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Rock Me Amadeus

1funny524No one ever talked or did stuff like they did in 80’s movies. Ever.

In the future, they’ll probably dig up 80’s movies and come to conclusions like: Ferris Bueller was a god, aliens could phone home from Earth, “wax on, wax off” was a common phrase, and paternity results were only told to your child in space, after you cut off their hand. They’re going to think the 80’s were even more messed up than they were.


And what was with romance in the 80’s?
Why sit on a table with a birthday cake and a cute boy? I can think of much better things to do…with that cake.
Everyone was dancing – dirty dancing, flashdancing, Kevin Bacon dancing (don’t know what else to call it).
A guy with a boom box and a trench coat outside your house…nowadays, restraining order, or it would go viral, or both.1funny560

Officers, gentlemen, risky business, funny business.
Adventures, in space or babysitting, as long as they were most excellent, dude.
Supernatural, psycho, science, time travel – sometimes all at once.
Where’d they get all the gremlins, goonies, vampires, muppets, and aliens?
Actually, that all sounds like the soundtrack to my 80’s.


Know what also ruled in the 80’s? Political incorrectness. Who could worry about offending anyone when girls just wanted to have fun and boys wanted girls to have fun, especially with them?

I kind of miss it. Sure, political correctness is good in theory, don’t say unto others what you don’t want said to you, but has the correctness over-corrected? I don’t know if you can change human nature, people just say weird stuff.

  • “That’s the best kind of cancer to have.”  Let’s review that sentence. Nope, still looks weird. The best kind of cancer is no cancer.

  • “Don’t worry.”  Why are they telling me not to worry, is it because they know I should be worried and they don’t want me to panic?

  • “Do you have a bathroom?”  Did you mean to ask if you can use my bathroom, because yes, I have a bathroom, I don’t ‘go’ in the yard.


  • “Money won’t make you happy.”  I think money and I would be very happy together, we’d make the perfect couple (couple of million).

  • “Time heals all wounds.”  Not true. Time doesn’t heal anything, it just passes.

  • “If you get lost in the woods, don’t panic.”  Of course I’m going to panic! I’m lost, in the woods!!! Surrounded by bears, badgers, and bugs, maybe zombies in the dark (when I picture being lost in the woods, it’s always dark), and with my luck, zombie bears, badgers and bugs (note to self, pitch a spin-off to AMC, working title, The Walking Bears, Badgers, and Bugs ).


  • “Everything happens for a reason.”  Technically correct, but I’m not sure that’s how people mean it.

  • “I think therefore I am.”  Not true for everyone, have you been on the internet?

  • “I know you are, but what am I?”  This one is actually timeless.


 Back to 2015, my Don’t Worry, Be Happy 365 day project enters Week 3, will I falter?
Week 1, amazing:
Week 2, a revelation:

Week 3:

1. Remove 15 minutes or more per day of sitting time (replace with dancing, but with less enthusiasm to Falco’s Rock Me Amadeus, my knee will thank me).

2. Remove another 100 calories per day (Again, not veggies…perhaps cake, but not, like chocolate cake, right?).

3. Remove 15 minutes or more of screen time per day to read or research.

4. Do 1 thing I’ve put off doing.

5. Read a book I said I’d never read (doesn’t leave me the range you’d think it would).

6. Pay it forward, aka do something good and don’t tell anyone what I did.

7. Try a food I haven’t tried (I guess I can’t sneak cake in and pretend?).



Very me

113 thoughts on “Rock Me Amadeus

  1. Are you trying to say that Ferris wasn’t a god? Why, that’s just not true! I mean, it couldn’t be true… No ma’m, I won’t believe it! Stop spreading lies!

    (And John Cusack can recreate his famous boombox scene for me anytime.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this, Donna! Thanks for a fun trip back! It really is interesting to see how things have changed – which you so astutely pointed out for us. Used to love Rock Me Amadeus! I will think of you dancing to it now! And you just rock with those goals – no pun intended there. Hope you have a great Monday 🙂


    1. Thanks for dropping by. 🙂
      Yes, so much has changed, but so much has stayed the same. 🙂
      Yes, I’m a maniac, maniac on the floor (no seriously, I have ended up on the floor). 😉
      I am rockin’ my goals (pun completely intended).
      Hope this day treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Alas my misspent youth. I was working so hard, I often feel like i missed the ’80s. I absorbed the ’70s (especially the music), but i wasn’t old enough to participate much…
    Thanks for the Rock Me Amadeus video. It added an nice touch of surreal perkiness to my Monday. 😀
    Mega hugs my friend. And have the cake — i won’t tell. 🙂


    1. You can always revisit. 😉
      You’re welcome and I’m glad I could add surreal perkiness, it was what I was going for, Monday totally needs that. 😉
      Sadly, cake often has it’s way with me. 😉
      Megahugs and hope this day is good to you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too!!!
      Thanks, I can’t believe I’m there either. It’s been fairly easy in some ways and difficult in others, but so far, I’m enjoying the process.
      Thanks for dropping by and RTing, I appreciate the support.
      Hope this day is as awesome as you (hey, we can hope)! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It was a wild time. Yes, my son is in his teens and watching some of them…mostly I hear comments like, were you that weird even then? Gee, thanks. 😉


      1. He likes some of them, but can’t resist poking fun at his old Mom. You might want to find a place to hide out for those few years, perhaps somewhere tropical? 😉


  4. I still say Falco was saying, Hot potatoes, hot potatoes. I too blame the 80s movies and media! Actually I don’t but it would explain a lot . . .


    1. I tried to learn German (can understand most of it, but can’t speak it yet) just to understand that album, which I played until it wore out. 😉
      I think we can safely blame the 80’s for a lot, come on, who isn’t still dazed from all the neon? 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I blame the 80s! They are trying to sell ugly pants again but this time, we are wiser . . .


  5. I liked “time heals all wounds” how about, “time wounds all heals”? Oh the 80’s, me and my big glasses. I was a hunk… Now not so much…


  6. 1980s pop culture has left a big imprint on me as well. Of course, there are so many ripples to the music scene of the times, with upstart sub-genres of rock (most of which got their starts in the late ’60s or 1970s), like hip-hop, rap, new wave, reggae, and metal, to make it really interesting along with all the pop songs, movies, and memes you’ve cited. What an awesome stroll down many memoried lanes–like, really cool, and cowabunga, man! 🙂


    1. The music of the 80’s is still mostly my favourite…it’s a constant beat in my head that all too often causes side effects like singing and dancing. 😉
      Thank you kindly and I’m glad we could pop back in time together! 🙂


    1. I kind of skipped the serious parts of the decade…some are still lingering. It’s never to late to revisit it, the fun parts. 😉
      Very welcome, hope this day is being good to you, John! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love the 80’s because I can still remember them, I could still do crazy stuff and get away with it — or did I? Hmm. The best part is I remember most of the 80’s.

    Ha ha ha. Fabulous post, Donna. It was a crazy time, but a good time to be a.l.i.v.e. 😀 😀


  8. Totally true…With political correctness…who could say anything at all? I’m with you…political incorrectness is much more fun. Great post! Have a super week 🙂


  9. I have a friend who was born in the wrong decade- but he acts like he’s still in the 80s.

    (And for some reason, this reminded me of Guardians of the Galaxy. :P)


  10. These days: guys holding ipods over their heads outside your house? Just not the same as the boombox.
    Thanks 80s, so much for my unrealistic expectations!
    Great post – I loved this. Even though I didn’t grow up in the 80s, I grew up watching 80s movies 🙂


    1. The 80’s were responsible for a lot, good and bad…you’re right, the iPod just wouldn’t be the same or he’d probably just text or tweet, again, not the same. 😉
      Thank you kindly or dropping by, hope this day treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m more a 70s boy, to be honest; I wore a suit a lot in the 80s and matching socks. Matching each other, not the suit. And I ran. For fun. No, not fun but not because I needed to get away. Unlike the 70s. And I paid rent on time – in fact having rent money alone distinguishes the 70s and the 80s. I think I went to an opera in the 80s. And a ballet. Though it might have been one and the same as I fell asleep and woke up in the 90s with children and a sort of migraine. So were the 80s good? They sound good, don’t they? In theory. Like Cheerios and flossing. Though not together. Maybe if we hadn’t been so keen on buying curtains I might have seen the 80s. But they’ll soon be the new 60s so I’ll enjoy them then. Thanks Donna.


    1. It sounds like your decades have been interesting, or at least decorated. 😉
      Thanks for dropping by and making me laugh…your decades sound like they should be in a book, with matching pages?
      Hope this week is being good to you, so far. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Great piecing together some of the classics of the 80’s. We will probably always look back fondly on days gone past that were monumental in our growing into who we are now. The bad kinda fades a little and just the good stuff remains…
    Bueller? Bueller?


    1. Anyone? Anyone?
      Time gives us the gift of amplifying the good and muting the bad.
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly and remember, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, sorry this took so long, it got kicked into spam (no idea why, it’s WordPress, sigh), but glad I found you. I homeeducted my son with Autism, I enjoyed your posts and shared some. 🙂


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