Posted in halloween, Movies, Televison

The Glorious Chaos, clickety-clack, the wheels of the train mocked me as I tried to play Risk on a mobile device – is it just me or are mobile devices a conspiracy by a secret order of Masonic Ophthamologists trying to destroy the vision of everyone, making them need eyeglasses, contacts and even eye surgery? Time will tell. Leaving Toronto aka The Glorious Chaos as my brother aptly named it, I paused to think of the large, cosmopolitan city  – wild, weird, at times, woolly, but wonderful as well. The Glorious Chaos is actually a suitable description of life. Sadly, those with Autism, like my son, experience Toronto and life itself differently. To him, it’s loud, smelly, bright, and crowded. To him, it’s overwhelming, scary, just generally creepy. But he has to live in the real world – whatever that means these days, so when my son is in a ‘good place’ (not The Good Place, a new comedy with Ted Danson and Kristen Bell, funny but hardly seems sustainable), I try to do things with him, a kind of sensory diet. a lovely visit with my brilliant and funny family (I’m biased, but they’re actually as I describe), we headed home, watching Summer’s bright promise fade, the quilt of Autumn cover the land, nestling under our chins as we snuggle into Winter. At no time of the year is chaos more clear than Fall, Thanksgiving, and Halloween  – especially Halloween, the most confusing holiday of all.

Children dress up, ignore their parents’ warnings (with encouragement) not to talk to strangers and instead go out in the dark to the homes of hundreds of strangers, begging for food. Adults also get in on the action, partying hard, many even wearing sexy costumes – angel, devil, nurse, vampire, ninja, cat, ninja cat, Frozen, Harley Quinn, Kylo Ren, Ken Bone, really, any ol’ Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter (oh yes, I borrowed and read J.K. Rowling/Jack Thorne/John Tiffany’s Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, no spoilers, but it had Harry Potter and a cursed child, shhh, you didn’t hear it from me; they did manage to slide Robert Pattinson from Twilight fame in there too – how convenient) and Hunger Games I guess they’re hoping for one night of the year, Cialis Doesn’t Live Here Anymore?

And nothing says Halloween (other than mini chocolate bars begging to be eaten) more than strange, spooky viewing, what should it be this year? The Addams Family

It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and

Twilight Zone, Z Nation, The X-Files  The Rocky Horror Picture Show


The Walking Dead (can you keep your eyes open for ‘it’?), Pet Sematary, The Munsters

Practical Magic (the true magic is family and friends), Bewitched, Army of Darkness, Goosebumps, The Nightmare Before Christmas

Dracula, Young Frankenstein, Halloweentown (was there any need to make more than one?), Simpsons Treehouse of Horror

Arsenic and Old Lace, Friday the 13th, The Shining…

Scooby Doo 


Beetlejuice, Casper, Edward Scissorhands

Buffy the Vampire Slayer,  Lost, Halloween – sigh, quit looking back, he’s still there – run!

Aaaah, Thanksgiving (No turkey soup for you!!!), food coma aside (I even tried to avoid those little pushers at the mall – sure, they call themselves Girl Guides or Girl Scouts, they’re cute, but we know what they really are  – you try to say no to cookies!), Thanksgiving should be everyday, a time to remember to be thankful – hopefully we know to be thankful for the right things.
Still, there are some things I know for certain:

1. Always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder…if you want salt on your floor and shoulder.

2. With everyone texting and driving, for my part I welcome self-driving, computer cars – at least they won’t give me the finger (or will they?).

3. You don’t have the right to touch anyone without their permission…ever, did I mention ever?

4. Crossing paths with a black cat is dangerous…unless they’re doing something adorable, which is likely.

5. Pumpkin Spice it if you got it.

6. Make friends with the truth – it might be your best friend when no one else is.
7. Make decisions about people on their words and actions not their race, religion, country, political affiliations, sexual orientation, size, etc.

8. Comfortable shoes and chocolate are human rights, right?

9. Non-orange pumpkins used to seem weird, but lately orange things are scaring me.

10. Adam Lindsay Gordon got it right: “Life is mostly froth and bubble, Two things stand like stone. Kindness in another’s trouble, courage in your own.”

11. Kiss my grits is making more sense to me every single day…

12. Fear is more contagious than any disease and stronger than any army.
13. Remembering, looking back, glamorizing the past – it seems better, more fun, easier, but maybe, just maybe, complicated and different doesn’t have to mean bad – exercise your brain, it’ll look better in yoga pants.

Oh and of course, show love whenever you can. Enjoy The Glorious Chaos.


Very me

217 thoughts on “The Glorious Chaos

  1. I was feeling tired and defeated and then… What a treat! A post from Donna! It might be a fabulous Friday after all.
    Suitably for this post, before reading, I was also filled with dread and just creeped out, because one of my 2 monster managers scheduled my yearly review/appraisal for Tuesday — She’s only spoken to me twice in the past year (the other one spoke to me 3 times but he’s disappeared, maybe for good)… Monster Mash comes to mind, if the monsters can’t be mashed.
    Thank you, dear Donna for including a lovely stroll down memory lane by including past posts. Then I got a kick out of your “Kiss my grits” comment.
    Oh, and I think I feel the way your son feels about cities… all cities.
    Here’s to an adobe out in the middle of the desert. Mega hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Teagan, I’m so glad I could boost your spirits! 🙂
      I’m sending you positive vibes, I hope your spooky review goes well, maybe your monsters will be well-fed before they get to you (she wrote hopefully).
      I didn’t feel like a whole post, but I thought a clip show was in order, glad you enjoyed it.
      Yes, the ‘kiss my grits’ keeps floating through my head of late, I wonder why? 😉
      If you find an adobe with WiFi, my son would be there.
      Thank you for dropping by, dearest friend, best wishes each and every day.
      Mega monster mash hugs xoxoxo

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh my gosh, you picked some of my all time favorite movies, Beetlejuice, Dracula, Young Frankenstein and my all time favorite, Practical Magic…My love of horror movies came from my Mom, I always watched them with her even when I was very small…and I wasn’t afraid. Thanks!


    1. All that spooky and fun viewing, it’s a great way to explore our fears without being afraid and of course to yell at the screen: ‘Don’t split up!’, ‘No, don’t go down in the basement!’ and things like that. 😉

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  3. I was reading along ( as I do. I don’t need to follow my finger anymore) when I came to No.6 on your list., Make friends with the truth. I looked and looked and it was ages before I realised what was wrong. It was not my friend. If Halloween is 31 st Oct it can’t be a Friday 13th too. It’s very easy to confuse someone with my age who now has diminishing eyesight as well after following your instructions to play Risk on a mobile device.
    I moved along to No.12 and realised the woman at the window was Agnes Moorhead, she played the brilliant Samantha’s mother Endora in Bewitched which also had the Halloween theme but left me with a smile on my face as you always do.
    xxx Unlimited Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lol I’m glad you got it, dear David, I was having a bit of fun there… 😉
      No worries, you’re as sharp as a tack (watch out for that tack!). 😉
      I loved ‘Bewitched’ and Ms Moorhead was wonderful.
      I’m so glad I could make you smile, delightful David, that makes me smile too. 🙂
      Massive monster mash infinity hugs xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I just binge watched a TV Series called “Parenthood” and I know it might sound weird, but it helped me to understand autism a little bit better. As for Halloween….just bring on the Candy -lots of it 🙂


    1. I forgot that was still around, I watched the first season then drifted away, I’m glad it helped. 🙂
      Yes, agreed, bring the candy on and on and on… 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I take it as a compliment, but I don’t believe the I’m smarter than you part, we’re both as smart as we need to be (er, more or less).
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


  5. As far as movies on your list go, everyone, I mean EVERYONE, must watch Young Frankenstein this year (RIP Gene), though I may pull out the Adams Family TV series DVDs. I love the picture of the evil twins, Stephen and Stephen,

    Great seeing you on the Halloween Friday the 13th, err, uhm, I mean the 14th.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I try to watch it once a year, I love it, and I was sad to hear about Gene Wilder and it made me think how many of that astonishing cast is now gone – Mr. Wilder, Madeline Kahn (I adore her), Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman…but they left so much joy behind.
      I always thought I was secretly part of The Addams Family as a child, not much has changed. 😉
      Stephen and Stephen are quite the pair.
      Friday the 14th is the new Friday the 13th, or not.
      Hope this weekend treats you well, I’m guessing it will involve sharing coffee? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Young Frankenstein is, in my opinion, one of the greatest movies ever made. It is sad that so many of the cast members are gone.
        (I always wanted to blow a model train….)
        I hope you have a great weekend. And yes, I will be serving coffee tomorrow 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for nominating me for this challenge. Unfortunately I’m not blogging very much at this time, I could do a quote once a month, but not 3 in 3 days. lol 😉
      Here’s a quote from my latest post, one of my favs actually: Adam Lindsay Gordon got it right: “Life is mostly froth and bubble, Two things stand like stone. Kindness in another’s trouble, courage in your own.”
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂


  6. You are a poet, Donna! – “we headed home, watching Summer’s bright promise fade, the quilt of Autumn cover the land, nestling under our chins as we snuggle into Winter.” Love that line and wish I’d written it. 🙂 I like your list of certainties. Lots of solid truths in there (in addition to a fear of orange pumpkins) Ha ha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the delightful shout out. I’m thrilled to be mentioned, but also to be in such amazing company!
      I hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


  7. Haha… you are fantastic, Donna! Oh well, those two extra letters …. well said…. and not only to America…. Hey, Happy Halloween already and also to your sweetheart son!


  8. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Donna Parker with some reflections on Thanksgiving in Canada.. and elsewhere.. also Halloween.. a holiday to be honest I have never embraced.. no kids and I don’t need to dress up to get the vampire look.. but Donna also shares some things she knows for certain…and I am with her on the fear bit… great post as always.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, dear Sally, not just for the reblog, but for the kind words as well.
      If we could overcome our fears, I think people would be able to see the good in each other, but that seems less likely when the fires of fears are being stoked and stoked.
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Heehee, my version of a clip show. I love the oldies and the newies, I just love the fun of the holidays. Glad to wind you up anytime although I have strong doubts you ever slip. Good to see you too and hope this weekend treats you well, dear Tess. 🙂


  9. Great post as always. Glad to see you back ranting and raving. So much truth! Erm, except for the date of Halloween, lol. And I don’t blame your son for feeling that way in the city, I too don’t care for it here anymore. And don’t even get me started with HORRENDOUS drivers in this city. ❤


    1. Thank you kindly, Debby, glad to be back, even if it’s not as often as I’d like.
      Oh, you caught me on that one, huh, was having some fun with dates there. 😉
      I thought spending some time there would make him see that it’s not that much different than home, just bigger, but alas, he wasn’t buying it. You too and see, maybe driverless cars are the way to go! 😉
      Hope you have a wonder-filled weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry I was late dropping by, Teagan, I missed commenting on your post, so I’ll just put the comment on here instead. You take breaks just about as well as I do, dear friend. lol 😉 It’s like The Blogging Godfather, we keep trying to get away and they keep pulling us back in…and loving it. 😉
      I loved your Three Things Serial and it will make a great ebook and we understand pressure and daunting tasks, take your time, with this ebook and Bloom and GM, we’ll still be here waiting.
      So enjoy your ‘break’ and your weekend. Mega spooky hugs xoxox


    1. Thank you so much for nominating me for this challenge. Unfortunately I’m not blogging very much at this time, I could do a quote once a month, but not 3 in 3 days. lol 😉
      Here’s a quote from my latest post, one of my favs actually: Adam Lindsay Gordon got it right: “Life is mostly froth and bubble, Two things stand like stone. Kindness in another’s trouble, courage in your own.”
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. A black cat did much to inspire me to write my manuscript. So I’ve got to give them credit where credits due. He was creepy though…. And unnaturally strong, and a climber with extraordinary powers. Perhaps he bewitched me to write! Happy halloween Donna, enjoyed your post so much… 🙂


    1. Cats do seem to have special powers and hey can be a charming and at times creepy muse. I’m glad that black cat inspired you to write your manuscript. 🙂
      Happy Halloween and I hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Tina, I’m glad we found each other (I enjoyed visiting your blog and will do so again and share again, of course) in this giant virtual haystack with the help of the delightful Sally, she’s a wonder. 🙂
      Thanks for sharing and hope the week ahead treats you well. 🙂


      1. I’ve never seen an election season like this, or I haven’t paid enough attention to notice the outrageous smear campaigns that have replaced the policy discussions that actually affect our lives. Thanks for replying. 🙂


      2. Right! I don’t watch much network television and reality shows have no appeal…I can barely deal with my own reality. But this really is a tawdry spectacle. On the other hand, it makes odd sense that the first woman president would have to do battle with a lumbering orange embodiment of sexism and his frightened misinformed base.


      3. A tawdry spectacle is right, but I agree, the first woman presidential candidate would obviously be opposed – sexism is alive and well, whether folks admit it or not. I hope it turns out better than it looks at this point. 🙂

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      4. I would love to see a woman be President. We had a female Prime Minister once, but she wasn’t elected, she came into the job by other means, I’d love to see a female Prime Minister and President and everything!
        We need more equality! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      5. We’re about to get our first Woman President provided that Americans don’t have a total breakdown before November 8th. I feel fortunate to have lived long enough to see the success of the Civil Rights Movements that emerged in the 60’s. I voted for our first African American President and today I’m going to City Hall to vote for Hillary.


      6. I knew people would have a fear of a woman being in power, but they need to chill. Big hugs for voting (and especially who you voted for!). Hope this weekend treats you kindly, Rob. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Thanks. I can’t wait for this thing to be over.

        I have so had it with the GOP’s refusal to let this election be about the things that matter to our lives.

        It’s obvious that they are laying the groundwork to subvert a Clinton Presidency and drag the nation through another four years of smear, lies and obstruction.


      8. The sooner the better, well, unless the worst happens.
        The Grand Old Party seems too obsessed with stopping and blocking and tearing down instead of moving America forward and helping the citizens.

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      9. Well…I tell you what it looks like to me and some of the other abuse survivors to whom I’ve spoken: the republican party looks like a confederacy of flying monkeys doing everything they can to support the delusions of as rich pathological narcissist. To that end they have smeared Hillary Clinton beyond anything I’ve ever seen.

        If anyone wants to know what it’s like to be the target of a narcissist and his/her enablers, the Trump campaign provides a textbook example.


      10. Too too textbook, but it’s those who believe the lies that I wonder/worry about, why don’t they stop and see the reality – I’m guessing fear. Fear is more contagious than any disease and stronger than any army and it sure seems to be driving the Grand Old Party and The Tea Party coalition. Sad to see. I’m hoping for the best for our wonderful (with a few bad apples) neighbours. 🙂 Hope the weekend doesn’t get completely hijacked by the crapstorm of the 2016 election (can we still call it an election not sideshow?).

        Liked by 1 person

      11. A woman with a life time history of working for the well being of others is demonized as a master criminal. In the meantime the voters who have the most to gain from her efforts throw their cult like support behind a man who is on tape bragging about his history of sexual assault.

        This is one of those moments when I think the U.S. is slowly becoming a Hell hole because it’s citizens are too lazy to do the work of thinking for themselves.


      12. Yet I keep asking myself, why? Why do people believe lies even when presented with facts? Is it laziness, fear, paranoia, anger or a combination thereof, but it’s so sad for such a great country to pander to those who want to harm it.

        Liked by 1 person

      13. I don’t think it’s Hillary as a person.

        Back in 1994 The GOP understood her intelligence and ability to lead decided to assassinate her potential the way it attempted to assassinate her husband’s administration.

        If Hillary is everything the scandal mongers say she is then she is a criminal mastermind with a soft spot for children, the sick and the disabled.

        These lies makes sense to people who are terrified of having a woman as President and are too craven to admit it.


      14. While I understand most politicians have flexible integrity, those that do good work should be put in positions where they can help. If people think they’ll get ‘change’ with Trump, they’re right, the point they’re missing is that not all change is good. Morally bankrupt opportunists who have no caring or respect for anyone other that themselves need not apply for positions to help others.

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      15. Umm…I think that many of the Conspiracy Theories promoted by the right are promoted by people who know it’s BS.

        Why did we fall for it:

        1. We don’t expect a foreign power to tamper with our elections. We have a sense of invulnerability based on geography. Those boundaries don’t exist in cyberspace.

        2. We are not used to a press that places profit before civic duty. This is the first year that the press chose to run with stories that they knew were damaging to the process. “It may not be good for America but it’s good for us!”

        3. We had corrupt media outlets paying Trump shills to pretend they were acting as objective reporters.

        4. We’re no longer used to an FBI that actively works to achieve partisan goals. We thought we had solved that problem when Hoover left.

        5. There was the sheer magnitude of the gas-lighting. One New York Times reporter describers questioning his perceptions of an event even when he had videotaped evidence of what he saw:

        6. We’re not used to this degree of narcissism and dishonesty from our leaders and our media.

        And that’s why we fell for it..except that we didn’t.

        More people voted for Clinton than Trump…and if Director Comey had not intervened Clinton would now be President.


      16. It’s wild, isn’t it? So they kept saying the election was rigged and the media was biased, but they knew they’d get a knee-jerk reaction from all sides that said no, the elections isn’t rigged and the media isn’t biased so when he ‘won’ (one can only guess how), they could say look, they are said it wasn’t rigged or biased. Quite brilliant really, using the rapid news cycle/rabid corporate drivel.
        I just couldn’t believe Americans were fine with Russia running their election, well, obviously many weren’t.
        The news is all about the ratings and advertising, they don’t care about real news.
        We were not surprised, as I said, this is the country that gave the world Rob Ford (he actually ran our largest city while smoking crack, being a sexist, racist, narcissistic, lying, well, you know what) and then our Feds were, indescribable). We are so happy to be on the other side, but we must stand on guard, be watchful and keep fighting because they’re trying to come back.
        I understand the gaslighting, we here in Canada had an extreme right-wing party running our country for 9 years (over 4 of those in a majority). They all but destroyed us, but people just kept repeating the talking points and propaganda. When they would say or do something they’d just deny it, ignore it, answer questions with more propaganda and so much more corruption and yes, our news was in on it too.
        I could go on and on, but the point, you can come back from this, we fought back and finally have our country back.

        Liked by 1 person

      17. Thank you….I love the passion in your comment. I’ve been giving this some thought and you’re right. The media is now reporting Trump’s win as if it isn’t contaminated by a years worth of outright lies and dirty tricks.

        It’s astonishing but not unexpected.

        Democrats and progressives have to understand that going high sometimes means a fist fight in a pig stye.


      18. I know, like a few words erases all the slime and acid they’ve been spewing for months, years. And calling their lies campaign promises and saying the other side was being divisive – wow, I know from personal experience that these kind of people get away with it by wearing down others. I wish going high would work with these types, but it doesn’t, it takes work and stamina.

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      19. Going high doesn’t work with people who have no bottom. Democrats have got to wake up to the fact that their refusal to take off the gloves and call these people out is part of the problem. You would think that two stolen elections, a massive disinformation campaign and thirty years of slander by right wing media would be a heads up for democrats and progressives. It may be that unity is the last thing this country needs right now. Unity with what? These people hate us-They wish us ill and they worship a malicious God who heaps punishment on their enemies.
        They certainly don’t worship the Christ who came to tell us that God loves all of us. I don’t want to unite with these people…I want them out of my life — If their biggest fear is losing their guns ours should be their guns.


      20. They should and they need to learn talking points, it’s sad to say but they need to pander more, dumb themselves down, it works, if this election proved anything, it’s that.
        I can’t understand how people can say they’re patriotic or Christian and then wish their own country, their own people ill. And why do the rights of some supercede the rights of others. If this is democracy, it might be time to update it, after all, all these systems were really designed to have at least 75% of the people voting and we rarely get more than 50, so, if that doesn’t work anymore, maybe other things don’t either.

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      21. This may interest you. Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2 million people. The only person who has won more votes is Obama.

        Trump and the GOP used every filthy trick at their disposal to suppress votes in swing states.

        They’re playing gaslight with us. There was no repudiation of Obama or the Democrats.

        If the GOP had played by civilized rules it would have lost, as it should have.

        Morality is defined as whatever you can get away with for these people.

        Now Trump’s Cheats tell us that we are being hysterical or hypocritical because we insisted that Trump abide by the results of the election.

        Logic and fact based reasoning are the enemy in the Cult of Trump

        The leader of the opposition party is EXPECTED to abide by the results of an election. The people are under no such obligation and when they feel the nation is in danger they have a duty to stand up for it.

        Had Hillary won the nation was braced for waves of violence from Trump supporters.

        They should be glad that our protests are so peaceful.


      22. I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised, Trump was telling all how the election was rigged, but in this post-fact world all that seems to matter is what people feel instead of truth, facts, or any form of reality. Of course Clinton won the popular vote – she was qualified, had never been proven guilty of anything, but chanting and taglines and slogans win the day. It’s sad to see, but Americans are right to stand up for themselves, if you see your world being invaded by parasites, you must find a way to stem the tide.

        Liked by 1 person

      23. I absolutely agree and well said. I wrote as a comment on another blogger’s post that Democracy is not dead but it is in desperate need of passionate CPR.

        And the other thought I have is this: the mentally ill have lived with targets on our backs for 40 years.

        We know just how cruel people can be just by voting.

        If Trump’s rise ultimately ends the daily executions on our streets than maybe it’s good in the most perverse possible way.


      24. It needs a jump-start, people need to remember that facts and truth are important, necessary!
        There are so many people who will not fair well, I know my son with Autism wouldn’t have a place in Trump’s America, those will mental illness, overweight people, minorities and so many more. It reminds me of Pastor Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemölle – “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out —
        Because I was not a Socialist.
        Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out —
        Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
        Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out —
        Because I was not a Jew.
        Then they came for me —
        and there was no one left to speak for me.
        People should remember this.

        Liked by 1 person

      25. We can call the Senate Minority Leader and demand that the government audit the vote.

        Based on the popular vote and the sliver of Trump’s lead this was no repudiation of Obama or Hillary Clinton. Democrats need to stop navel gazing and shift into fight mode.

        The press prefers to ignore evidence provided by agencies of our own Government
        that Russia hacked the vote.

        It’s possible that Russia did minimal damage but it’s also possible, in view trumps less than one percent wins in the swing and battleground states that we are about to inaugurate the wrong person.

        I’ve never met an American who would rest easy with the idea of Russian operative in the White House, especially one who’s too stupid or arrogant to care that he’s a tool.

        If the vote shows that Trump won the vote, so be it–but what if everything feels wrong with this election because everything IS wrong with this election.

        We have a right to know and a duty to insist.


        Nancy Pelosi
        Washington, DC Office
        233 Cannon H.O.B.
        Washington, DC 20515

        phone: (202) 225-4965
        hours: M-F 9-5:30pm

        Senator Lindsey Graham is calling for an investigation into Russian tampering.

        Lindsey Graham
        Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510. Office: (202) 224-5972.

        Call him to lend your support and add your voice.

        This is a non-partisan call to verify the results based on real evidence of interference from a State that is hostile to U.S. interests.


      26. I have my suspicions too, Rob. We understand here in Canada, right wing fringe groups took over our Conservative (our version of The Republicans) which I was never overly fond of but what they did was a catastrophe. Thank goodness our Liberal party (similar to The Dems, but we also have the NDP which are probably like a more ‘progressive’ part of the Dems, then of course The Green Party and we have Le Bloc Québécois which is a federal party whose only goal is life is to separate Quebec, a province from the rest of Canada – ha and you think your politics are messed up) got in as a majority in our Parliament and Senate so we’re safe for awhile and honestly, they’re not perfect either.
        They should be investigating the cyberhacking, the Russian tampering, the Comey letter, the voter suppression, and any vote tampering, relentlessly.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. My brother in law has autism. I think he is happy that he lives (with his mother) in a senior housing complex, so there is no trick or treating going on. He does like candy, though. He definitely would not like any big city. My son, since an early age, thought New York City (which we visited occasionally as I have family there) smells like garbage.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m pleased to hear your brother-in-law is happy, that makes me smile. No, big cities are a lot to handle.
      Smells like garbage, yuck, I would hate that, your son should not do tourism ads for NYC just like mine shouldn’t do them for Toronto lol 😉
      Hope the week ahead treats you well. 🙂


    1. Awww, thank you so much, Rob, this is so kind of you!!! I’m smiling 🙂 Thank you for the reblog and the lovely words, I’m blushing. Right back at ya, so glad we’re in the smae blogging family! 🙂


  12. You’re right about Halloween being confusing. Of the things you know for sure, number seven is the one that seems by far the most important to me. I wish someone could get Donald Trump to believe it.


  13. Ha! “Pumpkin Spice it if you got it.” That seems to be the way of things right now, doesn’t it? Could be worse. Fab movie picks here and, oddly enough, I used to find non-orange pumpkins a bit off, too, and now I have three cream-colored ones decorating my house. Well, Happy Halloween. (And thanks for the tip on The Good Place. I do love Veronica Ma…I mean Kristin Bell.)


    1. Pumpkin Spice seems to rule.
      Thank you kindly. Hmmm, maybe non-orange pumpkin are perhaps more popular because of scary orange things. Can you eat the seeds of non-orange pumpkins, just curious, I assume so, but…
      I love Veronica Ma..,I mean, Kristen Bell as well, Sarah.
      Hope this week treats you wonderfully! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for thinking of me. Sadly I’m not blogging very much right now due to health concerns, I’m doing like a post a month or so, 3 of anything in 3 days would just be too much (at this time). But I’m honoured to be nominated and here’s a quote that is way too appropriate right now, the estimable Edward R. Murrow warned us: “Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn’t mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.”
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for thinking of me. Sadly I’m not blogging very much right now due to health concerns, I’m doing like a post a month or so, 3 of anything in 3 days would just be too much (at this time). But I’m honoured to be nominated and here’s a quote that is way too appropriate right now, the estimable Edward R. Murrow warned us: “Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn’t mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.”
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. I love fall and all of its traditions. I can see that it would be very challenging for those with Autism, so much unpredictability and people in costumes and even the weather changes rapidly and sometimes in scary ways!


  15. Great fun Donna. Halloween is not big here, although the stores are all trying to encourage it, so it’s catching on. I guess it basically is an excuse to eat candy and to scare people into giving you some. Keep us smiling and wishing you well, I hope you are finding answers.
    Bloggers Pit Stop


    1. It’s always been big enough here in Canada, but getting more and more commercial, but I still love the essence of the season, the fun!
      Thank you, I’m finding many answers and asking more questions. 😉
      Hope this week treats you well, Kathleen.


  16. I love all of the Halloween references! I am one who liked the series and movie, “Bewitched”, enjoyed “Practical Magic,” “Beetlejuice,” and the black kitties and pumpkins are so sweet! Smiling at you!


  17. So much fun and so much truth in this post. My favorite is “Fear is more contagious than any disease and stronger than any army.” YES! especially with regards to the election.

    Thanks for partying with us on #FridayFrivolity


    1. Thank you kindly. 🙂
      Yes, fear should be avoided, especially induced fear for political and monetary gain. I think most people will be happy when this election is over and next time, just vote for shorter elections, that would be a winner! 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂


  18. I actually didn’t want to read any posts anymore tonight and then I remembered that yours is still open… couldn’t resist. And I’m so glad I did. So good to read you 🙂 What a fun post 🙂


  19. I have to admit that I skimmed some of this because well, I’m a mom of two and many days that is as good as it gets.
    Anyway… I did catch a few good ones along the way and loved:

    5. Pumpkin Spice it if you got it.
    6. Make friends with the truth – it might be your best friend when no one else is.

    Thanks so much for posting this at the traffic jam weekend link party!


    1. Hey skimming can be a fine art if it’s done right, I’m just happy you found time and you picked out two really good ones. 😉
      Love #trafficjamweekend – it’s a awesome linky party. 🙂
      Hope the week ahead treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It was tricky, especially on the train, it’s easier without the sway. 😉
      Hope this week is treating you well and I can’t wait for #FridayFrivolity – awesome fun!


    1. Thank you kindly, Ian, I don’t know if you’re getting these comments, sometimes WordPress plays tricks (no treats) and says No!
      Hope this finds you safe and sound. Thank you for the lovely reblog! How delightful!
      Stay safe. Stay connected. 🙂
      Big non-contagious hugs xoxo


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