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Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave

Posted in Christmas, Holidays

24 Days of Our #Christmas Lives

Since life now seems a never-ending soap opera I wondered what would it be like this Christmas, Like sands through the Christmas hourglass, so are the 24 Days of our Christmas lives. On the 24th day of our Christmas lives, adulting gave to me, 24 bills a comin’, endless housework that needs donin’, and not nearly enough funin’.

On the 23rd day of our Christmas lives, fear of scarcity gave to me, 23 Supply Chains a Squeezing. I hope everyone gets their medications, food, medical supplies and equipment, and other important items, but I’m kinda bored hearing about the supply chain issues “ruining” Christmas. If you don’t get all your extras, your wants (not needs, wants) by Christmas and that feels “ruined”, you’re doing Christmas wrong. Also, setting a poor example for children of what Christmas and life should be. It shouldn’t matter if Christmas can or can’t come from a store, the holidays and life in general should mean a whole lot more.

Hmmm, quick math question, how many shipping containers of “Spiderman”; The Mandalorian’s ‘Baby Yoda’/Grogu/The Child (ok, turns out he’s not a baby, he’s like 50, ok, not as cute, but still…); Marvel’; Lego; “Squid Game” merch can they unload per hour? What if you don’t get that new Apple watch? Or a PS5? XBox? Christmas is one day, there are another 364 of them all year. Find a way to help others all the year through…This is the way.

On the 22nd day of our Christmas lives, all-in-the-eye-of-the-beholder gave to me, 22 Ugly Christmas Sweaters – the official charity for this is “Save The Children” so you can do good and look good all at once!

On the 21th day of our Christmas lives, still more things to recharge gave to me, 21 Rechargeable hand warmers, or as we used to call it, rubbing your cold hands together and your breath blowing on your own hands. Also, gloves and mittens, those are good too, I was born in Northern Ontario, “Frozen” meant something different then. Let it snow, let it snow…

On the 20th day of our Christmas lives, the neverending gift of IBS gave to me, 20 Alternative Milk Makers – should I go with the cow joke, or the dirty joke, or combine them? I’m udderly at a loss. Don’t unfollow me. 😉

On the 19th day of our Christmas lives, hunger gave to me, 19 Protein bowls, umm, are we eating the bowls and how is that protein?

On the 18th day of our Christmas lives, the Sandman gave to me, 18 Shredded memory foam pillows – wait, are the pillows shredded? Or are my memories shredded? Does this involve exercising your abs? I’m so in the weeds here.

On the 17th day of our Christmas lives, #booklove gave to me, 17 Books to read while cuddled up with a cup of tea. Just read what you wanna read, forget lists, awards, how many copies it’s sold, and marketing, just read what you want to read.

On the 16th day of our Christmas lives, eye-rolling gave to me, 16 Cashmere beanies (cause some folks need to look like a pretentious poser, unironically).

On the 15th day of our Christmas lives, products of Christmas Past gave to me, 15 Gucci Belt Bags, aka, a fanny pack. Call it what it is. Raid your parents or grandparents’ closet, the Goodwill, or the bargain bin at Walmart, but call it what it is. Wear it with pride, be your inner “Stranger Things” character roll, come on, wear your ’80s nerd flag proudly – it’s a fanny pack no matter how much you pay for it.

On the 14th day of our Christmas lives, Hallmark gave to me, 14 “New” Hallmark Christmas movies. They say like 40 “new movies”, but I’m being generous by even saying 14 “new” – I do not think that word means what you think it means. Hallmark, did you really start the “Countdown to Christmas” on October 22nd? Son of a nutcracker, what the actual fudge!

Let me see if I can make completely random predictions having never watched dozens of Hallmark movies, so again, totally random predictions of some things that could possibly be in some Hallmark movies in 2021.

  • Spontaneous snowball fights with totally real snow.
  • Finding the right Christmas tree.
  • Decorating “homemade” cookies that are clearly store-bought.
  • A misunderstanding and/or a “crisis”; insurmountable odds that become suddenly surmountable.
  • Love at first sight, well, unless it’s hate at first sight that turns to love after hate at first sight. None of that sounds right.
  • A sudden proposal, cause why not marry someone you just met and barely know?
  • Really new, expensive cars often driven by folks who are allegedly poor (I do not think that word means what they think it means). Same goes for their wardrobes (you need 4 expensive winter coats for a 3-day weekend?) and houses worth a cool 1.5 million and in a small town.
  • A mysterious guy who may or may not be Santa.
  • Actors and actresses that are refugees from 80s, 90s and 2000s TV shows, look vaguely like other people, or were almost famous at some point in time. They’re smart Christmas cookies though, as they know Christmas movies are played way more often than other movies…except maybe “Independence Day”, but hey, Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum do,uh, uh, uh, save the world from aliens in that classic documentary.
  • Canada Post mail boxes in American towns, which may explain why our mail is so slow, hmmm.
  • Possibly a Prince, or Princess, secret millionaire, incognito actor, singer, writer and/or or long-lost relative who could be royalty or rich, or all of the above.
  • Christmas events that are planned, funded, and executed about a week before Christmas. Cause that’s totally how event planning works, right?
  • Mistletoe versus holly debates – whoever wins, we lose.
  • Gazebos, so many gazebos, tiny ice rinks, and Christmas markets/fairs.
  • The only theme for any party or festival is “Winter Wonderland” apparently and there’s an unhealthy obsession with candy canes; eggnog; gingerbread cookies and gingerbread houses; Christmas lights; tiny trains; big trains; wreaths; S’mores; caroling; bows; ornaments (especially, surprise surprise Hallmark ornaments, wow, who saw that coming?), Christmas cards (guess who again?), nutcrackers and hot stuff – hot apple cider, hot cocoa, hot chocolate…
  • A Christmas ghost, or Christmas angel, or Christmas angel ghost, or Christmas ghost angel (beware the weeping Christmas angels? You know I had to slide a “Doctor Who” reference in there, but not “Doctor Who Flux”, wait, is that cause The Doctor is female now, whoa…).
  • The almost kiss and then finally, “The Kiss”, usually out in totally real snow.

On the 13th day of our Christmas lives, olfactory sensitivities gave to me, 13 Eau de parfum or is it perfume, fragrances, eau de toilet (perfect name, it smells like a toilet to me), cologne, or whatever the heck people are smelling themselves up with these days. Suggestion: Shower for you, mask (not just for COVID) for me.

On the 12th day of our Christmas lives, a constant need to get stuff sent mailed to me, 12 Monthly subscriptions…cake, tea, streaming, fruit, coffee, jam, cookies, popcorn, pasta, cheese, meat, spices, candy, cupcakes, wine, beer, cocktails, toys, games, puzzles, beauty products, socks, books, eBooks, audiobooks, weed, seeds, music, clothes, meals, crafts, jewelry, tech, candles, art, survival gear/prepper stuff (not looking so crazy now, huh?), plants, stamps, flowers – if you can dream it, it can be sent, streamed or downloaded to you!

A Christmas Stuff Story.

On the 11th day of our Christmas lives, portability gave to me, 11 portable campfires to make 11 portable S’mores and drinking tea from 11 portable smart mugs. Wow, that’s a lot!

On the 10th day of our Christmas lives, Marvel Cinematic Universe gave to me, 10 Rings of Shang-Chi (seriously awesome Marvel movie, let’s pretend “The Eternals” never happened).

On the 9th day of our Christmas lives, the need to connect gave to me, 9 Friendship lamps! You can glow together no matter how far apart you are…I can’t even, why not call, text, email, write a letter. What’s for Christmas 2022, Aldis lamps? Morse code?

On the 8th day of our Christmas lives, toxic advertising-induced anxiety over body image gave to me, 8 (00000) Chemicals that illuminate, exfoliate, and eventually exterminate? At least we’ll be all aglow for the holidays.

On the 7th day of our Christmas lives, marketing madness gave to me, 7 Santoku Knives – can I just write Santoku on a piece of masking tape over my Ginsu knife and feel justified?

On the 6th day of our Christmas lives, pandemic rules (and common sense) gave to me, 6 Feet A-part!!! Seriously, do people even know how far 6 feet apart is and also, follow the arrows, they’re arrows you can’t possibly pretend you don’t know what they mean…really.

On the 5th day of our Christmas lives, hype gave to me, 5 PS5 consoles (1st it was hard to find them, still hard to afford them). Remember board games, card games, Pacman…indulge me as I wander down nostalgia lane.

On the 4th day of our Christmas lives, the horror of migraines gave to me, 4 of a nifty little creation called The Wand, a handheld filter designed to remove the histamines and Sulfites in alcohol that may trigger headaches and hangovers. The Wand picks the wizard?

On the 3rd day of our Christmas lives, brandwashing annoyed me with 3 Disney Princess Ultimate Celebration Castles – 3 floors, 6 rooms and you have to turn the swing into your couch, what, are your jewels, furs, gowns, and shoes taking up too much room you need to covert things? And why a Princess? “Dolls don’t stand on their own”, sadly, neither do most Princesses. You may need to be royalty to afford the hefty price tag on this plastic palace.

On the 2nd day of our Christmas lives, temptation approved for me, 2 Credit cards (don’t let the cha-ching fool you, Christmas isn’t about who can spend the most).

And Fairtrade Christmas chocolates in a reforestration tree!!!

Christmas is an ideal time to slow down, not speed up.

A time to reflect on where we’ve been…

and where we are (or aren’t), and where we’re going.

All things considered I’m pleased with my year of chronic change challenge. Life has thrown very large lemons at me, so I’m drinking a lot…of lemonade.

Here’s what’s happened so far…

In August I broke up with myself

In September I asked “What If…?”

Then in October I knew that “Sweet Screams (Are Made of This)

Then in the midst of November chaos came calm

I hope this season brings everyone comfort and joy! And for 2022, you do you and smiles too!

Posted in Canada, motivational, social media

Your Genius Is Showing!“I’m a misunderstood genius.”
“What’s misunderstood?”
“Nobody thinks I’m a genius.”
~ Bill Watterson

Social media can make people feel inadequate, but true genius is believing in yourself, not worrying about what others think, what others do, or what others have.

Genius, defined many ways by many people. To me, something or someone is genius if they give of themselves. Everyone is talking about the #TrumpShutdown of the U.S. government to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S., instead, why not talk about why so many people are living paycheck to paycheck? Talk about people not having enough for food, chemo drugs, etc. when the rich are buying multi-million dollar houses and apartments., homes, cars, clothes – how can these mean more than lives? That’s the opposite of genius, even cruel. Celebrities, don’t peddle expensive drugs on TV and the internet, instead, pay for drugs for those in need. You’re making me regret liking TV and movies… has come up with a genius plan to build our own walls on the Canada–United States border (frontière Canada–États-Unis). This International Boundary (Frontière Internationale), is almost 9,000 kilometres (over 5,500 miles) long, including the border with Alaska (we can almost see Russia from our porch), the longest international border in the world between two countries.
Prime Minster Justin Trudeau (seen in the photo demonstrating what the wall might look like) commissioned esteemed Canadian Engineers, Scientists, and Zoologists to work with CUB (Canadian Union of Beavers) to put Canada’s National Symbol, the beaver to work.

They will temporarily stop building dams and looking so dam cute to build us border walls to stop an invasion of American immigrants trying to come to Canada. Sorry. Not Sorry.

The Great Wall Of Canada will be eco-friendly using only reclaimed Canuck mud (from facials and mud wrestling) and wood from: basement paneling, square TV units, barns/farm houses (who needs farming anymore, we can just eat from restaurants, er, right?), driftwood, also, celebrities like Robert Pattinson, Matthew McConaughey (alright, alright, alright), Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Kanye West, Justin Bieber and Drake have agreed to donate their extensive toothpick collections (and to only interact with women, not girls).

Of course, there will be Tim Hortons (Timmies) stores set up every 10 klicks, 1 kilometer is approximately 0.6 miles, so that’ll double-double our protection, eh.

Every border crossing will have clean washrooms, contain a beer store (get yer 2-4 and gain some Molson Muscle, even while waiting to cross the border) as well as shops selling, among other things: Poutine, Butter Tarts, maple syrup, Nanaimo Bars, chocolate bars, flannel plaid shirts, a Mickey or six, Toques, pop, hockey jerseys, KD, and Canadian Tuxedos, eh.

Currency exchanges where immigrants can get their Loonies and Toonies, and Snowbirds can cash theirs in to spend their money in America.

Crossing the Canadian-U.S. borders illegally will become impossible, we’ll have drones, dog sleds, ice skaters, toboggans, The Great White North Zamboni and Ski-Doo fleets, and Canadian police waiting to politely chase you down and say sorry for taking you into custody.

The beavers aka National Symbols will work for a few simple demands:
1) Dental coverage;
2) Carnival and Fair favourite dessert, known as “beaver tails” must be renamed National Symbol Tails (Beaver is their Colonial name);
3) The Canadian government is too pay for limited series reunion of Bob and Doug Mckenzie on Netflix. Take off eh, you hosers!

These industrious National Symbols are willing to work night and day, in the snow and rain, to help peace-loving Canadians avoid any further kerfuffles with our Southern neighbours.’d offer our busy little workers (legally of course) to the U.S., but we know America has its heart set on a ‘big beautiful concrete wall’ or steel slates, or using American Bald Eagles to patrol the border, swooping down to pick up immigrants and return them to their homeland. So you do you, America, simple as A to Zed.

Maybe the best definition of Genius – enough for all, equality for all, safety for all, hope for all, love for all.

George Bernard Shaw reminded us,“The most tragic thing in the world is a man of genius who is not a man of honor.”  Especially an alleged Very Stable Genius.

Spongebob Squarepants told Patrick Star his genius was showing, Patrick being Patrick was confused and thought Spongebob was talking about something a bit further South than his brain. Hillenburg, creator of Nickelodeon’s SpongeBob SquarePants died (age 57, ALS) in 2018 soon after another cartoon genius, Stan LeeFYI, Lee was in the same Army division in WWII with: Charles Addams, Frank Capra, William Saroyan and Theodore Geisel aka Dr. Seuss, how cool is that? Both Lee and Hillenburg helped children envision all futures and let us adults keep adulting while glorying in the joy and wonder of childhood.’re so lucky, they are gone, but we are left with astonishing gifts – swimming in Bikini Bottom and finding truth, justice, and honour with: X-Men, Groot (I Am Groot), Deadpool, Black Panther, Thor, Daredevil, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman, Captain Marvel, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Avengers  Punisher, Wolverine, Black Widow, Loki, Fantastic Four, Ant-Man, Captain America, Iron Man hmmm, truth, justice, honour – things in short supply in the ‘real world’. OMG, maybe Trump thinks he’s Tony Starkgenius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and he’s actually Thanos (seriously dude, you have the ability to create not just destroy, use your powers for good).

If someone tells you, Your Genius is Showing, don’t cover it up, don’t try to hide it…show it off, share it. Do you have to be a famous artist, writer, musician, doctor, lawyer, politician, reality star, astrophysicist (enjoying Project Blue Book so far), astronaut, athlete, actor/actress to be a genius? No. You don’t have to be a famous anything, just be kind, caring, loving, giving, and honest, the world needs way, way, way more of those things. Did I mention way more?

“Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple.” ~ Woody Guthrie

Let your genius show!

Posted in Movies, Televison, Uncategorized



Army of Darkness (aka Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness) is a continuation of Evil Dead II where our, er, hero Ash is trapped in The Middle Ages in some bizarre, frenetic, hilarious, cheesy stuff.

There are a couple of endings, depending on where you watch it. I prefer the ending where Ash oversleeps, but the S-Mart ending (where he has to fight the shoppers, undead, whatever, hard to tell the difference most days I’m guessing) was seen as more positive by Universal. Director’s cut has both alternate universe endings.halloween34

Bruce Campbell (Weird Science, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, Xena, Hercules, Bubba Ho-Tep, Spiderman, Evil Dead I & II, Charmed, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!, American Gothic, My Name Is Bruce, Burn Notice, Fargo and well, everything) is an amazing, under-rated actor. Superb comedic timing and just really cool.

A perfect Halloween treat or trick depending on your point of view.
