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Come To The Dark Side, We Have Cookies

14th4“They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes.”
Princess Leia Organa of Aldaraan, Senator

This is one of my favourite quotes from Star Wars, though it was never used in the movies. I don’t know how many times in my life I’ve been in the wrong place at the wrong time, or if one believes in fate, perhaps I was exactly where I was supposed to be.
Each day is filled with choices, decisions, some huge, life-changing and others little, although who knows, they might be life changing as well.

Today is May the 4th, some may know it as Intergalactic Star Wars Day. For some, that’s everyday.
Nerds greet each other with, May the 4th Be With You. Posts, memes, parties, hash tags, sales, and news stories converge, in greater numbers.
Although this May 4th, the news is more about Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana than Princess Leia.14th21
Tomorrow, to a lesser degree with Revenge of the Fifth, although I think Revenge of the Sixth makes more sense. Is that a thing?


An old nemesis has descended upon me this May the 4th – my Darth Vader, my Boba Fett, Jabba the Hut (probably rather have Pizza the Hut), Rancor (although it smells better), Greedo, or Count Dooku –  I’ve loosely titled it, Stars Wars VIII: Return of the Back Pain. Luckily it doesn’t hurt as much when I sit…and if I go over to The Dark Side, I hear they have cookies.
I think I know what brought it on, an unusual activity (not nearly as exciting as it sounds).

It also brings back horrible memories of the car accident where the pain originated and I’m left to watch my back, like the aptly titled book, Watch Your Back! by Richard A. Deyo MD (Cornell University Press). I read this last time my back pain flared, hoping for some answers. It left me with more questions as it’s straightforward information shone a light on The Dark Side of the medical profession which offers people less and less, for more and more.

We don’t like to think that our pain is a business, but it’s big business.
This book won’t be popular, it points out that the medical profession, like politics and other systems, to paraphrase George Lucas, is like a great tree, able to withstand any external force, but rots from within. The lure of money, power, and prestige can overcome common sense and decency.
I understand the temptation of the magic fix, but realistically I know I have to do most of the figurative heavy lifting.
As patients we should be pushing for more treatments that are sensible, empowering, and give effective, long-term results for moderate costs.14th20

I’m used to being in constant pain with Fibromyalgia, it waxes and wanes, but never actually ceases, but in a strange way pain can also be freeing. You see past the Jedi mind tricks or I guess more like Sith mind tricks…you see the truth.1starwars15

What about you, dear readers, do you ever see The Dark Side of people when they think they can’t get anything from you?

Do you also see the power of The Force of goodness when some people like you just the way you are?
The latter is what I choose to believe in.

May the Fourth be with you.


Very me

107 thoughts on “Come To The Dark Side, We Have Cookies

  1. Donna, i’m sorry to hear about your back. I get chronic back pain, so i really do feel for you. 😦
    You are sadly right — all pain and sickness has become big business — no wonder things don’t get cured…
    > I already went to the Dark Side… i work for the government. o_O
    > To happier things, i had not heard of Intergalactic Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you, Shine on you diamond. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, I’m going with the ‘this too shall pass’ thought. 🙂
      It’s better business, sadly. 😦
      lol Yes, my dear, you have already gone to The Dark Side – do they at least give you cookies?
      Thank you, Teagan and May The Fourth Be With You. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sadly no cookies… not so much as an animal cracker or a broken oreo. :’)
        But they freely throw their egos around, inflating more, higher, bigger. Happily i have a handy pin. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I have an uncanny ability to see past what people say to what they really mean. I usually challenge them on that. People don’t like that. And yet on the whole, I am very positive.
    Now, where’s my cookie?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too, in an odd way, I think seeing people for who they really are makes me more positive, I’m rarely disappointed. 🙂
      I have chocolate, chocolate chip, and chocolate with chocolate chip… 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh, that’s too bad. All exercise was really beneficial for me. When I first got it, it was post surgery and the doctors kept telling me to relax and not exercise and I think that was part of what was making me depressed and making my symptoms worse. When they gave me the green light to exercise you can only imagine how much better it was physically and mentally.


  3. I only saw the first Star Wars movie and have no idea why I didn’t continue with the rest.
    I am not a trusting soul and tend to sniff out the snake oil salesmen most of the time, although I confess I’ve also been wrong but I’m allowed one mistake in my lifetime. Right? 😮


    1. By first I assume you mean Star Wars IV: A New Hope, because if you mean Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, I can see why you may have stopped. lol 😉
      We’re all allowed mistakes, goodness knows, I’ve had my share and then some. 😉


  4. I see lots of people lining up before me when I open the dark chocolate ginger biscuits, all hoping for a share. There are always more people than biscuits and I’m meant to be noble and give mine up. I ask, would you?
    xxx Massive Hugs Donna xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. David, you couldn’t possibly be asking me to give up something chocolate…It depends, but it would be extremely difficult. 😉
      Hope this week treats you well, look forward to hearing about it. 🙂
      Massive hugs!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I have RA and the chronic pain is a beast to deal with. I see my own dark side when I eat the wrong food, especially cookies. But sometimes the dark side is louder and I eat what I shouldn’t have, what can I say, I am human. Love Star wars, always have and always will!


  6. Stay away from the dark side do I… I buy my cookies at Mrs Field’s wait 3 dollars a cookie… That is the dark side!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a great title. And I love the opening quote. Haven’t heard it before. Sometimes we fall into the adventure without meaning to, and gain a great deal from the journey.


    1. My son’s T-shirt was the inspiration. Yes, I love that quote, I wish they could have used it in one of the movies. 🙂
      You’re right, sometimes life gives us something and we have to figure out what to do with it. 🙂


  8. I give as freely as I can, as often as I can. I don’t much notice if others are mostly taking. Giving is awesome. Although, Donna, I will take a cookie 😀


  9. Hello Donna! I’m sorry about your back pain. I know what that’s like and it is no picnic. I’ve been in the medical field for many years and I’ve definitely seen the ‘Dark Side’ of some of the medical practitioners. I agree, medicine needs to return to the days when doctors investigated to find the origin of your pain instead of just treating the symptoms. I hope you get better soon.


    1. First of all, thank you, kind sir, for being a follower – I promise, no funny cult stuff as the term might imply. 😉
      Second, on the top left of your screen where it says ‘Reader’ got to ‘Blogs I Follow’ (that’s me!), then it should say ‘Blogs I Follow’ again and it will have a list by ‘Alphabetical’ or ‘Date Followed’. Then it lets you ‘Edit’ how often you want to see – ‘Instant’, ‘Daily’, ‘Weekly’, ‘Never’. I have ‘Pouring My Art Out’, as a random example listed as ‘Instant’ Emails just so I don’t miss any. You can also go into ‘Manage Your Subscriptions’, but I find that one more difficult. Hope that helps and thanks again. 🙂


      1. I think I did it all on my own… maybe… I am a computer moron… but I will see your posts in my reader, I believe. And every year, when the year ends and wordpress does that weird thing where they send you your stats, everybody I follow says I am the one who commented the most… so… that is why I try not to follow too many people. HA! Now tell me why you have such huge stats? What is the secret?


      2. Excuse me, are you saying I have huge stats? 😉
        I don’t know, do you mean the views? Likes? Followers? Cause if it’s the latter, it’s not a cult, those are all rumours, unless you’re counting being Canadian as being a cult, cause then, well, maybe, eh. 😉
        You do comment a lot, I’m frankly in awe, I want to comment, but I often can’t think of anything to write. 🙂


      3. you do fine… and I meant all of the stats… followers, views, whatever… and I do count Canadians… my head minion is a Canadian… my dad was born in Canada…


  10. Also, my ‘me’ character in my books is all about being in the wrong place at the wrong time… and then becoming a hero… and trying to wiggle out of it… while the whole universe watches… and stuff…


    1. I like wrong place, wrong time stuff, story of my life and all. Sorry, I don’t think I’ve come across your books yet, but I have a list and I’m always looking. 🙂


      1. See my tagline? I wish I was joking and secretly rich, but alas…my money all goes to my son, the little I have.
        I can only afford to get books at the library, yard sales, from publishers, Netgalley, Blogging For Books, Goodreads, etc. I promise when I win the lottery I’ll order a box of them. 🙂


      2. I’ll look, but my e-reader is super old and frankly, sucks and stores apparently want money for cellphones and e-readers, etc. Go figure. 😉


    1. I doubt it’s a question of right or wrong…I don’t have any books, so I could say I’m doing that wrong, but really, I just haven’t done it…yet. 🙂


      1. I knew what you meant, I just mean different people do different things at different times…I wonder how many different times I can use the word differently, differently? 😉


      2. I do different things all the time… and then I do them differently to accentuate my differences which differ from day to day depending on the different differences I differentiate between…


      3. I see your post in my reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As long as I don’t keep getting emails but I keep seeing new posts, I am happy. I may have to unfollow somebody to make time… and I will try to catch up with your old posts if I can… but I am excited… it is just the original commitment that scares me.


      4. I wish I could remember to check the Reader more….but it takes me sooooo long to scroll through.
        Thank you, thank you for following. There’s a lot of old posts, sorry, what’s the term they use now, vintage. 😉


  11. HA! I got an email telling me I am following you… in case I didn’t know… but I think I fixed that in my dashboard… unless I unfolowed you… aren’t you glad I’m here? This place is only missing one thing… a weird old guy with a head full of crack squirrels who is a computer moron… yay me!!!


      1. Are you testing if I can count?
        Five, six, seven, eight
        shlemiel, schlemazel, hasenpfeffer incorporated
        We’re gonna do it
        Give us any chance, we’ll take it
        Read us any rule, we’ll break it
        We’re gonna make our dreams come true
        Doin’ it our way!!!!! 😉


  12. Sorry to hear about that pain… But you’ll get over it, I am sure..
    As to the dark side of people… Yes. woefully I know what you mean… Relationships are based on utility most times, don’t you think?….Best wishes! Aquileana 😀


    1. The pain is lessening and thank you for your kind words. 🙂
      Yes, relationships are too much about utility most times, excellent point.
      Hope this day treats you well, Aquileana. 🙂


  13. Fantastic post. I smiled and nodded so many times while reading. A little common sense and grains of salt go a long way. I always wait for the latest crazed fad or fear to pass. It always does. (of course to be replaced with the next…)


  14. Very sorry! It seems I left this comment under the wrong blog post. I think the blog post it was supposed to go under was titled, “If you’re not in it, you’re out of it.”


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