Posted in Books, Televison, Uncategorized

We Were On A Break! has changed
within me.
Somehow I’m
not the same.
I’m tired of playing,
someone else’s game.
Too late for second-guessing. Too late to press stop (oops, I hit Publish!). Time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap!
Some things I cannot change, but till I try, I’ll never know!
I’m sick of denying gravity, now…I’m defying gravity!
Even by getting up in the morning…I’m defying gravity!, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want. I wanna—, I wanna—, I wanna stop hearing ‘want’ instead of ‘need’…So I have a problem, something I have to face…To move ahead at a more novel pace.
We need to not believe everything we read and not only read everything we believe. My fondness wish? That we hit pause, stop fighting about who’s right and who’s wrong. Simple, the facts are right; what if we’re all wrong? want to read what I want…Not what’s fed to me by algorithms to feed greed, telling me what to read what to believe…’s the worst that can happen? I go to Over-Readers Anonymous meetings (Are those a thing?). I can find books for myself everywhere… buildings with ‘Library’ on the door. Bookstores, smartphones, laptops, tablets, family, friends, book sales…I’ll answer the siren call – pages whispering dreams, promising more and more. could say ‘no’, follow steps…Or stand up proud and say, “I’m a bookaholic, but baby, I wouldn’t have it any…other…way!!!” So I’m defying gravity! Carrying books, swaying, falling, spilling dreams…Onto me!’t try to pull me down; come with me instead. Think of what we could do, together…Just by saying yes! (You better believe I’m twirling…right now!).

Yup, books are wicked. So is TV. Definitely Social Media – Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. Fashion. Movies. Food. Video games. Blogging. Holidays (isn’t it Thanksgiving, oops everyday, then how about Halloween then?). Seductively luring us from reality, or are they reality? Whatever, to thine own self be true (note Shakespeare didn’t say to thine own selfish be true).

  • I’ve been trying slow blogging, er, being semi-unplugged? Whatever you want to call it. I enjoyed the time off, but glad to be back to blogging So, I know what I did this summer. I laughed, I cried. Got tired and inspired. Wondered and wired…all while we were on a break!

  • I got cozy with a bunch of women who find murder victims then conveniently pin the mysterious crimes on others. Thank you Julia Buckley (My latest booky joy, but hey, I’ve exhausted the library’s supply of your books, hate to be presumptuous, I’m hungry for you to write more, Laura Levine, Ellery Adams, Leslie Budewitz, Kym Roberts, Edith Maxwell, Lee Hollis, E.J. Copperman, and more! The worst killer ever? Doubt.

  •  What else? Cooking, games, philosophy, writing, yardsaling, Goodwill (bargain) hunting, weight loss, ghosts, organizing – even a guy claiming he’s so organized, he could move out in 20 minutes, hey buddy, slow down, are The Sopranos after you, I’ve had longer bowel movements (oops, TMI?).

  • I’ve recalled that the grass is always greener, not only on the other side, but over the septic bed, and if you’re using copious amounts of fertilizer (yes, even verbally). Which somehow made me want to reread Pride and Prejudice hard to do when being bombarded by pumpkin spice (is there such a thing as death by pumpkin spice?), but I prevailed and Darcy and Elizabeth (spoilers!) got together once again. Love rules, pumpkin spice drools (or does it make people drool?).

  • I was once again reminded that life isn’t just unfair, it can be downright sadistic, so, as we weather the storms of life, change buffeting and sometimes battering us, try to remember, people are people, not toys to be played with, in person or online – if you wouldn’t like it done to you, don’t do it to anyone else.

  • I boldly went where no Blob has gone before, on The Orville, in a ‘Discovery’ of just how much Fox will pay to let Seth MacFarlane make love onscreen to Star Trek and all other things sci-fi and fantasy (I’m looking at Star Trek mini-ships and ET in my work area, I get it). I only watch each episode two or five times because they’re hilarious and thought-provoking, not because I have a tiny (huge) crush on Ed Mercer and Justin.

  • I remembered I’m a 100% unique…just like everyone else. It’s my own personal This Is Us, minus Justin Hartley (I miss Smallville, Passions, and Revenge) and Milo Ventimiglia (I miss Gilmore Girls and Heroes), sigh, shake it off, it’s 2017…

  • I was prodded into remembering the world’s two most important words (sigh): fine print. What you don’t know is more important than what you know or think you know…

  • I wondered how Moonstruck could be 30 years old, I just watched it yesterday. Cher and Nicholas Cage are still bizarrely mesmerizing and I want baked goods…and opera (I don’t suppose Hamilton and Wicked count?).

  • I was most definitely distracted by bloggers…and bloggers who wrote books. For example, Teagan ( was kind enough, even though she was going through a rough time to consistently give us the gift of her posts and another stimulating escapade ebook, Murder at the Bijou: Three Ingredients I (adventure awaits, flying by the seat of your pants!).

    But wait, there’s more!   I’m not complaining, but where’s the sequel to Atonement, Tennessee (ok, I’m whining a little).

  • At times, I found myself so excited I couldn’t eat. Who am I kidding, chocolate and I started the summer in a serious relationship and I’m happy to announce, we’re getting engaged (oops, I ate the ring). Isn’t it weird when some people say stuff like, I was so excited or so busy I forgot to eat. What?!? There’s a way to forget to eat? Tell me! Now! Frankly, I’m too busy #Sheetcaking (Tina Fey dropped by SNL to demonstrate our technique; I think it has all the hallmarks of an Olympic sport – talk about defying gravity!).

Nostaligia was always big and getting bigger as we struggle to return to simpler times, times when TV shows were discussed around the ‘watercooler’, when Sunday, Monday were Happy Days, when Tuesday, Wednesday were Happy Days, Thursday, Friday, well, you get the point. Times when all promises weren’t false, when lies weren’t the norm, where words and actions meant something…Where we didn’t forget the unforgettable.

 I think we’ll see even more of a rush of gentler shows and revival ‘nostaligaporn’ shows like Will & Grace – glad you’re back, guess you were on a break too – I missed your silliness; shows people can talk about without fist fights ensuing. We need more things that bring us together instead of tearing us apart. Look at our skeletons (not the closet ones) – we’re all the same, deep down.

So no one told me it was gonna be this way (blogging and life).
Jobs are all a joke (and a 4-letter word).
Of course I’m broke, apparently my Donate button is mostly merely decorative…no eccentric billionaires want to adopt me and help save the endangered broke and obscure bloggers who once roamed the internet free… love life is not DOA, it’s just resting, pinin’ for the fjords…I’ll have you know my love life is not bereft of life, pushing up the daisies, or resting in peace! It hasn’t shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain, or joined the bleedin’ choir invisible! It’s not a ex-love life! like I’m always stuck in Park (or Neutral?).
Because it hasn’t been my day,
My week, my month, but it has been a lark!
(Thanks to my old ‘friends’, we got together this Summer and Fall for coffee at Central Perk, thought my wrists are a bit sore from holding those huge cups and my ears ringing from the creepy laugh track).
My time off has taught me, I’ll be there for you…I hope you’re there for me too!


Very me

208 thoughts on “We Were On A Break!

  1. And back with a bad-assed blast, a badaboom-badabing. Go, Donna, go!!!!!! I was wondering about you. Sheetcaking looks yummy, actually. 🙂 Keep on keepin on, fellow overreaders anonymous member. Hope you and the kiddo are thriving!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s good to be back! Thanks for dropping by. 🙂
      It does but the feelings behind it not so much lol 😉
      Yes, I fear our Over-Readers Anonymous meetings would be quite large and I suspect we’d all fall off the wagon and start exchanging books during the meetings. 😉
      Thanks and hope everyone is well and have an amazing weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Donna — I was so excited to see a new post from you! But I was gobsmacked to see your spotlight on me! You are so, so very kind. ❤
    But it's just wonderful to see you back.
    I'm also relieved that I spotted your post just now. WordPress has been an ugly beast and stopped sending me any email notifications — Again! It makes it impossible for me to keep up. I'm very annoyed that this is happening yet again.
    You'll be happy to know I finished Atonement in Bloom! I'm officially editing it now. (I said finished, but today I decided to add an action scene… ) But I'm delighted (and relieved) to finally have written "the end"… even if I am going back for another scene.
    This post is a marvelous gift, and you have my heartfelt thanks for sharing it with us. Any time you can spare to be here, it is a joy. Hugs on the wing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yup, the heat wave broke and the words just kinda spilled onto the screen. Always happy to share the wonder of you with the world, dear Teagan. Oh boy, now I can stop whining about ‘Atonement in Bloom’, who am I kidding, I’ll find something else… lol 😉
      You’re always welcome and thanks for stopping by, even naughty WordPress can’t keep you away!
      How is Crystal? Wll I hope. Big joy-filled hugs to both of you!!! xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I hope all is well in your world. Thanks for thinking of my cat-kid. She has been doing well. I’m afraid to hope at this point in life, but where I thought her “growth” had returned — it hasn’t continued to get bigger. Maybe just scar tissue… Of course she still has the inflammatory bowel disease, so she has good days and bad.
        I appreciate your “whining” because I know it is encouragement. I have to finish that new scene (actually I had it in mind and then decided it was too complicated… then I thought it was needed), and finish editing — so we’re not out of the woods yet — keep at the “whining.” 😀
        Off to reblog this beauty. More hugs.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. That’s wonderful to hear, Teagan, you must be relieved and enjoying your time together. 🙂 Big hugs to both xoxo
        Yes, the whining is encouragement and well, some whining lol 😉
        Oh, thank you so much for the reblog, off to visit now!
        Hope you’re having a relaxing and peace-filled weekend, dear friend.
        Mega whining but hopeful hugs xoxox

        Liked by 2 people

    1. I thought it went without saying lol Actually, I whined about Teagan not giving us a sequel to ‘Atonement, Tennessee’ and it’s fantasy.. 😉 But seriously, books are just so filled with joy, it flows out and yes, fantasy is included. 🙂 But sulk away, I think it’s sometimes good for the soul. 😉

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  3. Just when you think it’s safe to get back in the water….Summer ends and that period when you had a ping pong ball slamming through your head compliments of your ears returns with a vengeance.
    I honestly thought Trump had built his wall round Canada in error and stopped transmission of all suspicious texts but I suppose I should have realised yours are no weirder than his anyway.
    I’m thrilled to have you back all brown after your break. Next time ask permission to go.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lol Oh David, no I’m here, just moving in slow motion.
      No, Trump seems to view us as some friendly, peacenik neighbours with a dashing Prime Minister. He’s mostly right (never thought I’d say that!). No wall yet, but give him time.
      Sorry, I should have asked, but I’m back now, well, more or less. 😉
      Massive peace-loving huggy hugs xoxoxxo


  4. I loved this and have been feeling much the same as you..and too funny this came up today because I was wondering where you ‘ve been…just this morning I thought of you…and just now opened my email and there was the link to this…YAY, glad you’re back!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Reblogged this on Teagan's Books and commented:
    “Don’t panic!” said Douglas Adams, and I’m echoing his words from the Hitchhiker’s Guide. I had to have a break (after a couple of extra-draining workweeks and an altercation with a stomach virus). Thistledown will be back next weekend.

    Meanwhile I’m sharing a couple of beauties with you. Later this weekend I have a special announcement from fellow blogger and author, John W. Howell.

    Now… OMG, look who’s back! I was so happy to see Donna Parker in the bloggosphere again. Then you should have seen my face when I saw she gave a shout out to “Murder at the Bijou – Three Ingredients 1”
    Please click over and visit Yadadarcyyada. Browse around her fabulous, inimitable blog, and say hello.
    Hugs on the wing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Teagan, once again you astound me, no feeling well, rough time at work, instead of complaining, there you are helping out fellow bloggers. Thank you, you really are too kind. Big hugs (can’t catch anything that way lol). Hope the next few weeks are much better. Still more hugs. Thank you. xoxox


  6. Oh Donna, it is such a delight to have you back, and as usual, you had me laughing, tittering, and giggling through every word. Never saw the sheet-caking scene before, but oh how I loved it. A supreme joy, my friend, welcome back.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It’s a delight to be back, now I just have to keep the momentum going lol 😉
      Thanks and so glad to hear you enjoyed it. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you well so far. 🙂


  7. Donna, you are really back! So good to read your mind riveting, muti-topic blog. Makes me smile! Even though I’m off cake & TV., love to follow your thoughts. I am into slow-blogging though, a blog post a month! Writing the book takes up time. Happy weekend! 🌺🌷🌸 Christine

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s great to be back and no matter what you’re into, I’m glad you enjoyed the post. 🙂
      I think there’s really something to this slow blogging, it’s worth a try. 🙂
      Yes, slapping those words around is tiring, er, perhaps you’re being more gentle with yours. lol 😉
      Thank you for dropping by and I hope this weekend treats you kindly, Christine. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Delighted that Donna Parker is back.. with Yadadarcyyada after an extended summer break with us suffering from Gif withdrawal, witty comments about our television viewing habits and nostalgic reminders of music and stars of old. There are many things to be reunited with when you disconnect but nothing beats a full on blog welcome back.. head over and say hello.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s so sweet of everyone, boy, blogging sure is cheaper than therapy lol 😉 But seriously, it’s awesome to be here with you all, you bring such delight. 🙂 xoxox

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Sounds intriguing, best wishes on your project. 🙂
        The rain sounds lovely, we haven’t had enough, but we certainly can’t complain, not when you watch the suffering.
        Hope this weekend treats you kindly. Big hugs xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Sandra, thank you, thank you, it’s so lovely to be back and now it feels official somehow lol 😉
      You’re too kind to share this, I appreciate it more than words can say. Hope this week is treating you well, 🙂 xox


  9. Hi DPYada,
    So I finally waited out the loading of the comments section. As I said in my email, I find your spontaneous, continuous, essentially contemporaneous stream interesting. Does your brain think that way all the time? Mine does. I used to worry that it was a problem, but not any longer. It helps with the writing. Does it help you too? It must. Anyway, I am reading you now and will continue. I enjoy your writing. It relaxes me. Thanks and good luck in whatever you want out of the virtual world of social media. (After three years, I’m beginning to have my doubts about the whole thing, but will persist for the near future. If nothing else, it helps to pass the time in Mexico and winter is coming on and there is something good about writing on a computer while a wood fire burns in my little mountain place.) Thanks again. Duke

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yup, this is my brain, sprawled out across the internet for all to see. You understand, I see, but I think mine helps sometimes and hinders others – sometimes it about corralling it to get sorted.
      Social media certainly has its ups and downs and way too many around and arounds, but on a whole, I like the connects. That is a lovely imagine, the wood fire in your little mountain place in Mexico, alas I will soon make friends (or try) with another Canadian winter. Thanks for dropping by, Duke, hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, it’s good to be back. 🙂
      The ship of dreams because who knows what’s out there waiting to be discovered!!! 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly, Mitch. 🙂


    1. It’s amazing how breaks can stretch on, the whole body in motion stays in motion, a blog at rest stays at rest thing, I guess lol. 🙂 Glad we’re both here one way or another, Rob. Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My breaks always end up being more a reduction than a full stop. There’s this whole other side of blogging that I guess I’m grown up enough to understand. Thanks for for the kind thoughts. I hope the rest of your week is good as well.


      2. Actually, WordPress cleared the lockout up rather quickly. But there are little bugs in the client that puzzle me, like why a numerical list looks right in composition and preview, but goes all out of order when I hit post. Or why font colors suddenly change and refuse to change back? I’ve decided to pretend they’re emphasis colors and write around them. 🙂


      3. Oh good, at least they did something right. lol 😉
        It’s got so many tricks, I think you’re right, you kind of have to go with the flow sometimes and scream internally others. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      4. WordPress still hasn’t explained why I stopped getting its text messages; even if it’s to say everything looks right on their end. If I got a response I would take the next logical step in troubleshooting the problem and contact my carrier.

        As it is, Verizon will ask me if I’ve checked with WordPress.

        Bad customer service is always the result of a management team that thinks it’s better than the customer is.

        There’s quite a bit of that kind of chauvinism in tech.


      5. I feel old when I say it, like I should be rocking on a porch and chewing my gums, but wow, customer service is terrible everywhere, a lot of passing the buck, blaming, and just generally, not caring about the customer. Sad really.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Many times I wonder why I do blog?
    The only thing I can say, there’s something within me that force me to be creative, and try to give to others from what I have, regardless if they want it, or not.
    Nice to see you back. 🙂


  11. So much fun to have you back. A break’s not bad, as long as it’s not a bad break-up, or a break forever, or a failed car brake. Wah? See? You get us all in a fun wordy way with your blog posts. Keep on readin’ – that’s what saves me in this crazy, wacky world also.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, it’s nice to be back although I have to get moving and stop overthinking (or underthinking) my next post, sort of at a blogging crawl here.
      Yes, books remain a constant in a crazy world – I’m barely containing my excitement at my city’s annual book sale this weekend – $3 for a bag of books (my choice), yup, you guessed it, more like a car full of books, but it’s for a good cause, oh who am I kidding, I’m an addict – and I love it! 😉
      Hope this week is treating you well and you’re going down rabbit-holes into adventures of all kinds. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I always love your blog posts and I’d sort of lost track of you until I came across your picture on another site. I’m writing this logged in from my new blog, but I’m still the same ~M. Hope you’re doing well. Your last couple of posts here, were perfect for how I’ve been feeling. Have a great rest of your weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, it’s such a giant virtual haystack, but I think it’s the same as in life, if we’re meant to find each other, we do. Glad we found each other gain. Hope this week is treating you kindly so far. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It really is… and I’m so glad I found you again too. My week is thankfully starting to go much better. Take care of yourself. 🙂


    1. If there is a way to forget to eat I believe it’s their duty to share it with the rest of us. 😉
      Books rule…I’m having a tough week waiting because this weekend is our city’s annual book sale – fill a bag for $3, needless to say, I fill a car! Hey, it’s for a good cause and I feel like I must help or is it that I need help? lol 😉

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    1. Thank you, Ian, I’ve finally caught up and posted again and wow, I really need a better system or an intern or assistant because I am a slowpoke. 🙂 Thank you kindly for the reblog, this is so kind of you, I really appreciate it. How have you been? I bet you’re never bored with all the news the world is offering up these days. Hope this weekend treats you well and thanks again and again. Big hugs xo


    1. Thank you, Ian, I’ve finally caught up and posted again and wow, I really need a better system or an intern or assistant because I am a slowpoke. 🙂 Thank you kindly for the reblog, this is so kind of you, I really appreciate it. How have you been? I bet you’re never bored with all the news the world is offering up these days. Hope this weekend treats you well and thanks again and again. Big hugs xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am so glad you have kept going, Donna, the Blogosphere would have a huge gap that could not be filled, otherwise!
        My week has been busy but good so far thanks, I hope you are having a good one too. 🙂


    1. I think the best thing we can do is know when we need a break instead of pushing through, a particular favourite of mine. 😉
      I know, I was like, where did 30 years go, oh, yes, I see now, it’s on my face. lol 😉
      Hope this week is treating you kindly so far, Lisa. xox


    1. That’s a great description, Julia, thank you. I just popped by your blog and you made my choice of supper really simple when I read your yummy chicken recipe. I’m drooling. Shared and will return (followed you all over, but only in a non-stalkery way). 😉 Hope this week is treating you kindly so far. 🙂

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      1. I wish I could say I was surprised, WordPress seems intent on making sure no one knows anyone else is posting anything, I guess it goes with their motto, “If it ain’t broke, break it.”. 😉
        Never too late to say thank you, ie. thanks for the recipe for Maple Dark Chocolate Avocado Mousse (hmmm, mousse, that word always looks like I spelled it incorrectly, which honestly, sometimes I do lol), I’ve shared and bookmarked it and am off to the store to get some avocado, you know I already have the dark chocolate 🍫🍫🍫. This looks fantastic.
        Hope this week is treating you kindly, Julia and if you’re in one of the hot zones, hope you’re staying cool. 😎😎😎


    1. Sorry, I’ve heard things and turns out, chocolate will go home with anyone who can pay the price, at first I was heartbroken, but then, I ate some chocolate and felt just fine. 😉


  13. your brain is an amazing thing Donna – I was reading so fast my eyes were popping (and you managed to write it all!) And so many comments (as usual) You were missed 🙂


    1. I was missing you all too, now if WordPress and I can get on the same page, we’ll be all set. lol 😉
      Hope you have a weekend as delightful as you (not possible, but we can hope). 🙂


  14. Oops, Donna! I looked through many comments thinking I read this and commented. Alas, I may have fallen asleep and didn’t push publish/post comment! I do this at least once every night, honestly. I forget or close my eyes since I blog as my last few minutes before sleeping. . . 😴💤


    1. Better late than never, my blogdoor is always open and it’s lovely to pop in a see comments from you any time. I’m giggling thinking of doing the opposite, of my head dropping on the keyboard and doing omg who knows what damage with ‘Publish’. lol We’re silly, aren’t we?


  15. Wild post, manic even but mesmerizing. I liked the dead parrot sketch reference. But stepping back, besides getting a lot of comments – why do you blog? How would you define success on your blog? Are you there?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That might be my new tagline “Wild Posts, manic even but mesmerizing”, I like it. 😉
      Monty Python and I go way back, I used to host MP parties at my house often as a teen. 🙂
      Sorry, I’m so late, life is having a bit of lark with me right now. I started blogging to relax, to let stuff flow out and I love the side effect that people tell me it makes them laugh, smile, think, feel…Success? I guess just that, making folks happy or think, it certainly hasn’t been money, or fame. lol 🙂

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    1. We too, haven’t been this thrilled about a show since “Psych”. Yes, I’ve seen them multiple times too (maybe too many? Naaay). Yes, I think I’ve stalked, er, looked up info on MacFarlane too much too. 😉


    1. Thank you kindly, Ian, I don’t know if you’re getting these comments, sometimes WordPress plays tricks (no treats) and says No!
      Hope this finds you safe and sound. Thank you for the lovely reblog! How delightful!
      Stay safe. Stay connected. 🙂
      Big non-contagious hugs xoxo


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