WordPress Hates Me, How About You? aka I Need More Cake…

https://yadadarcyyada.com/I have always been me and despite many attempts to make me not me, I still seem to manage to be me. That’s not always a good thing.  Read some of my stuff, comment, critique, praise, ignore, puzzle, or just do whatever you want.

Ways to contact me (on my NEW home planet):  darcyyada@gmail.com

Where I’m a complete twit:  https://twitter.com/yadadarcyyada
Where I’m endlessly baffled by humanity:  https://www.facebook.com/yadadarcyyada
The desert where I wander:  http://www.pinterest.com/dpark2/
Where I google (not nearly as fun as it sounds): https://plus.google.com/112672588892199127381/posts

Please Send Me Stuff…I Love Free Stuff Cause Despite the Ads Ruining My Posts, I’m Not Getting Paid A Cent by WordPress…

I gratefully accept promotional materials, but respectfully reserve the right to decide whether said promotional material is suitable for my blog.
100% honest reviews and the opinions, thoughts, and beliefs will be my own, not that of the provider, party, or manufacturer.https://yadadarcyyada.com

Donations to help save the endangered broke and obscure bloggers who once roamed the internet free are appreciated…it’s Paypal, for anyone including, but not limited to eccentric millionaires who want to adopt a blogger. P.S. WordPress is greedily inserting ads into posts and holding our blogs hostage if we don’t pay the ransom to remove the malware (aka ads), I don’t get a single dime from them…https://yadadarcyyada.com/

Please follow my blog: https://yadadarcyyada.com https://yadadarcyyada.com/

444 thoughts on “WordPress Hates Me, How About You? aka I Need More Cake…

    1. Thank you kindly, completely Mark Bialczak. 😉
      Congrats on your award, Mark, your site should be flooded with them until you’re having trouble walking because they’re squishing around your legs, sorry, what were we talking about? Oh yes, your award, congrats!
      I’m not only honoured to be nominated, I loooove that description of me/my blog (I cut and pasted it to keep it), Mark, you are a master.
      Going to share this so everyone can find you and these other amazing bloggers!!! 🙂
      I thank you kindly for the nomination, I virtually accept the sign of your respect for my talent (totally blushing, no, don’t stop!) and appreciation of our friendship…but (there’s always a but) as of My Blog Party I stopped accepting awards, instead going to share your posts and the posts of others, comment, Like, etc. I do greatly appreciate your blog, I love your posts, they make me laugh and so glad we’re blogging friends. Thank you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I really think it’s one of my best non-acceptance speeches, right after, “They really don’t like me…after this, I’m not going to Disneyland”…Top 10 at least. 😉
        Hope this day is good to you, my friend. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We can extend this pretty far if we want, Donna. How about, “I didn’t want to be president anyway.” Or, “That’s OK, I didn’t want you to day yes and go to dinner with me.” 🙂


      3. Those are good ones, and “No that’s fine, I didn’t really want to win the lottery anyway”. Non-acceptance is the new acceptance. 😉


    1. Thank you so much, this is so sweet of you, Ritu. 🙂
      I really appreciate the nomination. 🙂
      Although I stopped accepting awards during the March Madness Spring Spring Blog Party, I always and I mean always appreciate that you thought about me and liked my posts enough to care.
      Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I thank you kindly for the nomination, I am honoured. As much as I love the awards, I had to stop accepting them because my time and energy levels are limited and I want to use them to visit and read posts, Like, Share, Comment and answer comments. My reasons are better explained here https://yadadarcyyada.com/2015/03/17/march-madness-spring-fling-blog-party/ Did you stop by and mention your blog, it’s a great way to find other bloggers and promote your blog. 🙂
      Thank you again, hope this day treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m so glad you visited me so I could follow the breadcrumb trail back to your slice of cyberland – Greatly enjoyed my visit here today! Thank you! 🙂


      1. Yes – it is cool- and why I love it here! 🙂 The day is ending with less sore muscles and I just ‘snitched’ a small corner of lasagna while impatiently waiting for the man-child to arrive home, so I can have a full serving of said comfort food – 🙂 Yup – the day is ending so much better than it started! Look forward to our future virtual visits! 🙂


    1. I’m honoured that you would ask, Rob. I will definitely consider it. Did you have a topic in mind or maybe I should read the DM instead of asking the same questions again. lol 😉
      Thank you kindly and I hope this day is good to you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your reply. Since my blog is
        primarily about the rights of people with mental illness, perhaps you could write something about how homelessness affects your life.


      2. I’ll have to think about that, Rob. I don’t know that much about homelessness, well, being homeless, besides what I’ve read, watched, heard from people so I don’t know that I’d have much to add.
        Mental illness – I know about anxiety, Autism, etc. Would that work? Let me know. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, Donna… Thanks for the follow on my blog. Glad you’ve been enjoying my A2Z posts. They are fun to do. I’m happy to have found your blog, and have been reading and enjoying your posts. All the best to you, and happy Blogging! 🙂


    1. Thank you for the nomination. Since this is sort of the way I write anyway I guess I should just do it (I’ve been nominated a bunch of times, I don’t know what I’m waiting for). lol 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Donna, thanks so much for the follow! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it – mine is such a new, baby blog (it’s practically a new-born) and yours is so………huge! Thankyou. X


    1. We all have to start somewhere. Best advice is to connect with other bloggers, I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing some of them are, how supportive, generous, helpful, and endlessly patient. 🙂
      Here’s a post I did about blogging advice and it has links to the other blogging advice posts I’ve done https://yadadarcyyada.com/2015/05/12/i-cant-make-you-love-me/ They’re a tad tongue-in-cheek, but all that I’ve learned is still there. 🙂
      Thanks for dropping by. Hope this day is being good to you.
      Gentle Fibrohugs. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, Donna. I’ll check it out 🙂 I can use all the help I can get!

        Couple of q’s for you – how do you manage to read everyone’s posts on your follows? Do you follow everyone who follows you? If that’s the protocol, how do bloggers with a gazillion followers cope with reading all those posts if they follow everyone in return? – I can see me getting overwhelmed, and the fibro stress thing will make me more ill if I let that happen, but it seems rude not to repay the compliment/interest (and I’m only on 25 followers atm!) And what do you do if you find yourself with followers who are …..ummm…..making you uncomfortable with their posts and comments? I really don’t want to offend anyone, but my blog was supposed to be helping my stress levels go down, not up! I’m having unforeseen quandaries. I’ve already met some lovely, lovely people here, and I’m connecting with new ones all the time. I love that 🙂 I just don’t want to offend anyone.

        Hope it’s ok to ask here, I couldn’t find a contact form for you, although I saw your bit about sending you things, so I’m probably just being dense. I can delete it if this isn’t the right place to ask.

        Thanks again, and gentle fibro hugs back to you, too. I hope your fibro isn’t too awful – so many of us!
        L. X


      2. I cheat because I can read superfast, I don’t think it’s technically speedreading, but I’m scary quick. I also have music or an audiobook on in the background so I’m sort of multitasking and it helps me read even faster. Those who tend to post a lot usually do small posts, and you don’t have to read/respond right away. For example, WordPress gives you the option of having posts come in Instantly, Daily or Weekly or you can find them on your Reader. If you find some overwhelming, put them off until you feel up to it. I see by your next comment that you got to the part about offending people, yes, some people are going to be offended, that can’t be helped, you just need to do what you feel comfortable with, same goes for posts and comments, do what you feel comfortable with. Everyone is different.
        My Fibro is fairly severe, but I’m had it for, well, ever apparently so I’ve learned a lot of coping skills, so to speak, but I have my really, really bad days, weeks, months, lol, years. The flares are the worst, aren’t they, invisible to the world yet tearing at us from all angles inside.
        Take care, don’t worry about offending anyone, just do what you feel comfortable with and those who understand will understand. 🙂
        Gentle Fibrohugs. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. So you follow everyone??? Wow. Kudos.

        I read super-fast, too. Always have. I was the child who used the whole familiy’s library tickets and was still out of books by day 3. I often write to music, but find reading to it less useful – prob my fault for multiple genre/speed playlists, they clash with the mood and pace of the writing, especially if it’s diverse, as numerous posts tend to be. I think I’ll take your suggestion of regulating email; that will give me the illusion of some control, lol. Currently, I just go the Blogs I Follow page.

        I have no qualms about potentially offending readers with my posts, I write what I write because I write it. It’s mostly for my benefit, my sense of achievement, my satisfaction, though inevitably it also feeds a need to help others in the same situations that fibro lands me in. My fear of offence is to do with not following someone who’s been kind enough to follow me when I realise I actually find their writing distasteful and/or downright disturbing, and wishing I could invisibly unfollow them when I’ve followed ahead of realising that!

        I’m sorry your fibro is severe; mine is, too, so I understand what you go through. Yes, we learn coping mechanisms and strategies, but my illness was made very much worse by chemo for breast cancer and it blew all my management of it clean out of the water. Even a base-level of normal like getting out of bed every/most/some/any day(s) is a huge achievement now, and I find that hard to accept. Yes, the flares are vicious, nasty pieces of work, and stress will bring on my impression of Linda Blair with IBS and migraine on top everytime. It used to be only flares that put me to bed, now that’s my normal daily location (I bed-blog from my iPad) unless I’m in yet another medical appointment. Pacing doesn’t work for me. Energy dissipates whether I use it or not.

        I hope I can give you some help and some comfort from my blog, maybe even some hope as and when I find new things that work. You aren’t alone 🙂

        I’m now going to trawl through you blog looking for fibro, cat, and chocolate posts! (One of my furballs is currently showing her disgust at being taken for her vaccination and Comfortis flea tab today, and is sulking by not sleeping on the bed. I must go and grovel [rolls eyes] to her first!)

        May tomorrow be a Less Fibro day for you,

        Gentle hugs and heartfelt thanks,

        L. X


      4. Adding a serious illness on top of Fibro just seems over the top, I’m sorry you have to go through that.
        Just do what you feel comfortable with, even if it’s an illusion of control. 😉
        All the best and may today treat you kindly. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks, Donna. That’s kind. But your life is hardly a bed of easily-maintained roses, either. And still both of us know there are people far worse off, health-wise, than we. That we both have many blessings to count.

    I hope today is less fibro-full. X


    1. Thank you kindly. I really appreciate the thought, but I just can’t commit to 3 days in a row, even if I scheduled them, first I’d have to write them, answer comments, etc. Thank you so much and the best of luck. 🙂 Hope this day treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, Also just nominated you for the same challenge. I just saw that you do not do it.I respect your decision not to do it. I enjoy your blog and am looking forward to reading more of your posts in the future.


  6. Hi there! I just wanted to say that you have an incredible blog, and that I find your content insightful, refreshing, and apt!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Teagan!!! I don’t have the words to express how touched, beaming and just over the moon I was when reading this!!! Yes, me, at a loss for words!
      Thank you ever so much for this, you made my week, month, year!!!
      I loved this installment and not just because ‘yadadarcyyada’ and my 3 things were so amazingly incorporated into the story. It was, as always, so clever, funny, intriguing – I’m ever thrilled to wait at the station for the next train to your imagination, I’m even getting hooked on the fairy flatulence! 😉
      I can’t say thank you enough for the fantastic #bloglove – I almost thought I’d passed away and this was a tribute, nope, still here. 😉
      Hope this week is better than the last, dear Teagan and I’ll wait patiently at the station, ok, patiently is an exaggeration. 😉


  7. I love the you that is you… from what Iv’e seen here in the virtual world, the you that is ‘very’ you is compassionate, kind, supportive…and writer’ly fabulous 🙂


    1. Congrats on your award, well-deserved!!! 🙂
      I really enjoyed reading your answers to Rob’s questions – isn’t he amazing? If people aren’t following both your blogs, they’d be better off if they did. 🙂
      Thank you for the nomination, I’m so thankful. While I don’t accept awards anymore, I just found I couldn’t give them the time they deserved so I spend it instead on sharing, liking, etc., I do feel I should answer the questions.
      1. At what age were you the happiest?
      I’ve been happy at pretty much all ages of my life, but I think the time I was happiest, as in most ignorant of the world was before I was 7.
      2. What if your unmarried, teenaged daughter came to you and told you she was pregnant, what would you do or say?
      That I loved her, would support her and the baby no matter what. I can’t wait to hold the little one. 🙂
      3. Do you believe in war? Do you think it is possible we (the world) will ever have world peace?
      While I understand war seems like it might have to happen sometimes I feel like too often it’s the first choice or we court it to make governments and corporations happy. I like the ideal of peace, but refer people to a Twilight Zone episode I think entitled, A Small Talent for War…says it all.
      4. What is your favorite memory?
      I have so many, especially of my son, family, friends…I must say I like to have fun and it shows in my memories. lol 😉
      5. Do you think it is possible to change from a negative to a positive personality?
      I like to think everyone is capable of change and who knows, sometimes people that pretend to be positive aren’t and people who seem negative are merely realistic.
      Thank you Tessa and again, congrats, so glad we found each other in this huge virtual haystack! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. First off thank you for liking our blogs and I am glad we found each other as well. I like your replies and especially where you would still love your unmarried teenage and support her. I had that happen to me and I was fine, but my ex was a jerk about it. Now he wonders why she isn’t very happy with him. She has gone on and had another one 8 years ago so they are 9 years apart and she has supported them without much help from either of their fathers. I am very proud of her and she is also a nurse now. She made a mistake. Not the end of the world and we supported her and him in the beginning and when she needed it.


      2. I wish her father could have thought that way. He demanded an abortion. He also made his disapproval noticeable to everyone.


    1. Congrats on your award, you are a true dragon, it’s well deserved!!!
      Thank you so much for thinking of me. I sort of stopped accepting awards because I just didn’t feel I had the time and energy to post, share, like, comment and all, but I get a thrill when people think of me.
      As for the 7 interesting things, not sure I could come up with that many, but I sure enjoyed yours. 🙂
      Thank you kindly and hope this day is treating you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Congrats on the award, well-deserved. I liked your facts…
      Thank you kindly for the nomination and for putting me in such great company.
      Here’s my version of your facts.
      I don’t do caffeine either, well, anymore (lol).
      I too love pancakes and sushi although I don’t eat the latter as often as I’d like to.
      I love my city too (warts and all).
      Most foods taste better with chopsticks, except soup, I haven’t gotten the hang of soup with them yet, but someday!
      I struggle with being diplomatic and not complaining…and not complaining diplomatically.
      Thank you again and congrats again. Hope this day is being good to you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. You have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by William Chasterson. This is an award created by Edge of Night recognizing bloggers from all over the world for their hard work. It is meant to recognize bloggers, give them encouragement, motivation to continue blogging, and basically just let them know that they are loved and appreciated. Being a blogger is not as easy as the silly name suggests and many times we get discouraged but this award serves as a reminder of why we started blogging in the first place.


    1. Thank you kindly, William, for this lovely nomination. It was a delight to find in my inbox this morning and brightened this dull, rainy day. 🙂
      I read the other nominees, most of which I’m already lucky enough to follow and thought, wow, I’m certainly in stunning company here. 🙂
      Thank you again, it worked, I feel more motivated. 🙂
      Hope this day treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Congrats on the nomination and thank you so much for thinking of me. 🙂
      My quote for today and probably most days would be:
      “Life is mostly froth and bubble,
      Two things stand like stone.
      Kindness in another’s trouble,
      Courage in your own.”
      ~Adam Lindsay Gordon
      Hope this day is good to you. 🙂


    1. Congrats!!! Well-deserved! Thank you for including me in your nomination blessing spree!!! I feel so happy to be included. 🙂
      Loved your facts. 🙂
      Congrats again and hope this week is treating you well so far. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. HI,

    the name of your blog pulled me in .. so, I had to stop by and check things out. I am glad that I did. Read the very first blog on your post … found it to be very intersting .Will be back for more. 🙂

    Keep up the good work .


    1. Congrats on the award, Krista, well-deserved!!! 🙂
      Loved all the info on you and your questions are great, so while I don’t technically accept awards anymore I can’t help but answer the questions you posed
      1. What do you wish you had known prior to beginning your blog?
      How to blog and especially that picking a name was important (oops).
      2: What is the newest blogging tip, trick, or technique that you have run across?
      Here’s my blogging ‘horror’ story https://yadadarcyyada.com/2015/10/16/you-cant-handle-the-blogging-truth/
      Here’s some of my other blogging advice: https://yadadarcyyada.com/2015/08/27/message-in-a-bottle/ https://yadadarcyyada.com/2015/04/10/im-hooked-on-a-feeling/
      3: Which of the blogging awards and challenges that you have received have you enjoyed the most?
      I enjoyed them all, but I found I didn’t have time to accept all of them while still doing my life, blog, sharing, commenting, etc., but I think they’re a lovely way to connect, as are Blog Parties, please stop by and share your blog so others can find it, here’s my Monster Meet and Greet Mash https://yadadarcyyada.com/2015/10/28/monster-meet-and-greet-mash/
      Thank you so much for thinking of me, I’m so thrilled. 🙂


    1. I was still recovering from your blast to the past party when the Halloween spirit overtook me and I did the Monster Meet and Greet Mash https://yadadarcyyada.com/2015/10/28/monster-meet-and-greet-mash/ on my blog and well, needless to say, this week has, indeed, been a blur! 😉
      Thanks again for the awesome party, here’s your lampshade back, and thanks for the shout-out (feeling spoiled…please continue). 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂


    1. Wow, just wow, thanks for the amazing review, Jason. Absolutely made my morning when I got up to this!!!
      And to be in such great company, the reviewed and the reviewer, well, that’s always a cool bonus.
      Thanks again and hope this day treats you kindly. 🙂


    1. Congratulations on the award Patrick (and Sandy)!!! Well-deserved and very appropriate, you’re a lovely blogger – wise, kind, generous, and always supportive. 🙂
      I’m thrilled by the nomination and I don’t know if I could match the interestingness of your facts, but I’m honoured to be in such wonderful company!!! 🙂
      Thank you kindly and I hope this day is treating you well. 🙂


    1. Richard, You had me at cookies… 😉
      I hadn’t watched ‘Home Alone’ last year and it somehow didn’t feel right so I’ve rectified that and may have to do it again (would have been a shorter, less fun, and more brutal movie with competent burglars).
      And now I have Wham! in my head, ok, I’d be lying if I said they weren’t there already. 🙂
      Hope your Dad likes his onsie.
      Love your reading choices concerning fantasy, now I have a craving for Phillip Pullman readathon. 🙂
      Emma Watson is awesome.
      I love your BAPS, a great idea!
      Thanks for the nomination and the mention, I’m glad you enjoyed my post(s), as I’m enjoying yours. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. Best wishes, Donna. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Donna,
    I have nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award.
    What can I say, I enjoy your sense of humor and your blog usually gives me a smile, sometimes a belly laugh and always a pause for a thought or two!
    I appreciate your blog and your support.


    1. Congratulations on your awards, so well-deserved!!! 🙂
      Thank you for the nomination, I’m so thankful. 🙂
      We are certainly an eclectic and interesting bunch and I’m so thrilled to be in such amazing company, including of course my lovely nominator, RobbyeFaye. 🙂
      Great words of wisdom. It’s so difficult to give advice because we’re all so different and at different places in our lives, in the world, etc.
      Here’s a couple of my words of er, wisdom, sure let’s call them that… https://yadadarcyyada.com/2015/08/27/message-in-a-bottle/
      Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate and all the best, today and every day. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi D – thanks for liking my recent posts. I’m trying to improve both my blogs so I was wondering if you could tell me what you liked about it and how I can improve on my writing style. Cheers!


    1. Steve, I love music and you have plenty of that (and a clear love of it) and I think the giveaways and requests are a great way to engage readers (and listeners). I think you’re being very you and people will keep coming back. Cheers! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, I’ve been trying out a few new ones so I’m not sure which one you saw, is it the one with red sidebars? When I figure out which one I like, I’ll probably throw a blog party to celebrate! 🙂
      Thanks for letting me know, Ted and I hope this day is being good to you so far. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Thanks for liking my recent sponsorship opportunities post. Is this something that you would be interested in? My blog has high traffic right now so I’d love to try and help promote your blog! Let me know- cheers, Steve…


  13. And finallyyy after ages of scrolling I reached my destination 😀 But your blog is so awesome and a great find, I simply could not go after clicking the “follow” and a few likes 🙂 I just had to see and comment on your about me ❤ One of the amazing finds from Jacqueline's party 🙂
    Hoping to know you more in this world of blogs and would love if you drop by my little corner of the blogosphere as well. Cheers and Warmest wishes, Minaxi ❤


    1. So glad you found me, this is the best part of blogging, finding other bloggers. I thoroughly enjoyed what I’ve seen of your blog so far and I hope we can virtually visit often. 🙂
      Cheers and hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yess..That is indeed the best part 🙂 Plus when we come across blogs like yours, we burst with joy. And laughter 😀 Many thanks for popping by my corner and glad you enjoyed my scribblings 🙂 Hope you also have an awesome rest of the weekend and a great week ahead 🙂


      2. So glad we found each other, in this giant virtual haystack it’s more difficult than it seems. 🙂
        My week so far has been good, hope yours has been as well. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  14. You & me, both, sister! So glad to have found ya! I’ll be following you, but in a totally not creepy way. No, really. Hoping you’ll return the favor. 🙂


    1. And I’m following you back in a totally not-creepy-but-I-read-like-10-of-your-posts-and-liked-and-shared-just-this-morning way, ok, that does sound a tad creepy when I put it like that. 😉
      Glad we found each other in this giant virtual haystack and hope we can virtually visit often but in a not creepy at all way.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the first giggle of the week! And for reading AND sharing my stuff. I had another blog but this one is my new baby. I’m very happy to find a kindred spirit. 🙂


  15. Well there’s you with, like, 6 million followers. And then there’s me, with both of mine losing heart. Yet you take the time to read two of my longer pieces. Truly honored! Many thanks, Mr Nick.


    1. lol This is going to sound trite, but everyone has to start somewhere. I don’t care if a blogger has 1 follower or 1 billion, I read if it catches my attention and read on if it keeps it. I really hope people find yours, Mr. Nick. Glad we found each other. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cheers. Thanks a lot. Doesn’t sound trite at all. The discipline of posting is really good for me and happy to be, ahem, niche!! Mr Niche


    1. That sounds like a fun way to find blogs, and I’m so happy that you found me in this giant virtual haystack. Yes, I’m following you back, and shared, and commented. 🙂 I’m having a blog party right now https://yadadarcyyada.com/2016/06/10/cant-you-just-pretend-to-be-nice/ – great way to find bloggers (I know it is for me and others). Hope you can drop by, leave us some of your treasures aka posts. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you kindly and thanks again. 🙂


  16. You have an awesome blog D. Parker! Really Donna, you do. I about to post you with the Happy Tag, cause your writing and process give me nachas (happiness)! Thanks for you and your unique ‘youness.’ I rather like it!


  17. Are you seriously leaving us!!!! Nooooooooooooooo….. 😦 This really makes me so sad! Please stay in touch. I’d love to know what you will write about. I would love to read it. Your posts are fantastic. You have that “je ne sais quoi”! I don’t know why but while I was reading this I was actually wondering if you would read my two novels and give me feedback on them before I actually publish them? They are edited. I need to format them and then put them up (self publishing). I just like to get some feedback. Or maybe not (so much to crushing my dreams and being confident…)…

    Anyway: I wish you best of luck. I hope to hear from you every now and then. May all your projects work out perfectly fine. xoxoxo


    1. Yes, at least for now. I’m going with Dr. Seuss on this one, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
      I’d love to read your novels and give you feedback. 🙂 My email is: iwanttobelieve@rogers.com
      I’ll still be around, I just need a break, I don’t know how long. 🙂
      Thank you for all your kindness and support. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂
      Best wishes, always. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks sweetie, but me and funny aren’t getting along right now (love your meme though), I had a fall a few days ago, I’m not seriously injured, but not well then I got a cold, sigh. Hopefully another time and I hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂


      1. One more thing, even though reposting blogs draw some attention, I prefer blogs with original content. I’d likely never find anything that I would share on a blog site like that. In the long term, everybody likes original content.


      2. It has nothing to do with kindness. It has everything to do with trying to drive traffic to their own blog. This, in part, is why about 80% of the things you read online are vacuous and a time sink.


    1. Thank you Esme for letting me participate in your wonderful blogging experiment, letting us bloggers hang around on your blog.
      Hope this weekend is treating you kindly. 🙂


    1. I submerged myself in this delightful story, as I always do with your wondrous works, dear Teagan and I was pleasantly surprised to see me!!!
      Thank you, but “what has the unintended incantation “Yadadarcyyada” done to the submarine and its passengers?” Oh no! I hope only good thing. 😉
      “Might the magical effect extend beyond the submarine?” I’m on the edge of my seat here, I know I’ll have to wait, but wow, the suspense is killing me (I hope it lasts). 😉
      “Will it be enough to allow our friends to get away from the villains on the hydrofoil?” Oh my, I feel a case of the vapours coming on!
      Thank you for the delicious entertainment, dear friend and to be in the same post as Jane Austen and Darcy, still more thrills. You really are the bee’s knees my friend, I am so glad we found each other in this giant virtual haystack, I can’t imagine the blogging world or the world without you.
      Big bloggy backgammon hugs xoxoxox


  18. Hi Donna 👋 I’ve been following your blog and also your Facebook group for a few years now. Just read your latest post, started browsing, and ended up here. I can only imagine how difficult it must be, dealing with the chronic, painful symptoms of fibromyalgia and all the related issues. IBS is something I am familiar with and it’s (literally) a big pain in the ass! 🙄

    Disgusting, isn’t it, how everyone has their hand out these days? Things that used to be free online are getting more and more rare all the time. And let’s not even talk about the ridiculous clutter of ads! 😕

    In the spirit of blogger camaraderie, I’d like to do my part (small as it may be), “to help save the endangered broke and obscure bloggers who once roamed the internet free”, by sending you a donation via Paypal.

    Here’s hoping you have some good days to temper the bad ones. All the best to you!


    1. I agree about IBS, people don’t get how it controls your life, it is a pain in the butt. 😉
      Thank you Debbie, not only for the very kind donation (you’ve saved my blog for another year – yahoo!!!) but for your blog friendship and just being here. We need to be there for each other in every way now more than ever.
      All the best to you and yours and Happy Thanksgiving!!! xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

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