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You May Say I’m A Dreamer

1apeace22All that peace and love stuff, it’s just idealistic mumbo jumbo, right?

Or is it?

While I admit I don’t understand a lot of stuff, but as long as it’s not really hurting anyone, why would I care?

Too often, the commonly held view seems to be that if we don’t agree, we’re at odds.

Like somehow 7 billion of us are suddenly going to start agreeing, or we have to battle it out Star Trek style.


For example, I find the rise of pumpkin spice alarming – apparently pumpkin spice is a season now, so the pumpkin spice must flow.


Here’s a completely incomplete list of stuff people do that I don’t ‘get’, or want to (no particular order):

1. Touching wet paint or wet cement – yes, it’s wet, move on.
2. Running water after going to the bathroom instead of actually washing your hands.
3. Lying, lying, and what was that other thing, oh yeah, lying.
4. Judging a person based on their skin tone, religion, race, nationality, whom they choose to love, clothes, home, family, etc.

5. Walking into traffic looking at a cellphone.
6. Bad driving.
7. Hurting others, especially children.
8. Loving something just because it’s endorsed by or has the name of a celebrity.

9. Using racism as a political strategy.
10. Fat shaming, and also those who say fat shaming is wrong, because they’re also calling people fat.
11. Having fictional conversations in your head with others (ok, done this).
12. Not smiling back at a child or being impatient when an elderly person is slowly walking down the stairs in front of you.

13. Yelling at furniture that jumped out and stubbed your toe (ok, I’ve totally done that).
14. Wearing uncomfortable shoes (especially with stubbed toes).
15. People who pretend they don’t fart (you do, we all do, own it).
16. Reading the instructions after you’ve done something.

17. Saying “I’m sorry” when you’re not sorry.
18. Unenvironmentalists (you know that should be a word).
19. Buying non-orange pumpkins.
20. Pretending you don’t wish some cool movie-like thing would happen to you today instead of just the usual stuff…come on, you really haven’t done this?


I can’t understand how people find the time or energy to judge, fight, or generally care so much about everyone else’s business. Does this have to do with our fight or flight response? Not running from sabre-tooth tigers (mostly), our fear response is now triggered by shopping (prices are terrifying), finding info on the internet (bloodcurdling), and politicians (I’ll take the tiger). Obviously our fear of scarcity has survived, so maybe those who are different or disagree feed into that fear. I’m just guessing, frankly, I’m baffled.


The internet just seethes with fear and loathing which is why I’m happy when I find bloggers who make me smile. David Prosser, a wonderful, funny, and caring blogger from Wales offered the world his Buthidars philosophy – a hug, a good deed, a simple gesture, a smile…forging a path toward peace.


And he shares his life each week at: and kindly shared one of his novels, The Queen’s Envoy, with the caveat, it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Perhaps, but I emphatically enjoyed the fanciful flight of fictitious foibles. It reminded me of watching Bond movies with my Dad. As a child I didn’t understand what Pussy Galore, Holly Goodhead, and “Oh James!” really meant, but the spirit of adventure always made me feel like anything was possible. I like that feeling, wherever I can find it.

It’s Thanksgiving this weekend in Canada; I’m thankful we can all agree to disagree, eh. I don’t tell people they’re stupid for their beliefs and I don’t expect them to understand my complicated relationships with: chocolate, spiders, TV, sleep, housekeeping, kale, Jane Austen, gravity, technology, toenail clippers, Christmas, pools (you know, cause of sharks), clowns, Thanksgiving, meat, and life in general.

We don’t have to agree to have fun, be respectful, and add love and hope to the world.

All we are saying is give peas peace a chance.



Very me

204 thoughts on “You May Say I’m A Dreamer

    1. Thank you kindly. Yes, and since the advance voting days are over the Thanksgiving weekend that should ensure a low voter turnout. Sigh.
      Hope you have a Thanksgiving that lives up to it’s name. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

    And I apologize if you are ever in my neck of the woods and have the misfortune of sharing the road with me. I am not a good driver. I am not intentionally bad, but I’ve come to accept this about myself.


      1. In high school, I was nominated for “worst driver” for senior superlatives. It troubles me to this day that someone else beat me to the title.


    1. I’m Canadian so it took a lot of training to stop saying ‘sorry’. Sigh, sorry, probably still do it a lot. lol 😉
      I used to have them in my head, but then I couldn’t remember which character was talking so I had to write them down. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I broke up with my cold, he was smothering me, I felt like I couldn’t breath, leave the house, I felt so isolated. So, I cut him loose. 😉
        Hope you feel better soon. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  2. It seems I’ve said this so many times but… Donna this is one of your best! Nice to see David’s book along with his Buthadars featured. Hugs! There should be more and more hugs in the world!
    Oh, and yesterday, I really did print the spectacular review you did of my book. It’s now all over the office wall (it took several pages), next to that boring ITIL process poster. Making my wall much more appealing to me!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you — I’m not Canadian, but I’m thankful for you! Mega hugs!


    1. Thank you kindly, Teagan, you know when you have stuff running around in your head and you can’t quite figure out a way to let it out…there, I did. 😉
      I think amazing, kind, generous, and positive writers and bloggers should be highlighted, and David is awesome, I feel so lucky he lets us share his week with him. There’s so much mean and negative out there, I prefer this way. 🙂
      I’m so pleased, Teagan, it could brighten your work wall! 🙂 I popped your review over on Goodreads too. 🙂
      Thank you, I’m off to vote (yes, our government actually scheduled our advance voting days – 4 over the holiday weekend), and will think of all the ways I’m thankful as I walk over (and it’s quite a walk so I’ll have plenty of time). 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well and megahugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s a weird irony, but isn’t judging people for judging people still judging people? (Heya, gramamar!) I do it, too, and then I wonder if I’m spinning the world into a cosmic loop of weird.

    Anyway, I always enjoy this blog, but never comment what what your ten-billion followers and all. It makes me a little shy. But here’s my once a year social interaction: Hi! I love reading this! Keep writing it! K Thanx Bye.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is, but sadly I think being judgey (there’s another word that should be a word) might be part of human nature – part of our survival instinct. Think the world is already in a cosmic loop of weird, we just need to try and spin the other way. 😉
      Oh no, I hope you always feel free to comment, the best part of blogging is the interaction with readers and other bloggers, etc. Don’t feel shy, we’re all cosmically loopy and this is a friendly blog, just fun and peace and love, no flaming or fights. 🙂
      Thanks for reading and please pop back anytime, you’re always welcome!
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I feel doubly honoured today to be mentioned by you. Thanks so much for mentioning my Buthidars, it’s such a non-religion I’m thinking of making it into a Religious Order and creating you Grand Mistress of Canada.
    Thank you also for the mention of my normal(??) blog. My psychiatrist will be so glad of the use of that word.
    Humongous Hugs though for your kindness in mentioning my tale The Queen’s Envoy. I don’t equate myself with the erstwhile Mr Bond though as I was never licensed to kill, thrill or even send a bill. I did seem to attract some interest from the ladies though, especially if I remember rightly one lady who wanted me to watch sport on her TV one Paris.
    One day I should conclude these memoirs.
    You’re a wonderful lady despite the complicated relationship with clowns. I count myself very lucky to know you.
    xxx Hugs Galore xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. David, I’m glad you saw it. I tweeted it to you and will pop it over onto Goodreads later. 🙂
      Your Buthidars is so wonderful, I’d be happy to be The Grand Mistress of Canada, promoting peace is a passion. 🙂
      Sure, we’ll go with normal, totally and completely normal, sure. 😉
      I enjoyed it, not just saying that, I’m always honest in my reviews. 🙂 It was a pleasure to have lived the adventures with you in print. 🙂
      I bet there are more saucy tales out there. 😉
      Thank you kindly, these relationships can be so knotty. 😉
      I feel lucky to know you as well David.
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly and can’t wait to hear about your week. 🙂
      Massive monster mammoth hugs!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. “Having fictional conversations in your head with others (ok, done this).” Isn’t that what 90% of thinking is? 😉 Maybe that’s why when I write fiction 90% is conversation… But yes, great post!


      1. I just bet. One of my cats got to a raw turkey once. Luckily we heard the bang as she knocked it over and she didn’t get much. Silly kitty. 🙂


  6. Great list. And yes, people do get so miffed about other people’s business. If it does no harm, then what’s the big deal. I have to admit I’m guilty of #16 (as well as the voices in my head). Directions are to be used after you can’t figure it out. That only makes sense, doesn’t it?


    1. Thank you kindly. 🙂
      People need to get a different hobby than poking into everyone’s else’s life, here’s a thought, worry about your own, right?
      We all do them sometimes…my son tells me this, but I have to read the instructions several times before even attempting something. 🙂
      Hope this weekend is good to you. 🙂


  7. That’s great…pumpkin spice is a season! Seems like that doesn’t it? And not orange pumpkins…pretty and all, but they just don’t seem all the way right. Off to buy some orange pumpkins.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. so… you are championing common sense? good luck with that… also, I lost your email… and I am excited to send you free copies of books I am actually trying to make a living off selling… HA!!!


  9. I’ll be thankful to get my vote cast, to not be hosting the family thankfest (thanks Sister One of Two) and I’m especially thankful there aren’t pools (because… sharks) full of clowns (because… IT!)
    I love your posts so much. I always wind up laughing out loud, mulling and having to resist the urge to comment on every point you make (with such wit, humour and maple syrup on top)
    Have a wonderful day and I hope your Thanksgiving will be wonderful!


    1. Voting rules!!!
      Guesting is often preferable to hosting. 🙂
      Oh no, now I’m imaging pools full of sharks and clowns, like It Sharknado!!!
      Thank you so much, and by all, don’t resist the urge, go for it (not IT as in scary Pennywise, but Tim Curry would be lovely). 😉
      Thank you so much, hope this weekend is lovely (sharkless and clownless, but with lots of turkey, family, and fun). Happy Thanksgiving, eh! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I am with you on most of those pet hates that you have. Having said that, I do say ‘sorry’ all the time! I still don’t know what ‘Oh James,’ means? I get the other two but am missing something with that one!
    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving 🙂


    1. I think the auto ‘I’m sorries’ may be from our UK background because we do it here in Canada all the time; I mean more when people say they’re sorry for doing something, but you know they don’t mean it or they add, but…and tell you basically why they’re not sorry and would do it again in a heartbeat, or they just do the same thing again and again, but say they’re sorry, so clearly, they’re not…wow, that was a run-on sentence, sorry. 😉
      The ‘Oh James’ always shows up as the James of the day and one of his ‘ladies’ sink down to the sand, the ground, a boat, a bed, wherever and have a, er, shaken and stirred moment. 😉
      Thank you kindly, hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, of course, I get it now, Yes they do, normally at the end of the film!!
        Canadians have got quite a few British traits and it is funny that you do the ‘I’m sorry’ thing as well.
        Have a lovely weekend too, I believe it is Thanksgiving for you. 🙂


      2. That James! 😉
        We do, especially those of us of UK descent – among others I have Irish, Scottish, and English and if family tales are to be believed (who knows?), Welsh as well so I have the whole kit and kaboodle an then some, sorry, didn’t mean to go on. 😉
        It is Thanksgiving – celebrating when we came and stole land from those already living here, also some of my ancestors, if family tales are to be believed. 😉 But I do feel thankful. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Guilty of 11 and 13. Didn’t know you could buy non-orange pumpkins. I’m in the UK so they may not have reached us yet – we’re still astonished at the big orange ones suddenly appearing in supermarkets.


    1. So am I once I started writing them. lol 😉
      Yes, we have white ones, green ones, yellow, black…sigh, I liked the days when we could just say pumpkin without putting a colour in front. 😉
      All the best, Mary, and I hope this weekend treats you well and the colours stay on the trees, not the pumpkins. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh well, give it a couple of years and no doubt we’ll have pumpkins of many colours, too.
        The trees are just turning now – one day I’ll make it to Canada to see your Fall colours.


  12. Another great post. Yes a little respect, common courtesy, humility and compassion would go a long way towards making this world a better place.
    As for #4 – I only judge people according to which direction they put the toilet paper roll on, and I will continue to do so. Because those who put it on *over* rather then *under*? That’s just madness and seriously, I can’t be friends with people like that 😉
    Happy Thanksgiving 🙂


    1. It would go a long way, a very long way. 🙂
      Oh dear Norm, I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you, I am a *over* toilet paper person. 😉
      Happy Thanksgiving and I’m thankful we can agree to disagree about the overs and unders of life. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Love it! And I love the Edward Scissorhand gif! That movie opened my eyes to the phrase you posted and it’s meaning: People are afraid of me because I’m different. Yes we are afraid of things that are different and we don’t understand. That’s why we label it not normal or dangerous, unhealthy and so on… Great post!


      1. Wow, that’s a lot of company. Hope everyone had a delightful time (they were with you so I’m guessing my hope came true). Ours was much smaller, but lovely. 🙂
        All the best, Tess and hope the rest of the week leaves you just as thankful. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh no, that’s not good, Tess, I know what you mean, my computer caught something and it took a lot to sort it out…It took me too long and pulling hair out is not an option. lol 😉


  14. Donna, this is such a wonderful post, so many good points. People are so hard to figure sometimes. Respect, love, and hope is really not much to ask of anyone. Good words always seem to find the ears and hearts of people who are practicing good things already. But, when those same words find the ears of others lacking in those three qualities, it seems those good words fall on deaf ears.


  15. On bad drivers, there is an intersection I seem to always have a red light to make me stop. I usually go straight when the light turns green and when I see the car on the opposite side has a turn signal I know what is going to happen. Yes, I start to go and suddenly he/she turns right in front of me. I always say, “Oh, yeah, you’re the one with the right of way,” (though clearly they are not) and I drive on through after he/she is gone. My passengers usually say more inflammatory remarks which always make me laugh. So, I guess the frustration spreads joy in the end.


    1. If everyone would just follow the driving rules, it would be a lot safer and easier…I see why they’re thinking cars that drive themselves might be a better option, especially with people so distracted with, well, everything.
      Hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I thought of this today as someone walked across the street against the light and gestured that I should stop with all the cars in the major intersection with the light changing. I stopped, of course, and my passenger said, ” I think he was on meth.” My response, “I couldn’t live with hitting him, but don’t cross a street with no crosswalk or against the light.” Teachable moments teaching me to go with the flow!


  16. Happy Thanksgiving! We have to wait a bit longer for ours, but now I’m thinking we should start celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving as well as USA Thanksgiving, because two thanksgivings are better than one. Mmm, turkey.

    I’m amazed you were able to keep your list as short as you did. Mine would be volumes.


    1. I think everyday should be a day of thankfulness so celebrate them all. 🙂
      It is certainly a completely incomplete list…I’m sure I’ll do another soon. 😉
      Happy Thanksgiving any day. 🙂


  17. Reblogged this on ' Ace Social & Media News ' and commented:
    After nearly 25-years since his death this man echoed my thoughts as a younger man – give peace a chance l look at today’s world now and l see what hollow words these would one day become.
    When man decided to put mammon/money before love of the people and profit before prosperity of the people and war before safety of the people.
    They turned from peace having any chance – we can all blame someone else, we can all blame each other but we can and will have peace when:
    Men and Women no longer fight and give of themselves without expecting to receive. Then we have a beginning not an end and peace on the heart will lead to peace in the world – when man stops fighting to be right and right becomes the previous watchword and words such as wrong or maybe or possibly l/We could be wrong echo throughout the land!
    His post is evocative, meaningful and allows everyone to give peace a chance if the understand the true meaning of the words written here:
    #Donnamazing is all l have to say – you get better Ace❤️ my reason to be here on earth.


  18. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    My standouts are numbers 7, 8, 10, 12, and 14.

    You know, as my siblings & I hit midage, there was so much I just didn’t get about how some were choosing to live this time of their lives. They confounded and sometimes saddened me in the choices they made. I still think of them daily and wish them well, but most of all I learned to say in my heart (and mean it), “I honor your choices.” Peace.


    1. Thank you and I hope you’re having a wonder-filled weekend, Jane. 🙂
      lol those are great standouts. 😉
      Yes, people follow there own paths and you’ve found peace yourself when you can say (and mean it), that you honour their choices. Very wise. 🙂


    1. Congrats and well-deserved!!! 🙂 Love your facts…and I wish I wasn’t, but I fear I am hopefully hooked on technology also and a hopeless bookworm. I get sinus infections if I even look at them wrong in the mirror; I love clouds, but the sun and I have a complicated relationship, and I cannot in good faith admit to playing anything well. 🙂
      Thanks again and I’m off to share and visit the other nominees, some I’m already familiar with, others not so much. 🙂
      Hope this day is treating you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Our freezer broke last week and the peas defrosted and so I’ll give peace a chance this week. Actually, I’ve bought some more and we have a new freezer so I might just pull them both off xx Rowena


  20. Obviously, some of these… I don’t know what to say about them. But at least half this post had me laughing out loud. And I’ve totally done some of these things you don’t get. #13, 14, and 16. Because I own my…stuff. 😉


    1. Thank you kindly, April, I think I liked it more before it became so commercialized, but I guess that’s like everything. 🙂 And we can’t blame the pumpkin spice for that. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks again, I must say I like being someone’s pick (better than someone’s shovel I suppose), but really, thank you, for the mention and for the lovely company. 🙂


    1. I’m so glad you found me and now I’ve found you…your pierogi casserole made me drool and guess what I’m making for supper now? 🙂
      Isn’t Susie great? And so sweet to do a Meet and Greet. 🙂
      Yes, it Unenvironmentalist should be used and often. 😉
      Hope this day treats you kindly, Jenny. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  21. This was perfect list which many struck my fancy, D. I wish people would laugh more and peace were a reality. I liked your unique characters including “Rocky Horror” and “Edward Scissorhands.” Being behind children or elderly does take patirnce, though. . . Just saying! 🙂


  22. I seem to have missed this great post. Happy belated Thanksgiving. 🙂 I’m wondering if you could tell me if I’m on your following, or subscriber list? I was sure I subscribed by email, but the wordpress indicator keeps asking me to follow? I’ve had these WP issues before and ended up getting duplicate notifications by refollowing. 🙂


    1. Thanks, hope your Thanksgiving had a lot to be thankful for…I voted that weekend so I was thankful for that (and for when the election is finally over). 🙂
      No, it doesn’t say you’re following. WordPress plays a lot of tricks and it’s not even Halloween yet. 😉
      Wishing you a lovely rest of the weekend and a wonder-filled week, Debby. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly. 🙂
      I guess it would depend what you wanted the pumpkin for, if you only want it for the inside, yes, but if you want it for the outside as well…
      Hope this day treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Ian, thank you so much, not only for this lovely feature, what a delightful early Christmas gift, but for your kind and inspiring words as well. And thanks for promoting such great indie talent – we need more, more, more!!! 🙂
      Big holiday hugs. 🙂
      Happy Christmas and all the best for 2016 – I hope each and every day gets better and better for you. 🙂


    1. Yes although, my hair would be disappointing after all the fuss. lol 😉 We in Canada have overcome the right wing insanity, we wish the same for our amazing neighbours to the South. Big hugs xox

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, dear friend, I’m really working on making every day a day in which I give thanks, but it is nice to have an extra special day for it. 😉
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂
      Mega gobble gobble (no turkeys died for our meal, so for that they should be thankful lol) hugs xoxo


    1. Awesome, Sherrie. I emailed you about your book/book review and cool video. 🙂
      Thank you so much for the reblog, really appreciate all the #bloglove 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you kindly, so far. 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly, Ian, I don’t know if you’re getting these comments, sometimes WordPress plays tricks (no treats) and says No!
      Hope this finds you safe and sound. Thank you for the lovely reblog! How delightful!
      Stay safe. Stay connected. 🙂
      Big non-contagious hugs xoxo


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