Posted in sleep, Uncategorized

Follow Your Dreams. Go To Bed. I’m tired of being told to sleep. Even more tired of being told to sleep more. You’d think I sleep in a crib with bunny sheets, stuffies, and a Nightmare Before Christmas mobile for the amount I’m told to go to sleep. Everyone is telling me to sleep, wishing me a good night’s sleep, telling me all about the importance of sleep. Magazines and blog posts tell me to sleep. Books tell me to sleep. Family and friends tell me to sleep. TV tells me to sleep, even provides programs that attempt to bore me to sleep, nice try TV, still awake.
I’m mocked by the benefits of sleep. I know that sleep is connected to the brain and it’s the most important organ, then again, look what’s telling me that, my left brain barely knows what my right brain is doing.

Sleep promotes creativity, attention, apparently it helps heal, restore, keeps anxiety, depression, colds and other ailments at bay, and improves memory….Hmm, what were we talking about? Oh yes, sleep. It helps you lose weight, build muscle, stop inflammation. Doesn’t sleep sound amazing?

I crave sleep, like it’s a plump juicy strawberry covered in rich chocolate nestled on fluffy clouds of whipped cream. I dream of sleep. I covet it. Sometimes sleep envy eats at me like a rat gnawing on cotton candy at a country fair.

I worship sleep, who needs celebrities, I only want to imitate sleep, I want to be sleep. Hi sleep – I’m your #1 fan (and those aren’t pillows).

I even snuggle with my bed, swaddling it with a decent thread count, soft blue sheets decorated with sheep, each with their own number, jumping over fences. My room is almost as dark as the bottom of the Mariana Trench, perhaps darker than the Batcave when Batman can’t find the light-switch. slept during the first trimester of pregnancy, I’d do just about anything for sleep, but, ummm, well…

Like many with Fibromyalgia I’ve tried: melatonin, serotonin, valerian, chamomile, progressive muscle relaxation, sleeping pills, tryptophan, alcohol, Tai Chi, yoga, meditation, alien cuddle exercises…

sleep masks, abdominal breathing, cognitive behaviour therapy, kava, but no, my alpha waves are trouble makers. Is it any wonder I love the band R.E.M.? I’ve even thought of building a wall between my alpha waves and my delta waves and make the alpha waves pay for the wall. And now as an added bonus I’m playing that hot new game: blankets on, blankets off, blankets on, blankets off…what was the prize again?

Insomnia has some benefits. I get exercise walking and I experience the, er, inspiration of public transit because I won’t drive when tired. I’ve also been organizing my home on the theory if I’m extremely organized I’ll sleep better. So far, no luck, but maybe obsessively organized people are just be too lazy to search for stuff. I wouldn’t want to be seen as lazy.

I wish I could use the time to write or do something else productive, but alas, after a certain hour my mind is more or less mush.

You can’t always get what you want, like sleep, but that doesn’t mean you just give up. You keep going, keep trying, keep reaching, whether it’s for a forty winks, a job, losing weight, climbing Mount Everest, seeking to right wrongs, swimming the English Channel, help others, being an author, scientist, artist, astronaut, singer, teacher, leader…

I do have ambiguous feelings about a creepy Sandman sneaking into my room, or some strange Greek god invading my dreams, shudder, what form would he take on these days, no thanks, Morpheus. It’s not like I’m asking to be Rip Van Winkle or Sleeping Beauty, just less tired.

Maybe I could think of my insomnia as a fascinating quirk, but all things considered, I’d rather be sleeping.

Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate (it should be every single day!) and remember, shopping is not the true meaning of being thankful…really.

“Did you sleep well?”
“No, I made a couple of mistakes.”
~Steven Wright


Very me

227 thoughts on “Follow Your Dreams. Go To Bed.

  1. Great post! I’ve had insomnia since I started menopause eight years ago. I was always a light sleeper, now I have to take a script to fall asleep. I’ve tried other methods, but nothing works. I envy people who can easily fall asleep. The down side of taking my sleep meds? Possible early dementia. Lovely! But what would happen if I couldn’t sleep? Plus side, I take meds for high cholesterol, and they are suppose to prevent dementia. I’ll be on the cholesterol meds for the rest of my life. I feel your pain my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Then you know exactly what I mean, although I wish you didn’t. It sounds like maybe you’re meds are helping to keep the old noggin even steven. Hope the week has been treating you well so far. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I’ve always found watching reruns of Undercover Boss will put me to sleep. Another plan, plot your route across the US by automobile. Okay, doesn’t work, Imagine free from your body you soar across the universe – warning – you might not come back. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha, although I tried watching it and it bored me, unfortunately not enough to sleep. 😉
      I’ve tried that, Jan and although entertaining, it’s not sleep-provoking. I also play the won the lottery game sometimes, imagining what I’d buy and who I could help with all that money.
      Hope this week is being good to you, in whatever universe you’re in. 😉

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  3. Donna, so sorry sleep has left you tossing and turning. Even though your post was entertaining and humorous. You do that so well no matter the topic. I do know Fibromyalgia is very hard to treat, and heavens knows you’ve tried everything. Maybe cat naps, the 20 minute power nap theory, throughout the day could help. Have a restful Friday and weekend coming up! 💛 Christine


    1. It’s elusive, Christine, but I’m willing to keep chasing it. I’ve tried power naps, but they didn’t recharge anything, but thanks for the suggestion. 🙂
      Hope this week is being good to you so far, it’s so warm and sunny here I can’t believe it’s mid November. 😉


      1. Actually, it is real regular medicine, it just isn’t what I would think they’d give for headaches and it is terrible in that it doesn’t help the headaches but puts me out like a light.


      2. Do you still feel the headache once you’re asleep? It certainly isn’t an ideal solution, but as a person who suffers from migraines I say anything that removes the pain of the headache for awhile is a great thing. Sending you positive thoughts, Josh, take care. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. You seem to have tried mostly of good ideas to get some sleep, Donna. I do know, it is not fun not to be able to sleep and recharge this way. I have had years living in this way and with chronic pain I still have my times too. I will admit, that meditation helps me to fall deep better. At least while I meditate, my mind is more relaxing and often it helps me to fall deep. Maybe not for many hours a time, but like now, 5-6 hours are gold for me.
    Send you healing thoughts and wishes to find your way to get more rest, Donna.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 5-6 hours does sound like gold, those nights are few and far between but I treasure them too. Sending healing thoughts and wishes your way as well, hope this week has been treating you well. Gentle hugs xox

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  5. If I could sleep beyond two hours I wouldn’t have seen this post for ages, so insomnia does have it’s good side. Also, if the strange Greek Gods ( in my case Somnos) keep away I think it’s perfectly possible to write for a time. I can’t guarantee it will make any sense but don’t let that stop you. Just remember about the monkeys, one of whom may write a Shakespeare play by chance, how much better may we do when we actually recognise some of the words.
    I hope you get some rest Dear Donna and some pain relief too, but if not t least know I’ll be awake thinking of you.
    xxx Gigantic Hugs xxx

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    1. Maybe if I eat more bananas it will help with sleep and writing (especially at the level of Shakespeare), but how much attention should I pay to grooming and climbing trees? It’s a lot to think about, David, but I’ve got all that time not sleeping so… 😉
      Glad you could read this, dear friend, but I’m sorry you’re not sleeping either. Wishing you some peace, rest, quiet, and pain-free time this weekend.
      Massive Somnos-filled hugs xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

  6. That must be pure hell to live with! I have insomnia on some kind of weird cycle where I sleep well for a few weeks and then have chronic insomnia for a few weeks. Been like that since menopause. The insomnia phase drives me insane, so I can really feel your pain!


    1. There’s a reason they use sleep deprivation as method of torture.
      I’m sorry to hear you can understand, Gilly and I hope you have a lovely weekend (hope you’re in a sleep well phase of the cycle). 🙂

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      1. Those thoughts can be tricky, especially with PTSD, a sort of anti-amnesia, thoughts intruding. I wish you well, I know how difficult it can be. Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

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  7. Oh Donna, I feel your sleepless pain. I’ve had big trouble (and not in Little China) sleeping since I was 12 years old… I rarely remember dreams any more, and I think that’s because I don’t sleep long enough at a stretch to get to that stage of sleep. (Loved the wall building part.) This is a fabulous, inventive, eloquent post. I’m sure you’ve touched a chord with sleepless millions, in Seattle and over the world. Sweet Dreams are Made of your posts. (Thank you again for that delightful review too.) Mega hugs my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Insomnia is so rough, isn’t it? I often wonder what life would be like with sleep and plenty of it, but alas… I’m sorry you have the same issue, dear friend, no one deserves that torture (and it really is torture, isn’t it?), less than you.
      I love your writing, Teagan, and that delightful review was well-deserved.
      Mega Now I want to rewatch ‘Sleepless in Seattle’ hugs xoxox

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I hadn’t seen it in years, but I’m sort of getting a second chance to see things when my son watches them. As for you, you have a lot on your plate and then there’s that whole taking a break thing. 😉
        Mega no trouble especially on a steamboat hugs xoxo


  8. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and stopped sleeping through the nights about 3 years ago, right after I got diagnosed. I the middle of the night, between 2am and 4 am I wake up and stare at the ceiling, can’t go back to sleep for at least an hour. It drove me bonkers. Then there came menopause and I started the blanket on-blanket off game. One minute I was cold, the next minute I was sweating bullets. I thought I would never sleep again.

    I had to laugh about your post, I tried it all and nothing worked. Then, one day I decided to order new pillows. There was this sale going on and I finally decided I would buy me two “rich people” pillows. I sleep through the night ever since. I don’t even move anymore, I am just too comfortable. Who would have thought.


  9. Although, like many with ADHD, insomnia is just a fact of life I’ve learned to live with, my mother, (possessing an inconveniently long attention span) who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, found taking a low dose of Flexerall at bedtime relieved most of her symptoms and has kept her pain free for several years.


  10. Arg Donna, I feel for you girl! I’m not too familiar with fibro m. but wasn’t aware it could hinder sleep. Now, those menopause dragons are another story if that’s part of the problem. Why of course, I wrote on book on that joyous time of life, not, and dedicated a chapter to ‘covers on, covers off’ and the fact that I don’t recall sleeping for about 2 years, lol or not! It’s evil I tell ya. I tried the same bag of tricks as you, but finally found a reasonable amount of relief to let me at least catch a few hours with a homemade homeopathic concoction from my amazing naturopath that contained a few herbs I can’t remember (another symptom), plus drops containing poppy, which helped a bit. Think poppies – Wizard of Oz and Dorothy falling asleep. 🙂 And so my book filled with joyous events of the blessed meno journey, helpful tips, silly tactics and a few laughs is apty titled ‘Menowhat?’ A Memoir. 🙂


    1. That sounds awesome, Debby, and great that you could get help and help others through that time of life.
      Yes, Fibromyalia and sleep do not go together and add on menowhat and yup, lots of fun (not). Maybe I should be off to see The Wizard… 😉
      Hope this weekend is wonder-filled. 🙂

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  11. I enjoyed this post more than I can say. I don’t suffer insomnia, I have the other opposite problem in that I can fall asleep almost anywhere and everywhere. I never seem to get enough. I’m sleeping my life away. Wishing I could share some of my sleepiness with some of your awakedness (is that a word?). Anyways, I enjoyed reading this on the Bloggers Pit stop.


    1. Wouldn’t that be amazing, if we could have a sleep exchange? Scientists need to get working on that one, asap. 😉 And if awakedness isn’t a word, it should be. 🙂
      Thanks for dropping by, I’ll try to find you over on #BloggersPitStop but just in case I miss you, drop by here and leave you blog link so I can find you. 🙂
      Hope the week ahead treats you kindly.


  12. As many here, I can relate. It’s been years…basically as long as I can remember. And I love sleep. And I know it will help with all the other things in my life. And yet. Nothing has worked for me, either, though I’ve tried quite a few things. Some work for short times or on certain days but, overall, I’ve yet to find a “cure”. I’m not sure there is one. And for all the time I’m not sleeping, like you said, it’s irritating that I can’t at least be productive. Because. Mush.


    1. I understand, I’ve had those times when I think things are helping, then, boom, right back where I started. And the mush brain is sooo annoying. Hope this weekend is treating you well, Sarah, and dare we hope for a few hours of shut-eye. 🙂

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  13. Hi Donna!
    I keep scrolling down to find a comment box! LOL! Your post is a hit as usual! I like insomnia since I get so much done in the wee hours of the night.
    Thanks for bringing your post to the Blogger’s Pit Stop Linky Party,
    Janice, Pit Stop Crew


  14. Yep well, I award myself time to watch TV and sleep then so when it comes to time to sleep I can’t but if I get up to watch TV I fall asleep and get a crick in my neck so go back to bed to sleep and I’m awake… It’s a vicious sofa


    1. I think its easier to get through tough times when you’re laughing and if I can make others laugh too, big big bonus! 🙂
      Hope the week is treating you well. 🙂


  15. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving if you celebrate or not 🙂 I’m thankful for you and your blog which never fails to make me smile, make me laugh and make me think. I suffer from insomnia too, it was bearable when I was younger, more productive and used the time creatively. Now in midlife, my mind is mush and I can’t get anything done. I just got off a jag of insomnia and am now in the oversleeping phase – I so look forward to that 1, perhaps 2, day(s) a month I get adequate restful sleep. Here’s to a good nights sleep.


    1. In Canada ours is in October, but I ate and shopped in sympathy. lol 😉
      It does seem to be worse now, I agree, midlife should be a nicer phase, well, it is in some ways, but I hope you enjoy your sleep and that the rest of the week treats you well. 🙂

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      1. We even have Black Friday and CyberMonday here in Canada in the past few years, not even close to Thanksgiving, go figure, but I sure do love the leftover turkey, had some tonight as turkey curry, yum. 🙂


    1. I got away from all that, now I’m looking at a plan to install a switch to turn off my brain for about 8 hours, might take awhile, but… 😉
      Hope the week ahead treats you well. 🙂


    1. Thanks so much for the reblog, Ian, a bunch of my stuff got lost in spam, I’d blame WordPress but I should be checking the spam folder more often. Thank you so much for sharing this, hope the week is being good to you so far. 🙂 xox


    1. I think we take sleep for granted until it shows up missing.
      If only I could find the sleep cure, that would be wonderful.
      Hope the weekend treats you well, Kathleen. 🙂


    1. If I could give the world one gift this Christmas it would be many good night’s sleep – I’d love for peace, love, and understanding too, but baby steps. 😉
      Hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂

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  16. My goal is more sleep! I need to start being greedy with sleep time. Though my problem is just not getting to bed when I should. So sorry to hear about your sleep problems, I wish there was a cure-all!


  17. You are amazing to retain your sense of humour. This post is inspiring because, even in the face of an incredibly frustrating experience (to say the least), you write so vividly and without bitterness. This I especially love: “I crave sleep, like it’s a plump juicy strawberry covered in rich chocolate nestled on fluffy clouds of whipped cream.”

    I hope sleep will find you again soon.


    1. I think retaining my sense of humour, nay, cultivating it has kept me sane and happy despite everything. I hope sleep finds us all, except if it’s a putting us into a hundred years of sleep fairy tale type thing, can you imagine how stiff and sore we’d all be and the line-ups for the bathrooms? lol 😉
      Hope the week ahead treats you kindly. 🙂

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  18. I’ve watched my mother suffer through this for years. She also has Fibro, arthritis, diabetes and many other physical ailments that make it very difficult for her to sleep and even when she does, she never feels rested. She wakes feeling exhausted. She was tested and diagnosed with Sleep Apnea about 2 years ago and now has the breathing machine she wears even for naps. It helps her feel more rested, but it doesn’t help with the insomnia caused by other problems and likely as a side affect from medications.

    I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be, even having a loved one go through it. I’m cranky when I’m tired, yet you have a remarkable humor that’s very engaging. I wish you the best of luck with your sleep plans and hope they work out for you!


  19. Nice description of sleep D. Parker. I am reading your blog for the first time And I enjoyed it. I am Like “You should have,Let me Sleep” this is what exactly i feel every night.. Oh my Gf.. because of her only..


    1. Thank you kindly, thanks for dropping by and the best part, I found your blog, I love science, I don’t always comprehend all of it, but I have fun trying. Hope the week is treating you well. 🙂

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  20. I have never written a fan letter. At least not that I can remember. (I was born back in the Mesozoic Era and my memory evades me at times. Heck! What am I saying. It disappoints me most of the time. Le sigh . . . as the French would say . . .)

    Regardless (note that I DIDN’T say irregardless . . . I’m not THAT much of a rube!), I felt a deep urge to send you a fan letter via your comments. (Or was that just the heartburn from the pulled pork burrito enchilada style from Café Rio that I ate last night? Whatever.)

    First, you are spot on with what you say about sleep, the need for sleep, and all of the sleep advice. I certainly identify with sleep deprivation. I could be their poster child.

    Second, I love how you write. The phrase about rats gnawing on cotton candy — superb! Building a wall between your alpha and delta waves? Clever, oh so clever!

    My writing is as stellar as oatmeal mush . . . boring, lumpy, hard to choke down. I so want to write like you when I grow up. But, I’d better hurry. I’m not a spring chick any more and my golden years will soon be upon me.

    Thanks so much for writing about sleep. Thanks for being a terrific writer. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


    1. Thank you, Nina, your words flow over me like a warm waterfall. 🙂
      So good of you to drop by and from this offering, I don’t believe your writing is as stellar as oatmeal mush and on that point I must also stand up for oatmeal, one of my favs. 😉
      Do you have a blog, if so, I’d like to visit as I’m sure others would as well, I’m having a blog party this weekend please drop by, lots of great reading there and bloggers can leave up to 12 links each for others to find.
      You’re welcome and thank you for all your generous and kind words.
      Hope this weekend treats you well.


  21. This is brilliant! I relate to it completely. I am tired, so I go to bed. The instant my head hits the pillow I am wide awake and my muscles start spasming. I get up, walk around to try and tame my muscles, sit in my comfy chair with a book hoping I will go to sleep and nothing. Like you, I have tried everything but nothing works. Thanks for this great post!


    1. I’m sorry to hear that, there’s a reason they use sleep deprivation as torture.
      If you get a chance, drop by my 12 Links of Christmas Blog Party, leave up to 12 links (they don’t need to be Christmas related), it’s ongoing – why put a time limit on fun?
      Hope this week treats you well and dare I hope, contain 40 forty winks or more. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Reblogged this on saywhatumean2say and commented:
    Oh come to me come to come to me, my beauty….i am here you are near to forget where i am….you are lost such a cost, i can’t say where i am….come to me come to me come to me…my darlin’.
    Song for lost catz but works just as well for the lack of sleep. ~~dru~~


  23. You preach the dreams of many – evidenced by the throng of commented here. Love this aeromail letter. I was alive when these missives were hot stuff! THANKS FOR THE FOLLOW TODAY!


    1. I wish it was, I’ll pretend it is. 😉
      Thanks Bernadette, I look forward to visiting you as well – just shared your Feminist Friday Women Who Changed The World – yahoo! It was awesome!
      Happy New Year!!!


    1. This is so true I could have written it this morning lol 😉
      That’s for spreading the #bloglove Jonathan, I really really appreciate it.
      Hope you’re having a great weekend. 🙂


    1. Funny, I used to resent going to sleep as a child, 💤💤💤 always thought I was missing out, oh, if only I’d known lol 😉
      Merry Christmas 🎅🎅🎅 and all the best during the holidays and every single day (and night)…and miles (or kilometers, sigh, for us in Canada, I miss miles) to go to find cookies, nope, they’re not that far. 😉 🍪🍪🍪
      Happy Holidays and to a wonder-filled 2018! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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