Posted in Autism, Awards, Blogs, Books, Canada, Cats, Chocolate, Family, Fibromyalgia, Movies, Music, Televison, Uncategorized

March Madness Spring Fling Blog Party


Depending on where you are, this week is:
Spring Break, March Break, March Madness, Spring Equinox, St. Patrick’s Day or maybe it’s just March.

So for our own form of March Madness, a Spring Fling to get us in the mood, let’s have a Blog Party!!!
Please use the comment box below to tell other bloggers about your blog –
don’t forget to include your blog link!
Tell us something about yourself and/or your blog
and share it so other bloggers will find out about you and everyone else!


I started this blog for relaxation (although sometimes, especially when WordPress makes changes, relaxation is not the word I use), but now, over 500 posts later, I look at my followers and views with wonder.
As a single mom with Fibromyalgia, raising a child with Autism and other health concerns, relaxation is important because most days I feel like Wile E. Coyote with his tiny umbrella.

I’ve learned a lot, but the best part has been my dear readers.
You make it all worth while.
Finding each other in this giant virtual haystack is astonishing and awesome.
I’d hoped it would also lead to fame and fortune; that part hasn’t panned out, but who knows?
Till then, still broke and just a tad less obscure.1thanks6I’m thankful for all the awards I’ve received, but narrowing down other nominees has become too challenging as I find more and more astonishing bloggers whose insights thrill, stories chill, make me cry, laugh, smile, remember, make me think, wonder, and dream.
I love that you think of me, but my time and energy are limited so I’ll use them by responding to your comments and leaving some on your blogs, Tweeting, Retweeting, and sharing your posts.

I’d like to thank some of my most stalwart supporters, those of you who follow, take the time to press the Like button; who humble me by reblogging; Tweet and Retweet, share on Facebook, Google+, Reddit, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. I find myself looking forward to your posts, comments, insights, loving your stories, glowing…
I just want to soak them all up.1bean2

So join me here, it’s easy to Follow via email or WordPress
and on Facebook at

Twitter @yadadarcyyada for some Hashtag parties:
Sundays: #SundayBlogShare @suzie81blog
Mondays: #MondayBlogs @MondayBlogs
Wednesdays: #wwwblogs (Women Writer Wednesdays),
and #BeWoW (Be Wonderful posts on Wednesdays @RonovanWrites)
Saturdays: #ArchiveDay
Any day with compassion: #1000Speak @1000Speak
Weekends: #WeekendBlogHop @WeekendBlogHop
Excellent ways to find posts and bloggers.


1athank5So thank you all for a memorable time here on this big bouncy web.
Please don’t leave without sharing your blog link and info below,
so other bloggers can find you
and you can find other bloggers.

Keep checking back, who knows how long this party will last?


Very me

392 thoughts on “March Madness Spring Fling Blog Party

  1. Thank you for the party. I love your blog and your sense of humor. My name is Rob Goldstein
    and I am a mental health advocate and a person with a dissociative disorder. I write about many things, some of it political. I also enjoy writing poetry and photography.

    This is a link to one of my favorite photographs. I will bookmark this page and come back to it to visit some blogs this week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you could drop by, Rob, so you other people can discover your blog and your incredible artwork. Although you’ve been through a lot in your life, you’ve chosen to be positive and help others and it shows in your words and visual gifts that you are kind enough to share with others.
      Thank you for the compliments, I’m blushing, but do go on… 😉
      Hope this day treats you well and I hope to see you over on Twitter for #ArchiveDay 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Whatever kind of party you make of it, except if it hits the news. 😉
      Glad you could make it so other can find their way to the mysterious and marvelous moments that are you, in blog format. I love that I never know what I’m going to find on your blog, and I’m glad your brain has found an outlet to share your suppressions with us. 🙂
      Mingle, find some new blogging friends, have some refreshments, watch out for the dip, it’s been there awhile. 😉
      All the best, hope to see you over on Twitter for #ArchiveDay 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome and thank you for dropping by, I just found you blog so I’m not as familiar with it as some of the others here, but what I’ve seen so far will keep me coming back for more. 🙂
      Mingle, enjoy, come back and virtually visit often. 🙂
      ope this day treats you kindly. 🙂


  2. Thanks for the invite, Donna! It looks like your party is a raging success! 🙂

    I’m Carrie, and I just moved my blog (Daily Musings by Carrie) to Carrie Ann Tripp at I write about life from a Christian perspective. WAIT!!! Don’t stop reading!!!! I’ve been told time and time again that I’m not preachy, I’m real. I’m not religious, I’m Christian. Not trying to cram anything down your throat, although like everyone else I do find a soapbox every once in a while. I also encourage conversation, collaboration, and more than anything, community on my blog.

    I am currently hosting #ThursdayTheologyBlogs, a linkup for any posts related to Christianity at all. Book reviews, devotions, testimonies, life events, products, etc. I am looking for some guest posters. 😀 Yup, I’m an English teacher.

    I also speak to youth groups and women’s groups. Currently booking for summer-winter 2015 and all of 2016.


    1. Glad you could drop by, and you’re not only not preachy (wait, what?), you’re interesting, fun, insightful and totally not preachy. 🙂
      Hope this day is being kind to you so far, Carrie Ann (every time I see your name I want to break into song, I’m sure you’ve heard that a lot). 😉


      1. Bahahahaha. Yep. I do believe that’s where the name choice came from. Thanks for the kind words. Sometimes when I say Christian blog people shut down completely. I hate that it has such a negative connotation to so many. My intention is to shine light, not darkness.

        I’ll now have that song stuck in my head all day long. I actually googled it and listened to it for the first time in a long time. Nothing like shoe shopping with my daughter will singing about my name. 😉


      2. You’re very welcome and sorry for putting the song in everyone’s head, but what’s your game now, can anybody play? Oops, I did it again. It’s impossible to stop now. 😉
        It’s too bad people shut down, I like to keep an open mind and listen, read, learn wherever I can, you just never know where you’ll find the amazing. 🙂


    1. Holley, so glad you could make it and designing your own cool superhero/party dress just shows your dedication to the blogging world. 😉
      Your blog is a never-ending fount of edge, fun, weird, wild, informative, fun – wait did I already mention fun, can’t do it enough – something for everyone, er, maybe most everyone. 😉
      We’re our own party, so thanks even more for making it here, in that fabulous dress – you’ll be getting orders for that (what colour does it come in again?). 😉
      Hope this day is good to you, big hugs, Donna xo

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So pleased you could make it, Suzie, it wouldn’t be a party without you! 🙂
      I was so lucky the day I found your blog, as so many others have been. Not only is your blog amazing, but you’re extremely generous and supportive of other bloggers.
      Advice on blogging (and just started a series today on blogging advice, so helpful), life, learning, love…I can’t get enough of it and thanks to your Twitterchild #SundayBlogShare (add @suzie81blog), I get more than I can keep up with plus I find lots of other bloggers as well.
      Congrats again on the big decision, Suzie!
      The truth is, none of us know if we’re making the right decision or what will come next, the important part is you’re doing what’s best for you right now.
      I’m sending you best wishes for now, the transition and what is to come…and I can’t wait to read the upcoming posts. 😉
      So excited for you, my lovely, big hugs! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  3. We’ll I’m late I’m late, for a very important party…better late than never I say 😉 What a lovely idea, I always enjoy your posts, and now have a few more blogs to fill my reader!! My neck of the woods, is an assortment of ramblings of life, some poetry, opinion, humor (to me) and really just a way to get the creative spark flowing again. It’s at a slow trickle lately but that’s better than totally dried up. I’m attempting the April A~Z Challenge, and well it should be interesting. Thanks so much for the opportunity to mingle with the other folks at the party! Cheers!~ Paula


    1. It’s never too late, Paula, we’re still going strong. So glad you could come and introduce yourself and your lovely blog filled with little bits and pieces of funny, sad, silly, insightful, thoughtful and all you. 🙂 You’re brave to attempt the A-Z Challenge, I haven’t gotten my nerve up yet. 🙂
      Thanks so much for stopping by, mingle, enjoy. 🙂
      Hope this day is being good to you. 🙂


      1. Thanks so much! It was fun hopping around finding other blogs to follow. And thank you, I feel quite nervous about the A~Z challenge, but I figure at least try it, that’s all I can do. Hope the day is treating you well also. 🙂


      2. Glad you enjoyed the party…I’ll be posting a list of all the bloggers sometime after the party winds down. 🙂
        Good luck with the challenge, I know I’m looking forward to your posts. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. How cool of an idea. thanks for the invite! here are my rants, odes and observations from the underground of the wacky workplace world and living in limbo these days. cheers :


    1. I’m so pleased you could drop by so people can discover your blog and you can find others. Your post titles are what first attracted me, they make me go, what? What? What? But your interesting ideas, observations, odes, rants, and ramblings keep me coming back for more.
      Enjoy the party, mingle and hope this day is being good to you so far. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, my name is Felicity and I am a Blogaholic. 🙂 I write stuff, lots of stuff, but mostly adult contemporary fiction/poetry with a bent to the filthy. I can’t help it. I have a problem.

    I’m feeling insecure; where’s my towel…

    😉 Awesome party! And thanks for the opportunity to self-promote!


    1. I’m so glad you can make it, Felicity, I’m sure many bloggers will be very pleased to discover your poetry and fiction writing, with leanings toward the erotic. 🙂
      Enjoy the party, mingle, meet some new blogging friends…I’d stay away from the dip, it’s been there awhile. 😉
      Hope you have a wonderful day, sweetie, I’m so glad you could make it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL before some homeresque idiot eats and sues 😉 good plan. Hey, I’ve got a mean Haiwiian bread dip recipe, I’ll bring some right over 😉


  6. So glad you tweeted about this today as I miss tons during the week….there I am, fashionably late. I’m Joy and I blog over at Tellin’ it like it is… I write about things that please my senses, mostly the good things, but you will catch me ranting every once in a while. I’m a divorced mom of one little monkey, co-parenting with the ex, and living in sin with the Man. I just got up from a nap and it’s the best I’ve felt all week besides the fact that my contacts are now stuck to my eyeballs. Cheers everyone!
    Find me at


    1. You’re not late, the party is ongoing…I’m gonna need a bigger blog to fit all of you. lol
      When I read your “Tellin’ It Like It Is”, I thought, well, so many people say that…but you mean it. There is so much truth, love, life, laughter and some pain, well, it’s hard not to enjoy it. 🙂
      Cheers and thank you kindly for dropping by, all the best an see you tomorrow for #SundayBlogShare

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aw shucks, thank you 🙂 I appreciate that very much and yes…it seems like you’ll have to get a bigger boat…I mean blog! I’ll see you tomorrow once again for #SundayBlogShare – Cheers 🙂


      2. I’m finding out, like so many things, there’s always enough room for the good stuff. 🙂
        Now get yourself over to Twitter. 😉
        All the best today and every single day, Joy! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you so much Donna for allowing us to use your forum to put our blogs out there to draw some attention. My name is Patty Alcala and I have a blog that is dedicated to children with chronic illnesses and their families. I explain some diseases, write about ‘invisible’ diseases and try to help in any way. I am also involved with some well-known charities that are making changes in our broken health system. I have been asked for some of my ideas and would like your opinion on what you think needs changing for your children in this situation. Please come by and see me at:
    Thank you. ❤️


    1. Thank you for coming to the party, Patty and sharing your blog info. 🙂
      You’re doing a wonderful thing, the health system is such a labyrinth, any help people can get to navigate it and make the process easier is so welcome.
      Thank you for all you do and hope this day is good to you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello lovely Donna.
    My name is David and I’m an ex-author. I’ve been dry for three years now and every day is hard.

    I’m also the whinging ‘git’ who never lets you get a word in edgewise as I go on and on about not getting enough sleep thanks to the small gods plotting behind my back.
    On I blog about my week, most of which is totally uninspiring because it”s spent indoors. In my lighter moments I’m open to bribery and may post an interview for another author. The brightest part of the blog is the music, one song for each day though most of them are from an era before most of you were born but which is recorded in ancient history as the Sixties.Also pictures of my grandson.

    I do have a second blog where I talk about my hopes for the human race via Hugs ( or Cwtch to non heathens) which are very important to health.

    I don’t have your problem in life, just the odd health issue but be warned, health issues + old people = being sent to sleep standing up. Visit my blog at your own risk.

    Thanks so much for the invitation to your party. Sorry about the guests who left early when they saw me.

    xxx Sending wonderful cwtch for you xxx


    1. David, you’re always welcome to any party I throw, dear friend. So glad you could make it. Your blogs are wonderful – funny, smart, sweet, kind, loving, generous in the way you support and share the works of others and they’re a joy to visit.
      I was born in the 60s, David, and I have songs from all eras in my head, definitely the 60s because my parents were very young parents and we had a record player and we listened to music, danced, sang – even cleaned to that music. I love all kinds of music, like all my tastes, very eclectic. 🙂
      I hope others discover your blogs, dear David so they can enjoy you as much as I do. 🙂
      Thank you again for coming and as always, I wish all the best for you. 🙂 Sending wonderful cwtch back. Massive hugs, Donna


    1. Glad you could make it to the party – I even went in and added your name to the Thank You post that also attaches to Hugh’s Blog Hop 🙂
      As a Mom of a wonderful child who also happens to have Autism (he’s not only Autistic, that’s just a part of him), I love your blog. It’s wonderful, showing people that children are children, people are people, they’re just differently motivated and differently abled and those differences can be magnificent if we give them a chance. I believe in being positive, kind, and helpful, like you, so I encourage everyone to visit and enjoy your blog!
      Thank you for coming to the party. Mingle, enjoy – and I have over 500 posts, many of which include Autism (there’s a whole category on the right side called, Autism).
      Hope this week is good to you and yours. 🙂


  9. Thanks for the invite, Donna. You are ever thoughtful. I DO l.o.v.e. a party. HOW did you know? ❤
    My name is Tess and I began blogging to shine some light on life on the other side of 65 at
    I like getting to the point and not wasting time, thereby my blog name. I didn't enjoy holding that big old-fashioned spotlight–too heavy and awkward–and my blog content changed and evolved. Deep down I was and am, more interested in writing. Soon I'll finish posting about my trip to China (Fridays) and I continue flash fiction on Tuesdays. You are welcome to visit anytime. 😀


    1. Thank goodness you came back in time for the party, Tess, it wouldn’t have been the same without you. 🙂
      I hope people discover your blog so they can enjoy all the various posts you do, I like your variety and I love how straightforward you are, your blog title is very appropriate. 🙂
      Hope this day treats you kindly, enjoy the party, mingle. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. So I am horribly late, but if I am reading this right I am comment #375, which is just fine with me and my weird numerical “thing”.

    This is just a sampling of what you can see when you get to my blog…me being weird, nerdy, random, with a splash of seriousness every now and then. 🙂

    Oh, and Legos! Can’t forget those 😀

    Thank you for the invite!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. We can drop the mic now, the party is complete…lol
      You’re not late, you’re right where you need to be, at 375. 😉
      There is no way to describe your blog without experiencing it, I just know I missed you when you took a break and I’m so glad you’re back! I hope others discover the wild weird wonder of you and Legos (never forget those)! 🙂
      You’re auto-invited, Sheena, always. 🙂


  11. Shoot! A party and I’m all out of confetti! Thanks for hosting Donna!

    I’m Anita Stout and I have 3 blogs.(I’m complex – what can I say) My main blog is where I celebrate all that’s good in life. is for publishing peace in a world that needs more of it and my is where I share my love hate relationship with fitness, my fitbit, and the the ongoing struggle with having a body.

    I’m a mom of 6, a grandmother of 14 and a lover of people, reading blogs, writing and sucking every experience dry for what can be learned and shared.


    1. This kind of party never ends, Anita and it just got better because you showed up! 🙂
      I hope people check out your blogs and discover how fascinating, interesting and talented you are. Hope you have time to check out some other blogs too – this post has a list of all the party guests. 🙂
      Hope this day is being good to you, that’s for dropping by. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for the wonderful review of my blog. 🙂
      I’m so pleased you like it. 🙂
      Hope this day treats you kindly and thank you again. 🙂


  12. Also late to the party, but then I always did love to make an entrance ;-D

    My blog, Effing Fibro…..The gift that keeps on giving! is at

    It’s about knitting with chocolate.

    Ok, you got me, it’s really about fibromyalgia. The black bits, the funny bits, the frustrating bits, all of its’ component bits.

    It’s extremely new. Sometimes it’s raw, sometimes it’s not. It all depends on the day I’m having. Some days I’m drowning, some days I’m a veritable olympian swimmer.

    I share the various life-belts and lead weights I have unearthed over the years of studying natural medicine and human health, and welcome questions from followers and non-followers alike.

    Feel welcome to stop by and say hi!

    L. X


    1. Never too late for a party, it’s pretty much ongoing and you’re always welcome to drop by although I don’t know about the refreshments lol 😉
      I even added you to the follow-up 🙂
      You really had me at the knitting with chocolate, for that, I might take up knitting if I didn’t eat everything I made. 😉
      Thank you for adding to this illustrious list, hope you can pop by and visit a few other bloggers, if I do say so myself, my party had the best of the best. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m chuffed to bits – thankyou!

        I’ve left a migraine post on the party page, hope it helps.

        I can see I’m going to be spending a lot of time here…….

        L. X


      2. I hope so, too! Migraines are debilitating, excruciating, and I don’t know about you, but they scare me to bits. When I finally rule the world, they shall be banned. Mwwah ha ha ha ha ha ha! X


      3. PMSL!

        …..I was thinking more along the lines of great minds think alike, as you very well know 😛

        Does yours ever do weird things, over and above the fried-can’t-fink thing?

        Mine sometimes runs made-up film. I once had four straight hours of pictures of a massive wall of rock that had niches carved out of it. Each niche had an apparently Roman artefact in it, like vases, ornaments, jewellery and statuettes. I hadn’t any injections with me, had already taken a tab, and was stuck in a car with my unsympathetic ex driving. I had no option but to endure this bizarre film as it rolled continuously behind my eyes. It was like a silent documentary. I have no idea what triggered the pictures in it. I hadn’t watched Antiques Roadshow for months. Part of my fried mind wished I had, because I couldn’t identify any of the artefacts accurately, which seriously pissed me off!

        What with that and my arse-in-the-air thing, I wonder if these are standard manifestations that other migraineurs experience too, or whether I really am, as so many medics have declared, just plain weird.

        We can sometimes spot one on the way before any pain/ light/ noise/ nausea symptoms have landed on me, because I start gabbling at great speed. My mind races. The thoughts come faster than I can express them – the diametric opposite to fibro-fog. It doesn’t happen every time, but enough for us to recognise it now.

        So? What weird stuff does migraine-gripped bonce do? Or make you do? -Please say it does SOMETHING – being weird is weirding me out through lack of company! :-/

        L. X


      4. I have weird feelings during the migraines and definitely superweird dreams when I sleep with a migraine…the weirdness is probably because of the blood vessels enlarging and the release of chemicals from nerve fibers surrounding those blood vessels. I think most people who suffer from them have that to one degree or another – yours are quite vivid. 🙂


      5. Chemical release makes sense……I’d always put it down to the engorged bv’s causing unusual pressure in areas of the brain, including pressing against the vomit-centre.

        Whilst I appreciate any creative input that comes my way, the vividness (vividity?) can be unnerving when my migraine-images are hostile. That really is a nightmare.

        Is that it on the weird front? You never wake up with your head in sinkful of cold water, or with your forehead pushed down into the base of your headboard and your arse in the air?


        It IS just me, then? That’s it, I am officially alone in my weirdness. Dammit. 🙀


      6. I find there’s always someone out there with similar experiences…have you tried a Migraine chat room or support group online? 🙂


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