Posted in Canada, Cats, Christmas, Food, Holidays, Uncategorized

Oh Snow, You Didn’t!

1snow3Looking out my window last night, into the dark, still night as I always do before bed, you know, as everyone does to make sure there are no zombies, aliens, purges, or other issues, I noticed a new menace!

This was a foe I’d met before.
Sneaky and untimely, it had arrived.
On the surface it was bright, sparkly and gave the street a contemporary Currier and Ives appearance, but I knew it for what it was!
Snowmg, this was too soon.
I thought, Oh Hell Snow!
Snow way!

The only dashing I wanted to do was down to the park to play some tennis or to take a long walk, in shoes.
No jingling. No jangling. No turtledoves or French hens.
No lords leaping or otherwise.
No fat man with a hidden address going on my roof. What is with Christmas anyway? Having children sit on some strangers’ lap and tell him the thing they want most in the world so he can break into their house, eat their food, drink their beverages, leave them gifts after watching them sleep. That’s just freaky.


I don’t want wassail or fruitcake, wait, it’s cold, I’ll take the wassail, but not the wassailers, too early.
4 cups apple cider, or apple juice, or 6 cored apples & 4 tbsp. sugar, honey, or maple syrup (or a combination depending how sweet a tooth you have)
2 cups cranberry juice
2 cups orange juice
3 tbsp. lemon juice
2 cups water
4 sticks of cinnamon or 1 tsp. cinnamon
2 tbsp. Cloves, ginger, nutmeg (or not)

All the ingredients in a large pot, on low for 6-8 hrs; all day in a slow cooker.
Add wine or brandy or rum for adults.
Orange slices and cranberries for decoration.

Snow is not a signal to start Christmas cheer yet. No shopping and definitely no fa la laing. No singing loud for all the world to hear. Signed, The Grinch.


I was enjoying other people’s posts on snow, then it got real. How can I originally be from near Sudbury and still be this traumatized by snow? No idea.

Fine. Bring it on.
Polar Vortex. Snowmageddon. Snownado. Snowzilla.

Snow wars. Snow conflict. Snowpocalypse.

Quietus snowus. Snow-nihilation.

Snowreaper. The oncoming snowstorm.

Just know that I will grumble. I will say, How about this snow? Brrr, it’s cold and the classic, Is there more snow than last year?

Snow there, Mother Nature, snow there!



Very me

39 thoughts on “Oh Snow, You Didn’t!

      1. Glad to hear it. 🙂 No, apparently we’re going to act out Ice Age for a few days so it seemed like a good day to make baked black beans/black-eyed peas, granola, cookies, etc. 🙂


      1. We’re at -20 C with the windchill, which is what, around -5 Fahrenheit. Yours sounds better. 🙂 I’ll just enjoy some of your warmer-looking paintings. 🙂


  1. Just when i thought it was safe say “Yay! The snow is gone…” The only job lead i’ve had in months… is in Flagstaff, AZ. I knew they get a lot of snow. But their weather forecast had snow in it!! In May!!!! Sigh… Dangit. Hugs to you!


  2. Reblogged this on yadadarcyyada and commented:

    Oh the weather outside is frightful and COVID is not delightful,
    but since we’ve no place to go (seriously, #stayhome #staysafe),
    let it snow, let it snow, let it snow – now where’s my hot cocoa?!?


  3. Well done Donna. No snow here in the city? Maybe a Christmas miracle? Lord knows we could use one, lol. Wishing you a safe and cozy holiday season at home. 🙂 xx


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