Posted in Chocolate, Uncategorized

Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now

1ablog52May dances in,
dances with dreadfully
stunning promises,
dances ribbons of hope,
twisting pretty, pure,
gurgling, whispering
about what once was,
what will be,
and never be again.
In the moonlit
rattling bones of night
I, awake pondered,
what if those
five stages of grief:
denial, anger,
bargaining, depression
and acceptance,
are a stale simplification?
Is life ever that simple
or that linear?

My 5 Stages of Belief, Relief, oh Good Grief!

1. I can’t deny I was kind of missing my old tagline, Vague Meanderings of the Broke and Obscure. Trying to decide, what do you think, dear readers, I’ve believed a lot of things…


2.  Some days I feel I should scrub my eyes after reading some comments sections and news. I’m a walking paper cut as I read about people, even leaders and wannabes rage, lie, attack, hyperbole flying, anger roaring, name-calling like schoolyard bullies. People lap it up like reality cream. We might be sliding down a slobbery, slatternly nowhere-to-clutch-on-and-save-ourselves slippery slope. Mike Judge should re-release Idiocracy, exaggerated for effect, but maybe not as much as we’d like. It reminds me of RKO 281, based on Orson Welles’ struggle to make and release Citizen Trump, I mean, Kane. Why reward and encourage those who spread hate? Why feed the beast?


3. Some days even doing errands isn’t what you bargained for. I heard a woman trying to return a bathing suit she’d ironed. A dog dressed as Darth Vader (probably not by choice). Felt accosted by an overenthusiastic greeter when I just wanted to look at some books. Even the book covers were more than I bargained for – various states of half-dress; invisible force fields between people as they try to kiss; murdering someone or thinking about murdering someone; symbolism runs amok; people with words as clothes; moodiness; weird eyes; people with half faces; hot demons, aliens, wizards, vikings, pirates – all looking epic; folks gazing off into the distance looking pensive or constipated. And don’t even get me started on titles….


4. Remember my Happiness Project? I figured out fairly quickly (well, quickly for me, it’s all relative, right?) that happiness doesn’t come in a project, happiness has to come from doing, being, happiness has to flow naturally, happiness cannot be forced. But I had some fun, hope you do too.


5. Not ashamed to have belted out the lyrics to cheesy 80’s Starship classic,
Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now with Bill Hader in The Skeleton Twins.
I accept and embrace my cheesy side, it helps me write,
helps me keep smiling, laughing, despite,
well, so much, including Fibromyalgia:
SNL, Trainwreck, etc., my comcrush it still growing. Still not sure about Angry Birds though, Hitchcock flashbacks and all.


Waitress is certainly a fitting, quirky little Mother’s Day film. It reminded me of many things, such as but not limited to: Nathan Fillion – Castle, One Life To Life, Halo, Buffy Firefly
is as adoradorkable as the movie itself.


Also, Keri Russell – The Americans, Felicity, Austenland is an under-rated actress. I’m having a craving for Quiche (that counts as pie, right?). Watching Andy Griffith I wish he’d been on The Walking Dead as like, Rick Grimes’ Grandpa – he could’ve just charmed the zombies, talked some Matlock sense into them. I’d now settle for The Christopher Walken Dead.

Life is pie (or pi, if you’re mathematically inclined). You don’t have to like every variety, you don’t even have to know every variety, in fact, new varieties are being made all the time…but some of it is so awesome, light, and flaky, it makes you want to take bite after bite, searching for hidden delights.

This Mother’s Day maybe I’ll plant a tree, even if I’ll never sit in the shade of that tree, someone, someday will.

So if this world runs out of Mothers (noooo!), or bloggers (unlikely), we’ll still have each other, nothing’s gonna stop us, nothing’s gonna stop us now, although we might get distracted, by chocolate…or something.



Very me

199 thoughts on “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now

  1. You had me at Idiocracy, Donna. Are we headed there ?☺ Citizen Trump may believe it so.
    Your posts are amazing…one needs to sit back with a cup of coffee or three and just absorb them all. ❤️


    1. I hope not, but I really wonder.
      Thank you kindly, it’s been a wild week and I finally had a chance to pop down some thoughts, glad you liked them. 🙂
      Hope you’re enjoying your coffee and have a wonder-filled weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So it tells me, but then, I’ve believed as many as six impossible things and I’ve not yet to have breakfast…now where’s that rabbit hole? 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoy your cheesy side. Don’t lose the cheese! And don’t walk around bleeding either, Ms Walking Paper Cut. Ha ha!


  3. Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you have a great day.
    I would have never thought about Waitress as a Mother’s Day movie, but that is an interesting idea! I loved it, and though I’ve never seen Castle or Firefly, I absolutely loved Nathan Fillion’s character in it. And oh, all the pies. I can’t decide which has more pies in it – Waitress or Pushing Daisies!


    1. It was May the 4th – Intergalactic Star Wars Day #MayTheFourthBeWithYou so I’m assuming that was why – with the whole Darth outfit I would have gone with Revenge of the Fifth myself 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Donna, this is one of your best. (Though I say that often, I mean it. You have a lot of bests. 😀 )
    You know… Tequila told me the same thing Vodka told you… except Tequila told me I could also sing.
    You totally slayed me with “looking pensive or constipated,” and then following it with “Cooking with Poo.” Have a fabulous Friday, my friend. Mega hugs.


    1. Oh, thank you so much, Teagan, you’re really too kind, but I thank you all the same. 🙂
      Yes, alcohol lies and makes all sorts of promises. It told me I could sing as well, and make good choices… lol 😉 Nope.
      Hope this TGIF is good to you, but the weekend so much better. 🙂
      Have a fabulous and feels short Friday. 🙂
      Mega I love your books cover hugs xoxox

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I don’t know that I would enjoy Idiocracy nearly as much now as I did the first time I viewed it. I might not feel quite as funny. Although Costco hasn’t yet begun offering law degrees, at least not that I am aware of, so there is still time to change the future.


    1. 10 years on and too much is looking familiar and who knows what’s going on in the gaping abyss of Costco? lol 😉
      There’s always hope, of course, even with one-stop shopping and politics…well, maybe. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. A little despair in there, Donna, and at times, humans seem to have crossed over into collective insanity. But lots of hope too. Turning the tide isn’t easy, but the there’s no giving up. Nothing gonna stop us ever. Have a wonderful weekend.


    1. You’re always welcome here, David and we’ve all had those moments, sometimes I think I should attack a rope to my mind so I can find it as it wanders away, a breadcrumb won’t do, too tasty. 😉
      Massive mind-wandering hugs xoxoxo


  7. This has an almost beat poetry feel to it. I’m reeling from the onslaught of ideas and imagery but in a good way.

    I’m going to have to read this again later once I’m less sleepy and then explore the rest of your blog!



    1. I’m so glad you found me, so I could find you, well, we found each other in this giant virtual haystack thanks to the lovelies over at #LinkYourLife
      I hope we can virtually visit often. Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Donna, it’s mind boggling how you come up content for posts. Your mind works like a creative whirlwind! All of this one, so good, however the ending perfect. (smiling) “nothing’s gonna stop us now, although we might get distracted, by chocolate or something.” Hugs, Chocolates & Happy Mother’s Day to you! 💛 Elizabeth


    1. Thank you so much, Elizabeth, I wish I had time to write more, but alas my mind and time is taken up with other things right now – life is so naughty and interfering, isn’t it? lol 😉
      Hugs, chocolate and Happy Mother’s Day to you as well! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. As to item #2, I am convinced that social media is completely twisting and distorting our perceptions of one another. The comment trolls on the internet are vicious, and I think this very very small percentage of the population has had a disproportionate effect on this election season. Then my friend added me to a “secret” I’m for Hillary page and while I love that everyone thinks the same way I do…everyone thinks the same way I do! So that’s not good either. So I’m going with your pie philosophy. I don’t like lemon meringue, but it’s good to know it’s out there.


    1. This is an awesome perspective, Jill. In so many ways the internet connects us, on a whole I think it’s a wonderful thing, but there are of course, exceptions. Hope this weekend treats you kindly (troll free one hopes). 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly. So glad we found each other. You’ve made me want to bake some bread and hug a racoon – I will do the former, not the latter. 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly and we can virtually visit often. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Chocolate is a lovely distraction and observing people is so fascinating and free! 😉
      Thank you so much for the reblog, Jonathan, much appreciated. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


  10. Love that you went back to your ‘meanderings’ logo, it represents you well. Stay cheesy my friend, it’s what we all enjoy about you. 🙂


    1. Thank you, Debby, while I liked the other tagline, ‘Wish You Were Here’ and I wish you all were, I do think my original tagline, ‘Vague Meanderings of the Broke and Obscure’ is much more me. 🙂
      I will stay full fromage, hopefully not the stinky kind. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Another post to make the week go better, Donna, though I’m late in reading it. At least we didn’t LITERALLY build our city on rock’n’roll. Imagine the disaster when Nigel cranks the amp to 11. And the old Grinch would hate the noise, noise, noise, noise.
    On another note . . . You pack so much into these posts, it’s tough to reciprocate it all, but I do appreciate the boost! Keep rocking, Mama—have a fantabulous week!


    1. Never, ever too late, just always glad when you can make it. My blog door is always open. 🙂
      lol I’m giggling at the picture of Spinal Tap meets The Grinch meets Starship – awesome! 😉
      Hope this week treats you kindly, Leigh and thanks for stopping by and giving me a giggle. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Glad to do it, Donna. [If I could think faster on my feet and were not such an introvert] I love the idea of being a stand-up comedian/comedienne. So, I bombard people with my writing instead. 🙂 Seriously, though, hope to ‘see’ you again soon, Donna!


  12. Haha! Love the vodka note. Of course we can dance! *orders another*
    You know, this phrase is spectacular: “I’m a walking paper cut as I read about…” I’m the same way. What a great way to describe it. 💗 Have a lovely week.


    1. It tells us we can sing too…and make good choices. 😉
      Thanks, it was the best description I could think of to describe how it felt.
      Hope this week treats you well, Sarah. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Chocolate always distracts me lol. Thankfully, vodka doesn’t! I think I’ve lived by “nothing gonna stop me” my whole life. All we can do is keep on keeping on! Right on sista!


  14. Belated, Happy Mother’s Day, Donna.
    Gee, and by golly, this post wore me out. Whatever you had, I want some. I’m dragging my butt and you are zipping along. Your posts always make me smile, except where Citizen-you-know is concerned. o_O 😀 😀


    1. Thanks, Tess, I think all Moms know, every day is Mother’s Day, I think we should start a Happy Whatever Day, that would include everyone and everything. 😉
      I didn’t mean to wear you out, but I hope you took a nice nap after. 😉
      Rose-orange-bud… 😉


    1. lol Thank you, Sally, not just for the lovely reblog, much appreciated, but for the funny and sweet comments. You’re too kind, but please, continue. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you well so far and just gets better and better. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Congrats!!! Well-deserved! Music, nature, and people make me smile too. Good choices. 🙂
      I’m thrilled to be nominated and in such amazing company!
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly for dropping by, visiting your blog made me hungry and made me smile so smungry? Either way I’m craving fudge and muffins (trying to resist…note the word trying). Both could involve chocolate. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Love your stuff – all those gifs get me every time (and the squirrel is a favourite of mine – I’ve pinned him!)


  16. #1 “Trust Me , YOU CAN DRIVE!”- Vodka. Totally relate on the Citizen Trump. Andy Griffith on the Christopher Walken Dead, sounds like a happy slaughter. Fun!


      1. Vodka says You’re not drunk . Vodka says that Being an Asshole is justifiable. Vodka says, how did I end up in the woods, whose truck is this , where are my pants?


  17. Whoa! That’s quite a title for the Winnie the Pooh Cookbook.

    I embrace my cheesy side too! There’s no point in pretending I’m otherwise.

    The gif of the frolicking Homer Simpson has completely made my day. 🙂


  18. I really did like your old tag line. It sounded like the name of an album or an old rock stars memoir. It’s definitely one of the best blog tag lines I’ve ever read.


  19. Hi Donna,
    Did you watch Nathan Fillion on One Life to Live? I did, for years. I never got into Castle like the rest of my family. They loved him on that. He WAS good. I saw a few episodes with them.


    1. Yes, Joey Buchanan was a fav of mine. I still watch ‘Castle’, but it’s an on and off thing, only because it’s been on so long, although I think it’s been cancelled…but I still mostly like it. I loved him in ‘Buffy’ and ‘Firefly’ and of course, he’s Canadian. 😉


  20. No one can make us happy. We have to choose. I love some of the old TV shows, but they’re not showing as many of them on cable here. We’re in India. Writing makes me happy. 🙂 — Suzanne


  21. I think you have the most creative and fun blog I follow. And you add a thought-provoking angle to your creativity. It is impressive and I am glad I found your page so many moons ago. Your posts always, always put a smile on my face. 🙂


    1. Wow, Danny, thank you, I’m blushing, please continue. lol 😉
      Hearing I put a smile on your face puts a smile on my face, so it’s smiles all around – not much better than that. 🙂
      I’m so very glad we found each other in this giant virtual haystack. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Judy, I hope you’re feeling a 150% soon. Take care. 🙂
      Thanks for the lovely mention, how kind of you. 🙂
      Wishing you all the best for the week ahead, hope it treats you better than the last. 🙂


    1. He was cute, but somehow didn’t look like a willing participant in the whole costume thing. 😉 Your Lab would make a daunting Vader. 🙂
      I agree, most days are definitely different than we expect, good and bad. 🙂
      Really enjoy #weekendblogshare – you never know the treasures aka bloggers you’ll find there. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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