Posted in Autism, Books, Movies, Televison

Tra La La, Tra La La, La

Tra la la, tra la la, la
Tra la la, tra la la, la
Tra la la, tra la la, la

One banana, two banana, three banana, four
All bananas make a split, so do many more….

Flipping like a pancake, popping like a cork
Fleagle bingo drooper and snork

Tra la la, tra la la, la…’re The Banana Splits, at least, we’re meant to be…meant to have more fun. I wonder, are we over thinking life? Always doing, having, wanting, needing, pushing, pulling, rushing, yearning, instead of just being., just maybe, radical thinking alert here, we’re born, are intermittently happy, then leave this world, remembered or unremembered. We need to spend more time flipping like a pancake and popping like a cork. Making up a mess of fun instead of just a mess. TraLaLaing, less brouhahaing. More Fleagle, bingo, drooper, and snork – less fighting, lingo, booper, and snark. wise words of William Wordsworth are all too real now, “The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers…”. today I’m just a girl, sitting in front of her computer, asking you to have fun with her. can read books, talk, laugh, eat, blog, dance, sing, agree, disagree, watch shows/movies – I dunno, have fun…not to judge, nor praise, nor critique. Not to pick apart or speculate. Just to be.’ll start…Couldn’t put down “The Girl Before” by JP Delaney, recommended (on Facebook) by my delightful British cuz, Penny (now there’s a woman who knows how to have fun), thank you, sweetie, it kept me page-turning long after I should been abed.



Very me

134 thoughts on “Tra La La, Tra La La, La

    1. I know, isn’t it amazing? I can’t wait for the second season, Seth MacFarlane keeps taunting us on Twitter with how awesome the second season is, as he talks about filming it, but that just makes me think, great, why don’t you release a couple of episodes while we wait. lol 😉 Fine, fine, I’ll wait, but I may have to rewatch the first season while I do so. 😉
      Hope this weekend is treating you well so far, Lynette. 🙂

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    1. The song keeps popping into my head although to be honest it’s sometimes hard to hear it with all the other stuff jumbled up in there, yet it emerged. lol 😉 Probably because we need more fun and less, ugggh, other. 😉
      You’re too sweet, dear Teagan, I’m playing some major catch-up although I’ve been tweeting (yours especially), but that’s all I seemed to have the energy for, but today is going to be different (I hope). 😉
      Mega tra la la, la la la, la hugs dera friend xoxoxox

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  1. You’ve enlivened me Donna and made me laugh but then one way or another you always do. I remember seeing the Banana Splits and wonder if they could be re-established for a new generation so I can watch them again.
    You have a wonderful week please.
    xxx Unlimited Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a different time and when I see episodes now I wonder what kind of drugs the writers etc. were on, but I think they should give it a whirl, try to bring The Banana Splits to a new generation, to feel the joy too! 😉
      My week has been unintentionally busy, some good, some not to good, but with lots of lovely bits and bites, all things considered, hope yours has been a delight (like you), dear David and hope the week ahead treats you kindly. How is Mike’s trip to our lovely Canada going?
      Massive Tra la la, la la la la hugs xoxoxoxo


    1. They certainly are. 🙂
      Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that, I hope the rest of April is better for you. 🙂
      Ice seems to have hit a lot and today we ave a snowstorm (in April) on top of the ice. April cold brings May gold? 😉
      Thank you so much, Mary, I appreciate your condolences.

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    1. The feeling is mutual, Michael. 🙂
      Oh it’s WordPress slowly destroying their own platform, showing that again, their motto is: ‘If it ain’t broke, break it!’.


  2. Why not, indeed, Donna? Totally agree with your sentiments. With all the pebbles and boulders coming our way everyday, we’ve got to take a time out just to be and do the things we love. I enjoy gardening and forget the world and its problems when I’m out in the sun with my plants 🙂

    Sorry to learn of the loss of your beloved uncle. Such loss can truly suck out our joy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s wonderful, having a place and time where the world falls away is a true gift, Rosaliene! 🙂
      Thank you for your kind thoughts, it was a surprise and I’m still trying to process it and of course, loss always reminds us of previous losses, but I believe that life is for the living and it does those we’ve lost a disservice to not enjoy each day alive. 🙂
      Hope this weekend is being filled with sun and plants and joy! 🙂


  3. What fun…miss that Dr. Who, believe me. Looking forward to Deadpool 2, that’s for sure. Just watched a bunch of Miss Marple and watching them close together gave me an entirely different opinion/slant of/on the show, believe me. Excellent post and my motto (aside from QUESTION AUTHORITY) has always been HAVE FUN! So yay for that…and have it everyday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know what the new era of Doctor Who will bring, but I’ve watched since I was a young child so why stop now? lol 😉
      I know, the trailers look incredible, just as funny/weird as the first, maybe more, Deadpool rules! 😉
      Miss Marple is worth binge-watching, always.
      Question Authority comes naturally, as having fun always did, but in tough times, we have to work a little harder for it.
      Hope this weekend has be filled with buckets of fun! 😉


    1. Thank you, Debby, it was sudden and I think I still haven’t fully processed it yet, your kindness is appreciated.
      Yes and now we’re having a snowstorm, what month is this again? I’m going on an active search for Spring! 😉

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    1. If I can make you and others smile, I feel sharing my random, meandering thoughts was totally worth it! lol 😉
      I think, I hope, Spring might be here, had to open windows (gasp) yesterday, yahoo!!! 🙂
      Hope this weekend is bringing you plenty of smiles and joy, Christine. 🙂


  4. You gave the Banana Splits a whole new context for me. The only time I saw them was when I took a powerful hallucinogen of unknown strength and had a dark existential crisis. Now I know it was all in fun. 🙂 And you’re right, we do need to let ourselves enjoy life. At times it feels as if Trump has taken us hostage.


    1. I’m glad I gave them new life for you, Rob. Yes, it feels like Trump is dominating our lives, but this too shall pass, the pendulum swings and swings and I hope will swing like the Banana Splits used to swing, to a better way, with more fun. 😉

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      1. It’s emotionally exhausting to live on the precipice of fascism. I begin to understand Germans under Hitler were able to behave as if there was nothing unusual about the sudden disappearance of all of their Jewish neighbors. Perhaps what we really need to resist in emotional exhaustion and apathy.


      2. Yes, bullying and abuse and even terror can begin to seem like a “normal” part of life if we let it be the ‘new norm’, but it isn’t, it’s still gotta mean something, one man (Putin) can’t have is army of idiots take all the truth and goodness from the world.

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      3. Let the filthy mess in America’s White House serve as a warning to the people of other democracies whose elections are under attack by Russia’s tyrant. Divisive propaganda and appeals to racist tribalism is always a lie designed to disengage our ability to use reason.


      4. I think we must be about at the point of supersaturation. The good news, people get bored easily, there’s no way anyone can still be interested in this joke. 🤗

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      5. I think it’s so hard for people to accept there are empty people out there, people who just like creating chaos to fill their emptiness, who would rather watch the world burn that admit they need help.

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  5. Thanks for finding me and liking my blog, this was fun to read and yes there are times I need a reminder that I need to have more fun fun fun. Just ate a piece of chocolate and I don’t feel so bad about it because “Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a plant therefore, chocolate counts as salad. The End.” ~Susan Bishop Crispell . Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad we found each other, hard to do in this huge virtual haystack, hope we can have fun together, virtually, often, Masha. 🙂
      You just reminded me, I haven’t had chocolate yet and just did my taxes, I deserve chocolate, er, salad. lol 😉
      Hope the week ahead treats you well.


  6. This is incredibly entertaining and fun! God bless you for reminding us of the importance of fun. You put a lot of work into this piece and it is appreciated! Thank you for following my blog ☺❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly and so glad to have you here, having fun with me. 🙂
      Pleased we could find each other in this giant virtual haystack, hope we can virtually visit often. 🙂
      Hope the week ahead treats you well.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I have missed your blogging! Nothing like your wit to get me confused and happy at the same time. I love old movies, the stars and galaxy trips, and just living day to day like you. Write more!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. If one really wishes to know the meaning of this life–read ECCLESIASTES…If one wishes to know the true source of meaning in this world…read it’s final few verses! This post overwhelms me. Are we getting closer to a final bow from the stage? Hope not. 🙂


  9. And, thanks for the memory. How could I have forgotten The Banana Splits. We used to love them. Nice gathering of thoughts and illustrations.


    1. They were there, in the back of your mind, flipping like a pancake, popping like a cork, chilling, waiting for you, Cath. 😉 Hope this week is treating you kindly…tra la la la la la la


  10. That Wordsworth is really applicable to today, Donna. Bravo for pointing it out. As you know, “Lines Composed A Few Miles above Tintern Abbey . . .” is really good in pointing out humans’ alienation from nature, too.
    On another note, I’m not familiar with the Banana Splits, but I’m curious now, having seen/read this. I thought, oh, “Tra la la,” this post must have something to do with Captain Underpants, which my youngest enjoys.


    1. The Splits were one of my favs as a child and as an adult I wonder if the creators were trippin’ and what that says about my love of them lol 😉
      Thanks for dropping by and hope your week is fulled with peace, love, understanding and a whole lot of Tra La La La La La La… 🙂 xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the remarkable reblog, Ian. Hope things have been well (all things considered). Thanks again for the #bloglove and hope this week treats you kindly. Big bloggy hugs xox


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