Posted in motivational, Uncategorized


“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
Dr. Seuss was correct (always, even if he might not have said this one, who knows, but he makes me smile).
Nothing can protect you from the storms of life, not enough the biggest umbrella (thanks Rhianna/Jay-Z, I’ll never get that song out of my head). on those rain boots, galoshes, rubbers, overshoes, Wellies, whatever and go out and dance in the rain. Stand in it. Sit. Sleep.

Those storms are going to come, whether you fear them or not.
Change is going to come whether you fear it or not.
The lightning strikes of technology.
The rumbling thunder of racism.
The pelting hail of misinformation.
The sleet of corruption.

The hurricanes of hate.
The tornadoes of greed.
The slapping winds of regression.
Face them. Fight them. Survive them. But you can’t avoid them.

Ignoring something never made it go away. Get stormy, let your inner Mary Poppins out, and get on with it.

Too often in my life I’ve missed out on good, hell, amazing things because I was afraid. My fear stopped me. Siting on my shoulder, claws curled into my trembling flesh, cackling in my ear about how I was going to fail, how it wasn’t going to turn out anyway (it rarely did), I was going to get hurt, I was going flounder, or goof…

I was going to ruin things, even ruin my life I listened, avidly, to the voice of fear, so I missed out on smiling because it happened.

Much of what we fear stems from what we’ve learned, consciously or subconsciously.
Fear is actively used in: child-rearing, schooling, work, play, sports, politics, science, religion, movies, TV, books, business, and well, everything – then we’re shocked/surprised that fear rules us? Sometimes those fears are irrational and sometimes: “be afraid, be very afraid”.

So many fears…Fear of the dark comes from fear of the unknown (what’s out there I can’t see?).
Fear of strangers, immigrants, different races?  Just people you don’t know yet.

Fear of snakes?  Boo, hiss!
Fear of antiques? That gets old fast.
Fear of spiders?  Sorry Charlotte, you know I love you (and your web), but you’re super creepy looking.
Fear of bananas?  That’s bananas!
Fear of time?  But it’s so wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
Fear of falling asleep?  Probably good away after a good night’s sleep.
Fear of Trump?  Well, duh, that’s rational.
Fear of failure? It has all happened before and it will all happen again.
Fear of success?  I could live with that.
Fear of heights You never want to get to the bottom of things with that one, but I could fall for that fear.
Fear of planes, trains, and automobiles Really, it’s a hilarious movie.
Fear of books?  What?!? The?!? No, just no.
Fear of fear?  Nothing to fear but…

Yoda got it so right, “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering”.

“No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.” ~C.S. Lewis
Some days I feel I’ve lost something, or am missing something. In those times, I go about my life with a weird, niggling feeling gnawing at the base of my skull.
Slowly I come to the same conclusion, it feels like fear, but it’s grief. Loss of loved ones, loss of health, loss of what could have been, loss of civility, loss of decency, loss of honour, loss of dreams as they fade into changed expectations.
Yet, at these moments, “There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”  Jane Austen, my courage hasn’t always risen – I’ve been intimidated, dispirited, badgered, ruffled, browbeaten, disheartened, constrained…But sorry not sorry that’s a thing of the past (and it can stay there)
Fear is likely even part of my procrastination issues I’ve made a promise, to myself, to let my courage flag fly, I can’t always let them grind me down…

I used to believe if I tried to control everything I could control, even conquer my fear. That I could stop bad things from happening. Nope. The only thing I can control is how I react to fear. How I react to the bad things.
I’m out of control and loving it (when I’m not terrified beyond words).
Trust yourself. Respect yourself. Not the Fear.
And I hope you know, you can always stand under my umbrella (not with the Umbrella Corporation, they suck), or dance with me in the rain.


Very me

167 thoughts on “Umbrella

    1. I love heights, except the thought of what’s below, that sudden stop at the end so I understand, Jan, really.
      I miss John Candy, he did so much amazing work, gone too soon.
      Hope this is treating you well and you’re weathering any storms. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much so sharing the #bloglove, Ian. I hope this weekend is treating you well and have a magnificent week ahead. 🙂 I appreciate the reblog, the sharing and all the kind support. Big bloggy hugs xox


    1. I’m so thrilled for you and your family, Cora sounds like she will be a source of wonder and delight for all. 🙂
      Thank you for the kind words and the mention (yes, I am this far behind on comments, WordPress played a trick on me, long story, not important). Sending you all the best, always for all. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much so sharing the #bloglove, Ian. I hope this weekend is treating you well and have a magnificent week ahead. 🙂 I appreciate the reblog, the sharing and all the kind support. Big bloggy hugs xox


  1. I’d dance in the rain with you anytime. Sometimes fears go away or at least diminish when you reach my age, sometimes the fears just change to something else.Heights, I can’t climb them anymore, spiders, I can catch them (in a glass) and put them outside now.Trump, well you said yourself it’s rational but maybe the fear is going to go away since the GOP have the opportunity to right some wrongs now and get rid of him. Or will they continue to pretend that all is well and leave the monster to haunt us all? Can that fear be faced?
    xxx Gigantic Hugs xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Are we going to Waltz, Dubstep, Jive, The Macarena, Samba, The Robot, Bolero, Twist, Charleston, Moonwalk, do The Worm, Jitterbug (you put the boom boom into my heart…), Foxtrot, Tango, Alpha Charlie – I think I’ve lost my train of thought. I’d dance with you anywhere, anytime, anyhow – we’re creak along! 😉
      Oh I think the GOP will continue to collaborate, they’re in too deep. They might remember time and history are much kinder to the hero/heroine that steps up, even if he or she is not favoured in the moment, than to collaborators/cowards who went along.
      Massive dance me to the edge of bloglove hugs xoxoxoxox

      Liked by 2 people

  2. As Wednesday Adams has it, ‘Be afraid, be very afraid!’ But you don’t need to be, with an umbrella. There is a well-documented case of a missionary in Africa using an umbrella to deal with a charging lion. He opened and closed it at the beast, and the lion applied emergency brakes and scrammed at speed!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love Wednesday Adams, we always seemed like kindred spirits. lol 😉
      Oh my, well, I want to avoid that, but yet another good reason to have an umbrella. lol 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It never really feels right until dear David is here, does it? Now there’s a smile-giver. 😉
      Hope you have a wonder-filled day and weather any and all storms that may come your way! 🙂 xox

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for the reblog, you’re too kind. 🙂
      Big bloggy hugs and hope you’re staying cool (love all your suggestions). 🙂
      Thank you and hope you have a wonder-filled day (today and every single day). 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post. Feel the fear and do it anyway – or something like that. Loved ‘The pelting hail of misinformation.The sleet of corruption.’ Well, I don’t love misinformation or corruption, obviously, but I loved your analogies.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Days yes, but the nights, last night in particular I thought I was going to have to break out the tools and build a boat. 😉
        Wishing you wonder and love, always. xoxox

        Liked by 1 person

      2. LOL, we went from drought conditions last year to extreme flooding, maybe we’ll pass each other in our boats and can stop long enough to at least say “Hi,” before they go rapidly floating on by!! 😁⛵⛵💖
        Thank you, I wish the same for you! xoxo


      3. Like two blogger ships that pass in the extreme weather? lol 😉
        We’re breathing a sigh of slight relief right now, it’s a bit cooler and not heavy storms…until tomorrow. We’re gonna need bigger boats, RobbyeFaye… 😉
        Wishing you a peace-filled and joyous weekend. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. LOL!!
        Glad it’s cooling off some. We’re supposed to start getting some cooler weather next week.
        One thing about it, if we get bigger boats-we can pick up other blogger friends and have a party!⛵🛳🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️💃🎪
        Have a great week!!💖😊


      5. I’m glad to hear it, we’re supposed to get a break after today (fingers crossed). 😉
        Boat Blog party!!! Whoop! Whoop! That sounds awesome! I’m in! 😉
        Thanks and hope your week is wonder-filled. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      6. I hope the break materialized!
        I’m in, too! Who knows one day it might happen!! 🛥
        I hope you have a fantastically wonder-filled week, and life!💖😊💖


      7. That’s neat-cornbread is one of my weaknesses! My kids prefer it as pancakes, I prefer it baked! (I would hope I could have a weekend full of cornbread-I doubt I will though!!)
        I hope your week is filled with laughter, joy and all good things, especially cornbread!🧀(I know it’s cheese, but maybe if you squint, you can pretend it’s a slice of cornbread!!


  4. Fear and its cousin, Worry are tough to deal with. But you’re right, the only thing you can control is how you react to it. And we can be afraid of (or worry about) something that’s completely out of our hands, and what happens won’t be changed whether or not we’re afraid or worry. Great post and good timing for me!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. This morning the wildfire smoke has lifted somewhat (a bit of a reprieve until the wind changes and it comes back). For the moment I’m happy. I”ll take every happy time I can. Have a great weekend, Donna.


      2. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing all the smoke and wildfires, it really is something we have to find a way to address, and soon. Take care. Wishing you peace, love, understanding, and clean air. xoxox

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’ve been wondering about this a lot. What will happen next year? As the climate gets more extreme, will the fire situation get worse? Last year I thought, “Well at least there’s nothing left to burn,” but apparently there was. I feel so sorry for the animals in the woods. Of course, the people who lose homes, too, but everywhere in those fires are animals that suffer and die. Doesn’t bear (no pun intended) thinking about.


  5. the fog of … darn I can’t see what I wrote. You are right to put it behind you, so at least you can pretend it’s not there. I guess David will have a good brolly as he lives in Wet Wales and I bet he trips a light fantastic. Maybe he even flosses? I think I’d pay to see you two do a floss-off.. yep definitely – have a joyous day and let the stars peek through that fog…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d do a floss-off, but I think David would win, I mean, look at that smile, he’s got this one in the bag. 😉
      The stars are bright and dancing with the moon – that’s my story and I’m dancing with it. 😉
      Hope this week is filled to the brim with joy and no fog. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. My Grandma always said there’s nothing in the dark that isn’t there in the light, while that was meant to be comforting, geeeeeez, have you seen some stuff that’s there in the light, like, Trump? That’s even more terrifying! lol 😉
      Hope this week is filled with light, love, and peace, dear Debby. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, dearest Teagan, you are, as always, too too kind (keep it coming!). 🙂
      We get up every day and face the world – we’re doing ok as far as I can see. 😉
      Mega are those pigs flying yet? hugs on the wing xoxoxoxox

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I can never say enough, thank you, for the reblog, for the kind words, and mostly, for just being you. 🙂
      Hope your weekend is filled to the brim with peace, love, and nothing fake (sigh). 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree. I keep taking lots of breaks, so I get it. My blogdoor is always, always open to you, Rob, better late than never. I hope your break gave you some peace (and quiet). 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I understand completely – though it’s not getting as much coverage, we have our own little tinpot over-riding our constitution (for revenge) and so much more. How do these people get in…it has to be cheating. Has to.
        Thank you, Rob, that means more than words can express and I feel the same…in any Universe. 🙂
        Big hugs and hope this week brings some peace. 🙂 xox

        Liked by 1 person

      3. The only way to cope is to take a time out. If I log into one social network I log into them all so Trump is cramping my blogging style big time.

        I think the people of the United States should launch a class action and sue him for damages.

        Ya think I should give Michael Avenatti a call?


    1. Glad we could find each other is this sometimes overwhelmingly huge virtual haystack. Hope we can virtually visit often. 🙂
      Happy to share my umbrella. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


    1. It took me a long time (still learning) that I can’t control things, but I can control the way I respond. What a journey! 😉
      Hope your weekend is filled with peace, love, and understanding. xoxo


    1. It took me a long time (still learning) that I can’t control things, but I can control the way I respond. What a journey! 😉 Thank you soooo much for the reblog!!! Words are not enough, but thank you!
      Hope this weekend treats you well, with loads and loads of peace, love, and understanding. 🙂 xox


  6. I love this D.Parker! How’d you know I love Mary Poppins anyway? I had a dream I could fly when I was 4 years old after I saw the movie when I was a kid and I was jumping all over the house and the damn thing is the rest of my family who were all older just let me do it and had a ball with me. At any rate it Still Remains one of my favorite movies of all time and that was one cool drain in Technicolor that I had it for years old I’ll always remember it. where fear is concerned most often the things you fear far worse than what it really is, that’s a fact most people who fear things never do anything because they’re afraid of themselves.

    Cheers the Parker fantastic one! And thank you so much for being one of my biggest and best followers on


    1. Still love that movie and always wanted to find that one umbrella that could make me fly lol ☂️
      So glad we found each other in this giant virtual haystack…together we rise. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you kindly…instead of dancing in the rain I will be dancing in the snow. ❄️❄️❄️


  7. Hi Donna – I used to live my life waiting for the next disaster to arrive – it’s like I wasn’t allowed to be happy because that was just inviting something bad to come along in pay back. Fortunately I woke up to myself somewhere along the line and I’m letting myself dance in the rain more – it’s very refreshing x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I was always the next shoe to drop, better to just pull on those rain boots and dance in the rain. 😉 So very refreshing. 😉
      Thanks for dropping by and hope this week is treating you kindly, Leanne. 🙂 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Ian, I’m behind on my comments, but my sentiment remains the same, I am very grateful so this reblog and your kindness. I hope this weekend is treating you well so far. Any ideas for a new title for my bio? 😉
      Best wishes today and every single day. xox


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