Posted in Blogs, Canada, Cats, Chocolate, Doctor Who, Movies, Star Wars, Televison, Uncategorized

Take it Easy

1blog84Well I’m a-runnin’
(ok, walking quickly)
down the road,
tryin’ to loosen
my load
I’ve got seven
million things
on my mind
Four million that want to own me, two that want to stone me, one that could be a friend of mine.
Take it easy, take it easy.
Don’t let the sound of your own words drive you crazy. Lighten up while you still can. Don’t even try to understand. Just find a place to make your stand, and take it easy…


Whether in blogging, work, love, parenting, friendship…The Eagles (goodbye Glenn Fry) had it right – take it easy.
The sound of your own wheels (the ones turning in your brain) aka the sound of your own words – spoken, written, or even in your head can drive you crazy.
Instead, I want to Take It Easy, to celebrate – despite the war and strife, the Canadian dollar sinking faster than the Titanic (the ship, not the movie)…


rising food prices (wait, how many were going to eat cauliflower in January anyway? Eat in season, or frozen), Star Wars mania, lack of affordable housing and healthcare, loss, illness…but at least there’s no zombies, and I still have all of you – my readers and other bloggers!

You make me happy when skies are grey, you’ll never know, dears, how much I love you  – thank you, thank you, thank you for being here!

Friday January 29th we’re going to beat the January blahs, the winter ennui, the snow woes with a knockout blog party!


I was trying to get it together for this week, but seriously, The X-Files is returning, my hold of Season 3 of Orphan Black came in at the library, my son has a Pokemon thingie, schoolwork, housework, workwork, lifework, adulting, decisions, snow, cold, snow, cold (repeat)…I think I’m catching a cold, oh, and did I mention The X-Files is returning?

And some of you may have noticed I’ve been trying out new themes. Turns out choices are limited for mobile-friendly themes in the ‘Free’ category on WordPress, but I will choose in time to expose it (oh my!) for the celebration!!!

Come back Friday January 29th and join in the fun! It’s easy, leave your blog link or a link to an old post, new post, red post, blue post in the comment box (one link per comment, but come back as often as you like).
Introduce yourself, wander around, eat some cake, be astonished at the size of my archives (oh my!), and mingle with the other bloggers. There will be virtual cake, blogging advice, and who knows what else! It may take awhile, but I promise I’ll read, visit, and reply to everyone!

One thing I’ve yet to regret (but the day is young) is blogging. I’ve virtually met some words-cannot-express-how-awesome people here who’ve welcomed me with open arms into their blogging family.

And I get swag! Really, my mail carrier randomly hands me treats! Like books (my drug of choice), or chocolates from Chicago I won from the enchanting Cher a delightful friend, blogger, and ex-pat Canadian. Yes, I got a box of chocolates delivered to my door just for reading a blog post! I love blogging! Those poor chocolates didn’t make it through the night – next of kin was notified…then eaten.


It may seem like the internet is a giant virtual haystack and we’re just tiny needles, but we can find each other with blogging parties and thanks to the tireless efforts of amazing and generous bloggers like:

Suzie, creator and hostess of the trending #SundayBlogShare on Twitter speaks at
Jason/OM shares and helps us share at
Danny is a blog dream-maker at
Vicky let’s us Weekend Blog Share every weekend
Elena throws weekly off-the-hook linky shares #BlogShareLearn
Janice offers us a place to pause at Blogger’s Pit Stop
Angie helps food addicts (I prefer devotee or aficionado) at Fiesta Friday

And so, so many more!

Please come back on Friday January 29th, 2016, in this case, size matters, the more the merrier!

Let’s be that lovely bit of blue sky in each others day!



Very me

168 thoughts on “Take it Easy

    1. So far I like it too… 🙂
      Yes, well, end of December, I’m sort of trying to ignore them unless all those candles are mistaken for a fire and it brings firemen (especially the Chicago Fire kind). 😉
      Yes, the ‘s’ word is starting to get on my nerves (heehee). It might take some lasagna, with several kinds of cheese for this level of stress. 😉
      Thanks so much, Teagan, you take care of you too. I’m popping over to your blog soon – don’t know if you posted something this weekend, my reader and email stuff from WordPress is doing something wonky so I’m having to visit all my lovely bloggie friends to see what they’ve done (or haven’t done). 🙂
      Megahugs and I hope this week is gentler on both of us!!! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m sorry I missed your day. Hmmm I think that means you’re required to celebrate again. 🙂 (I understand. I’m very quiet about mine too. It’s easier to tell myself “Oh they didn’t know,” than “Oh they knew but didn’t give a hoot.”) Just know that there are legions here who would celebrate with you.
        Yes… a gentle week. That sounds like bliss. Mega hugs right back. 😀


      2. Every day is a celebration cause we’re here. 🙂
        Hope to see you tomorrow, Teagan, should be quite a party, if I get the post written, heehee, life being life and all. 😉
        Megahugs!!! 🙂


  1. Hi my dear Donna!!! Yeay, yeay, yeay!! Thank you for including those delicious chocolates from The Chicago Files (a.k.a. yours truly that Canuck living in the US of A!) Love this post!! Big hugs from The Windy City, Cher xo


    1. Thank you for sending the chocolates Cher, they were delicious, thank you, of course, they didn’t last long, that image was just the beginning of the carnage, I thought I should take a picture before I slid into a chocolate coma. 🙂
      How windy and snowy are you today?
      Hope you can make it to the blog party – they’re always better when you’re there, eh. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂 Big hugs xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah, you are so welcome my dear Donna! *LOL* Well they certainly don’t last long around here either, believe me! We have just a tiny bit of snow and it’s not windy today. How about you guys? Oh yes my dear, I will most definitely be coming to the blog party!! Awh, I was going to say the same about YOU! The party is always better with you there!! I hope you have a wonderful week my dear! Big hugs, Cher xo


      2. Winter has hit us as hard this time as some other spots, fingers crossed it continues that way for the rest of the winter (doubt it, but it’s worth hoping for). 🙂
        Luckily for us, Cher, we’re our own parties than we sometimes bring to other parties. 😉
        Thanks again, mostly for just being you, dear one. 🙂
        Big, big hot chocolate hugs! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I sure hope so too my dear! I am blown away when watching the news showing the East coast! Wow! It’s a doozy, that’s for sure! *LOL* I hear ya, sista!! 😉 Ah, bless; right back at you, Donna!! And big, big hot chocolate hugs (with tiny marshmallows) back to you! Cher xo


  2. Donna, belated Happy BDay! Always a fun post to read. New theme Adaption is different, interesting! I’ll be there on the 29th…winter blues thing is real even without snow and freezing temps. Have a good week! 💛 Elizabeth


    1. Thanks, unless firemen show up from the blaze of candles on the cake, I try to ignore my birthday most years lol 😉
      Awesome, hope you can make it. 🙂
      I think part of it is so much happens in December and then January is just kind of…there. 🙂
      Thank you and hope this week treats you well. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Tess, mostly I just ignore it, but cake is cake and cannot be ignored. 😉
      My blogworld is better with you in it, dear friend. 🙂
      Hope this week is good to you and will we travel along The Viking trail with you some more? 😉


      1. Thank you. You are fun to read and visit. Glad we crossed paths along the way, though it matters not that I don’t remember how (still, lucky me).
        Yes, though the weather wept (why I have no idea), we still enjoyed out trip. 😀


      2. I’m so glad we found each other as well although I really can’t remember how either, but still we’re so very lucky. 🙂
        Ahh, love your descriptions, Tess, you can make rain sound like poetry. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’m agog how wonderful an experience blogging has been because of the fantastic people I have met. I don’t always recall details. They don’t matter. It’s the main event that counts and thank YOU. I think your posts are a BLAST. 😀 Thank YOU.
        It might have something with the CHERRY Kool Aid I’ve been sampling. ❤ ❤ ❤


  3. Oh Glenn, how we will miss you …and how I’ve missed your blog! So glad I’m now out of the pregnancy fog and that my newborn has finally become friends (even if for this one sweet hour) with the bassinet so that I may read your offerings…and now I will go sing Take It Easy loudly in the shower…or in my head so I don’t wake the child.


    1. So many gone so quickly and too soon. 🙂
      I remember those days, sort of, cutie pie will let you sleep sometime…love watching little ones sleep, they look so peaceful. 🙂
      Hope everything is going well and wow, a shower, I remember those being hard to fit in during those days too – enjoy and it’s a great song (even in your head).
      Hope this week treats you kindly…and with some downtime. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, he’s so intense. 🙂
        My goodness, you take care of yourself. No worries, the party will rage on for days, even weeks, so anytime you feel up to it, drop by and leave your information. 🙂
        Hope everything goes wonderfully. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. HI Donna?
    How are you? I see your readers are engaged in your consistently entertaining posts, as it should be. You are amazing.
    The reason I am writing is I am getting traffic from this post today, but I don’t see my link anywhere. Is my link here? If so, where? Thanks!


    1. Great, Janice, how are you? 🙂
      Yes, my readers are beyond-words-amazing!
      Yes, you are mentioned, Janice, your blurb and link are toward the bottom of the post between the Spongebob image and the cat blogging image (as reference points) where I talk about the awesome bloggers who hold blog parties and are so generous to other bloggers…Glad to hear you’re getting some traffic – I’m having a blog party next Friday January 29th, hope you can make it. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know how stressful moving can be, but it’s ongoing so even if you show up weeks late, better late than never. 😉
      Best of luck with the move, I hope it goes smoothly. 🙂


  5. Red fish, blue fish, one fish, two fish… you are so funny!
    Hi Donna,
    Thank you so much for the link and the promotion. I am honored.
    As a blogging tips blogger, I read a lot about the importance of links. Thank you so much!


  6. Hi Donna,
    Happy belated birthday (I know the feeling, trying to forget all mine, too!). Tried to find a pretty chocolate birthday cake for you, alas they are all white! Not much fun in that, huh?
    Love the new look!
    Will try to drop in Friday, but have out of town visitors coming so may not make it, have fun and meet lots of new to you bloggers!


    1. Thank you kindly, it’s the thought that counts and turns out, thoughts have less calories than chocolate cake, who knew? 😉
      Thanks, I’m trying out a few themes to see which one works, happy for the feedback. 🙂
      If you don’t make it Friday, no worries, these parties keep going and going, drop by anytime after to leave your blog link or post links and find some great bloggers!
      Hope this week treats you well and you have a lovely time with your visitors. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, I hope it was wonderful!!
        Isn’t wonderful they do have less calories? At the rate my mind races and the thoughts I never carry through with, I’d be HUGE (and then some)!
        You have a great week, too. Blessings!


    1. You must be pooped after all your birthday celebrating. 🙂
      Take it easy, hope this week treats you kindly, dear one. 🙂
      Massive-birthday-hope-the-candles-didn’t-burn-down-anything-or-singe-your-beard-can’t-wait-to-hear-about-your-week-hugs xo


  7. You can’t beat a blog party for meeting new people if you’re an introvert 🙂
    It was great to see Harrison back.
    Orphan Black 3 is great, if confusing. The BBC showed the whole series in one week, which was faster than I could watch it, what with the TV being mostly ignored these days. I hope you enjoy it.


    1. It is great, hope you can make it. 🙂
      Yes, Harrison, that smile. 😉
      Orphan Black S3 is great, but you’re right, I feel like I need a scorecard to know what’s going on. 🙂 Luckily our library just switched it so we can keep seasons (as opposed to a movie) for 3 weeks, it used to be one, but like you’re saying, who can get through a season in a week, or want to?
      Hope this week treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for adding my post, Take It Easy about my big beat the winter blahs Blog Party next Friday January 29th, 2016. So kind of you. Hope you can make it and until then that this week treats you well. 🙂


  8. I am my sunshine, my only sunshine, I make me happy, when skies are gray, I’ll never know, dear, how much I love me… oh, and I want to sleep with me in the desert tonight, with a million stars all around.


  9. This just cracked me up this morning! It is morning my time, really. I will come back Friday, I hope. Chocolate just for commenting and reading, really, I am jealous!!


    1. Yes, I put my own spin on it…Thanks for the reblog, Jonathan. 🙂
      Hope you can make it out to my blog party tomorrow – great way to meet other bloggers and have them meet you. 🙂


    1. Well since they played football for over half of it it’s no surprise many didn’t miss it…weird.
      Yes, come back and leave links so people can follow the bloglinkcrumbs to your blog. 🙂


  10. Awesome and inspiring post Donna. Yes Canada seems to be slip slidin’ away in so many respects it’s frightening. Thanks for singing us an Eagle’s tune. I’m in the U.S and happy to report I ate cauliflower tonight. It cost me $2.79 US which was still cheaper than home even with a shitty exchange. 🙂


    1. I’m hoping we’re back on track now or at least we have a chance to be.
      I noticed our cauliflower prices have dropped to $2.99…I’m still sticking with in season though. 😉
      Hope you can make it to the blog party tomorrow Debby so people can find the wonder of you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Sally, for the reblog and the lovely invite. 🙂
      Yes, Red can put on whatever list he wants lol 😉
      Hope you can make it and so many others, it should be something. 🙂
      Until then, wishing you a lovely week. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Yes, Donna, all the wonderful folks in the blogosphere may it very easy to keep blogging. Your images crack me up – I always know there a laugh here along with the wisdom. Have a wonderful blog party! If my brain doesn’t go blank (which it frequently does these days) I will be over 🙂


    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Erica, not only for the lovely nomination, but look at the company I’m in! 🙂
      While I don’t technically accept awards anymore, I love your questions/answers and the questions you pose so…
      1. What is your most vivid memory of childhood, good or bad? – Family, friends, and cats. 🙂
      2. Do you have any pets? – Not at this time, but I’ve had several cats over my lifetime.
      3. Who is your favorite comedian / comedienne? – My first fav was Groucho Marx, Steve Martin…there are too many to list – I love, love, love to laugh! 🙂
      4. Mountains or seaside? – Mountain.
      5. What book / books made a lasting impression on you? – Too many to list, my fav in childhood was Charlotte’s Web…Island of the Blue Dolphins, Little Women, anything by Jane Austen, Anne of Green Gables and then I discovered sci-fi 😉
      6. Do you have a room with a view? – Just in my mind.
      7. Are you politically inclined? (no pressure here, needn’t answer) Any causes you support or believe in? – Yes, affordable housing, child safety, animal rights, women’s issues, again, too many to name. 😉
      8. What really pisses you off? – Depends on the day.
      9. What makes you smile? – My son. My family. Friends. Writing.
      10. Why did you start blogging? – To relax and to share writing freelance and of course, to be rich and famous…guess I should rethink this lol 😉
      Thanks again, hope you can make it to my blog party tomorrow – great way to meet other bloggers and have them meet you.
      Hope this day treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I love this post. I love the incorporation if the lyrics. The positivity and feel good vibe is the best thing for a Friday night. Thank you.


    1. Thank you, Ian, for sharing this. You’re too kind, but thank you. 🙂
      You didn’t miss the party, it’s ongoing – my blogdoor is always open for you. 🙂
      Drop by anytime and promote anything (one link per comment). 🙂
      Thanks for the cake, and hope you’re taking it easy. 🙂
      Hope this day is being good to you…and every day.


    1. Thank you, Ian, for sharing this. You’re too kind, but thank you. 🙂
      You didn’t miss the party, it’s ongoing – my blogdoor is always open for you. 🙂
      Drop by anytime and promote anything (one link per comment). 🙂
      Thanks for the cake, and hope you’re taking it easy. 🙂
      Hope this day is being good to you…and every day.

      Liked by 1 person

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