, the spooky capital of America.
      Thanks for dropping by and partying, you’re spook-tacular! 🙂
      Happy Halloween! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for dropping by the party which is still going strong!
      Glad you could leave a link, stay a spell, visit some of the other bloggers, they’re awesome. 🙂


  5. They did the mash, they did the MONSTER mash!
    Hi Donna and Friends,
    I am Janice. I am sorry I am late to the party. I had to take the dog to the vet, but I am here now.
    It was a graveyard SMASH!
    Donna, every time I come I get great songs stuck in my head.
    On to the introductions.
    I am Janice, I would love to grow my subscriber list, so if you could use some blogging tips, come on over and check me out. I offer free incentives for signing up as well. Here is a link to my recent post:
    Thanks Donna for this opportunity.


    1. Janice, I’m so glad you could drop by. 🙂
      Hope it was nothing serious, I hope your dog is ok. 🙂
      I’m so glad you got into the spirit of the season in time to pop over and leave a link to your blog, it’s not only full of advice, it’s good advice. Informative and accessible, that’s the way I like it. 🙂
      Hope this weekend is treating you well, Janice and all the best. 🙂


    1. You’re never too late, with this bunch of bloggers, the party will go on for days! 🙂 And you brought cake, so you’re even more welcome!!! 🙂
      Hope this week treats you kindly, I’ll pop over to your wonderful blog again, right after I have a tiny bit more cake. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This was a fantastic year! (So far, only 2 or 3 bumps in the road: Mom who had hip shattered and son blamed for car running over HIM)
    Congratulations for winning the respect Award on Rob Goldstein ‘ blog. You certainly deserve it. You reach out and share just as you fid here. Suzi is fun and I needed a reminder to visit. Thanks for many likes this yesr, too. Smiles, Robin


    1. Those are horrible bumps in the road, Robin, I hope everyone is doing better.
      Thank you kindly, Rob is amazing and it was a thrill to be nominated. 🙂
      Suzie sure knows how to throw a party!!! Which reminds me, I have to return her lampshade. 😉
      All the best and I hope this week treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you very much, and yes, I will need to visit Suze to borrow the lamp shade. 🙂
        Son was blamed for the dents and windshield cracked from his body thrown from crosswalk. I have considered posting as a “cautionary tale.” Money certainly talked in this case. Mom is funny, forgetful and we are blessed to have her and she improves, slowly but surely. Thanks for sympathy for those two and best wishes to you. 🙂


      2. That’s bizarre. Hope your son is ok (who cares about the car?). Yes, we don’t realize how important time with loved ones is until it’s gone, I hope she keeps improving, every day. 🙂
        Hope this day is treating you kindly. 🙂


  7. Hi, thank you for inviting me, hope I’m not too late! I know I should have brought something along with me to the party, but since that’s “really” impossible, maybe a virtual gift of a Darcy-inspired poem?

    My name is Amrita, and I mainly write essays, that mainly deal with existential crises, but, thankfully, there are detours from those whiny, moany ramblings often enough. When I am not pondering over what to do with my life, I am found writing about writing, blogging, art, philosophy, psychology, and the occasional poetry and film reviews. My blog is called “Of Opinions” and here’s the link to it: Would be lovely if you could check it out!

    Hope you’re having a nice day!


    1. Never too late, Amrita, this party never stops, ell, more or less. 😉
      And bringing along a Darcy-inspired poem was inspired! Loved it! 🙂
      Glad you could share your blog so others can find it (although you’ve been Freshly Pressed and as I read, you’ve been found often). 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you well and we’ll virtually visit often. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much, D.! As you know with blogging, there is never “too much” attention! Always happy to be found, and happier to have people who stay.
        And we will virtually visit often! I am just so clumsy with blogging, I don’t know why I never followed you before though I’ve found your blog name intriguing for so long! I will catch up now though!


    1. Sorry I was late dropping by, Teagan, I missed commenting on your post, so I’ll just put the comment on here instead. You take breaks just about as well as I do, dear friend. lol 😉 It’s like The Blogging Godfather, we keep trying to get away and they keep pulling us back in…and loving it. 😉
      I loved your Three Things Serial and it will make a great ebook and we understand pressure and daunting tasks, take your time, with this ebook and Bloom and GM, we’ll still be here waiting.
      So enjoy your ‘break’ and your weekend. Mega spooky hugs xoxox


    1. Thank you so much for the reblog, Ian. How is this Fall treating you so far? Is life just a glorious chaos, if so, I hope you’re enjoying it. They’re calling for snow here soon, but I’m going to ignore them and think warm Fall weather instead. 🙂 Happy Halloween and hope the rest of the week treats you kindly. 🙂


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