Posted in Blogs, Movies, Uncategorized

There’s No Crying In Blogging!’m just a girl. Standing in
front of her readers. Asking them to love me…well, love my blogging. Changing times, uncertain times, confusing times, trying times, for the world and even for blogging. Just as truth and facts are going “out of style”, so is blogging apparently. Reality seems to be a thing of the past – we don’t lie anymore, we tell alternative facts; we don’t blog anymore, we influence.
Sigh, not all change is good.

1.  I think this is the beginning of a beautiful blog friendship.
Of all the blog joints, in all the towns, in all the world, you walked into my blog…Thank you.

2.  In blogging no one can hear you scream.
Blog posts hit the blogosphere with a resounding splash or a deafening crash. Either way, if you did your best, move on to the next.

3.  I see blog people.
I see blog people. How often do you see them? Every time I open my email! I love your posts, but there can be too much of a good thing and my inbox turns into a horror story (and I don’t have time to read them).  Deep breaths – if I keep doing beginnings, the end will visit me eventually.

4.  I’m big, it’s the blogs who got small!
Readers won’t always ‘get’ you, or agree, your jokes might fall flatter than a pancake on Pancake Tuesday  Offended, appalled, argumentative, mean, shocked, non-facty, and downright grumpy – welcome to the internet!

5.  There’s no crying in blogging!
In blogging and life, you might sometimes feel like crying, but it just makes your eyes puffy and your keyboard drippy. On a side note, there will be crying if you go to experience Manchester By The Sea, pretty sure it was secretly sponsored by Kleenex. I’m not big on awards, but this movie and Casey Affleck, Lucas Hedges, and Michelle Williams should get a bunch anyway. One of the best movies I’ve ever seen, so real I forgot I was watching a movie, I felt like I was there; it hurt and healed, just as life hurts and heals. Just thinking about it, there is crying in blogging.

6.  I’m going to make you a blog offer you can’t refuse.
Follow my blog. I dare you. I double dog dare you to ‘like’ my post. Share blog posts you enjoy so others can enjoy them as well. So shines a good deed in a weary blogging world.

7.  That’ll do, bloggers. That’ll do.
Simplicity, honesty, heart-wrenching love, and singing mice, Babe reminds us of those moments in friendships, relationships, blogging, work, loss, leisure, love, when you know, you just know, that’ll do, that’ll do.

8.  You make me want to be a better blogger.
I hope people like my blogging as is, not as they want it to be, but I don’t want to bang out whatever, just to say I posted something, so, you make me want to be a better blogger. Thank you.

9.  Frankly, my dears, I don’t give a blog.
Your life is a story – drama, comedy, romance, apocalyptic dystopian nightmare – it may not be a bestseller, but get out there and live it like tomorrow isn’t another day!

10.  I wish I knew how to quit you, blogging.
Time, money, energy, lack of response, no one beating down my door to make me rich and famous (I’d settle for MCM – moderately comfortable monetarily), all reasons, after almost 4 years of blogging I think of quitting, often. Yet I keep coming back, why, days counted less in numbers, more in heartbeats of community, contact, and comfort.

11.  You’re going to need a bigger blog.
One size never fit all. Whether you watch The Super Bowl, The Puppy Bowl, The Zombie Bowl, The Kitten Bowl, or just make yourself a bowl of soup (or no soup for you!), do what you think works for you, in life and blogging. Blog advice can be so definite – what if you’re already doing what they say and it isn’t working, what then?

12. Dude, where’s my blog?
So many blogs, so little time. How do you get others to find your blog? Social media? Yes! Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Instagram, share and attend awesome blog parties and linky parties, a great way to meet and greet other bloggers.


13.  The Blogging Game.
One word, one sentence, one post, one book, one show, one movie, one moment can change a life forever. Play at your own risk.

14.  What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.
People may not have read the books you review or watched the TV shows or movies you watch; your readers may not share your political or lifestyle views; don’t travel or want to; don’t have any interest in your recipes, children, or pets…the list goes on. Get busy blogging, don’t over think it.

15.  Blog On, Blog Off.
Even Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid would agree, there are different blogging styles, rhythms, and choices. First learn to blog, then learn to fly.

16.  I love the smell of blogging in the morning.
The best thing about blogging? Other bloggers and readers. Take time to stop and smell the blogging.

17.  Your golden blogging ticket
Blog like there’s nobody reading in your world of pure imagination.

18.  If you blog it they will come.
Content, content analysis, stats, SEO and other blogging resources probably won’t magically get you a viral monster cult following. Even if it does, readers can be fickle…

19.  Why don’t you come up and read me some time?
The number one rule of The Blog Club? Have a blog and never, never stop talking about it, be a shameless social media self-promoting bloghussy, like me!
Where I’m a complete twit:
Where I’m endlessly baffled by humanity:
The desert where I wander:
Where I google, not nearly as fun as it sounds:

20.  Today I consider myself to be luckiest blogger on the face of the earth…
I started blogging to relax, resurrect my love of writing, and to be rich/famous – close to 600 posts, 225,000 plus views, 12,000 ‘followers’ later, well, at least I’ve reignited my love of writing.

21.  Tell ’em to go out there with all they got and win just one for the bloggers.
Blogging, like politics can be a popularity contest. If you lie to be popular, to get what you want, then what you want isn’t what you need, i.e., you need chocolate, but you shouldn’t lie to get it…begging is a different story.

22.  We’ll always have blogging.
Life and blogging can feel like our own personal Groundhog Day – whether we see our own shadow or not, whether it repeats until we learn something or not, I Got You, Bloggers and Readers…we’ll always have blogging.


Very me

284 thoughts on “There’s No Crying In Blogging!

      1. It really did but now I’m going to go around all day quoting The Godfather (which I do anyway) and every other movie in your post! LOL It’s okay. My family already knows I’m crazy.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Like “Leave the gun, take the cannoli.”? Is it weird that every time I hear a Godfather quote I think of Tom Hanks saying them in “You’ve Got Mail”? 😉
        At least we know how to have fun on Monday, Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Friday Sunday Saturday!!! 😉

        Liked by 3 people

      3. ROFL I say “Leave the gun, take the cannoli” all the time! Mr. C is always asking me if we should take this or that when we leave the house. It’s perfect.
        Joe. Just call me Joe.


  1. I see you standing there in front of me looking so vulnerable and yet your eyes don’t focus as the madness runs it’s course through your veins this week. I stand far enough back that it won’t hit me when it eventually escapes.
    You want me to love you, love your blog embrace the madness……’s done.It was done the first time you showed Big Bang Theory mouthing something which didn’t match the voice.
    I fall at your feet in adoration and jealousy.I know that Oscar will soon have run it’s course at which moment my blogging voice disappears. I have to retire gracefully (Like that’s going to happen) or re-invent myself. I look to you for inspiration.
    xxx Cwtch Mawr Cariad xxx

    Liked by 4 people

    1. David, you know how to make me laugh! We have so much #bloglove between us I don’t know how it fits in the blogosphere! I can’t picture you ever leaving us…and I can’t even think of Oscar running it’s course – noooo! Always here for you, dear friend!
      Massive bloggy hugs xoxo

      Liked by 3 people

    1. I thought we could all use some light stuff right now, the world feels fairly intense right now, everywhere. We need some fun!
      Hope work goes well (all things considered), dear Teagan and tomorrow is Friday!!! Yahoo!
      Mega Seeing Is Believing Hugs!!! xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, and “I want to believe!” Yet I’m still Teagan in Blunderland, with the King of Twitter demanding that I believe 6 impossible things before breakfast. Sigh… those are not the kind of things I meant when I said I want to believe. 😉 (I would so love to do a satire about that storyline on my blog, but I’d likely get fired.) This post has brought out the mischievous side of me. 😉 More hugs!


      2. I know how you feel, dear friend, sometimes I want to throw my arms up to the skies and have a Shawshank moment because, wow, this world is too much with us right now.
        I’m going for 6 improbable things at this point, I don’t know if anything is impossible these days.
        I love this side of you, delightful Teagan, then again, I love all your sides. 😉
        Wishing you a wonder-filled weekend. 🙂
        Mega we’re all in Blunderland just some of us admit it and even embrace it hugs xoxxo


      1. You have a follower in me! I am starting to love doing this daily. The one day that I dont have time I am going to be so upset with myself LOL


  2. I wish blogging could make us MCM. Hell, I wish to slave over a hot keyboard to pound out endless streams of books could make us MCM. Since neither is going to happen, let me just say I’m glad you are here and I am too! I enjoyed your post, Donna.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Rich is good is you know what to do with it. Otherwise, it’s nothing but headaches. At least that’s how I think of it. If I won the lottery, I’d worry every night.o_O Who need to worry? More?


      2. That makes me think of the Dorothy Parker quote, “If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.” lol 😉


  3. And they blogged happily ever after…or maybe that was just me! 😉

    Loved this! You took my mind off what I was supposed to be doing…er, blogging. Gee, thanks, Donna! LOL!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Face it…you blog for the same reason the rest of us do it. You can’t NOT blog. 🙂

    I have half the number of readers, but you’ve put twice as much work into getting your blog name out there (probably more — but I’m bad at math). You deserve every bit of the kudos you get.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. You=a riot. As for #11, I quit blogging almost every day. Wait: did I quit yet today? Still time to get it in before midnight. Now seems like a good time. Thanks for the humor and honesty. Stopping by from Friday Frivolity!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Another great post. So many wonderful quotes.
    I feel your angst and double it!
    Have a great weekend. I’ll be trying to decide if I really want to post what I’m considering for Friday.
    To MCM and beyond (We wish!!)


  7. I loved this…I always like the “I’m just a girl” thing…anyway, this perked me up this morning and I needed it! I write for me and sometimes I feel like I am the only reading what I write…but then I remember that’s “enough”…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Rob, for reblogging this, you’re really too kind, but please, please don’t stop! 😉
      Really, I appreciate this more than you know. 🙂
      Hope this weekend is treating you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Well, I’m glad you didn’t suppress your desire to write.I recently did try to end the blogging experience for a different reason, but I didn’t completely slice and dice it up because, I discovered that I’m somewhat attached to it. I feel apart of a domain consisting of empty space 😞. And… that’s OK because, I’m in good company. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Hi Donna,
    Insightful, poignant, and kind of sad. In blogging, there seems to be the haves and the have nots. I’m glad you are among the haves. Though we’ve never met, I can tell you are a genuinely nice person and an amazing community member.


  10. Hi Donna, I was reading Elizabeth, at The Comfortable Coop, and she recommended your blog. And I thought, I know her! I should go see her more! Like right now! So here I am, once again laughing at you, no WITH you!!


  11. you know sometime you’re reading a post and, wallop, you walk int a wall and go WTF. I love your posts, where they go and what you says and then… Point 5, Manchester By the Sea. It. Was. Ghastly. Total. … grrrr I’m going to lie down. Soz, I’ll be back but I need to self medicate some, first. The acting was fine; that can win Oscars, or chocolate buttons or whatever but the story, if you call it that, the premise. I’ll stop. You loved it. That’s fine. Your blog. Soz as I say. It’s me, not you….


  12. OMG this is hilarious!

    And as a blogger rookie, I gotta say, Yay for number 16! I’m learning to love reading ya’lls blogs ever more than the writing and sketching (but thats still pretty fun too).


    1. Thank you kindly, Gabe and glad we could find each other in this giant virtual haystack, hope we can virtually visit often, but we don’t want to keep you from your writing and sketching too much. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I am glad that you have not given up and that you love blogging. I think you expressed what we all go through as bloggers, most days. Anyway friend, let’s encourage you. This post made the most-clicked list on the Blogger’s Pit Stop. Congratulations. Be looking for a feature on Friday.


    1. Thank you, Kathleen and that certainly is encouraging, I just saw the feature and I can’t say Thank You enough. I never think I can love #BloggersPitStop more than I do then every week it gets better and better, so many treasure to find and share. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


  14. I was surprised to see you on someone’s likes- I thought you had left wordpress? Wow, well it was nice to read you again, and I wish you well. 12k followers, yowsa, well I am not surprised. You are always a pleasure to read


  15. It’s as if you’re in my head! I have been writing since I could, well, write. Recent unpleasantries in life made it hard for me to see “The Humor of Everyday Life,” the tagline of my humor website. But, by not writing, I felt worse. I’m baaaaack! I’m not as prolific as I once was, or would like to be, but, as you said, “If you blog it, they will come.” Thank you for your honesty, and for so eloquently articulating the thoughts I’m sure most of us share.


  16. Hi Donna,
    I loved looking at the Memes before and I loved looking at them now.
    Thanks for coming to the Blogger’s Pit Stop last week with your post.
    Janice, Pit Stop Crew


    1. Thanks Janice, I can never get enough of #BloggersPitStop – my only complaint, I want to add a few days to my weekend just to spend visiting and sharing all the blogging treasures I find there each weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Fantastic!! I have been having a conflict over whether to continue my blog or chuck it-don’t have a ton of followers but those who do read seem to enjoy. But the ultimate decision comes down to how much enjoyment I get out of the writing and the ability to say, ‘yes, I have a blog. Check it out sometime!’
    Keep up the great work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!!! Wow! This made my day and believe me, I really, really, really something to make this day. I always love #FridayFrivolity but his one is even more – wondrous, with you here, Patricia. Thank you again and I hope this weekend treats you kindly. I will be back (again and again) to visit and share.


    1. Thank you so much for the lovely feature! What a delight and what delightful company!!! 🙂
      Love #BloggersPitStop – so many blogging treasures to find!!! 🙂
      Thank you again and I hope the weekend treats everyone kindly. 🙂


  18. I loved reading your thoughts on this! I have highs and lows when it comes to blogging. Some weeks I just don’t know what to write or if people will care, but I really should just write for the fun of it and not worry.
    You have awesome blog stats, btw! Congrats! How many years have you been blogging? (I’m sure you mentioned, but I forgot)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Blogging is a roller-coaster for sure with it’s ups and downs, twists and turns, but I do love the thrill of it all. 😉
      August will be 4 years for me, so I guess about 3 1/2 years so far, off and on.
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Sandra, you made me smile, not just by mentioning my post, but placing me in such delightful company (yours included!!!). Thank you and hope this weekend is treats you well. 🙂


  19. Just finding you thanks to Momma- loved this, you keep it up and so will I. One thing, you forgot to mention Tumblr in your social media shout outs, there’s many more I’m sure. 😉
    I may not cry, but I do hang my head occasionally and wring my hands a lot, lol! We all get through it I suppose.


    1. Yes, I do forget Tumblr a lot, I don’t know why, I find some social media super easy to use and others awkward; it is on my social media shares. 🙂
      Sandra is wonderful, a treasure, she and others like her remind us why we blog. Thanks for dropping by, Kim, pleased to virtually meet you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Blog On, Blog Off. LOL. That’s something we can pull off. Anything goes, if what we do put out when we can is yum. You’re a bold one. Or a fierce multitasker. I’ve come to throw off the yoke of Other Social Media. Decided I don’t need to spread myself thin just because people say I should be out there.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks. It’s fun but it takes a lot of time sometimes when I don’t have that much time. But I always try to get time for blogging. It so fun!


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