Posted in New Year

Lessons Learned love new things:
New clothes,
new cars,
new houses,
new furniture,
new phones,
new years,
new friends,
new babies (that seems redundant, they can’t be old babies).
“New” gives us illusions of hope,
a new beginning…there can’t be an old beginning, it’s all new.

I used to make New Year’s Resolutions about: losing weight, learning something different, appreciating others more, working harder, exercising more, etc., you know, the usual, but it rarely worked. Why?

1. Goals should be specific.
‘Lose weight’ is too vague, I’m probably losing weight while typing this, but I’ve made certain promises to chocolate and I always keep my word…small, specific, and significant steps (more later).

2. Write it down! Or make a visual representation of what you what to happen – pictures out of magazines or books (not the ones from the library), the internet, or if you have the ability, draw your goals yourself. Don’t forget, visit your goals often, revise them if necessary, re-imagine, and see where you want to be.

3. Watch out for ironic or self-defeating.
You know, trying to do a digital detox with an app on your smartphone (huh?).
Starting your diet by eating all the junk food in your house to avoid future temptations.
In a sense, common sense is the only sense that makes sense.

4. Prioritize.
One goal at a time. Reaching for all your goals at once puts all out of reach. Whether you start with the easiest or hardest, choose one, then move on to the next.

5. Don’t try for weird resolutions, like become rich and famous, it’s too broad and if you get it, you might not like it. Being broke and obscure doesn’t make you less, unless you let it. Celebrate yourself.

 6. New isn’t always better.
New shoes can pinch and cause blisters.
New movies often don’t live up to classics.
Babies keep you awake at night.
New cars smell and get recalled (if they don’t turn into a blazing inferno first).
New friends can’t relive good times with you, like family or old friends can…
Old isn’t always bad.
Make sure you’re not changing good things or fixing something that isn’t broken.
Maybe you don’t need fixing, maybe a few tweaks here and there will do the trick.

7. Be kind.
It’s easy to find fault, place blame, easy to get cranky and rude with ludicrous or ignorant people, easy to argue, fuss, and fight, but where does it get you?
Why swim in snark infested waters when you can float (they all float)…
Wouldn’t you rather lift someone up than knock them down (it’s better exercise too).
Why break a heart when you can heal it?

My resolutions? Don’t worry (it’s passive and gives us excuses not to do!!!). As I say goodbye to another birthday another year, my New Year’s Resolutions are simple: Do my best and enjoy; I tried it last year and so far, I like the results

Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a wonder-filled 2018 ! I’ll go back to wondering if it’s ever going to warm up!


Very me

145 thoughts on “Lessons Learned

  1. Very good advice on the resolution thing – I don’t usually make them – we are too hard on ourselves, aren’t we? But I do like to set other short term goals throughout the year, so I guess I still get pulled into the pressure a bit! Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That was one great 1920s pajamas birthday party, Donna. Thank you again for doing that.
    Yes, celebrate yourself — because we celebrate you! Happy New Year, my friend. May all our favorite, best, happy dreams come true. And if we can’t manage to dream good dreams (like me… o_O ) then may we have magical, perfect, healthful happiness in 2018 and every year. Hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It sure was, dear Teagan, it sure was, I’ll have to throw another one in the new year, to celebrate bloggers in 2018!!! 🙂
      We need to be our own party, celebrate ourselves, and be the dreamers of our dreams, big, small, impossible, and improbable, but still lovely to dream.
      Happy New Year, dear friend, I wish you a 2018 that fulfills some or all of your dreams (I hope their are some good ones, no nightmares allowed). 🎊🎊🎊
      Mega I hope it’s warm where you are, I’m starting to feel like Frosty the Snowwoman hugs xoxoxoxo ☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️

      Liked by 2 people

      1. This made me end the day with a smile, Donna. 🙂
        Oh, it’s bitterly cold. Although it is surely even colder up in your neck of the woods. But the heat is working fine. Stay warm. Be well; be happy.


      2. Making you smile, so worth it. Yes, we’re bundled up, but the forecast isn’t be kind, long-johns, scarves, and parkas it is, brrrrr. Say warm, dear friend, think warm thoughts, hot cocoa with mini marshmallows or whipped cream, beaches, hot springs…
        Mega be well and be happy and for ET, be good hugs xoxox

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Sound advice, every one, Donna. I’ve stopped making New Year resolutions. Each day is a new beginning. I set goals and continue to work towards completion and resolution.

    As you say, we can only do our best and enjoy each day as it unfolds. See you in the New Year 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Each day, each hour, each moment really is a beginning, we just keep moving forward and hopefully in the right direction (with some detours along the way and who knows, sometimes that detour can be awesome!). 🙂
      Happy New Year ad all the best for 2018!!! 🙂


  4. I like your attitude, Donna (Have I said this before?) I was just coming to the same conclusions about resolutions. I’ll keep my one resolution that I’ve had since I was a baby – keep working at uncluttering my life … or not…. All the best to you, Donna.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with the uncluttering, the more I do so, physically and mentally, the more free I feel…it’s a journey, we just have to keep at it before it keeps at us. lol 😉
      I’m so glad we could be here for each other in the blogosphere, all the best for 2018!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I will, dearest David, especially with you in my life. 🙂 I resolve to keep reading your blog and even better, to get to your posts faster! 🙂
      Hope you have a Hap Hap Happy New Year, dear one, all the best to you and yours and to a delight-filled 2018!!! 🙂
      Massive hug-filled world hugs xoxoxox


  5. The first thing that popped into my head is that I don’t like streaming music, films or books. I tried e-books and even bought a Kindle. All the software updates for the Kindle soured that experience and I went back to paper books. Paper books don’t have software updates so you can keep using them.

    I also want to have a CD player in my car so I can listen to CDs instead of the newest crap that drove me crazy when I bought my last car. I prefer listening to CDs because they don’t come with commercials and static and lost signals (I hope they don’t change that). I seldom listen to radio stations when I’m driving.

    The car I’m currently driving came without a CD and it drove me crazy until I found a place that installed a CD so I could listen to book tapes and music on CDs. New isn’t always easier.

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    1. Technology can be a headache and yes, it’s definitely a money-grab by companies telling us we need, need, need more more more! I still love paper books, CDs, DVDs, VHS, heck, I still listen to my Walkman, why give up things that work, I like some of the new stuff, but I’m not buying into cults.
      Best of luck with your CDs, books, and we’ll be dinosaurs, but with long arms. 😉
      Happy New Year!!! 🙂

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    1. Thank you and Happy New Year, Erika!!! I’m so glad we could be here for each other here in the blogosphere; this was a rough year for many, but we can be hopeful that 2018 will bring more joy. 🙂

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      1. I don’t mind challenges as long as the deck isn’t stacked, but I can’t wait to see what 2018 brings. 🙂
        Thank you and all the best to you, Erika, each and every day! 🙂

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      2. I like to think of life as a book, it keeps flowing and sometimes keeps me more interested than others. 😉 📚📚📚
        Thank you, dear Erika and may this year have chapters filled with joy. 🙂 📚

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  6. Like Jan said above, I (also) don’t make resolutions, but I have a few hopes for the new year. I asked the kid’s magic 8-ball-like robot whether Mango Man would be im’peach’ed in 2018 and it said ‘no chance,’ so I’ve gotta move forward from that. But to be serious, there’s a line from Robert Frost that I think applies; to paraphrase, it’s what do you make of the diminished thing. What do I do with my reality given all the bad stuff (most of which I cannot control). In any case, here’s wishing you a pain-free, restorative, enlightening, and satisfying 2018, Donna!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those are wise words, Leigh, from Frost and you. We have to keep moving forward no matter what they put in front of us, even a greedy Orange Puddinghead. 😉
      Thank you and I wish the same for you, best wishes for every single day!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the reblog,..even though I’m playing some major catch-up (long story, er, make that stories that might become posts lol), I really appreciate the #bloglove
      Hope this new year is treating you well (so far), best wishes for each and every day. 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly for the reblog,..I’m playing some major catch-up (long story, er, make that stories that might become posts lol), but I really appreciate the #bloglove
      Hope this new year is treating you well (so far), best wishes for each and every day. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re just like me then, as my Dad used to say, “I’m so far ahead I’m behind!”… 😉
        So far 2018 has been boring (if you don’t watch the news), just the way I like it, er, mostly.
        Hap Hap Happy New Year! 🤗


    1. Hope you’re still warm and I’ll dream of warmth!!! We’re bundling and hoping once the Snowsquall and Extreme Cold Warnings pass we’ll remember why we like Canada!!! lol 😉
      Hope your 2018 is filled with love, hope, and cheer!!! 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Debby, I just go at them slow and remind myself my “bad” habits weren’t made in a day, so changing them takes some time, it’s time well spent. 😉
      New Year Year, all the best for 2018!!! 🙂

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  7. Fun, as always! I’m resolving to stay warm right now, where it’s 10 degrees and we just got a foot of snow yesterday. My writing fingers are flying to keep warm. YOU – take care and Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a great resolution, easier said than done…our temp because we use the (sucky, no offense to those who like it) Celsius system for temps here in Canada, it’s a balmy (kidding, apparently we’re in Hell and it’s frozen over) -25 with windchill, but has warmed up since overnight where it dipped into the minus 30s. We has a Snowsquall and Extreme Cold Warning, but hey, looking at some folks, we have it good. So stay warm, keep those fingers flying, sweaters at the ready!!! Take care and Happy New Year (I hope they’re not just predicting some warmer weather to keep us sane. lol 😉

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  8. Happy New Year Donna.. may you not need a bigger basket and as for your list.. spot on. The ‘To Do List’ went out of fashion for a while with all sorts of digital alternatives.. but there is nothing more satisfying than drawing a line through small but essential tasks accomplished.. including leaving the last of the Christmas chocolate biscuits hidden away in a cupboard. Lots of love, laughter and no regrets for 2018… ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, I still love looking at a list that has all sorts of lines, it at least gives me the illusion I’m doing a lot. lol 😉
      I understand the hidden stash, dear Sally, but sadly those are the moments my memory decides it’s not as bad as I think, darn it! 😉 🍪🍪🍪
      I like that, lots of love, laughter, and no regrets, even biscuits. 😉

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  9. Excellent advice, especially number 6. You’re right–newer is not always better ie if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. I just tried something new and it was bad, and then I was like hell no–I’ll just stick to what I already do. We learn these lessons the hard way, sometimes:-)

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  10. It is so much fun to open your posts and I think I missed this one, Donna. I look and search hoping I commented but alas, apparently not seen before.
    I like new beginnings. My Dad frequently suggested to my brothers and me to, “reinvent ourselves.”
    I have hopes, like Jan mentioned.
    I joined eHarmony, online dating service. I have hope of completing real estate license to help be my youngest daughter’s assistant. A “new life” would be fantastic! 🎆✨🌠

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    1. I’m so behind on my comments, it could be here, either way, I appreciate the visit and am trying desperately to catch up. 😉
      I like that idea, reinvent and sounds like you’re taking his advice, way to go, those sound like delightful plans, can’t wait to hear about it. 🙂

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  11. I stopped by for a visit and re-read this post. I don’t see all of the memes on a first reading so I usually do this because I love your memes. Anyway, that Cat meme, What Am I Doing With My Lives is hilarious and oddly enough, hits a nerve.


    1. It did with me too, I’ve been doing a lot of rethinking and processing and I’ve come to some interesting points…and it’s keep me from watching the news lol 😉


    1. Thank you, Erika, you’re too kind, and I’m thrilled! How lovely, you’ve added sunshine ☀️☀️☀️ to a cloudy day (literally and figuratively). And look at all the delightful comments, you have all inspired me to play nice and get going on a post! lol 😉 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
      Hope this week is treating everyone well! Big hugs! 🤗🤗🤗


  12. I must have missed this while on my extended break.
    Happy belated birthday, Donna (Sorry it’s late, but the sentiment is no less sincere, along with Happy New Years, too!!!).🎂🎁🍨🎆
    I’m sitting here shivering in a heat deprived house, wishing laughter, introspection and prioritizing my goals could keep me warm. Ah, well, hopefully, I won’t be a popsicle come morning, the part they ordered will be here bright and early and if not, I’ll be out of the house most of the day anyway!❄️☃️

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      1. You are welcome.
        Well, I’m definitely warmer now, both due to the weather and the fact that they fixed our heater (took about 4 days, and nights, to track down the problem-still have it kicking off too much, but at least it heats!!!!!!).
        Not much laughter, unfortunately, but I’ll get there!


      2. Thanks! I’m glad, too!
        Ironically we have been having a small heat wave this week with the temps ranging from high 50-60’s in the day then dropping into the mid 30’s at night!! (I’m not complaining!)
        🙂 🙂


      3. I agree, he is very grumpy. However, I think you have had it worse than we have, I think that’s probably the norm, as Canada tends to be colder than we are.


      4. I’m sorry!
        I know the cold can really be rough.
        Our heater went out again! Of course, we’ve only been in the 20’s and 30’s at night and 50’s during the day, but the wind’s been terrible! The in-house temps have been in the 50’s so we can manage, but as many times as they have been out you would think they would have it fixed!! We’re still shivering, though!
        Try to stay warm!
        Hugs! ❤ ❤


      5. Well, they rigged a way, so the heat stayed on for extended periods of time, instead of shutting off as soon as it came on, which is good but hasn’t really solved the issue. We have been having warmer weather and will be getting a few more cold mornings then I think we’ll be into spring, which will be much warmer!


      6. LOL, though it’s not really funny when you think about it!
        I’m glad you were able to open your windows.
        It has been such a strange weather pattern these last 6 months or so!
        Have a fantastic week!


  13. I agree, new doesn’t always mean better. Trying new things is good, though. Trading old friends in for new ones isn’t the best way either. Adding new to old is always best, I think.
    I liked Jan’s idea of calling resolutions as hopes. Smiles, Robin 🌈

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Reblogged this on yadadarcyyada and commented:

    Wouldn’t you rather lift someone up than knock them down (it’s better exercise too).
    It’s easy to find fault, place blame, easy to get cranky and rude with ludicrous or ignorant people, easy to argue, fuss, and fight, but where does it get you? (I keep learning this lesson).
    Why break a heart when you can heal it?
    Be Kind.

    Liked by 1 person

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