Posted in Chocolate, halloween

My Big Fat Supernatural Life’m haunted.
Maybe haunted isn’t the right word, um, spooked, creeped out, ok, maybe just confused.
I’ve tried to lead a normal life, really I have, but I’m afraid my attempts have been astonishingly less than successful.

  • Everywhere I turn, so-called supernatural forces invade my peace and quiet.

  • Ghouls, goblins, trolls, clowns, demons, ghosts, poltergeist (Theeeeey’rrrre here!), killers (#JFKFiles, or a version of them are being ‘released’, but my conspiracy theory stands – it was aliens, so in love with Marilyn Monroe they took her to their planet and they also took John F. Kennedy because he was having her death investigated…and now you also know my theory on how Monroe ‘died’)…Serial killers, serials killers who kill serial killers (Thank you?), vampires, zombies, dragons, zombie dragons, monsters, witches, warlocks, werewolves, wizards, whatchamacallits (why am I suddenly craving chocolate?)…I admit, I’m no Stephen King, but I’m not blameless in this, I’ve invited some of them in, even if metaphysically, er, unwittingly?

  • How was I to know it would be an ongoing supernatural thing?

  • Something wicked this way comes, really, kinda busy double double toiling and troubling here…

  • Rapping, rapping, rapping at my door? Let me guess, the government wanting more, more, more.

  • No, it’s not what goes bump in the night that terrifies me, but those in the light, pretending they want my thoughts to be free.

  •’s not a corpse risen from its grave, nor a black cat (look how cute they are, how could something that cute be bad luck, oh wait, just had a flashback of some past dates, cute can equal creepy)…

  • What scares me the most doesn’t claw from the ground, nor fly down and drag me to its lair – no, it’s the lies, the lies, oh the lies, lies, lies! We’re spending our precious time on this planet…, worse, accepting lies – from politicians, corporations, anyone – we want to believe (ok, lapsed into X-Files there, who am I kidding, it’s playing in my brain right now). How can we trust if we’ve become toilet paper, waiting to be used or always taking crap from folks?

  • I feel like shouting, Beware! Beware! there and everywhere, Grim Reapers Heffalump or Woozle, I’m very confusel. And it isn’t honey they’re after, they’d have to let the bees live for that, no, Winnie the Pooh and all of us should know, it’s all been very sly-sly-sly…Power and money is what they covet and if they so love it, they’ll guzzle up and muzzle up everything you prize.

  • Who needs horror movies anymore? This is where the magic happens. Online. They put a spell on us and now we’re theirs. It’s all a bunch of hocus pocus. We need to cut through, maybe with a jigsaw…or break through, open our minds – Aparecium! Reveal the truth (yes, it’s still alive, just been badly wounded). I’m should drown my sorrows in Butterbeer, yup, you guessed it, I’m rereading the Harry Potter series for Halloween.

  • The Nightmare Before Christmas? Holidays seem more like The Nightmare of Christmas and Black Friday, CyberMonday, Halloween (The Great Pumpkin will be here soon, right and David S. Pumpkins, please tell me it’s David Pumpkins – “Any Questions?”) Also, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day/Veterans Day                       Sadly, people seem way more concerned about who’s saying ‘Merry Christmas’ versus ‘Happy Holidays’ than if anyone is either merry or happy…and of course all the important parts of the holidays: peace, love, kindness, hope, caring, compassion – I’m kidding, I mean important things like: shopping, pumpkin spice, decorations, presents, phones, cars, vacations, clothes…

  • This isn’t your Grinch’s consumerism, it’s so much worse. don’t even enjoy entertainment (as much), I’m getting (more?) grossed out: books, TV, music, phones, video games, apps, sports, fashion, movies – what we spend on entertainment could be feeding people, giving them healthcare, education, shelter, security – the budget of the new Star Wars movie alone could feed a nation or six (The Last Jedi? Nothing like spoilers – now release the fans!).

  • We’re so afraid of being alone or being left out, we’re so desperate to be accepted, to get approval, we’re willing to believe just about anything – we believe gossip is real, innuendo is truth, and rumour is fact. Who says we don’t get enough exercise, have you been on the internet, we get plenty of exercise, jumping to conclusions. Instead of feeling connected and informed, I’m feeling tortured (and not in a starving artist kind of way). Smoke and mirrors, why bother, just plop whatever BS on the internet and suddenly, for many people, it’s magically true. Getting news from Facebook and Twitter? Really? That drives me batty! Seriously, the internet, enter at your own risk

  • In a world of choices, we have less and less choice every single day. You think zombies, Negan, and The Saviors are scary in The Walking Dead?, that’s nothing, you want to get terrified, look up: child pornography, sexual harassment, rape culture (#MeToo isn’t just a hashtag, it’s past time – listen), child abuse, racism (clowns now emboldened to wash off their make-up and take their show on the road), poverty, net neutrality, opioid epidemic (let me guess, this crisis will now be ‘fixed’, for profit, by those who caused the problems, for profit)… cashless society (some folks must really love having their everything tracked), stock market manipulation, business amalgamation, human trafficking, scams, women’s (real) equality, chemicals (everywhere) in our environment, war profiteering, civil (and not so civil) rights, human (and not so human) rights, multi-level marketing, tax loopholes/evasion, sponsored reviews, wealth abyss, or want to get freaky, gasp, food waste.

  • The real darkness seems to be oozing from deep inside us as we hyper-focus on the trivial and ignore anything of consequence – arguing, fussing, fighting, whining, name-calling, complaining – we’ve become mentally Pennywise and pound foolish. We wear wireless masks, hiding in costumes of anonymity and anger, our candy the pain we can inflict or watch or both. We all float down here in the internet sewer because here, everything you’re afraid of, every nightmare you ever had can be found with the click of a button, and I guess, we want more of Wi-Fi IT.

  • It’s all so devilishly clever – we’re snapping selfies while they charge us hidden fees for digging our own graves.

  • If only we could focus on kindness instead anger, helping instead of hurting, and sticking together instead of tearing each other apart. Wishful thinking, perhaps, but stranger things (2)

  • Education, formal or otherwise is the answer, the more you learn the less you’ll be burned. Click on learn, not Clickbait. Who cares what celebrities are doing? Care about those who need, not those who greed. Seriously, what are we looking for anyway?

  • Maybe this year for Halloween, Rick Ghastly can sing an updated version of ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’, because even if we find out cellphones are causing cancer or controlling our minds, they’ll have to pry these smartphones out of our cold, dead hands!!!

  • I can’t think about this anymore, it’s all trick and no treat, I have too much crapathy Or maybe I need yet another break

  • Or maybe this can be helped by cake – which, like the internet gives your brain a scrupulous high, but too much can leave you wondering why, why, why, why?

  • So I’ll try to rise up above the noise and confusion, carry on to see past all illusions. I’ll lay my weary head to rest (only 3 days without sleep, I’m fine) and wait for Halloween candy to go sale…because, Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore...

  • Even Dean and Sam Winchester boys couldn’t help us out of the hellish pit of petulance we’ve fallen into, but I’d love to see them try. The Fall of the House of Us…sure. Happy Halloween!


Very me

131 thoughts on “My Big Fat Supernatural Life

      1. I am sorry to hear but I hear you well. Having difficulties for weeks sporadically too. But I must say you are making much more of it… should go writing too the next time… lol!


    1. Erika, You and I plus my pet pooch..the imaginary one. Ohh My Donna. You crack me up, seriously you got em aliens speaking to you as you draft your posts. I wish I had half you kind of humour. Yet the message is very clear. Our liberties are being stolen from us and we are complacently letting it happen…What does one do?

      Thanks for sharing xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lol Julie and Erika, I love having you here, just when I think I can’t have more fun, I do. Thank you. 😉
        Transmissions from my home world are strong, that interplanetary Wi-Fi is awesome. 😉
        We have to keep remembering what’s really important, not what we’re told is important.
        Thanks for everything and hope this weekend treats you kindly, all my delightful readers. 🙂 xox

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Great plea, Donna. Loved this line: “If only we could focus on kindness instead of anger, helping instead of hurting, and sticking together instead of tearing each other apart.” ❤ That's what it all comes down to. The rest of it is somewhere between horror and insanity.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thank you. I figured it wasn’t going to a popular post, but sometimes we need to be realistic, not just with others, but with ourselves as well. I hope the horror will start to subside and some sanity will creep back in, until then, we just to keep on doing better.
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  2. The world has been depressing me more and more lately. I know it is run by greedy people looking for an even larger slice of the pie, but it disturbs me that they are so much more blatant about it these days. Anyway, besides making me more depressed ;), I enjoyed your post.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I know, they don’t even have to attempt to hide their greed, their evil intent, so many people just seem ok with it. It’s weird and I agree, depressing. I hope the pendulum swings back someday, but I won’t hold my breath (I’ll turn funny colours), until then, I hope you find some good stuff, somewhere. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  3. With your usual brilliance you’ve pointed out that this used to be such a nice neighbourhood before the filthy rich politicians moved in. In fact nearly everything was nice before they moved in, before we started believing that everything they say is golden.
    With their help we’ve opened a can of worms that shows jut how much hate has been hidden under a bedsheet for years and now they’re an item of fashion..
    xxx Gigantic Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww, thank you, dear David, you’re too kind.
      It’s true, we’ve just been lead down this terrible path with no map, no GPS, and no breadcrumbs (let us eat cake) to follow home, so we wander, scared, wondering what will come next.
      How do we close that can of worms or at least go fishing with them?
      Never was a big fan of fashion and the bedsheet look should be reserved only for Halloween if you go out as something not as scary, like a ghost. 😉
      Massive I’m glad there are still lovely people like you in the world hugs xoxoxox

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Donna, it’s been lovely to see a couple of posts from you lately. But by all means, post at your own pace.
    This one is a gem (black onyx for Halloween? black obsidian? No — a black diamond!). I always enjoy your posts, but some are treasures.
    “How can we trust if we’ve become toilet paper, waiting to be used or always taking crap from folks.” Only you would come up with that. 😀 ❤
    I will be back to this one again and again, sharing, re-reading, and enjoying.
    Happy Halloween hugs, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Teagan, you’re always so kind and supportive. I guess I’ve started to think of blogging as: cheaper than therapy, a good writing exercise and most importantly, a way to connect with amazing people like you.
      Thank you for your words of encouragement. I was pretty sure this wouldn’t be an overly popular post, too much ‘real’ in it, but we spend too much time worrying about what will be popular and not enough about what is needed.
      Thank you for dropping by and sharing and most of all, for caring.
      Hope Crystal is doing well, I can picture her cleaning her paws and whiskers, thinking, humans, they just don’t get the meaning of life, the universe and everything the way we cats do, if only we could tell them. 😉
      Mega everything is a treasure once you find it, dear friend hugs xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Heartfelt thanks for your kind wish for my Best Feline Friend (If that’s not what they mean by BFF, it should be. 🐱 ) She’s had a couple of issues throughout this week. So she’s not at 100%, but an eye problem and the inflammatory bowel stuff, I think. Where the cancer came back… I can’t even find it. I’m afraid to hope, but maybe it was scar tissue…
        Hugs on the wing, my friend!


    1. Thank you kindly, Colleen. I hope this is just the pendulum swinging the wrong way and this to shall pass. Everything wasn’t always perfect, but it didn’t feel so anger before. Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂 xo

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I fear we are in a downward spiral – but this too will pass. We must hope that it does otherwise our freedoms and democracy will cease to exist. I have never seen it so bad. It’s become a cultural struggle and might lead to civil war if its not handled correctly. I’m in prep for Nano and will disappear for a month. Let’s hope that it gets better and not worse. Hugs and love, to you my friend. ❤


      2. I really hope people will start to see or remember reason again.
        Oh, lovely, good luck with Nano, it’s a long month for those brave enough but satisfying as well. All the best.
        You will be writing hugs xox

        Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s always great to hear from you, Donno. Humor makes the medicine go down. It seems like we’ve all gone wacko, as you’ve expressed so well in the following excerpt:
    “The real darkness seems to be oozing from deep inside us as we hyper-focus on the trivial and ignore anything of consequence – arguing, fussing, fighting, whining, name-calling, complaining – we’ve become mentally pennywise and pound foolish.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Rosaliene. I’ve found humour makes even the toughest of situations somewhat bearable.
      I really hope our sanity pendulum has swung the wrong way and it will come back round soon, hopefully.
      Thank you for dropping by and hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post. I wonder if the vogue in Zombies isn’t the collective consciousness identifying the parasitic nature of Oligarchs. The chaos and endless distractions are designed to makes
    us feel overwhelmed. The only way I can cope with it is to tune it out entirely. I moderate my
    time online for self preservation. It’s killing my stats but it’s better than going into complete shutdown.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you may have hit the nail into the zombies head, Rob, and you’re right, the chaos is meant to exhaust people, if we tune out they win, but how can we tune in without feeling as chaotic as they want us to feel. It’s a Catch-22. I’m doing the same thing and my stats are mad at me, but what can we do?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. We will.
        We do have Trudeau but the far right is going after our good (er, gooder?) guys hard and wouldn’t surprise me if there was interference in our next election, after all, they know they can do it and get away with it, right?

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      2. The good news is that we’re not burning witches and living under the terror of the inquisition. It is possible for Putin and and his political puppets to drag us backward. But they can’t keep us there. America has stumbled badly but I don’t see her going down just yet. 🙂


      3. And now I have the Monty Python, “She’s a witch!” bit in my head (I’m giggling). They can drag people back, but it’s already happening, people have changed their anger and despair to movement, they’re digging in their heels and now, the movement will hopefully got the other way. Not going down without a fight! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reblogging this, Rob, you’re too kind, but I really appreciate it.
      Hope you have a lovely weekend filled with filtering out what’s going on in the real world, wait, can we even call it that anymore? 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  7. This is a sad perspective on human nature and the internet. Unfortunately, the world seems to be a little more depressing lately. I loved the pictures and the memes!
    Fortunately, there are still good people out there! (I know a few.)
    Thank you for posting what many people are thinking.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, and I’m going with the few bad apples theory, but I don’t think we should let them spoil the bunch. I think this is a case of the loudest folks get all the attention, but there are many good people out there quietly being good – they just don’t get attention for it (or need it).
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly, Christina. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for reblogging this. I’m surprised (pleasantly) by the response I’ve received from this post, I wondered if it wasn’t a little too ‘real’ for some people, but I should have had more faith in my amazing readers/bloggers. Thank you and I hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I must admit that at this time of year I feel a sense of dread and certainly social media doesn’t help – although Halloween candy going on sale Nov 1 does provide some hope doesn’t it? (another admission: I sometimes root for the monsters in the stupid college kids do stupid things horror flicks). May the Mounds Bars be with you! (or the Kisses)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Social media is both a blessing and a curse, sometimes both at the same time. 😉
      Yes, Halloween candy on sale…soon!!!
      I know, I think it’s definitely a sign of age, but what is with those kids? lol 😉
      All the chocolately joy be with you as well. 🙂


    1. You’re so right, but if we just keep telling ourselves, that stuff isn’t really what matters, not in the long run, in the end, we will care about the kindness. 🙂


      1. That would be so cool! I was in charge of treating. Wore my Bee suit. A fledgling bird nested in the eaves of my porch , comes every night for four months. Last night a lady shoed him away… I was unhappy. I hope he returns. Who would do that? Thank you Yada. 🙂 ❤


      2. Oh no, why would someone do that? I love it when birds come around, they’re such good company and they do such good. Phooey on her, I hope he returns too. ‘Bee’ good until the next time we talk. 😉


    1. There really does, it’s scary.
      I know it’s a tad obscure as Halloween references go, but I’m a sucker for Winnie the Pooh.
      It was awesome, as always. Hope this week is treating you well so far, Roseann. 🙂


    1. Clowns seem to be wandering all over the place, making laws, breaking laws…I guess we’ll soon see how IT all goes for them. 😉
      Thanks for having me and hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


    1. I think that kitty has a lot of stories to tell and some might terrify us even more than politics (well, maybe not). Thanks so much for the lovely reblog, Jonathan, I hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. WE’RE MAD AS HELL AND NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE!! Hopefully, more of us will be angry and use our wit and humor and sarcasm to rid the world of cruel mean people. KINDNESS will be valued once again.
    This post is terrific…Happy (???) November.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes and I can see a glimmer of light, people aren’t just grumbling, they’ve moved on to doing something and that’s when change (hopefully good change) happens. Kindness can not be squashed that easily, it’s too powerful. 🙂
      Thank you so much and so far so good, how about you? 🙂
      Wishing you a wonder-filled weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Thank you for this. There are so many horrible things in the world – along with many annoyingly trivial things – and sometimes a person can feel somewhat incapacitated. But I like what you said about looking for the good and helping instead of hurting. I’m making that my goal. 🙂


    1. I really think it’s the only thing that will pull us out of this moral quicksand. I wish you luck, it will be worth it, I hope. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


  11. My great loves of television are always fed here, in Castle, Supernatural and old black and white shows. I loved the Addams Family much more than the Munsters, but am happy to see oldies once in awhile, Donna. 💞
    My favorite Halloween movie is Rocky Horror Picture Show and Christmas is Love Actually. ❤ 🕊


    1. I love your line-up!!! Yes, with so many “I don’t like TV” people out there, I love connecting with someone who shares my love affair with the tube. lol 😉
      Hope you’re having a “*You* have this kind of problem? Yeah… of course you did, you saucy minx!” weekend (that reminds me, I haven’t had my Christmas dose of “Love Actually” yet, off to watch the wonder of it.) 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aww, Donna! ❤ My youngest and I try to find parts we didn’t remember and pause “Love Actually” to ask, “Is this a new part for you? 🙂
        I liked the new “Guardians of the Galaxy 2” due to baby Groot. 😘 But, knowing it is classic, I do love the old “Guardians of the Galaxy.”
        Hope you have fun watching and connecting with TV and movies. If only I could find a partner, one who would relate to my little quirky habits. I suppose I could write this out and post it somewhere on a dating website, maybe?! 😊 xo ❤


      2. That’s too cute, there’s so much to that movie you could do that for years to come!
        GOTG 1 and 2 make me smile and I’m all for that these days. 🙂
        I do enjoy the old and the new and like you said, discovering new even in the old.
        Well, yes, that’s a problem isn’t it and in my case, little quirky would be being way way too kind. Best of luck with that, dating wasn’t complicated enough without adding the whole internet to it. lol 😉
        Best wishes sweetie, you deserve to find someone who appreciates who awesome you are!!! 🙂 xoxox


    1. Thank you kindly, Ian, I don’t know if you’re getting these comments, sometimes WordPress plays tricks (no treats) and says No!
      Hope this finds you safe and sound. Thank you for the lovely reblog! How delightful!
      Stay safe. Stay connected. 🙂
      Big non-contagious hugs xoxo


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