Posted in Blogs, Chocolate

After All, Tomorrow Is Another Day“Never put off
till tomorrow
what you can
do day after
just as well.”
-Mark Twain’m a pro at procrastination, no amateur stuff for me. I wish I could stop procrastinating, but I keep postponing it. do it when blogging, postponing writing posts – I tell myself it’s a lack of energy, lack of time, lack of ideas – I wish those were truths, but like most cases of procrastination, my real issue, fear. If I delay doing something, it can’t fail.

My procrastination is getting worse, becoming a chronic condition. it the amount of choices? Time inconsistency? Self-censorship? Constant interruptions? Laziness? Lack of focus? all put off doing things, but when does it move to acting against your best interests, your better judgement, when does procrastination take over your common sense?

What if I’m not even a pro procrastinator, but just an amateur stresstinator? way, I need to get out of my head, out of my own way, so I ignored the Scarlett O’Hara voice in my head, telling me to think about it tomorrow (after all, tomorrow is another day)… fiddle-dee-dee, I called/emailed/talked to who I needed (note I did not use the word “wanted”) to contact, and even wrote this post; giggling (mostly in my head), thinking of Carol Burnett’s “Went With The Wind”.

The cure for procrastination? I want to say chocolate (I know who my date is for Valentine’s Day)… thinking aside, it’s a mystery to me – I’ll push through the Crapathy – try for more: courage, conviction, and compassion in mind, some things are better when we wait for them.


Very me

144 thoughts on “After All, Tomorrow Is Another Day

  1. You could have had me in mind when you write this post! I’m a master at procrastinating. I never thought it might be down to fear but what you said about not failing if you delay doing something makes sense. Maybe you’ve cured me! I’m going to show this book I’m not writing that I’m not afraid 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope I remembered to ask you to join our Procrastination Club, Mary, oh no, sorry, I didn’t get around to sending out the invitations. lol 😉
      Please, go show that book you are fearless, the world needs more of your books. 🙂
      Hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂


    1. It is in assuming there will be a later, a tomorrow. 🙂 I’m going to go with it, then again, I have been called overly optimistic, but can you be overly optimistic? 😉
      Hope this day is treating you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. No thanks to WordPress for that, dear friend, apparently they think we should have ESP about posts!!! 😉
      Come back as often as you’d like, Teagan, my blogdoor is always open (and I just renewed my domain name so I guess I’m sticking around a while longer). 🙂
      I’m trying to stay warm but Mother Nature has different ideas.
      Mega toasty hugs on the wing xoxoxoxox

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We’ve had oddly warm temps the past 2 days… and of course snow forecasted for tomorrow. Go figure.
        I’m happy to know you chose to stick around, Donna. I know very well that it can be difficult, so you have to do what is right for you first of all. But know that you bring smiles and validation to everyone your words touch. Toasty hugs right back. 🙂


      2. We’ve had snow then warm then snow/rain/sleet/fog/winds (you had those too, right, freaky winds), now warm again but who knows what is coming next. 🙂
        Mega hugs on the wing hugs, dear Teagan. 🙂 xoxoxox


  2. Funny….I read something recently along these lines. I was a joke in Marathi, an Indian language but roughly translates to “Don’t procrastinate to tomorrow all the time. Procrastinate to the day after as well, so the load on tomorrow is reduced!” 😀


  3. The only things that are better when we wait for them are the things we don’t particularly want like birthdays at my age. You couldn’t possibly say chocolate is better for the waiting….it’s just not true. chocolate is always the same steadfast friend you left 5 minutes ago. Actually you and I have the same date for Valentine’s Day. I didn’t procrastinate that decision. Courage, conviction, compassion eh, Well, I’ll fight anyone who touches my chocolate, Hmmm, perhaps we’ll come back to convictions another time but compassion, surely that can’t be doubted. I’ve expressed my love for chocolate and I would rush to the aid of any injured bar I saw, albeit in another’s hands. That’s truly compassion is it not.
    You are still the same wonderful and supremely funny lady as ever.
    xxx Sending you Hugs Unlimited Donna xxx


    1. Chocolate is so patient, it waits, wrapped up and ready, it never complains, or leaves (well, eventually nature helps it find it’s way through the labyrinth lol), never lies, sigh, it’s perfect and the perfect date. 🍫🍫🍫❤️❤️❤️
      You are brave and I know chocolate will show it’s appreciation by letting you snack on it. 😉
      Thank you kindly, dear David, I hope you are feeling better.
      Massive to infinity and beyond chocolatey 🍫 hugs ❤️ xoxoxoxoxox


      1. Exactly, especially when WordPress is pulling tricks, you would not believe what WordPress did this time, lots of comments thrown into Spam and about 25 just poof, disappeared then reappeared weeks later. Sigh, I guess I should be used to it by now, but somehow I always managed to be shocked. lol 😉
        Hope this weekend treat you kindly. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha… I simply don’t want to have tasks circling in my mind. The more they scare me or feel uncomfortable the sooner I try to get it done to leave it behind me.


      2. I read in a book about calling lists, don’t know about you, but I make lists, anyway about calling them “Bug” lists because whethere we know it or not, things bug us when we haven’t done them, so we should just do them. Easier said than done, but…and I’m really so sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, Erika, you’ve been so kind and patient and loyal, you would not believe what WordPress did this time, lots of comments thrown into Spam and about 25 just poof, disappeared then reappeared weeks later. Sigh, I guess I should be used to it by now, but somehow I always managed to be shocked. lol 😉
        Hope this weekend treat you kindly. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Haha… high five, Donna! I am a list maker too! It gives me a good feeling to not forget anything and it makes planning easier!
        Oh, I am sorry, you had such problems with the comments. I know, sometimes it feels like WP is playing tricks with us. I hope all is well again. And now worries, I appreciate your reply whenever it comes, Donna 😊


    1. Thanks and see how long it took me to get to this, nope, this time WordPress did it, they just dumped about 50 comments into my spam folder, one is from 2016 (seriously). What is up with WordPress…get it together. 😉 I really really appreciate the reblog, Michael and wish you all the best for the weekend and always. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Donna! I whish you also a great weekend, and yes, something is going wrong with WP the last days. To reach some blogs i need over five minutes, and then there’s neither a reblog nor a like button. Only two reloadings are bringing these buttons back. ;-( MIchael


      2. There are so many complaints. It’s been months and months since I’ve received notifications of bloggers’ posts and I know others have said they have the same issues and your issues sound frustrating as well. I hope they fix it all soon, but it just seems to be getting worse instead of better. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hello Donna! I also think so, but maybe sometimes it will be better. However i love Automattic. There is no German business like that, and without the Silicon Valley in Germany we dont have had any possibilities to use the internet. Have a good Sunday. Michael


    1. Thank you, Ian, I was both procrastinating and scratching my head before I replied…lol 😉 WordPress dumped about 50 comments into my spam folder including one from a linky party I joined and got the most views on, in 2016, yes, you heard that right, 2016, wait, can we go back to 2016, just before. Er, maybe not, but wishful thinking. But I thank you from the bottom of my blogheart for this lovely reblog and kind words. Hope you have been well and happy. 🙂


    1. And look, I put off answering, darn it, I’m at it again. 😉 Thanks you for dropping by, anytime is a good time to enjoy each other’s posts. 🙂 Hope this weekend treats you well, John. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. LOL I would like to do everything BEFORE I even know what it is that I have to do, because I hate having things to do. Seriously, I like a reallllly clean slate. Open days, so I can do whatever I feel like doing ALL the time. I don’t put things off…ever. Pay every bill the day I get it, so no stuff piling up. We are who we are. Son was opposite, daughter is even worse than I am. My husband and I were the same, so that was perfect. 🙂


    1. That is perfect, glad it works, we gotta do what works and I’m trying. 😉
      Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, sweetie, you’ve been so patient, you would not believe what WordPress did this time, lots of comments thrown into Spam and about 25 just poof, disappeared then reappeared weeks later. Sigh, I guess I should be used to it by now, but somehow I always managed to be shocked. lol 😉
      Hope this weekend treat you kindly. 🙂


  5. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Something for the procrastinator in all of us, those of us, for example who overuse the words ‘should do’ rather than ‘must do’. Donna Parker guides us through this painful or painless condition, however you view the outcome of procrastination, with her usual wit and entertaining take on the issue. #recommended

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, dear Sally, I really appreciate the reblog and the intro. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well and thanks again for spreading the #bloglove – good thing I didn’t postpone reading my comments lol 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I was deciding to write or not- but I figured better tell you you gave me my smile for the day with the picture of Carol Burnett in here “Gone with the Wind” sketch which always makes me laugh when I think of it and the dialog, plus it is nice to know that chocolate is around for whatever reason you may need it. And I think a lot of us rely on it for many things 🙂 have a good day and thanks for brightening mine.


    1. Thank you for taking the time to write, I appreciate it. I’m so glad I could brighten your day, that brightens mine just knowing that. 🙂
      Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, you would not believe what WordPress did this time, lots of comments thrown into Spam and about 25 just poof, disappeared then reappeared weeks later. Sigh, I guess I should be used to it by now, but somehow I always managed to be shocked. lol 😉
      Hope this weekend treat you kindly. 🙂


      1. Thanks, Donna. I wish the same for you. We might get snow tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it. Winter seemed to pass Colorado Springs by this year. Hugs! ❤


  7. Well done and great advice Donna. I know I never try and carry over tasks for another day because each day brings its own to do and hate adding to the pile. 🙂


    1. Thank you, Tess, sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, you would not believe what WordPress did this time, lots of comments thrown into Spam and about 25 just poof, disappeared then reappeared weeks later. Sigh, I guess I should be used to it by now, but somehow I always managed to be shocked. lol 😉
      Hope this weekend treat you kindly. 🙂


  8. Thanks for the entertainment. Oh, you are right, I had not thought about it much before but a lot of procrastination is so that I do not have to face the fear of failing. OUCH! I hope your date went well and that there is more where that came from.
    (..) looking fear in the eye.
    Blogger’s Pit Stop


    1. Thanks for dropping by, Kathleen, I’ve been struggling to keep up and hopefully now I’m back and then you would not believe what WordPress did this time, lots of comments thrown into Spam and about 25 just poof, disappeared then reappeared weeks later. Sigh, I guess I should be used to it by now, but somehow I always managed to be shocked. lol 😉
      Hope this weekend treat you kindly. 🙂


    1. See how long it took me to reply to this, once again, proving my point. lol 😉
      Thank you for dropping by, Carmen, hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


    1. I do that too lol 😉 And it’s amazing how it still holds up, Carol Burnett and company is timeless! 🙂
      Love #BloggersPitStop – you all do such an amazing job, thank you!!! 🙂 xox


    1. Thank you, Jonathan, you’re to kind. I hope this week has been treating you well (hope you’re getting some of the good weather not the yucky stuff) and this weekend is a wonder. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much so sharing the #bloglove, Ian. I hope this weekend is treating you well and have a magnificent week ahead. 🙂 I appreciate the reblog, the sharing and all the kind support. Big bloggy hugs xox


    1. Is sure enough is. 😉
      So pleased we were able to find each other, in this sprawling virtual labyrinth, I’m always so happy when we can connect. 🙂 Hope to virtually visit often. 🙂


    1. Thank youkindly for this delightful reblog. I sincerely appreciate the #bloglove
      Hope this week treats you well.
      P.S. So glad we found each other in this giant virtual haystack – hope we can virtually visit often. 🙂


  9. I loved reading this again! “After all, tomorrow is another day” is one of my top two movie lines of all time (the other one being “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night). And I’ve been finding myself procrastinating a bit lately! #TrafficJamWeekend


    1. Those classic actresses knew how to deliver a line, I love Bette Davis too and Lauren Bacall, they just had a way about them.
      I am the Queen of Procrastination and my subjects are feeling left behind. lol 😉
      Isn’t #TrafficJamWeekend marvelous? I could eat it up with a spoon! I don’t know how they do it every week, but I love that they do! 🙂


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