Posted in Blogs, Canada, Chocolate, Family, Holidays, Internet, Movies, Music, Star Wars, Televison, Uncategorized, Zombies

Hello It’s Me


It’s me
I was
if after all
this time
we could
virtually meet
To go over
what is


Hello, can you hear me?
I’m in Canada dreaming about who I’ll one day be
Hello from the other side
Feels like I’ve blogged a thousand times
I sometimes forget, uphill can make you rest
And at least I can say I tried
Not as much tears me up anymore
So hello from the other side
Feels like I’ve blogged a thousand times

Thanks Adele, like ‘Hello’ is ever leaving my head.


Hello, I’m probably one of the most honest people ever – except I lie.
When I say I’m fine, sometimes, I lie.
Even if it’s mostly to myself.
I haven’t been well for a while now, even more so than usual, which is saying something. I’ve been pushing through with sheer force of will, but even that is wearing thin.
Apparently I need more ‘self-care’, which apparently, I’m very not ‘good’ at it.


So when an unlikely source, Groupon threw me a line – 50% off movies and popcorn (I brought the popcorn home for my son), I thought, why not? I wasn’t disappointed to watch The Hunger Games take its final bow on the big screen, except the title Mockingjay Part 2, really, that’s kind of boring, how about The Mockingjay Awakens, or Mockingjay Hurray! or an Australian version, Mockingjay G’day! I wasn’t thrilled by The Hunger Games books, but I did enjoy exploring our world, choices, freedoms and illusions of, through this world, onscreen more. When Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) keeps asking Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence), ‘Real or Not Real’, I understood. Too often the world can feel violent and even surreal, but what is real…or not real? I suppose the best we can do is try to stand for something, or we’ll fall for anything.


Christmas music jingled away as I waited for the movie to begin, and I realized, blogging and Christmas have a lot more in common than I thought, like…

1. It’s better to give than receive. Even if you feel you don’t have enough, try to help others in some way. In blogging you can give by: ‘liking’, ‘sharing’, and/or ‘commenting’. You may not agree with every word, but appreciate that blogger took the time to post (as you wish to be appreciated).

2. Connection – you never know who you’re going to virtually meet and how they’ll change your life, or you theirs.


3. Fruitcake and posts – love, hate, like bits of, or given time, both could be used to prop open a door to…

4. Lots of surprises, awkward moments, comfort, joy, regifting, and more than a few ugly sweaters (still, it’s all in the eye of the beholder).


5. Plenty of glitz and fancy bits, yet sometimes, the substance and what really matters still shines through.

6. Gingerbread, yes, delightful, but sometimes hard to handle, especially without breaking.


9. Posts hung like stockings by the internet chimney with care, with hopes that readers soon will be there.

8. Cookies, meals out, eggnog, and other holiday treats, all awesome, but too many and you start to feel sluggish, tired, irritable, and overwhelmed. Blogging can be the same – know yourself, know your readers.


9. We can all be Santa’s Elves filling Santa’s shelves – bringing posts, perhaps comfort and joy…

10. Cookies, carrots, comments, posts, shares, maybe some milk (or in some cases, more adult libations) – all left for those we hope will show up.


11. Visions of sugar plums. Hoping to inspire and please, but sometimes, as hard as we try, our posts, our holidays, our days fall flat. There’s no time limit on getting up, or starting over. Dust off and try again! 

12. Christmas trees, all different, just as all blogs are different. Don’t worry if you have the right niche, enough followers, comments, likes, etc. Don’t overthink. Send your creativity into the world, who knows what will come of it…anything, everything.


With blogging and Christmas and everything else, be brave, do what you feel, even if it goes wrong, you tried and that can’t really be wrong. Slow down, take the time to really enjoy and take it all in (including chocolate).



Very me

227 thoughts on “Hello It’s Me

      1. I backed off on a few things on my mental “to do” list. Still need to be done, but if i don’t take a break from it, then I’ll break. 😀
        And during my lunch break, I was able to do my “Thriving Thursday” post that I do at LinkedIn.
        So, yes thanks — the week (or at least Monday) is better than last week. 🙂
        Back to work now.
        Oh and if I failed to say so during my Thanksgiving, I’m grateful to consider you a friend, Donna. More hugs!


      2. My mental to do list is being very aggressive, it needs to back off a tad, but I agree, without a break I’ll break too and that would be bad (says Ms Understatement). 😉
        I keep meaning to use LinkIn more…I’m going to add that to my To Do List, oh no, here we go again. 😉
        Glad this week is going well and hope it’s still going well. 🙂
        I’m grateful to consider you my friend as well, Teagan, every day. 🙂


  1. I hope you feel better, Donna. You give a lot of people here in BloggyVille a big lift, always. It’s time for us to do the same. Happy Holidays. That Katniss was something, wasn’t she?


    1. Thank you kindly. 🙂
      That’s sweet of you to say. 🙂
      Yes, Katniss had an almost compulsive inner fortitude and I quite like Jennifer Lawrence as an actress, I think Silver Linings Playbook was my fav so far. When Jon Stewart said she reminded him of a young Helen Mirren, I can see that, a sort of piercing restless stillness, it’s quite compelling, they can say so much in one look. But I digress, happy holidays and hope this week treats you well. 🙂


      1. I love the idea of JLa as a young Helen. We could use that steely strength in our world on the big screen, setting an example of what can and should be done. 🙂 Happy holidays, my friend to the north. Be well, Donna Parker, be very well.


  2. Great post! Yep, blogging can be a lot like Christmas. And I know exactly how you feel- “Hello” just won’t leave my head either! Perhaps this is Adele’s plan for world domination? Happy holidays!


  3. Well, I never noticed the similarity between blogging and Christmas before, but now I know I’m doing nothing but spreading Christmas cheer all year long! 🙂 And yes, you need to take care of yourself. You are no good to anyone else if you can’t take care of yourself. It’s not selfish, it is making you a better mom/person.


    1. You do spread cheer all year, Kate, you’re the cheermistress in so many ways!!! 🙂
      Yes, I’m trying, I really, really am. Thank you and you’re right. 🙂
      All the best sweetie and hope this week is good to you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I wish it was possible to give more “like” stars than one for this! Absolutely fabulous! I laughed, I cried and I feel that last paragraph should be “pinned”. Love the cartoon Grinch gif, and I could watch that Gingerbread Man dance for hours! Thank you for so much bloginspiration and solidarity. I don’t always feel as positive about it, but if Mr.Darcy can wear reindeer sweaters (which I didn’t think looked too bad!) and Andrew Lincoln can hold up cue cards (does that ever happen in real life) to impossible love, we can all have bad blogging days!

    I watched Hunger Games too. Haven’t read the books, but thoroughly captivating films that are clearly the best in that teen bracket they’re put into, and should be watched by people of all ages.

    And I can’t begin to start talking about “Hello”. But, I will say your adaptation was lovely!


    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I’m thrilled. 🙂
      Yes, but it’s Darcy, ok, Colin Firth wearing it, he’d look good in a burlap sack, wait, I hope someone is writing a script where he wears a burlap sack, in fact, I have to go, I’ve got an idea for a script… 😉
      And I’d take Andrew Lincoln holding up cue cards even if zombies were behind him. 🙂
      Yes, I’m sure we’ve all had those bad days, but blogging or not, Firth and Lincoln and maybe throw in some Daryl Dixon and poof, the day is sunnier. 😉
      I don’t know what it is I didn’t like about The Hunger Games books, I usually love books, I even went back and reread them wanting to give them another try, but no, the films it is.
      Thank you, that song is stuck in my head and nothing is pulling it out. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha ha, I do remember Colin Firth trying to put on leather pants in a Amanda Bynes movie. I’ve been trying to erase that image from my mind ever since, but it hasn’t worked. Reindeer sweaters are chic in comparison on him!
        I hope the week is treating you kindly as well!


      2. Ah, that’s what it was called. Colin Firth does end up in many un-Colin Firth movies. Like Mamma Mia. He deserves a serious drama opposite Meryl Streep!


  5. I was going to leave a comment but I didn’t because you didn’t have a Christmas cat in it. The closest things were a gingerbread “thing”, a pig, and the Grinch. It is a tough evolutionary jump to cat. So no comment for you today. Wait, I do like the Hunger Games movies. Thanks for not printing any spoilers.


    1. I almost went with a cat in a stocking, but I just had some many images, but if your wander through my archives you’ll see, I do include a number of cat photos. This had a gratuitous image of an adorable cat this even has pictures of my cats for World Cat Day (wait, isn’t that every day?) 😉
      No spoilers! I don’t like getting them so I refuse to give them. 🙂
      Me-ow. 😉


  6. LOL I was singing along too! I never did get into the Hunger Games all that much and I do like your titles much better. I thought it was kinda blahza too. Great post and love the images too. Oh, now I feel like popcorn…can’t get mine at 50% though lol.


  7. I’m so sorry to read you’re not very well Sweetie. You know if here’s anything anyone can do, we’re all here for you.
    In with all the humour are the little messages that mean something like telling us to stand for something. If we don’t do so soon we’ll all become ‘Couldn’t care lessers’.
    At this time of year ( January to December) we should be Santa’s elves as you say and start spreading some seasonal joy.
    You’re a gem Donna and I appreciate you. Just wait tillI win the lottery.
    xx Much Love and Hugs xxx


    1. David, I think you understand, this life throws us many ups and downs, the important part is to enjoy that rollercoaster and always sit in the front – if I’m going to do I might as well do it right! 😉
      I hope there are still enough people willing to stand up, but sadly, there are too many ‘couldn’t care lessers’ – hope that doesn’t become a trend.
      Yes, we need to enjoy this season and every day as best we can in a way that makes us and others happy, you’d know all about that, dear friend. 🙂
      I shine because of people like you, massive hugs and hope Roobs, Joey, Mike, Yvonne, Dil and everyone are doing well, David. Hugs all round! 🙂


    1. I know some people don’t believe it, but it does feel better to give than receive most of the time, although receiving is lovely too. 😉
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly for adding me to your awesome list – I’m certainly in amazing company… 🙂
      Now I’m off to share and visit some of these other links. 🙂
      Thanks again and hope this week treats you well. 🙂


  8. This is the time of year when slowing down seems so important and so impossible…the holiday marathon. You said it right up front, Donna, take care of yourself and your loved ones. The rest is only as real as we choose it to be. 🙂


    1. You’re right, it’s the time of year we really need to slow down yet how? Just find a good pace and remember, life itself hopefully is a marathon, not a sprint. 🙂
      Take care of each other and everything will be much better. 🙂
      Thank you kindly and hope this week is treating you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Sorry to hear you haven’t been doing well. Hope December is a better and kinder month for you.

    I enjoyed your blogging compared to Christmas list. It really works … and that silly Gingerbread Man is one of my favourites 🙂


    1. Thank you, so far December is being ok, sure, we’re only one day in, but I love a good start. 😉
      I’m so glad you enjoyed it and I love dancing gingerbread man even if I do want to take a bite out of him. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂
      I’m not sure I can give writing advice, I just write whatever pops into my head, well, let me clarify, not everything that pops into my head lol 😉
      Thanks you for the follow and I do with you as well – I just added the comment – Coupons rule! to your latest cause, well, they do. 🙂
      I’m very glad you enjoy my posts and I’m glad we found each other, it’s sort of like looking for bargains, part of the fun is in the finding. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you well. 🙂


    1. We need to know when to be there and not be there…breaks can be refreshing. 🙂
      Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂


  10. Love the Miss Piggy “Hello” rendition and I especially like your list and #12 for sure!!! And, how can you not laugh at Mr. Bean…love that pic.


    1. Thank you kindly. 🙂
      Yes, Miss Piggy always adds a certain je ne c’est quoi, she’s special. 😉
      Yes, #12 is so true and I love Mr. Bean, he too adds a certain je ne c’est quoi but in a whole other way. 😉


    1. Probably not, but you might be the lucky one…once it gets into your head there’s no getting it out. 😉
      Thank you kindly, Bonnie and hope that chocolate treated you well. Hope you have an awesome weekend. 🙂


  11. You are so amazing, Donna…your humor is amazing. Even if you don’t feel well you still are able to bring the funny parts of life out in the open…Thanks for that. Hope you are feeling better!!


    1. Thank you Patrick, you know, I find especially when I’m not well, humour has always helped me not only feel better, but to feel connected, because mostly, we all love to laugh. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂


  12. This post is my new favorite. I especially liked this:

    “It’s better to give than receive. Even if you feel you don’t have enough, try to help others in some way. In blogging you can give by: ‘liking’, ‘sharing’, and/or ‘commenting’. You may not agree with every word, but appreciate that blogger took the time to post (as you wish to be appreciated)”

    For me, this is the heart of blogging. And it’s something I learned from you. Happy Season to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The best way to spread blog cheer is sharing (and commenting) loud for all to hear, well, something like that lol. 😉
      Hope this week is treating you kindly. Loved your Christmas coasters, I’m trying to talk myself into trying them. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I loved “posts hung like stockings.” I think you have bloggers who do it for their own satisfaction and interaction with other folks and those that do it for a business – two totally different paths and relationships to stats. A ‘like’ is a wonderful thing, but a ‘comment’ can make your day. 🙂


  14. Donna,
    “Hello!” Sorry, couldn’t resist!
    So sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. Praying you feel better soon. I don’t know if you have a chronic illness or not (I do, several in fact) but I do know they can drive you to the brink of insanity! Can’t begin to tell you how many times I feel like “a cotton-headed ninny-muggins!!
    I enjoy your posts so much and always love your gifs-they are always spot on (and usually have a drool worthy one or two thrown in!).
    You are so right about needing to stand for something, society has gotten to the point that it feels like, instead, everyone is falling for something. Unfortunately too, a lot of things we fall for aren’t so good.
    Have a wonderfully Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!


    1. Hello (I couldn’t resist either). 😉
      Thank you kindly, yes, the chronic stuff just goes on and on and on, and sometimes worse than others.
      I’m so glad when I hear I can make others happy, it lightens my heart. 🙂
      It’s so confusing too, I think our brains are at war with all the glut of information, much of it misleading (deliberately so in many cases), contradictory, as well as disturbing. It’s difficult to sort through the muck to get to the truth.
      Hope this week is treating you well! Yes, Merry Christmas and all the best in 2016! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL, 😉
        I’m glad, that each of us, in our own small way, can help.
        I, too, find it difficult sometimes to navigate through the muck. But, it is usually worth it.
        We’ve been having unseasonably warm weather here, seems more like spring or early summer!!
        Hope you’re feeling better!


      2. Quite true. 🙂
        Yes, it feel much more like Spring, even raining, but still so warm. I love it. Any day without the heavy winter coats, boots, and winter driving is awesome. 🙂
        Thank you kindly, hope this week is treating you well. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually haven’t posted since Dec 18th…will be back in the new year, until then, feel free to wander around my archives, I have over 500 posts. 🙂
      Thanks for following and all the best in 2016, hope we can visit often. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Your posts must take forever to compile and write, Donna. They are so good! I hope you have gotten the ‘me’ time and self-care that you deserve (yes, you!). We moms have to be sure to take care of ourselves, among all the other people and tasks! Anyway, here’s hoping 2016 is and will continue to be treating you and your son very well. Rock on! 🙂


    1. I write quickly, as soon as my fingers can play catch up with my brain lol 😉 so it’s not too bad.
      Yes, I’m taking some me time, well, as much as is possible, all things considered. 🙂 Hope you are as well, Leigh (again, all things considered). 😉
      Hope this new year is treating you and yours wonderfully!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, Donna. Hope you had a great new year’s and 2016 so far! If you don’t my novice question, do you have the basic WordPress site–I’m curious how you use all the different font styles and colors and all the add-ons and such. I suspect you are having to pay some fee to make it look so impressive!


      2. Sorry, yes, basic site. Those colours and styles are all there in the bar if you do it on the old school WordPress, I guess classic as Visual not Text, I can’t use the new one they have at all, it’s more like WeirdPress. No, I don’t pay any extras, the premium rates are a bit rich for my blood. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this Ian and I hope you can drop back and share some of your links for others to find you. Thanks again and hope this week is treating you well so far. 🙂


    1. Hello Daria!!! Over here in Canada we’re up to our knees in snow, I’m guessing that’s not the case down there. Thanks for the shout-out and Happy Christmas and all the best for 2017!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Teresa, not only for leaving the awesome links, but for the lovely reblogs as well. I appreciate you passing along all the comfort and joy. 🙂 I hope the holidays are treating you well so far and all the best for 2017! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Teresa, not only for leaving the awesome links, but for the lovely reblogs as well. I appreciate you passing along all the comfort and joy. 🙂 I hope the holidays are treating you well so far and all the best for 2017! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I hereby grant you full permission to feel well, I hate to think of you under the weather……especially if that weather is snow. Have a wonderful Christmas with lots of presents that bring you out in a rash of happiness.
    Huge Hugs


    1. You’re so sweet, I’m sending you waves of joy and hugs across the ocean, dearest David.
      Massive today we have rain and sun and wind, various times melting the snow hugs xoxoxox


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