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If I Had A Million Dollars

1funny1041So let me get this straight –
you take the good
you take the bad
you take the both
and there you have
The Facts of Life?
That can’t be right.
Can it?
Am I getting this whole thing facts of life and happiness stuff all wrong?
Maybe chocolate was the answer all along.
Could it really be that easy?
Could that be what the universe is trying to tell me as my happiness project carries on?


Here are the first 14 weeks, then more, you decide:

Week 15

1. My brain, which doubles as an MP3 player, awakes to music, a foggy playlist scampering to Jack Johnson crooning, Upside Down then Blind Melon, David Bowie, and Tears For Fears all melodically reminisced about Change…
2. The pages of The Cake Therapist by Judith Fertig, came to life as I read, making me want more. Then I thought of Jennifer Aniston in Cake, amazing, but tissues at the ready. With cake, like life we gradually add one thing after another, hopefully in the right order, until there’s something delightful.


3. Luke Bryan wanted me to Kick the Dust Up (point me to a cornfield, cause, damn, that’s catchy).
4. I think my happy place may have vandals…maybe I didn’t lock up after the last time I left.


5.  Never forget.
6. The basic insultiness of the TV adaptation of Pamela Redmond Satran’s Younger – all young people are flibbertigibbits/all older people are past their sell-by-date. Like Sex and the City you have to suspend belief, your hold on reality, even your dignity to buy what they’re selling. Begs the questions, could I pass for younger and if so, why? I would like the naturally elastic skin back.
7. Lisa Whelchel + Kim Fields + farm from Smallville, here’s a fact of life, yup, all in the same movie, For Better or Worse…ok, definitely worse.

1funny1045Week 16

1. Barenaked Ladies felt they needed to remind me of good times and that I don’t have a million dollars, but what I could do if I did.


2. Let’s Make A Deal is still on? What year is this?
3. Wilson Phillips begged me to Hold On (thanks, I got this).
4. Took a delicious and mind-etching bite of Wes Anderson’s droll, absurd The Grand Budapest Hotel. Can a movie be too amazing? If so, this is.


5.  Tim McGraw told me to live like I was dyin’, well, duh.
6. Watched season première of Doctor Who…remembered why I love it. Let’s forget last season.
7. New series, Mr. Robot where Christian Slater seems to be reviving his Pump Up The Volume role, just older, but still angry. As a hacker, now instead of Talking Hard, he’s Typing Hard.

1funny1031Week 17

1.  The clock ticks, my birthday looms, another season falls away…I  guess even when you feel stuck, or trapped and there seems to be no escape, no way out (like in The Maze Runner, oh great, now I’m going to have Wild Boys by Duran Duran in my head), you can turn another corner and wow, you’re out…or maybe just borrow a ladder and climb out.
2.  Really want to watch The Fault In Our Stars, not sure I’m ready for ugly crying, especially when I have a cold
3. Writing, like everything else doesn’t have to be perfect. Sometimes it’s perfect to just unfocus and be.


4. Should I read A Writer’s Guide to Persistence by Jordan Rosenfeld, or would I just gave up?
5. Does it weird anyone else out that if you remove an ‘s’, the French word for fish looks like poison?

6. I need to invent a way to eliminate dusting, perhaps by eliminating dust.
7. What if life is like a bowl of cherries and we’re the pits?

Maybe I just need some sleep…without The Cure burbling in on all 8 legs of Lullaby.
                         If they’re The Cure, what was the disease again?


Very me

153 thoughts on “If I Had A Million Dollars

  1. Ha ha! Your writing is THE BEST. I love your cultural references. And pictures. Lots and lots of pictures (I’m a very visual person). Plus, if you like Doctor Who and If I Had a Million Dollars song you are A-OK in my book.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Dear delightful, darling Donna — here’s to your happiness project, to cake, to your birthday (let me know when it is), and to chocolate. Yes to chocolate, because it really is the answer — not 42 (sorry Douglas Adams). Thank you for another delicious post!
    If I’m depleted, deleterious, and delusional, it’s because i passed my certification exam! Mega hugs!


    1. You passed!!! Awesome, Teagan, I knew you would! I hope it leads to amazing things for you (especially in a Westward direction). 🙂
      Thank you triumphant, terrifically tremendous Teagan…my birthday is too soon and chocolate can never be too close. Yes, Douglas Adams got that one thing wrong. 😉
      So wonderful to hear you passed – I was rooting for you! Megahugs!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for cheering me on! LOL… now as long as my boss doesn’t ask my score… I passed by the skin of my teeth… But Thank God it is over. (And I hope the novel arrives in time for your birthday. 🙂 )


      2. But you passed and tests are over-rated, I’m sure your comprehension and doing score would be better. 🙂
        I know it will and hope to have it read and reviewed too! Can’t wait! 🙂
        Hope your week is a good one. Megahugs!


      1. Of course, it’s 25 years later and he’s hacking computers instead of hacking radios. 😉 It’s a good show so far, but I don’t want to get too invested, Christian Slater series don’t seem to stay on long these days. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. He was in a couple of Night at the Museum (I saw those because of my son, sure, that’s it), he was in 24, Believe (cancelled), Alcatraz (also cancelled), Need For Speed, and a few other things. I think Mr Robot will be a big break for him.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. He played King Ahkmenrah (I could be spelling that completely wrong, but I’m too headcolded out to look it up) and he was in the 2nd one too, maybe called Something Something Smithsonian? It had something to do with the Smithsonian. I think he was also in one of the Twilight movies, but we won’t hold that against him, he has to make a living 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Last season of Doctor Who hit Hulu, it took several days, but I got it watched. Not happy with the ending, but happy to see in the teasers that it might resolve itself. I just saw that Google Play is releasing current episodes… I might be able to watch 🙂 Have a great day!


    1. Yes, he did pop into my head, but so did a thousand others…I couldn’t list them all, but yeah, that is a good one (except I don’t want a boat, unless it’s made of chocolate). 😉
      Thanks for dropping by, hope this day is treating you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Ian, not only for the reblog, but the lovely and supportive words as well. You are too kind, but I will gladly take the treasured compliments. 🙂
      Hope this week is being good to you so far, Ian and all the best. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great playlist for the search for happiness, Donna. I actually think you hit the answer in all that frenetic energy. I zeroed in on it instantly the moment I read it:
    “Sometimes it’s perfect to just unfocus and be.”


    1. I know, I’m looking at fish a whole different way, they on the other hand are still looking at me like I’m weird for being weirded out by their French name, except the French fish, they already know. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Your ramblings,and stream of consciousness always reveal parts of you, your mind and incredible creativity, D. Songs easily get stuck in my mind, whereas important dates and times elude me. I like (and laugh at)the old puffy hair styles of the late 80’s and 90’s tv show and movie business world, like Christian Slater girls and guys in Full House and Facts of Life.


  6. Happy, wonderful birthday sometime soon or all month!! Donna, hope some of your dreams come true. Celebrate and everything chocolate must have no calories around birthdays and holidays.


    1. Isn’t that an image? And imagine eating you way through a chocolate million. 😉
      Always enjoy #FridayFrivolity always fun!
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂


  7. “3. Writing, like everything else doesn’t have to be perfect. Sometimes it’s perfect to just unfocus and be.”

    I love this, and i’m focusing on implementing this within my own content more consistently. Thanks for you the post. You have an awesome brain.


    Blogger’s Pit Stop


    1. Thank you, Ken, it’s so lovely to meet you, I hope you had a wonderful time at #BloggersPitStop – it’s amazing, isn’t it?
      Hope the weekend is treating you kindly so far. 🙂


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