Posted in Blogs, Books, ebooks

The Curse of Time

Time shambles forward, clumsy, cumbersome cogs crushing us beneath its graceless bulk. At least that’s what it feels some days. Other days it feels like “Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.” (Groucho Marx?). We just have to hope for the best as the big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff (thank you Doctor Who, you always have right wordsies for every situation) drags us along on its universal joyride.

Spending time reading M.J. Mallon’s first book in the series, “The Curse of Time: Bloodstone”, I must warn you, could fill you with magic and mystery, intrigue and imagination, romance and possible fear of ruination and the worst part, you may not be able to put it down. Start reading only when you have time (hint: make time).

I started following Marje’s (M.J. Mallon) blog ages ago (a great choice if I do say so), but despite being a fellow blogger I have to give an honest review. I honestly enjoyed it and I know the prejudice some people have against YA so let’s call this YAH (Young At Heart)…Paulo Coelho wisely told us, “Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.”  Same goes for books, read what you want to read. book has young people, yet the themes, feelings, fears, hopes, and dreams are ageless, timeless. It brings you instantly into the seeming dysfunction and discovery of Amelina’s life; knowing there are layers and layers to peel back. I like when an author gives me a page-turner so chock-full of fantasy and mystery I want to flip to the end just to see, to know – I don’t ever do it but I love when I want to.

Einstein probably said, “Time is an illusion”

Time is an illusion, magical and never more so than when absorbed in a cool book.
Time is also a puzzle and Marje captures that perfectly by using puzzle pieces instead of chapters.
I have only one real issue, I hate to be nitpicky…where’s the next book? I’ll wait because we know, time spent with a wonderful book is time well-spent.

Time teaches too, I recently learned that pigs do fly, well, at least glowing pigs fly. I’m so lucky, not only to have the gift of my blogging community/family but sometimes it gets even better, they send me two of my favourite words,  free books!!! Other words I love together? Universal Healthcare! Tons’o’pasta! Free chocolate!

Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene, an astonishing blog and book presence sent me another amazing book in her Atonement, Tennessee series, (we all make that sound when we laugh sometimes, er, don’t we?) Stories, The Glowing Pigs. I fell in love with pigs reading Charlotte’s Web a zillion (true story, a zillion) times, but this made me fall all over again…and these ones glow (my son has questions about glowing bacon and not in a you-live-in-the-Simpsons’-Springfield-sort-of-way). If you haven’t had the pleasure of visiting Atonement, Tennessee, I respectfully suggest you rectify that immediately.

There are a few problems with Teagan’s work,
1) They’re captivating, possibly addictive,
2) You might get the urge to go to the nearest animal shelter and rescue a calico cat, in hopes it might be as wonderful as Lilith – don’t worry, all cats are magical and wonderful, they’ll tell you so each and every day…

And 3) You’ll want to move to the spooky, magical, charming Atonement and be plum disappointed when you find out it was all created in Teagan’s mind (ie. Atonement In Bloom, organic and locally grown).

Grunt, snuffle, snort, I hope to visit again and again (this needs to be a TV series…needs to be)

Speaking of time, Doctor Who is back (and the nerd crowd goes wild!). The Doctor is clearly written as an attention-challenged, arrogant lost boy, but so far, Jodie Whittaker is taking up the mantle and charging forth, fast-talking, befuddled and so far, bloody fun. I am beyond pleasantly surprised (Oops, I love when that happens!).

One could almost forget this season’s forgettable villains and companions, shaky camera, over-bright colours and inconsistencies…I said almost. Maybe we need more Captain Jack and kittens?

In the 4 plus decades I’ve watched Doctor Who, some Doctors are better, and some, well, let’s not get into it now, time will tell.

Blogging also takes a lot of time (and energy)

Yet I keep coming back for more…

“How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”

Seriously, Dr. Seuss, even my 5 year blog anniversary flewn by…

I guess time can be a curse or gift, depending on how you use it.


Very me

150 thoughts on “The Curse of Time

  1. What a grin I have, sitting at my desk. They’ll definitely wonder what I’m up to. Your posts always have that effect on me though, Donna. 😀 Thank you-thank you for reading “The Glowing Pigs, Snort Stories of Atonement Tennessee.” I’m tickled pink that you liked it.
    Yes, I think I would be afraid of glowing bacon… Grunt snuffle snort hugs!


    1. Glad you liked it Teagan – and a grin is the best thanks ever!!! 🙂
      Hope this day is filled with many more grins and giggles and snorts!
      Mega bacon probably shouldn’t glow but would still likely taste great hugs xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You start off with a descriptive sentence that could have started a Steampunk novel. Rich and sumptuous indoors but the faint whiff of skin of the teeth technology once outside. I’m staying where it’s warmest.especially if you fancy a snuggle.Of course I’ll read your reviews first I mean who wouldn’t want to read about the magnificence of M J Mallons new book and the outstanding work of Teagan R Geneviene in Atonement. Personally I find it’s the rats have all the magic and cats have all the luck.
    Dr Who has been very kind in taking me to Christmas Eve and all the sales where I’ve bought all my Christmas presents in advance, and much cheaper. Only problem is she’s dropped me off a day too early and I’m trying to avoid meeting myself before I actually go.
    Wishing you all the Hugs I can’t give you.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I was inspired by Teagan and Marje and The Doctor, dear David and you and all my blogging family. 😉
      Cats and rats know how to party, with magic or luck or both, they find a way to keep going and going. 😉
      Yes, you never want to meet yourself, being in the same space-time continuum, especially when bearing gifts, I shudder to think of how that might go wrong – but yahoo on the sales, dear friend. lol
      Thanks for taking the time to drop by, comment, make me smile, and share.
      Massive magical even across an ocean hugs xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly for the wonderful reblog and for spreading the #bloglove and the #booklove 🙂
      Hope this day is treating you kindly. 🙂
      Thank you again, words cannot express my appreciation enough. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, I love the new Dr. Who, too! So happy to see that you’re a Who-fan. Usually the new Dr. takes a bit getting used to, not this one.

    Since you like Free Books, would you like to review A SHIP OF PEARL? Send me an email if you would. I’ll send it along, post haste.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, each new Doctor is different, I remember when Tom Baker left I swore I’d never like another Doctor…I watched Peter Davidson and he was awesome too. You never know, that’s why we have to give them a chance. 🙂
      Yes, I’d love it and I’ll send you an email, maybe not post haste but soon, if not, email me to remind me. 🙂
      Hope this day is treating you kindly.


  4. Always a delight to hear from you, Donna 🙂 I loved your review of “The Curse of Time: Bloodstone.” I also like “when an author gives me a page-turner so chock-full of fantasy and mystery I want to flip to the end just to see, to know – I don’t ever do it but I love when I want to.”

    Unlike you, I have to confess that I have recently succumbed to such a temptation. The plight of the heroine was too difficult to endure. I needed assurance that she would overcome it all in the end. Silly me.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Delighted to be here and even more so to review The Curse of Time and Teagan’s books, aren’t we lucky to have such a talented and brilliant blogging family? 🙂
      I know what you mean and I am sorely tempted…I also sometimes cover my eyes or put the book down when things are getting scary and I admit, I have made a book stretch because I don’t want it to end. 😉
      Thanks for dropping by and hope this day is treating you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  5. As someone who remembers nearly all the Doctors I waited with trepidation for this woman one. Jodie Whittaker is good, but I can’t help feeling the directors and writers kinda chickened out by making her tomboyish in fashion and character. Imagine if she’d turned out with long flowing locks, a pretty dress and stilettos? Interesting idea? Love your posts, they must take ages to put together.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think they’re easing people into the idea. The fan base was decidedly split on the idea and we’ll see what the future holds. The BBC might just be taking baby steps to appease some fans. For me, she’s the second female Doctor, I know it isn’t canon, but Joanna Lumley was an awesome female Doctor in the Comic Relief special, “Curse of the Fatal Death”. 😉
      They surprisingly don’t, but they take ages for me to get around to doing each post, I’m slow blogging as I go through a different journey than when I started over 5 years ago, but thank you for your kind words and for being a fellow Whovian – Gallifrey Forever, Daleks Never! lol 😉

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      1. And of course David Tennant’s Doctor had a daughter cloned from him by an alien species. She went off at the end of the episode in her own Tardis. The scriptwriters seemed to forget all about her – maybe because the actress and Tennant married…

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you so much for reading The Curse of Time and writing such a lovely review it really made my day very special. There is nothing better than when someone special reads my work and really gets it! I can see from your review you did! You rock, blogging sister! 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m sorry to hear that, hope you get well very soon. 🙂
        I have been ‘cursed’ with sinus issues and migraines so Fall, though beautiful is not kind to me, but having you all here makes it all better. Hope you can drop by the blog party and leave links to posts, books, social media, whatever – the more the scarier lol 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Donna, your posts are always an entertainment feature! It’s amazing how you put them together. Your brain must be whirling around ninety-miles-an-hour! Love all the videos. Thanks for the fun trip beginning to end! 📚🎶 Christine

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My brain is a leaping frog who hops from lily pad to lily pad, thanks for taking the leap with me. 🙂
      Thanks for taking the time to drop by, comment, and share you and us. 🙂
      Wishing you all the best, always xoxoxox

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you thank you thank you, there are not enough thanks yous in the world to express my gratitude for your kindness, Rob. That’s for the reblog. Wishing you some peace, joy and a break from the news and social media. lol 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Time flows faster the older you get–I know from experience. A week goes by in about three and a half days! Monday. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday night! How did I get so old so fast I wonder as I look at the old face in the morning mirror? One TARDIS I remember had an anchor I think. If you can find it, throw it out and hang on! Wish I could start over. Love your posts Donna.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It sure does! Starting over might be interesting, but I always wonder, would I just somehow end up in the same place…and time? 😉
      Hope this week is treating you kindly, but because it’s Thursday and doesn’t exist in your week, hope tomorrow goes well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, John. 🙂
      Yes, Teagan sure gets into your heart and mind and bookcase – how do you authors do it, produce such incredible work? Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. 😉
      Wishing you a lovely weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. They are certainly done, er, my way lol 😉 I’m always honest but wow, you all keep giving me fantastic work! Keep it up, all of you, I love it!!! 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly, dear Debby and big bloggy hugs xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, dear Sally, not only for the reblog (dreadfully grateful for that, more than words can say), but also for the awesome introduction, You’re too kind (please don’t stop). Thank you for always sharing the #booklove and the #bloglove!!!
      Hope this weekend is delight-filled!!! All the best always. 🙂 xoxoxoxox Big hugs


    1. Thank you, dear Sally, not only for the reblog (dreadfully grateful for that, more than words can say), but also for the awesome introduction, You’re too kind (please don’t stop). Thank you for always sharing the #booklove and the #bloglove!!!
      Hope this weekend is delight-filled!!! All the best always. 🙂 xoxoxoxox Big hugs

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 135 books and a few DVDs for $21. I was truly in a paradise, even the few snowflakes that tried to rain on our parade were soundly ignored. 😉
        Hope the week treats you kindly, dear Sally. 🙂 xox

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Glowing flying pigs – a few years ago that would have seemed impossible, but now, who knows? All I really know is I’m so glad authors keep producing such incredible works to fill my mind with wonder.
      Let me know how your flying time with flying pigs goes. 😉
      Thank you kindly and I’m enjoying wearing sweaters and cozy socks. 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. Big bloggy hugs xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. At the rate I’m going, I’ll have the fly pigs, flying monkeys, wicked witches and who knows what other flying creatures with me by the time I get around to all I need to do, LOL! (I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto!!)
        We got down in the 30’s last night, warm fuzzy socks, hot cider AND hot chocolate were the order of the evening!!
        Big bloggy hugs to you, too!!


      2. It’s cool here too and the wind has dropped a lot of the leaves and of course, it’s raining – I think we need sweaters (and plenty of them), gloves 🧤, warm fuzzy socks and hot hot hot drinks! 😉 ☕☕☕☕☕☕

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      3. We haven’t lost many leaves yet, but we have had the rain. Yesterday was a shock, though, it was in the high 70’s!
        I’m with you on the sweaters, gloves, socks and VERY hot drinks!


    1. Dear Teagan, congrats on another astonishingly wonder-filled book and now, book launch!!! 📚 Thanks for letting us hop on board!!! 🚏
      This is a bloomin’ wild ride and the other passengers are the cat’s meow 🐱 – what amazing company to be in for this remarkable, supernatural ride! Thank you for including me in your magical mystery tour.
      Words cannot express how your books 📚📚📚 and blog posts fill me and clearly many others with delight and joy.
      Off to visit everyone and share!!! ❤️❤️❤️
      Hope this weekend brings you much peace and hope, dear friend, as you bring to us.
      Mega “Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit” hugs 🤗🤗🤗 xoxoxoxox


      1. I saw the greatest thing on Twitter a while ago–a guy who always tells the Starbucks barista that his name is Bueller so that they have to yell it out a couple of times–genius!


    1. Aren’t we lucky to have such magical books from such fantastic authors? 😉
      Yes, she’s saucy and so far, a delight, she’s her own party! lol 🙂
      Hope this week treats you kindly and thanks for taking the time to drop by.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Just when I thought #TrafficJamWeekend couldn’t get any better, it does. Thank you all so much for having this wonderful party every week, it’s an amazing way for bloggers to connect and thank you to all who viewed my post and who shared it!!! Hope to see you all again this week and for many weeks/years to come!!! Hope this weekend treats you kindly! 🙂


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