Posted in Blogs, Books

The Wonder of You

Sometimes, trying to write, or trying to blog, I think, it’s all been done. Is there anything new under this sun or any other? This world is old, ancient, instead of getting discouraged that it’s all been done, why not be inspired? What piece can we add to the puzzle of flesh and blood? Why not add to the delicious soup of humanity?

1. Imagine the caveman/cavewoman who invented the wheel, thinking, “Aggh, me done, no more wheel”. Our ancestors roasting a woolly mammoth s’more over the first fire, “Fire good. No more. Been done”.

2. Remember the first song you heard? Did you think, no need to hear any more music.

3. First joke? You laughed and thought, did that, no need to laugh anymore.

4. Can there ever be enough smiles? Enough laughter? Enough joy?

5. First kiss? Wow. Checked that off your list.

6. Watched the first episode of a series, enjoyed it, too bad you won’t watch the next episodes. Watched your first movie, no need for a second.

7. Tasted chocolate once and never again? The horror! The horror!

8. Imagine if the first blog post ever posted never lead to more? If the first blog post you read was the only?

9. What if no one wrote more books because, what else could they possibly add? No more books that make you: smile, cry, cringe, laugh, ponder, hope, fear, flinch, surrender, suffer, wallow, leap for joy, Breakfast Club fist pump, stay up late (just one more page, one more chapter…).

10. I wouldn’t have cracked the cover of Atonement, Tennessee by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene a loss, since I’ve read it again and again, then bought the ebook, taking the magic mobile (same goes for her The Three Things Serial Story: A Little 1920s Story ). Teagan is a brilliant author/blogger – though I’ve never met her and she doesn’t pay me, I just feel like Anne of Green Gables, that we’re kindred souls, dear friends (another example, picture your first friend, did you think, no need to have more of those? The human heart is like the TARDIS, it’s bigger on the inside, infinite, and full of memories, twists and turns, but alive with wonder).

11. Never would’ve bothered to read D.G. Kaye’s ebooks – a writer who invites you in with a smile. Her style? Allegedly non-fiction/memoir, to me, it feels more heartmemoir; I, for one, am thankful she’s brave and generous enough to share. Is it wrong when I first read the title of D.G. Kaye’s book, Have Bags, Will Travel  I thought about the bags under my eyes? Then tea bags? Clearly, I don’t travel much. is needed to take about subjects like: menopause, aging, and abuse and skill to make them memorable. Words We Carry; Meno-What? A Memoir: Memorable Moments of Menopause; Conflicted Hearts: A Daughter’s Quest for Solace from Emotional Guilt; P.S. I Forgive YouDebby’s books, like her blog, are the opposite of fake, they’re straightforward, sincere – you’ll laugh, cry, nod in understanding, ponder, wonder, smile, and mostly, you will breathe – can you ask more from the books you read? What, another book of short stories? If I thought that I wouldn’t have read Glimpses by Hugh W. Roberts; I’d have missed out on tales that transported me above, beyond, and beneath life as we think we know it. In the grand tradition of Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Outer Limits, Glimpses draws us into the shadows of life and makes us remember, what we know isn’t nearly as important as what we don’t know.

13. I’d never have tagged along with:
#SundayBlogShare – Suzie
Or #MondayBlogs
Or #LinkYourLife

14. I’d never have stopped by linky parties: #BloggersPitSop
or #FridayFrivolity
or #TrafficJamWeekend
or other blogging treasures. Or never read An Insider’s Guide to Building a Successful Blog, from the creator of Mostly Blogging, Janice Wald  Familiar to me as an avid groupie follower of Janice’s informative and fun (go to her online parties, you’ll see) blog, but I found, altogether, in book form was even further enlightening.

16. I wouldn’t have discovered Danny’s determined desire to promote bloggers; when Danny says he Dreams Big, Dreams Often you can believe it.

17. I would’ve missed out on the heart and humour of Cher (not the hair flippy one, although she’s awesome too), a Canadian now living in Chicago. She’s been a constant companion. Check out her blog including her upcoming interview with Chris Murphy from Canada’s The Weather Network, like the weather, he’s funny and unpredictable (or is he? We’ll see). Update: here’s the post What if your first sunrise had been your last? Your first rainbow, your only? The first kiss of the sun, the gentle brush of the wind on your cheek, the moon rising full of promise, the tides tugging at your toes…no more.

18. I’d have missed zany Maine writing dynamos, Austin and David (Stephen King hasn’t attacked them with: monsters, crazed townsfolk, murdery clowns, scalpel-wielding children, rabid dogs, or demented cars…yet, there is something supernatural and I’m their #1 fan); both write for The Nite Show with Danny Cashman and have extended their talents to other projects – they give good funny.

19. I never would have found:
– David, who puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart:
– Chris the Story Reading Ape (who doesn’t monkey around)
The Hook, one the blogging wonders of the world (ironically living near another wonder of the world, Niagara Falls). Get hooked
Sally Cronin, a blogging goddess who tenaciously grows authors and bloggers in her blogging garden.

– Susie – Come for the Adventure, stay for the ride – her tagline says it all.
– Aquileana – giving us her grace and our Greek mythology fix

– Jonathan Caswell, chugging along in a diverse, delightful direction, never derailing.
– Jason, an Opinionated Man, unyieldingly keeping WordPress on its virtual toes, entertaining, and helping bloggers find each other in this giant virtual haystack.

– Rob, whose art and courage makes me: well up, envy up, and inspire up.
– Tess, reminding us that with words, less can be more (should have remembered that here, but hard to contain all this talent).

20. This list could literally go on for days, don’t dare me…

All of me blog-loves all of you with your blog-curves and all your blog-edges with your perfect imperfections. This is my blog love letter to all my readers. I want you all, dear readers, to continue this with me. Show the world the wonder of you…start by sharing your wonder in the comment box below – leave info and/or links to your blog or posts, social media links, links to other bloggers you love. One link per comment, come back as often as you like, there’s no time limit on fun.

Get out there, don’t compare.
It’s all been done?
Not by you.

Wishing all an eggs-cellent Easter!


Very me

410 thoughts on “The Wonder of You

  1. Of course, most of it has already been done, but no one has seen or heard everything that’s been done. That means if someone reads your blog post that has already been discussed in books, in the news, in other blog posts, your post is the first one they’ve read for that one topic that already been done before somewhere in the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very worldly, very fun. You’ve got writing in your blood — I can tell. Everything that can be written has been written, but not with your personal brand, your personal style. Keep going and have fun while you do it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Please come back and leave a link…or two…or twenty, really, I just gave a sampling, I want to see more and more people leave their links so others can follow the blogging breadcrumb trail. 🙂


      1. Glad you enjoyed it Donna, thanks for your comment. There are stories everywhere aren’t there, even in our distant memories triggered off by random things like a song playing. I love how things just pour out of us sometimes!! I’ll pop back later to see what else has been shared. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you could come by and leave the link to your blog, people will be so happy if they visit (and will want to keep visiting). Please come back again and again and leave more links, you can never have enough of a great thing. 🙂


    1. It worked, I’m just all slothy (sore throat which might have something to do with the snow we’re having, in April, what’s with that? But I digress). That’s for the kitty treats, drop back with more, more, more, meow…

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Donna, you astound me. Heartfelt thanks for the beautiful mention you gave me. Plus finding this post is the most fun insomnia has ever given me. I wasn’t expecting to find myself at a party! I look forward to visiting every blog you mentioned, as well as the links to your old posts over the course of the weekend.
    It’s cumbersome to type on my Kindle, so I’ll come back and tell you my own “everything ‘s been done” story.
    it makes no difference at all that I have not met you. You are still a treasured friend. Until later — mega hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The “story” was me in 2010 getting ready to write a fantasy novel. I wanted to do something that had not *been done*. After a week of every idea that came to mind, proving to have already been done (Seriously? Who knew so many people had already written about naughty angles? I don’t even remember the other dozen ideas that met the same fate.)… I concluded that EVERYTHING had already been done. And done. And done!
        So I went back to square one. I made a matrix of every fantasy book, movie, or TV series that I had ever enjoyed, noting some characteristics of heroes, plot, etc. I was stunned to see that all of them had “been done!” Many times. I came to a new conclusion. Yes, everything had still been done. But that didn’t mean that yet another would fail to be enjoyable.
        So we are of like minds with your post today.
        If anyone wants to know more about my 1920s stories, here’s a post about the characters.
        More hugs, my friend. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That is the exact sort of thing that inspired this post, dear friend, I was writing and I reread it and thought, has this been done? I’m glad you didn’t give up, you have so much to offer.
        Thanks for leaving this wonder-filled link, drop back later (once the horror of work is over) and leave more and more and more links (and may we dare hope for a new post? No pressure lol).
        Mega hope you get through the day and have a peaceful, relaxing weekend full of ideas hugs xoxox

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Not exactly a new post… but at midnight I’m re-sharing a collaborative post I did with John Howell on Monday. Since I try to post on Saturday, I held back. It’s already live at his site. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. lol Proxy pets would be less pricey, but not nearly as cuddly. Thanks for leaving your link, drop by again and again and leave post links (like the kitty in the box, they love their boxes, don’t they?) and/or social media links. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  4. So much of it may already have been done though not necessarily in the same order (Thankfully). I read lots of blogs during the week, some of which entertain some of which educate, some thrill, some kill. The Canadian Queen is my choice and believe me II’m an ardent Royalist. can pull at my heartstrings or have me calling the hospital for a chortle related hernia and of course the lady herself is an unassuming star.
    xxx Gigantic Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You really are a wonder, dear David and really too kind. Sorry about the hospital stays. lol 😉
      Please drop by again and share some of your wonder-filled posts, please!
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly (will we be visiting with some furry fiends, er, I mean friends?)
      Massive it’s all about the order or lack thereof hugs xoxoxo

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Most words have by now been used. Sometimes new words pop up such as App or Facebook, but they are mainly boring words. I can never get enough of ‘exorbitant’ or ‘tumultuous.’ In any case, it is the order in which those words appear that make a writer unique or special. So, writing is ‘word order.’


    1. Thank you so much for reblogging this, Rob.
      I see the WordPress gremlins are at it again, still the problem with blocking emails and now Likes aren’t staying Liked again and many comments going into spam. Sigh. But I’m happy we’re here.
      Hope this weekend treats you well (we have snow in April, is that a thing?), I know is must be difficult with what’s going on right now. Big hugs xo

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Ah yes – the WordPress Gremlins. Unlike the many examples in your post, I think they have been done to DEATH – we need to see no more from them. 🙂 (and while I’m suggesting – can we banish them to a place filled with spammers and trolls?)

        I recognize (and follow) quite a few of the bloggers at this party – in fact I might never have found *you* except for DGKaye’s reblog. I will visit others once I get caught up from my last week out of my home office. THANKS.

        My blog focuses primarily on brain-based coaching (explanations & work-arounds for struggles with time & transition management, attention,focus and follow-through, short-term memory glitches, etc.) – but every once in a while I post things just for laughs. We can ALL use more comic relief in our lives.

        Links to the most recent Friday Fun posts are still available from my right sidebar, so here’s a link to one that isn’t:
        (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
        ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
        “It takes a village to transform a world!”


      2. Debby is a wonder. Thanks for dropping by, great post, I shared while I remembered. 😉 Between fibrofog and aging my poor brain is always jogging to keep up. As for the WordPress gremlins, I think their motto is, “If it ain’t broke, break it.”.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s rough when WordPress pulls tricks or glitches or whatever has happened when hey switched so many bloggers to block emails/notifications, which sadly means we aren’t seeing each other’s posts which significantly slashes views, likes, shares, comments. Sigh.
      Thanks so much for leaving your link, drop back and leave more, as many as you like.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Oooh, so excited you dropped by, Shelbee, I hope people follow this blogging breadcrumb trail to your post and blog, they will not be disappointed. They’ll be happy to join your party – I don’t know how you do it every week, so kind of you. Drop back later and leave more links to posts and/or social media. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well. Big hugs xo


    1. To be honest I can’t even picture it although there is actually a looming chocolate (and coffee) shortage in the not so distant future – what a world we are leaving our children! 😉
      Hope you can drop back again, Allie and leave some links to your posts and/or social media. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This is awesome, Allie, I know this book like the back of my hand, my son’s name is Alexander (Xander) and we read that book many, many, many times (wore out several copies). Thanks for sharing this at my blog party, now I’m going to do the same. 😉
        Great social media links too. Thank you for joining the party, hope you can drop back again and again and share more and more. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I particularly love how my husband reads the section about picking up the dad at work and the disaster that ensues. For some strange reason he’s able to channel that dad’s sigh entirely too well.


      3. Coffee and chocolate, our love affairs with dark chocolate and dark roast coffee are going to have a dark end. 😉
        Thanks for sharing this post, so glad you could drop by. I don’t drink coffee so this could explain a lot. lol 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    1. This made me laugh and brought back memories of my cat, Candace, I tried to walk her on leash, it ended up with her laying on her side and refusing to move, she was a stubborn one, you seem to have had more luck. 😉
      Thanks for leaving this – keep ’em coming, they’re purr-fectly delightful. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome, thanks for dropping by, I ope you can make it back and leave links to our posts – they’re so detailed, so informative, we need more facts in this world, really. 😉
      Hope you can make it and this weekend treats you kindly.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so pleased you dropped by…as the list and post got longer and longer I was so torn to keep adding then I thought, why not have everyone else add their links and descriptions. So glad you dropped by, please feel to drop by again and leave as many links as you wish, Irene. Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You have just proven the best part of blog parties – finding cool bloggers like you! Thanks for dropping by, hope you can make it back and share more links to your posts! 🙂


    1. Hope you can come back and share some links from your blog – individual posts and/or social media links, etc. Come back as often as you want and there’s no time limit on fun! 🙂 Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


  6. I’m overwhelmed! There’s so much great stuff. I blog about helping overweight foodies learn how to end their desire to overeat so they can enjoy the foods they love, lose weight and keep it off. Some recipes, a lot of mindfulness and ways to end emotional eating.


    1. That sounds great, Shari, I followed and this would be a wonderful blog for me and many others. Drop by again and leave some links to your posts and/or social media links, etc. Can’t wait!


    1. You had me at cake! Thank you for bringing your delicious link/blog to the party! 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly, drop by again, there’s no limit on fun. 🙂


    1. The perfect ‘f’ word, er, fun that is. 😉 This should be in your Top 10, then again, all your posts should be Top 10. Thanks for leaving this link, please feel free to drop back and leave more, more, more (ie. ugly newborn, 5 Things I Learned This Week, 5 Ways You Know You’ve Been Alone Too Long, etc.).

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you could drop by, Terri, as the list and post got longer and longer, I thought, make it a blog party so everyone can drop by and add their links – hope you can drop by and leave many, many links to your amazing posts. Hope the weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. And what a wonderful contribution it is, Bernadette! I hope everyone found it as wonderful and inspiring as I did. Please feel free to drop back again, these party usually get wild on the weekends lol 😉 Please feel free to leave more links. Thanks again. 🙂


    1. I know right away that means you have great taste in friends and cupcakes! Laura is awesome, so genuine and fun. And I love these cupcakes (had to share the recipe, but I don’t know if I could share the cupcakes). Thanks for hopping by, please feel free to leave more links, as many as you want. 🙂
      Happy Easter and thanks! 🙂


    1. I know and as the blog got longer I thought, I’m never going to be able to list all the wonderful bloggers so maybe they could help me out by adding their favourite links – thanks for dropping by and sharing this inspirational post (we hd snow here today so I’m dreaming of Spring, your post helped a lot). I hope you can come back and add a whole bunch of links to your posts, lots. 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know and as the blog got longer I thought, I’m never going to be able to list all the wonderful bloggers so maybe they could help me out by adding their favourite links – I hope you can come back and add a whole bunch of links to your posts, lots. 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. So I was just getting ready to go out for the evening and checked in on a few blogs, yes, this one! What did I find to my delight? Well you’ve written it all here Donna. You are not only entertaining, but one heck of a blog sharer and community motivator! I am truly humbled to have both, been mentioned here with my books, but in such esteemed company of other authors and bloggers. And thank you so much for having interest in my books! You can count on a reblog later this week! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As it got longer and longer I thought, I better let the bloggers themselves continue my work and leave their favourite links to posts, social media links, etc. Hope you can return and leave some links. 🙂


  8. Hi there! I’ve just had a great time checking out the links on your blog post.
    I’m Kim and I share poetry on my blog, My latest post is at

    i regularly read these great blogs:

    Party party party……………..



    1. So pleased to meet you, Kim, you have helped prove why blog parties as so awesome, I was able to meet you and several other bloggers you mentioned. Thank you kindly.
      Please feel free to drop by and leave more links. Party on. 😉
      Hope the week ahead treats you well.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Donna Parker of the extraordinary Yadadarcyyada blog is having a party today. Donna plays What If… you never revisited certain experiences, like that first kiss or heavens forbid only had one piece of chocolate and never took another bite (not possible)… she also mentions a gizzilian blogs (thank you so much for including me) you should follow.. Head over and leave your links in the comments section and be noticed at the biggest party this weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Sally, for sharing the #bloglove It turned out to be a busy weekend in unexpected ways; I appreciate the reblog and the lovely words. I hope you have a wonder-filled week ahead. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by, dear Sally and your kind words.
      Thanks for leaving your link, hope you’ll pop back and leave more, more, more (you have so much wonder to share).
      Best wishes and big hugs xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I’ve been posting for quite a while! I know you are around for quite some time. I appreciate every time that happens! This post shows your energy and inspiration! 😀

    My favourite bloggers?

    words and images – STORYTELLER
    images – I LOST MY LENS CAP –
    sketching/drawing – A FRESH DRAWING EVERYDAY
    words – LEONARD DURSO

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, thank you! And you’ve proven just how wonderful blog parties are, I hadn’t heard of two of of four of these bloggers. Hope the week ahead treats you kindly and please feel free to drop by again and leave more of yours and/or other bloggers. Best wishes. 🙂


  11. What can I say that hasn’t been said? Probably nothing, but why then do I (you, he, she or me) put words together? To tell our story in our own way, brilliant post. I love the way you put it all together with shout outs to others, some I know already others I’ve yet to find. Thank you for this wondrous blog and posts. Love and peace always.


  12. Great post, Donna. I’m familiar with some of the bloggers you mentioned. I’ll visit the others I don’t know. 🙂 Once when I taught a creative writing class to adults, a student told me about the book she was writing. She said, “Sure it’s been done before…but no one has seen it done by me.” So true!


    1. This is so true, you give amazing advice, Janice, on your blog and in your book, An Insider’s Guide to Building a Successful Blog. Thanks for dropping this link, please feel free to pop back and leave some more. 🙂
      Hope your have a wonder-filled week ahead. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, I wonder if I should get daring and add all my fav bloggers, like 3000, 4000, 5000 or more words, lol no, you all have to do some of the heavy lifting and add your fav posts , please, lots of them, love it!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. This is as wonderful as I suspected, Cher, funny and informative, he seems as playful and knowledgeable as he does on TV. I love TWN, then again, I am Canadian, obsessed with the weather and talking about the weather. lol
      Love this, dear friend and added it to my posts as an update and shared it all over social media and will do so again.
      Hope you have a wonder-filled weekend ahead. Big hugs xoxox

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah, bless! Thank you so much, dear Donna! He really is, isn’t he? Such an awesome guy and extremely knowledgeable! Yes, that’s what we Canadians do, don’t we, Donna? *LOL* I talk about weather down here more than anyone else does! No surprise with that! That is wonderful! You are so incredibly kind my dear friend! I hope you have a wonder-filled week ahead. Let’s hope Chris has a good forecast for you! 😉 Big hugs, Cher xoxoxo


      2. Chris has been kind to us today and yesterday, I think even more tomorrow – warm, sunny, with a gentle breeze – picture perfect Spring days! Love, love, love it! Oops, there I go, talking about the weather again. lol 😉
        Wishing you warm, lovely days, dear friend, big hugs xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yeay for your weather! I’m glad Chris has been kind to you today and yesterday! It sounds like you are getting gorgeous weather tomorrow as well! *LOL* Well I do love to talk about the weather as well my dear friend!! And to you as well! Thank you!! Big hugs, Cher xoxo


      4. Turns out we got an unexpected storm – wind, rain, thunder, lightning, the works! But it’s quite lovely in it’s own way!
        Big hugs, dear Cher, please pop back and leave some links to your other posts, people need to find you. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Hi dear Donna! Oh that is exactly what we are experiencing here as well! Big thunder just now! Talk about timing! *LOL* Big hugs to you, dear Donna! Thank you! Oh thank you! I will do that right now! You are so thoughtful! Cher xo


      6. Indeed! *LOL* I saw some crocuses today; but then again, we haven’t had any snow on the ground since December so I’d think crops would be popping up as well! *LOL* xo


    1. I got it, finally, geez WordPress, enough with the sabotage. 😉
      Dear Debby, thank you so much for the reblog. I’m going to do longer reviews of your books for Goodreads, etc. next week and I’m sure I’ll mention them again, I loved them. Thanks for sharing the #bloglove I hope you can drop by and leave many links to your posts or to other bloggers who’ve reviewed your books, etc. WIshing you a wonder-filled week ahead. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sounds like it’s your end. Go to your dashboard, jetpack and send Askimet a contact form with all your spam. Many of us had to do that at one time or another.


      2. Been there, done that. WordPress has also switched many bloggers to blocking emails from other bloggers so many folks aren’t seeing each others posts, oh yes, and they’re back to ‘Likes’ aren’t staying as ‘Likes’ for many. Sigh, I know they enjoy tinkering but I really feel like their motto is, “If it ain’t broke, break it.”.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. What an amazingly fun post, Donna. So many great friends and bloggers out here. I’m stuck doing taxes and running rapidly out of time, but had to come over and say hi 😀 Have a great party!


    1. And what a magnificent collaboration! Made me smile and dance (well, we’ll nicely call in that, think Elaine from Seinfeld, ok, maybe not that bad, or is it?) and laugh and share and ponder. Dear Teagan, you and John have a particular set of skills and the #1 skills is making people smile, that is a gift you’re so kind so share.
      Mega Charleston done like Elaine hugs xoox


    1. I already follow and delight in Colleen’s blog, but Samantha was new to me (now following and shared some posts) – this is the joy of blog parties, you get introduced to new blog friends. Thank you, Marje, please feel free to drop by again and leave more of your links and/or the links of others. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, so kind of you to include my blog party in your lovely list, hope everyone can pop by and leave links!!! Hope this week treats you well. 🙂


  14. Oh, how I loved this. And yes, all of the bloggers you mention here are ‘friends’ of mine also. Blogging friends who share amazing thoughts and stories, and who read and comment on mine too. None of us are repetitive, because we tell our own stories from our own point of view – and they are marvelously original. Just like YOU and your blog.


    1. Dear Olga, thank you so much for sharing the #bloglove – you are too kind. I appreciate your sharing this, but I also hope you can pop back and leave lots and lots of links to your posts! Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂


      1. LOL – NaNoWriMo was certainly a challenge, but it was worth it! I just might do it again this year…we’ll see how much of a masochist I am!


      1. I shall do so – you don’t have to ask me twice or twist my arm! I’m seeing a few new blogs that I might visit, as well. These blog parties are definitely a lot of fun, especially with a gracious and generous host!


    1. You have joined the right party, Heidi, I freely encourage everyone to be a shameless self-promoting blogghussy (like me). Thanks for dropping by and hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for dropping by and thanks for leaving a post, please feel free to leave more. 🙂
      I’ll drop by the next one, I went to the Over The Moon Party for today but it said the collection was closed (oops, no, read the wrong part, found the actual linky part lol ), I’ll try to go to the next one too, thanks so much for the invite. I hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Donna glad you could link up. No pressure but you can subscribe to get a reminder if you wish. The link is in the OTM post. Have a great week!


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