Posted in Blogs, Canada, Internet, Uncategorized

Compassion is the New Extremism

Each new day, no matter what it brings, I try to face with grace. I’m not always successful. Hopefully I’ll get another chance.

Things creep into your life or leap in, snarling and tearing, either way, they can beat you down so hard you wonder how you will ever get back up…then eventually, you’ll notice you’re standing again.

Those you love will hurt and you can’t always help, but you can always love them.  

People, even good people get lost, if you can, help them find their way. Hopefully, someone will do the same for you.

There will be prejudice and you will think it unfair. It is. Have the courage to denounce it.

You will lose those you love, for many reasons, but you’ll never lose that you loved them.

Kindness can have costs, but you’ll be paid back over and over again.1kindness2Love can hurt, but you’ll keep loving and will want to love again, despite the pain.

If you see someone fall, literally or figuratively, extending a hand feels better than pointing a finger.

There will be dark times, but find people and things that help you through the darkness, not descend into the darkness.
When another day ends, remember the good, try to understand the bad, be grateful and know that, maybe, just maybe you can try again tomorrow.

On February 20, 2015, the internet is going to be filled with a different form of extremism, compassion. I hope you can join, with a post, a quote, a Tweet, status update, video, photo that means compassion to you…or visit.  I’m not a fan of Slacktivism, but I think we need to remember that compassion, kindness, and hope are better than intolerance, hate, and fear.  #1000Speak


Very me

43 thoughts on “Compassion is the New Extremism

  1. Will do. And yes, how strange that in our world acts of kindness and compassion are so often labeled as “weak, a waste of time and money, conciliatory, morally corrupt, and unpatriotic.” It makes no sense.


    1. Thank you so much, David, this is so lovely of you to reblog this. 🙂
      You are always so wonderfully supportive, wise, and generous. 🙂
      Hope this week is being kind to you. 🙂


    1. That was you? Thank you! 😉
      I suspect tomorrow is going to be a supercalifragilisticexpialidociously wonderful day! 🙂
      Thank you again for all the #bloglove Teagan and I hope your Friday is as fabulous as you are (like that’s possible).
      Big hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So kind of you to say, I’m glad you enjoyed the post. 🙂
      Hope to see you tomorrow for #ArchiveDay and Sunday for #SundayBlogShare
      Thank you for dropping by, hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


    1. We need to stop a world of ‘us’ and ‘them’ and have just a world of all of us together. 🙂
      Thanks for featuring me on #BloggersPitStop again, Kathleen, I’m so pleased, thank you doesn’t seem to cover it, but… 🙂
      Hope this week treats you kindly, Kathleen. 🙂


  2. Wonderful! This is the second post about the power of kindness and love that I’ve read this morning. It must be a message I need to hear today! Thank you for your lovely encouragement.


    1. Thank you for the reblog, Jonathan, this post proves that just because something is older doesn’t mean it doesn’t have worth. Thank you for wandering through my vaults and for all the #bloglove
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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