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Twice Upon A Christmas Carol had too much to dream last night…again.
I feel like I’m suffering from a dream hangover.
I woke from my confusing, at times, exhilarating Dickens’ A Christmas Carol -like dream (with Muppets), and again, filled with revelations. I was visited once again by Donald Trump who told me 3 others (the best 3 others) would visit that night. It was terrifying, he still wore the chains of greed, intolerance, and suffering he’d forged link by link…it seemed like there was more of the hairspray than grave about him.

When Colin Firth showed up as my Ghost of Christmas Past  in the white shirt from Pride and Prejudice  (you know the one, ladies and gents), I thought, bring it on, this dream just got X-tra special. He reminded me that all things past are actually always still with us… Ghost of Christmas Present (what a gift) turned out to be my own insecurities, about: writing, parenting, weight (with all that weight I fear I may have lost my sense of humour…), and blogging mostly because WordPress gave me a gift for my blog anniversary/Christmas – less than half of you who asked for notifications to my posts are getting them and I’m not receiving a lot of yours either – oops; “Likes” aren’t staying Liked; and they ‘Unfollowed’ a bunch of you that I Follow – I think I have you all back, I hope. Don’t take anything personally and please, look out for my posts on social media –
Where I’m a complete twit:
Where I’m endlessly baffled by humanity:
The desert where I wander:
I am here!
I am here!
I am here! Christmas songs play everywhere but we need more Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsman. Peace on Earth, goodwill, and about how even the worst of enemies can put aside their differences, if only for a little while…we sure need more of that.

2. Even on a crummy morning a gingerbread man still makes his bed with cookie sheets.

3. Christmas is about giving. Though broke and obscure I still believe in giving to others and weirdly, sometimes you get stuff back.

4. Not waiting in line for some guy in a red suit to make me promises, I’ll make some to myself and try to keep them.

My Ghost of Christmas Future was Norman Reedus, well, actually Daryl Dixon, (because it’s my dream and it gets better, he’s holding a cat reminding us to Shop Cruelty Free goes for people as well, cruelty-free)…and he showed me…

5. Christmas could be a little late this year, instead of making toys, Santa and the elves are already lined up to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi (I haven’t seen it, but I’m guessing it has to do with a Jedi).

6.  The Christmas feeling could be there, even without the gifts, the lights, the decorations, chocolate (this one is iffy), turkey and toys, even without the Christmas.

7. Ordinary rules of time and space don’t apply to Santa or The Doctor (Doctor Who Twice Upon A Time I’m not ready for Peter Capaldi to go and I’m still missing David Tennant), but they do apply to us, we only have so much time in this world.

Happiness and success can be measured by the joy and comfort we bring to others. Remember the good times, the fun times, the laughter, the kindness, the little moments.

If you don’t see me around here for a bit, I’ve checked myself into Clementine rehab (I can quit anytime I want)  – one day at a ‘clementime’.

Merry Christmas to all and sweet dreams!


Very me

133 thoughts on “Twice Upon A Christmas Carol

  1. I don’t use WordPress Reader to follow anybody! I use “something else”. I never lost anyone. The president makes a good “Marley” in Scrooge. I prefer the musical 1976 “Scrooge” with Albert Finney as Scrooge. Thank you very much for the posts this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Neither do I, I get Notifications, wait, what do you use and does it work well?
      Trump does but I prefer any other Marleys (even Marley and Me)…
      Thanks for dropping by and all the best for the holidays and all the year through. 🙂 🎄🎄🎄

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have used Bloglovin for maybe 3 years and had no problem following people with it. It does not update as quick as WP Reader when someone puts up a new post, but it does update everyone.. I also have a bookmarked list of every blog I follow but it is only about 70. It is a pain to start one from blog 1.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Erika, bit of a recycle, but there’s few of us on here right now anyway and thanks to WordPress even fewer receiving notifications, but for those of us still here (and poking around a bit to look for posts on our own), we deserve some fun! 😉 ❤️
      Thank you and you as well, dear friend. ❤️🎄❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ach, after the horror of the Marley lookalike things could only get better, especially if your Colin Firth has a starring role. But, if you can make the change before the midnight hour that enables you to open bloody big sash windows and bellow at passing children all shall be well and you shall dance a jig at your estranged nephew’s. I can’t say fairer than that and I don’t reckon the fella in the red outfit is any competition.
    xxx Gigantic Hugs xxx


    1. Yes, dreams can sometimes start like a nightmare then go right into the amazing stuff…all’s well that end’s well, right? 😉
      I will have to work on getting some bloody big sash windows and I make it policy to merely grumble at passing children, just can’t seem to muster a bellow. 😉
      Hope your holiday season has a dream-like quality; I’m taking it slow, one day at a ‘clementime’. 🍊🍊🍊 xoxoxoxox
      Massive dancing a jig or with my dancing, mayhap a thingamajig hugs 🤗🤗🤗


  3. I miss Tennant. Couldn’t watch the guy who’s on now. Nope. Watched two of them and that was it. To each her own, I guess. Great post, as always. I hope WP stops messing around but then that would be a Christmas Miracle, I guess. I would like a Dixon and cat, as well as the T-shirt, but I guess I could wear his later, but that would be another Christmas Miracle that will never happen. LOL We can but dream of lovely things, like peace, kindness, clean air and water, a government that’s not pretend…made of lies and hate, greed and malice, you know, just simple things. Well, ho ho ho and merry, merry to you…hope Christmas is…okay, fun, not awful, fabulous, delightful, not gross, _____________, or fill in the blank. Everyone I know is crabby. It just happened when all the kids came home from college. LOLOL That’s the truth. Grinch time…at my house…tonight.


    1. Ironically Peter Capaldi had really come into his own as The Doctor this season and the writing was incredible, makes it much worse that he’s leaving. But such is the way with The Doctor, who know we only have them for a limited time and yet they are timeless. 😉
      WordPress, whose motto is: “If it ain’t broke, break it” stop messing around, yes, a true Christmas miracle! 🎅🎅🎅 I won’t hold my breath, I’ll turn funny colours. 😉
      Yes, Daryl and a kitty cat, any time of year bliss. 😉
      We can keep dreaming, and hoping, and fighting for the good stuff, it’s the only way. 🙂
      I’m calling it the Trump Who Stole Christmas effect, everyone seems on edge and there’s so much happening, in the whole wide world and all we keep hearing about is Trump and his cronies – take away his power, stop talking about him, but oh, I just did it again aaaargggh!!! But seriously, Christmas is so rushed now, I think it makes a lot of folks grump, racing around for the “perfect’ Christmas, doesn’t exsit, enjoy the one you’re having. 🙂 🎅🎅🎅
      All the best for the season (limited Scrinching) and all the year through (and yes, I miss miss miss David Tennant too!). 🎅


  4. I thought I was the only one tossed into the WordPress black hole. Like you , I “think” it’s fixed…’cuz I’m getting your notifications again… and everyone else’s.

    Enjoy the holidays, my friend – 2018 is going to be interesting. 🎅🎄🎅🎄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yahoo!!! I’ve been having a battle royale with WordPress for a while now, hope it sticks this time (we don’t like being in the WP black hole!!!).
      Thank you kindly, Felicia and to you as well, all the best, always. 🎄

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Grumpy Cat does make us smile, but I suspect he can’t say the same about us. 😉 Me-ow! 😾😾😾
      Thank you kindly for the lovely reblog, Jonathan, was a delightful holiday treat. 🎄🎄🎄
      All the best to you and yours, in the holidays and all the year through. ☃️☃️☃️

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This was so funny, I had such a good laugh. Ebenezer Scrooge as a job creator, LOL. I frequently have trouble sleeping and would just wish Colin Firth to show up. Especially in the white shirt 😀 Snoopy and the Red Baron is one of my favorite songs, I usually get around to sharing that one every year. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly and glad I could share some joy. 🙂
      Colin Firth just doesn’t get around in dreamland as much as he should, maybe we need to get him a faster cloud to float on, go well with the white shirt. 😉
      We had the album when I was a child and I think we wore it out, Snoopy was always a fav in our home and those songs, like the cartoons, spoke to a deeper message.
      Merry Xmas and all the best for 2018! 🎄🎄🎄

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    1. Thank you so much for spreading this #bloglove, Danny. I appreciate the Christmas cheer 🎅 more than you can imagine. ☃️
      Hope the holidays are treating you well and you find peace and goodwill now and all the year long! 🕊️🕊️🕊️
      Merry Christmas to you and yours and to a wonder-filled 2018!!! 😊😊😊

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Thanks for mentioning WordPress weirdness. I lose or gain several hundred followers every time I log in; even if I log in twice on the same day. Have a good Holiday. And may 2018 be slightly less unbearable for those of us in the States.


    1. I know, it’s wild, isn’t it? I hope it’s not intentional, I feel like we’re blogging guinea pigs, or maybe it’s just their motto, “If it ain’t broke, break it”. either way, I’m officially bored. 💤
      Thank you kindly, Rob and to you as well, I’m just staying out of the fray until the “War On Christmas” (ha, more like War On Common Sense, or War on Everyday Life) is over aka hibernation is looking like the best nation on Earth right now. 🐻🐻🐻 What’s that expression, ‘Every time a credit card dings society loses IQ points’? 💳 🧠
      They’ve started in here too, we’re just falling back into the same hack political habits, it’s so sad. My son calls what Trump/Putin does to people, Dignity Kryptonite and it’s spreading to others, fast. We’ve got to keep remembering, well, what’s real. ✊

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      1. Putin has declared war on the Civilized World and his weapon is the cowardly: he’s gossip monger who attacks with whisper campaigns. His attack on us is cowardly and by Putin’s 19th century definition, feminine.

        In other words, Putin is the worst kind of backbiting queen. 🙂


      2. It’s appalling.

        He uses lies as a weapon and it looks like they’re more effective than bullets.

        idiotic lies are the most effective according to the Rand Corporation: Umm…I smell Pizzagate. 🙂

        I haven’t been able to watch the news for a week. It’s mind boggling that the most powerful nation in the world has lost it’s sovereignty and no one in our media is explaining how it happened and place his
        decisions within that context.

        The biggest story in the World right now is the conquest of our government of the United States by Vladimir Putin.


      3. Trudeau is under heavy attack from Putin’s twitter trolls. I assume the same thing is happening on facebook. The good news is that they can’t gaslight people who know it’s happening. Russia’s ‘fierce’ tyrant is global gossipmonger with an army of sock puppets. I’ve taken to telling them to stay the hell out of Canada before I report them to twitter and block them.


      4. The forgetting is the most disconcerting. Putin’s propaganda is attack is all pervasive. This is the third time Devin Nunes has pulled a blatant lie out of his hat and and gotten our media to discuss the lie as if it isn’t transparent.


      5. He’s right. And Putin is wannabe kryptonite to the hope that inspires democratic systems. I mean who expects to find a member of the Russian Liars Brigade to insinuate Putin’s cynical crap to a post on a random wordpress blog – but there it is.


      6. ATM living in the States is like living in a psychological killing field. What dies is the empathy and sense of judgment that make us human.

        How is it possible for any adult, much less a political party, to ridicule children who say they’re afraid?


      7. I can’t fathom it. It seems Putin’s propaganda works best on the under-educated and the over-educated. Those of us in-between hear Putin’s outlandish bullshit and wonder how anyone falls for it.


      8. There is so much going on that it feels like a year has passed since you made this comment.

        Stormy Daniels has a lawyer who decided that he would do what no one else would: he grabbed the narrative and the news cycle so it’s now impossible to escape the true story of who Trump is and how he became President. It almost looks like a counterintelligence operation.

        The most recent headline?


  7. Another great post.
    I would love (if they were filled with cookies!!) to make my bed with cookie sheets! Alas, if I did the weight (which is bad enough!) would do me in. (I was once told anything round had no calories because they were always running in circles with nowhere to land! Unfortunately, I found out this wasn’t true! So. Not. Fair!!)
    I love the dream sequence, sigh!
    I have had LOTS of trouble with WP. It only lets me like some posts on some days and others on other days. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. I mean, if I could do half one day, the other half the next, then back to the first half the next day, it wouldn’t be too terribly bad, but no, it picks and chooses who I can and can’t like (a lot like the schoolyard bully that never picked you for a game!). It made no sense then, nor does it now. Ah, well, I digress…
    Have a wonderful holiday season!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If I had real cookie sheets made of real cookies I just know I’d start sleep-eating. 🍪🍪🍪 And cookie sheets would be uncomfortable. lol 😉 Love the anything round theory, if only it was true!!!
      I know, there is no rhyme or reason to the endless problems on WordPress, I really believe their motto is, “If it ain’t broke, break it!”.
      Hope 2018 is treating you kindly so far, sweetie, blessings and hugs and all the best, always. 🙂

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      1. table, wouldn’t they, but, oh my, how good!! I’d be sleep-eating too, I fear!
        I believe you are right about their motto, at least it seems too true to not be their guiding principle!!!
        I hope 2018 is treating you kindly too, my friend! Blessings and hugs to you, and all the best!! ❤ 🙂 ❤


  8. Merry Christmas, dear Donna. WordPress is definitely on the naughty list. Since they won’t send me notifications, I’ve tried so hard to keep an eye out for your posts… and I see that i’m woefully late in finding this one.
    Finding it on Christmas Day was a real treat. Wishing you a Colin Firth for Christmas (if we can clone one for me), magic to fill the rest of the year, and the next one too. Holiday hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. WordPress tipped over Santa’s sleigh and let the reindeer go that’s how naughty they are…it’s glitch after glitch after glitch. I’m so glad you found it, dear Teagan, better late than never, anyway, my blogdoor 🚪 is always open. lol 😊
      No Colin Firth, but we did “Elf”, Charlie Brown’s Christmas”, shoveling, “National Lampoon’s Vacation”, breakfast for supper, played Fortune Street, Gin Rummy, and Canasta, shoveling, and then, sadly, “Doctor Who Twice Upon A Time” (my son is very sad to have lost Peter Capaldi, his favourite Doctor). All in all, despite the frightful weather (is there any way to invest in snow, is it like Bitcoin because we’re up to our necks in it lol ❄️❄️❄️ But I will remain hopeful that science will give us cloned Colins next year if we’re very very good. 😉
      Thank you for your kind words and I wish only the best for you, each and every single minute of each and every single day, dearest friend. 🙂 Now off to check out Boxing Day sales online and alas, more shoveling. Sigh, maybe a snowperson would cheer up the process ☃️☃️☃️ We can pretend he’s Peter Capaldi’s Doctor (I’ll pretend he’s David Tennant lol). 🙂
      Mega we need more magic and less madmen (unless it’s Don Draper) hugs xoxoxo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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      1. Donna, your reply is as grand as your post. I don’t know how you always manage to be such a delight. I would say I hope the snow is gone by now, but I doubt it has been warm enough to melt it. Burrr… It’s been cold here, but fortunately not much white stuff. The only white groundcover I want is white sand! Hugs.


      2. I’m the ninth wonder of the blogging world lol Or not. You’re too kind and no, sadly, the snow has become our arch nemesis, it’s piling up faster than we can shovel and Mother Nature added bitter cold in case we’d forgotten we live in Canada. 🍁 True North Strong and Freezing!!! 🍁
        White sand sounds really good right about now! I’m hearing exotic music and where’s my grass skirt – I need to burn it for warmth!!! 🔥🔥🔥
        Mega We need a blog party just to keep my fingers from freezing on the keyboard hugs xoxoxoxox ☕☕☕


  9. Oh my, Donna! I think Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan, Hugh Grant, and a few others would be nice to put into a special male humans blender and come up with someone around 58-59 years old for me, 38-39 for you. . . 😊❤
    I also like older music with fun Christmas spirit like Santa Baby, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, So This is Christmas by John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s Christmas Song.
    I like Bing, Glenn Miller Band, Johnny Mathis and Harry Belafonte. So many of my Mom and Dad’s old, “classic” albums they would stack on the stereo. . . Nostalgia reigns at Christmas until about the twelth of January. . . 💗
    Charlie Brown is a good guy and I do like the music which is jazzy and simple in the Christmas special.


    1. Sigh, that sounds lovely (I’d go for 45-55 for me). I’m picturing it…yum, what a “smoothie” he would be. lol 😉
      I miss the old times of Christmas, when it was about joy and fun and quite times and comfort, not about stuff, stuff, stuff, and more stuff. Sigh.
      I hope 2018 is filled with laughter, joy, love, and some delicious smoothies!!! 🥤🥤🥤


    1. The holidays are busy (and WordPress is barely notifying anyone), but I’m so glad you’re here now. 🙂
      Oh I’m sooo human lol 😉
      Hope your holidays were a delight and January and 2018 are being good to you so far. 🙂

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  10. Netflix didn’t have any Bill Murray Christmas movies. No “Murray Christmas.” No “Scrooged.” I tried to carry on. How many holiday movies can there be about a Christmas tree farm being foreclosed upon and saved by a country singer? More than you’d think . . . . Hope you had a good holiday!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s just wrong on so many levels, what is Christmas without Bill Murray? I hope they make up for it with “Groundhog Day” or at least “What About Bob?”. Even I have to admit, I grew tired of made-for-TV “Holiday movies”, I could almost time the “spontaneous” snowball fight, sigh, too much of a (for want of a better word) good thing. My holidays were fairly peaceful, I hope yours were lovely and better still 2018 full of good times and more Murray (he was on SNL as Steve Bannon, who knows what’s next?). 😉

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    1. Wow! Thank you, dear Ian, not just for the fantastic reblog but the wonderful words to go along with it. I can’t say how much I appreciate it all, just know that I do. Hope this weekend is treating you kindly and the week ahead is filled with peace and joy. Big bloggy hugs xoxo


    1. Hey, better late than never, weak laughter, sorry about the lag, I’m going through a transitional time and trying to stay caught up then got a horrible cold/sinus infection, coughed up a lung (only one so I’m ok lol), Merry every single day, dearest Teagan, you are a shining star that guides us. 🙂


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