Posted in Movies, Uncategorized

Wish You Were Here

1eve18I walked
a path
I hadn’t
in years.
The sounds of the city
sang their strange song.
The sights pilfered
my attention.
A Grecian effigy with no arms, but a whimsical flowered spring bonnet.
A tank incongruously set among the budding flowers with a background of lawyers and pizza; lots of cheese and hot grease –
oh, and on the pizza too.

I past my old doctor’s office, now a frat house. I smiled, remembering Dr. Shearer who raised sheep and around the corner lived members of the band, Sheep Look Up (ewe can’t make this stuff up, sorry, that was baaad)


I wish to go back, for a visit, in a time machine (preferably with David Tennant as The Doctor; come on, Doctor Who fans, who would you travel with?). I’d tell myself how little I knew. Be nicer to some. Apologize to others. Tell others to go to h-e-double hockey sticks (it’s Canada, eh, and they deserved it). Maybe see Prince in concert singing Purple Rain, Darling Nikki, When Doves Cry, 1999, The Ballad of Dorothy Parker, etc. once more. #RIPPrince


 I smiled as a big RV chugged by, making me think of the latest installment of the Vacation movie series. Campy? Maybe even glampy! Cheesy? More than the aforementioned lawyers and pizza. Tacky? I expect nothing less. Might’ve watched it sooner if I’d known it had Chris Hemsworth (Thor, The Avengers, The Huntsman stuff) and Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead). Small parts (bet no one says that often), but memorable, if creepy. I may never look at them the same again. Oh, who am I kidding?


I glimpsed a bank turned into a restaurant and vice versa, hmmm, wonder which saw more money? Shuddering, I thought of The Big Short. Awesome cast (Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, Melissa Leo, Selena Gomez)


Snappy writing, but an altogether terrifying horror film. Versions of Eve of Destruction  – Barry McGuire, The Turtles (not ninja), Johnny Thunders, The Pogues, D.O.A, The Dickies, and Public Enemy blared in my brain as the obvious soundtrack for this film. Why worry about nuclear threats, terrorists, natural disasters, and disease when assuredly the scourge of greed and corruption will wipe us out first?


I’d left plenty of time for myself, better early than late. Cars whizzed past, buildings blurred, making me curious, how many were Turo and Airbnb? Would you, dear readers, rent your car and/or home?

Finally there, I folded myself into the 3 foldy gown…I had better luck than the full moony older gentleman, thankfully an attendant helped him; laughing at old or infirm people isn’t good sport. With two Donnas there, I got ‘Donna P’ (say it out loud…there you go). Tests done, I started back. I waved at a tabby cat reclining regally on a window ledge who obviously didn’t feel I was worthy of his time. Correct, the bird swooping past, more fascinating by far.


Home again, I happily listened to my son’s monologues. I knew what my doctor would say – not urgent (doctor code for: it’s not cancer), but I need to see you soon; kind man, he’s happy when he can actually help me. I was spot on.


Nora Ephron’s words drifted into my mind, “everything is copy” (check out the documentary of the same name). Inspired me to write this and think, wow, my blog was on the edge of 200,000 views (now over). Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined so much blog love. Thank you all.


And thanks for taking this walk with me, you made it easier. Also, Happy Earth Day!!!

Some of you, dear readers, may have noticed I changed my tagline, “Vague Meanderings of the Broke and Obscure”. Why? I’m trying it out, after all, I feel not quite as obscure, my meanderings a tad less vague, ok, this post wasn’t the best example of that…although I’m still broke, despite the unused donate button, lol.

I thought, “Wish you were here” worked better because, well, I do.

1eve19 1eve2


Very me

148 thoughts on “Wish You Were Here

      1. That is a wonderful way to go through life. That way you can never get stuck but only grow in your perception! Really wonderful! Very glad too 😊💖


  1. I really like your tagline, meanderings, etc. But you’re right, if you hit certain numbers, you’re not obscure anymore. 🙂 For your sake, I hope the broke part changes, too!


    1. Thank you, I liked it too, but…I keep hoping the broke part changes, but I don’t know if it would make me more happy, just more secure. 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m totally conflicted. I like several of the doctors. Four will bring the jelly babies. Nine’s got the dark, tortured, leather thing going on. Sylvester’s goofy/funny [and great as Radagast in The Hobbit, too] and I like the umbrella. Ten is almost indescribable! Oh, heck. Let’s just take all the doctors (and K-9 and a few select companions, too)! 🙂


  2. Hi Donna. It was so nice to have this Friday morning stroll with you. I was already thinking that I love your new tag line. I always thought the old one was cute and sassy (I liked it), but I started to wonder what you would “manifest” with it. Clearly you still manifested a great number of views! I think you’ve sort of “graduated” by changing it. TGIF! Mega hugs my friend.


    1. Thank you for taking the stroll with me, Teagan, it wouldn’t be the same without you. 🙂
      Thanks, I’m trying it out. It was actually you you planted the seed when you said I wasn’t obscure and I thought, wow, I guess I’m not and then someone else said I wasn’t vague and I didn’t meander and it really got me thinking…what am I? I’m you, my readers, and I wish you were here. 🙂
      Thank you, now all I need is a ca and gown! And maybe a grad party!!! 😉
      Hope this weekend is wonder-filled, dear friend.
      Mega TGIF hugs xox

      Liked by 1 person

      1. (Sound of champagne glasses clinking and bubbly fizzing…) Here’s to you my friend. Your graduation party is in full force!
        By the way — your episode goes live during the night tonight. More hugs.


  3. You squeezed that part with the dr. in there – but hope everything is ok, more so than just “it’s not cancer” I liked your old tagline, so jealous I hadn’t thought of it, but things evolve and so has your blog. “Wish you were here,” sounds so inviting and welcoming, so it works.
    I would travel with the 9th doctor, but I have odd taste – and definitely not in the Steven Moffat universe, I don’t even watch anymore I don’t like the direction he took the series.


    1. Aging seems to be a process of watching your body time lapse decay, but I’m doing ok, all things considered. 😉
      I’m trying out the new tagline, I can always switch back of it doesn’t work out. Thanks for the input. 🙂
      I liked Christopher Eccleston too, he’s great on The Leftovers (and everything), I wish he’d remained as The Doctor for a few more years. I’d travel with Tom Baker too. 😉
      Yes, hopefully they find a way to bring it back around again now that Moffat is gone. Maybe they need something totally different, like a female Doctor. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Glad to hear you’re doing ok. Aging sure is a process. When I was younger everyone told me ‘you’ll see…” I’m starting to see.
        I don’t know The Leftovers will have to look into it. A female Doctor would be awesome


      2. I agree, I remember being young wanting to be older, huh, if only I knew.
        It’s certainly an interesting show. And yes, I think a female doctor might shake things up a bit, about time after over 5 decades. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  4. If you leave it as Wish you were here, and all the people who loved you were there, then Canada would currently be sinking.And if those of us who love you came, how would we feel having to compete with the likes of Zac Efron and Chris Emsworth for your affections? Mind you, I’d need that time machine and a trip with David Tennant to get back far enough to stand a chance at being of an age to compete.
    I’m happy the doctor has eased your mind about whatever is bothering you but I hope he can get rid of whatever it is anyway. I’ll be there mentally holding your hand if he can.
    xxx Humongous Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re all more than welcome, we’re the second largest country in land mass, we can handle it. 😉
      Age does not wither that which is bold and beautiful in the heart, dearest David, so you’re good to go. 🙂
      Aging seems to be a process of watching your body time lapse decay, but I’m doing ok, all things considered.😉 Thank you for your concern, hope this week has been good to you (all things considered). 🙂
      Massive You’re Here in My Heart Hugs xox

      Liked by 1 person

  5. So, D. Parker, are you relative of Dorothy? Even distantly? A very sad year for music. Thinking of music, the tag line “Wish You Were Here” works, though you know I’ll be humming Pink Floyd every time I visit your blog. Meanders down memory lane aren’t bad things. And 200,000? Congratulations! I just hit 40,000 today, I’m 1/5 of the way there. Have a great day!


    1. No, but I love her wit. 🙂
      It certainly is a sad year for music, but luckily their voices will still echo.
      Yes, Floyd and maybe Avril Lavigne too lol…I was mostly thinking of the postcard saying. 😉
      Thanks and hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Yay, Donna! I love the Wish You Were Here tag line. Glad to see it on your very popular blog site. Congratulations on your VIEWS! The Wish You Were Here message is under my book cover title, Sunset Inn, an actual old postcard of Sunset Inn, my grandmother’s resort on Kezar Lake in Maine. Yep, when the book is finally published the message under the postcard will be “Wish You Were Here,” Your Friend, Elizabeth! It’s such a happy, friendly message. 💛 Elizabeth


    1. Thank you kindly, Elizabeth. 🙂
      I love postcards, getting them, sending them, I used to collect them…they are a dying art.
      That’s so cool I bet Sunset Inn was a wealth of inspiration full of stunning memories. What a great title for a book, it immediately conjures a picture of happiness for the day gone by and hope for the day to come. I love the message and I’m glad we can virtually be here together.
      I hope to read ‘Sunset Inn’ someday.
      Best wishes for a wonder-filled weekend!!! xox

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much Donna for your positive response. Glad we are strengthening the Wish You Were Here message with the promise of happy memories. Yep, Sunset Inn is my long ago memory place, mostly good ones. Although there was a hitch to work through with my German grandmother that sets the story theme! 💛 E.


  7. A bit weird? For liking the tenth Doctor, well, no, not really. Well, perhaps a little. Is he still the tenth Doctor? I’ve lost count now. I used to be able to recite them, but I’ve given up. You throw in the War Doctor and what have you got? Confusion.
    I wish you were here and we could watch the tenth Doctor DVDs and laugh and perhaps be a bit afraid.


    1. He’s not a bit weird and neither is liking him, and yes, he was the 10th Doctor, I miss him.
      Yes, there’s so many doctors now, and if we throw in all The Doctors from ‘Doctor Who: The Curse of Fatal Death’, it’s bizarre! 😉
      At least we can be together virtually. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Jill! 🙂
      So glad we found each other in this giant virtual haystack, we can be hooked on each other! 🙂
      Hope this weekend is treating you well so far. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Sally, not just for the lovely reblog (although it is amazing!!!), but also the wonderful synopsis of my post and recommendation to read.
      So glad you could come along with me for the walk, I felt like I was surrounded by friends. 🙂
      Thanks again and hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂 xox

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey, Donna. I couldn’t let this post pass without commenting on the language, especially of the lede graf. Wow! I adore this: “The sights pilfered my attention.” And then the understated and hilarious bit about the cheese & grease—and on the pizza, too! Excellent writing, I just wanted to say. Have a fabulous week (let’s all ignore the latest world news, too; that will certainly help).


    1. Wow, thank you so much, Leigh, you’re making me blush…but do go on. 😉 But seriously, thank you for your kind words, I’m so pleased you enjoyed it.
      Yes, hope your week goes well (I’m definitely trying to ignore world news). 🙂


  9. Congratulations on 200K + views! That is awesome. Of course, I am not surprised because your blog is the tops!

    Loved this post, and all the film/music/televison references that came to mind during your walk. Also, your short appraisal of The Big Short is spot on. I’ve read many lengthy reviews of this film, but your analysis says it best.


    1. Thank you kindly, I’ve been so lucky to have all this blog love!!!
      Yes, it was a truly terrifying movie, but worth the watch (you only have to cover your eyes and ears a few times). Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to comment.
      Hope this week treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Wow! I had to scroll down a zillion comments (or at least it seemed that way!!) to get here. Thanks for my morning chuckles. Great humorist….culturist (is that a word)? Funny stuff.


    1. Sorry you had to scroll, but I’m so lucky to have people drop by, hang around…lovely times.
      Glad I could make you chuckle, maybe I’m a humourculturist, I like that. 😉


  11. Love your sense of humor. Sarcasm is a skill I always appreciate. Your new tag line is lovely, by the way. Better to be humble and prove yourself wrong. 😉


    1. Thank you kindly. 🙂
      I’m trying it out, blogging is such a process, isn’t it, we just keep chugging along seeing what works and what doesn’t. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you well. 🙂


  12. Hi Donna,
    I wish you were here too! =) What a hit your post is! Congratulations! Thanks for bringing it to Pit Stop last week. I loved getting to see Ryan Gosling again. I am such a fan!
    Janice, Pit Stop Crew


    1. Janice, so kind of you to say. You all throw the most amazing parties and so aptly named, they really are a chance to regroup and find new energy and of course, a goldmine for finding blogging gold aka bloggers!!!
      Mr. Gosling certainly does brighten a page/post 🙂
      Thanks for everything!!! And of course, Happy Happy Happy Birthday dear Janice, Happy Birthday to you!!! 🙂


  13. Hi Donna,

    All your posts get me outside of myself, make me laugh and force me to look up words. And I love that! 😀
    Your blog reminds me when I seen my daughter being born. I was in awe and speechless. Then three days later I just burst out crying.
    But in your case I burst out laughing three days later. That’s when my wife looks over at me like I’m still using drugs or something.
    Thanks for the experience.


  14. Wow I love reading your posts, should read more. I was reading this post thinking, here is a person that has loose, but still connected trains of thought just like me. Brilliant.


    1. I love that…”loose, but still connected trains of thought”, yes, we do, hope more people hop on board!
      Hope this week is treating you well, so far. Choo Choo, I think I can I think I can! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Jonathan, you make me laugh. Thanks for the reblog, ‘ewe’ will never know how much I appreciate the support. 😉
      Hope this week is being good to ‘ewe’. 🙂
      Best wishes and thanks again.


  15. Although I don’t necessarily understand all of the references lol- still a very witty post. I also love gifs. So all around a win and happy to meet you, fellow wordpress friend.


    1. I’m having a good day if I understand all my references lol 😉 But seriously, so glad we found each other in this giant virtual haystack. Enjoyed some of your posts and shared the one about the SPCA – amazing! Pleased to meet you too, fellow wordpress friend. 🙂 Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much- thats amazing! Thank you for sharing, so glad you enjoyed it! I am very glad you found me too – love meeting other wordpressers with similiar interests!


    1. Wow, a smiley thumb and such great company!!! I’m overwhelmed. 😉 Congrats on the award, well-deserved! Two (smiley) thumbs up!!! 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly! 🙂


  16. I’d travel with David Tennant as the Doctor. I’d have to because my kids would want to come too and they’d insist. Personally, he’d be my second choice after Tom Baker.


  17. It’s even stranger when you go back to a place you haven’t been in for almost 30 years, and rural farmland is now huge shopping malls. A good neighborhood is now a slum. A slum is now one of the most desirable neighborhoods of the city. It literally makes you dizzy.


    1. It’s bizarre when so much changes. I know it’s more often called progress, but that’s a nice word for no choice, except for developers, corporations, and politicians making money.


  18. You’ve taken long strides in the sands of blogging. 200,000 footsteps! That’s no mean feat, dear Donna. I remember visiting my former childhood playground to find it had become a shopping center, I felt so bad and still feel annoyed when I think about it.


    1. Thank you so much, Jacqueline, how is your blogging party going? Well, I hope. 🙂
      I know, it’s so strange when things are gone. I walked by a building the other day, half-constructed and for the life of me could not recall what had been there before. I know, I know, things change, but some things change too much. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  19. The biggest trip was to the end of the comments. Look at all the people you made smile, chuckle etc. I would say mission accomplished. Thanks for sharing your humor with us in the Blogger’s Pit Stop it has more value than $$$ although we all say we would like more. I’ll take both 🙂


    1. And it certainly makes me happy to know I made people smile, chuckle, giggle, laugh, even spit out their coffee. Always a lovely journey and better together. 🙂
      I had a delightful time as always at the Blogger’s Pit Stop, it’s priceless!!! 🙂


    1. I don’t believe the party will ever end on your blog!!! This is a plethora of blog delight and I’m thrilled to be here in this blogging goldmine. What shine! What glory! What fun! Hope this weekend is treating you well. Welcome back! 🙂


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