Posted in Movies

Here’s to the Ones Who Dream this is a story about how
My life flipped-turned upside down…
I’ll even tell the story without a crown.
In Ontario, Canada born and raised
On the internet spending too much of my days
Chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool
In a writing/life slump, not cool, fool
I begged and pleaded with myself day after day
Still I packed my mental suitcase and sent me on my way. gave me a kiss and then gave me my ticket.
I put my Walkman on and said, “I might as well kick it.”
I pulled up to yet another chapter of my life
And yelled, “Yo world smell ya later.”

I understood completely, in La La Land, when Ryan Gosling/Sebastian explains he’s letting life hit him on the head, over and over, until life exhausts itself. How many of us feel beaten down by life, chasing a dream, and sometimes looking at our feet when we dance (physically and metaphorically)?
In all seriousness, as I watched La La Land  I wanted to dance and I cried as Emma Stone/Mia sang, “Here’s to the ones who dream. Foolish, as they may seem. Here’s to the hearts that ache. Here’s to the mess we make….So bring on the rebels. The ripples from pebbles…” – I can’t help myself, I’m one of those who dream, foolish as it may seem – as the movie ended I wanted to watch it again and again.

But we can’t live our lives in theaters, on our phones, on vacation, online, pretending to be safe. Life can be terrifying; we’re not in control. How can we feel safe when we lose loved ones, when cancer viciously attacks, when money and power trump logic and reason, when affordable housing is scarce, when the ruling class lacks class and common sense, when people worship that ruling class and celebrities, when crime and terrorism are more lucrative that real jobs, when your own brain (cotton-headed ninnymuggin hypothalamus) turns on you…and so on and so on.

1. Some folks are upset that Disney’s live action version of Beauty and the Beast starring Emma Watson (Harry Potter), Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey, Emma Thompson (Sense and Sensibility, Nanny McPhee, Harry Potter, Love Actually), Luke Evans (The Hobbit), Josh Gad (Frozen, Ewan McGregor (Star Wars, Trainspotting, Big Fish has an openly gay character, whatever that means, there’s way more stuff with openly heterosexual characters, are gay people upset by that? Whatever.
A) The candlestick, Lumière was on my gaydar, in the original, I mean, he was on fire.
B) Who cares/why do people care/it’s about time.
C) Is no one worried about the more disturbing aspects of Belle and The Beast’s relationship, you know, the enslavement, the furry love, etc.?
Personally I was more worried the remake of Beauty and The Beast  would be Donald and Melania Trump story. Gross.

2. Mystified by the real world, I escaped into the fake.
Lovely to see Agatha Raisin join Miss Marple, Jessica Fletcher, Miss Fisher, Nancy Drew, Hannah Swensen and more onscreen with hilarious results, ok, murder shouldn’t be funny, but it’s not real, right? On the page M.C. Beaton makes Agatha’s life sassy, silly, and killy , but onscreen Ashley Jensen really brings Agatha to life.
Finally saw The Accidental Husband, a kooky romcom starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Colin Firth, Uma Thurman, Isabella Rossellini, and Sam Shepard. Got to be honest, after watching Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan in Season 7 of The Walking Dead, I struggled to see him as a romantic leading man again, I keep expecting him to whip out his, er…Lucille. I got over it.
3. I get it, people lie.
House (Hugh Laurie) would tell you “Everybody lies”.
Maybe we all do, in a way.
People have been lying to me all my life:
“I’ll always be here.”
“You’ll use Trigonometry.”
“You can never have too many friends.”
“If the rich make money it will trickle down.”
“Everything will be ok.”
Yes, you can, have you been in Facebook?
No, it won’t.
Depends what you mean by ok.

4. When someone begins a sentence:
“Let me be clear…”
“At the end of the day…”
“No offence…”
“Believe me….”
hmmm, that sentence will be about as realistic as Riverdale (teen angst Twin Peaks meets Archie comics complete with Josie and the Pussycats
I really do miss Saturday morning cartoons…

5. Finding Dory reminded me:
A) In this mixed-up world, kindness and compassion are still important

B) People with disabilities can be vulnerable, be kind.
C) Disabilities aren’t the end of the world, you can still be happy, it’s just a matter of finding your way.
D) Always remember, home and family are wherever your heart is, really.

Sorry I’ve been gone so long, I’m trying to jump out of my slump, until then, I’m not the Fresh anything of anything, but here’s to the ones who dream (for St. Patrick’s Day here’s to the ones who dream in green)…it’s never as foolish as it may seem.


Very me

193 thoughts on “Here’s to the Ones Who Dream

  1. The Coyote’s artwork will always be appreciated by those of us who grew up watching Roadrunner cartoons. 🙂

    Glad you’re back. Looking forward to more of your colorful streams of thought.


  2. Hey! Welcome back. I always smile when you pop up on my reader and that’s before I’ve even read you. 🙂

    As to Disney and Beauty and the Beast, I’m a bit disturbed by the fact that nobody seems bothered by the talking clock. Men as beasts is real enough, gay people are real enough,but when clocks start talking to you, somebody should be willing to recognize there is a problem. I would hope if I ever started seeing talking clocks, somebody would check my meds or perhaps consider prescribing me some.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think I’d like a talking clock, it’s about time for it. 😉 Well, maybe it’s depends what it’s saying, it wouldn’t be enough to tell the time, it would have to be a stimulating, hopefully intellectual conversation. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  3. So on point, it’s ludicrous! 😄😄😄

    Love it! I have been fortified by your wisdom yet again! 😉


    “You’ll use Trigonometry.” *Snort*


      1. If I didn’t have to buy groceries, I’d never use math. The pioneers didn’t. They swapped buffalo pelts and whiskey and called it even. 😉


  4. Let me be clear. At the end of the day, and I don’t care which end you choose, I adore you and love your blog posts. Having said that I might just detect a slight mood drop this week which I don’t care for. You must be bright and breezy and full of the joys of spring because your post is as comical as always.
    xxx Sending you Love n’ Humongous Hugs xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ve been unwell, but I’m going to quote John Astin’s character on Night Court and say, “But I’m feeling much better now!” lol I’ve had a rough few weeks, not just myself but a loved one (surgery involved), etc. but things are looking up, enough more so now that I’ve received your virtual hugs, dear David.
      Massive friendship across the Pond hugs xoxox

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You have my email. If you ever need to talk or just to vent, I’m here.I may not be as good as family or friends by being so far away but there is the advantage that you can say anything to me (In English) and I have a ready supply of hugs on hand with your name on them Dear Donna.
        xxx Hugs Galore xxx


      2. You are too sweet, David, really. I may just take you up on that, you might be sorry. lol 😉
        Thank you so much, words can not express my appreciation for your caring, dearest friend.
        Massive ready supply of hugs hugs xoxox


  5. This was brilliant. Though it’s missing Doctor Who, which is coming back too! My heart jumped to see Miss Fisher. Is there an online petition I could sign suggesting Essie Davis as the next doctor? Because she would be perfect, and she can literally run backwards in heels.

    It’s very hard to keep your dreams alive, to chase after them, to believe in yourself when no one does, to listen to your heart and not other people telling you how to live your own life. Most of all, to choose to be happy, because nothing can make you happy, not even Mr. Darcy! It’s very hard, but if we really try to do it, really, stubbornly convince ourselves to do it, we can. Even if we don’t win, we could be happy just living for the dream.

    P. S. I danced on my way out of the theatre after watching La La Land, and I wanted to watch it again too! Though the person I went with didn’t like it at all.


    1. Essie David would be spectacular as anyone she played and now I’m picturing her as The Doctor, oh wait, can she wear the clothes she wears in Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries – those clothes, I can just picture her in the TARDIS!!! But I digress. 😉
      Even when we feel exhausted from chasing our dreams, we must push on and on, wait, not even Mr. Darcy can make me happy, I don’t know about that, just give me a moment while I relive the white shirt in the pond moment, sorry, what were we talking about?
      I felt like Ginger Rogers but probably looked more like Fred Rogers dancing, sigh, but it made me feel like floating. I have heard some folks didn’t like it, but I love old Hollywood movies with dancing and it felt like that, to me.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I don’t remember which episode it was, but she was wearing a white trouser ensemble with heels and running. Running is very important in Doctor Who of course, and it just struck me Miss Fisher would make a perfect Doctor. Let’s just keep her as she is, and only make her a TimeLord. I’m sure she’ll be able to rattle off the technobabble, make us cry in the emotional scenes and gather many sexy male companions along the way. 😉


      2. I signed and tweeted it!!! Hope the BBC sees it and considers it, Essie Davis would make an awesome Doctor and really, it’s about ‘time’ for a female Doctor (besides Joanna Lumley who did an awesome job in ‘Curse of the Fatal Death’ for the Red Nose Day charity special). 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I haven’t seen that! We still need two more signatures – to make a total of five – for it to show up and be considered on Let’s hope your followers pitch in!


  6. We’re taking it all too seriously. Life ain’t permanent, nohow. it’s a lot like going to the three ring circus(RIP Ringling Brothers), Whichever ring you concentrate on will determine how you remember the circus. That’s true in life as well.


  7. I was totally with you until you threw in the horrifying image of a Donald and Melania version of Beauty and the Beast. Some images just can’t be erased -and it’s cruel of you to drop stuff like this on us without some sort of trigger warning 😉


    1. lol And here I was thinking it was too funny to be horrifying. Sorry, next time I’ll put in a trigger warning although I doubt anything can really prepare you for The Donald and his tinfoil hat tinpot democracy.

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  8. Welcome back Donna, and I do hope you stay. Your wit and wisdom fortify us all. I do hope all is well, or at least okay in your world. I guess none of us is really all that well… We live here after all, and it’s no easy task. A hug and a M’wah to you. xo

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Props to Wile E. for that art work. Your posts are such a treat, after I read this one last night…I turned off my computer. It’s the last series of images that I wanted to take away. Thanks so much for that, Donna. So glad you’re back. You always deliver.


  10. I. F*cking. Love. You. 🙂
    I say that here? I hope so. This post was just when I needed.
    And the protein icing on the wacky cupcake is that I will now be singing the fresh prince theme song all day and thinking of you…


    1. Hah, you made me laugh out loud, Carla, thank you, I’m honoured, and hey, there could be a lot worse earworms, luckily I didn’t add any video of me dancing to the song, that would have damaged our #bloglove forever. 😉


  11. Donna, you are in fine form! You daydream believer, beautiful dreamer, dreamboat Annie. It was lovely to share this dream with you. Sweet dreams are truly made of this.
    You slayed me with the Beauty and the Beast/candle thing! 😀 Not to mention the other question about it. La La Land — now I have no doubts, I absolutely must see it.
    My friend, I’m wishing you and yours wellness of every kind and hugs upon hugs. And don’t just dream big — Dream even bigger!


    1. Very kind of you to say, dear friend, well I certainly don’t feel in fine form, my mind couldn’t quite stop from emptying out onto the page, er, screen? lol 😉
      I hope you enjoy the feeling of wanting to dance and dream and dream some more.
      Thanks for dropping by, really enjoyed your collaboration with Suzanne, now that’s fine form. Hope this weekend treats you well.
      Mega Oh, I could hide ‘neath the wings of the bluebird as she sings the six-o’clock alarm would never ring hugs xoxox

      Liked by 1 person

  12. It is funny as I get older, I ramble but have a theme or some “rhyme to my reason” like yours does. I can fully follow your train of thought, dear. ❤
    Your writing Always! makes me feel happy, Thanks!! 🙂


  13. How did I miss this, I’ve been checking every day to see if you have a new post. (And that is no lie!)

    You have so many nuggets of truth. I enjoy your blog so much! I’ve missed seeing your creative thoughts and memes.

    Have a fantastic weekend.


      1. No, I’ve just decided not to clog up everyone’s inbox lol yeah, that’s it. I feel more like writing again, so I’m trying to pull myself out of my slump, thanks for sticking with me. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m sorry you’ve not been feeling well.
        I’ll stick with you, I love your wit and wisdom! (And don’t even get me started on your memes and the “heart throbs! Be still my heart, LOL!)
        Hope the weekend has been kind.


      3. Aww, thank you so much, you’re kind. Thanks for sticking with me through it all, so glad we found each other.
        Hope you’re having a wonder-filled weekend. Hugs and best wishes xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

  14. It’s my first time here so I’m a bit befuddled, but I get you! I’ll be looking forward to more now I’ve found you. And I’ve not watched La La Land yet, I feel like I’ve been left behind. I need to see Beauty and the Beast too, but a trip to the cinema is not on atm 😦


    1. It’s difficult to find each other in this giant virtual haystack, I’m glad you’re here, best part, I ‘found’ you too. 😉
      I was lucky to get a hold of some freebie passes/Scene points that had to be used, usually I’m way behind on movies, I think this is the first years in many, many years that I saw any movies up for/won Oscars.
      Hope this weekend is treating you kindly. 🙂


    1. I know, every time I hear it I think, you need to expand your cliches.
      It’s great to be back.
      I’ve been lucky to get some freebie movie passes/Scene points that had to be used up so I’ve seen some movies, I think this one of the first years in years when I’ve seen movies that were nominated or won Oscars. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Love the Fresh Prince theme! I’m glad you referenced Riverdale. Just yesterday I saw about 5 minutes of it and someone used the phrase slut shaming. I remember the Archie comics when I was a kid and I don’t think that anyone ever used that phrase.


    1. This isn’t our Archie comics anymore. Considering the revival of Luke Perry and Molly Ringwald, the modern language is a tad incongruous; I also think someone should be thinking of how many people with red hair live in this town, just sayin’.

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  16. Another gem. I had to laugh at “no offense” because I have written before that when people say that what comes next is always offensive.

    Thanks for partying with us on #FridayFrivolity. Hopefully we can get you out of your slump 🙂


    1. It always seems the way, when someone says that I know something bad is coming next. lol 😉
      Thanks for having me, I hope all goes well in the next while. 🙂


  17. Everytine I read your posts Donna I smile, I laugh, cry a ll and then I read it again…Yup. Confessions of a donna-holic 🙂 So thanks fior the emotions and sharing at the Blogger’s Pit Stop

    Julie Syl Pit Stop Crew


  18. Firstly, the ol’ “Someday you’ll use trigonometry” line is outrageous. I didn’t believe it when I heard it in school, and believe me! I’ve been keeping track. Nope, haven’t used it once all these years later.

    Secondly, Wile E. Coyote was a tunnel-painting MASTER. Really, he ought to be celebrated.

    Lastly, really enjoyed your post, and am glad to see you back. 🙂


    1. I know and remember when they told us the “A” (Algebra) word would be useful too, ha, although some ‘rational expressions’ might come in handy lol 😉
      He really was ahead (or behind?) his time as so many brilliant artists are…
      Glad to be back, I’ll try to keep it up.
      Hope the week ahead treats you well.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Amazing as always Donna.. films have got some people through some dreadful times by taking them into a different world for 90 minutes. My mother told me that during World War II going to the movies involved watching Pathe news which always bought the reality of war home to them but that the films afterwards were a chance to escape the facts for a short while. I love the movies and musicals in particular… as to current PC tag lines to movies.. as you say they are not needed..people are people and they don’t need labels. Candlesticks however might! In the Blogger tonight. thanks Sally ♥


    1. Thank you so much, Sally, you’re right, films take us away, if only for a few minutes, they suspend time.
      Dear Sally, you’re too kind to include me in your amazing post, really, but I thank you hardily anyway!!! Thank you, thank you, and what great company to be in, wow.
      I’m playing my least fav game, catch up, but in a way it’s my fav too, because I have time to read, at my leisure, wonderful posts like these.
      Hope this weekend is treating you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much, Sally, lovely to get there. Yes, that’s actually a great plan and enjoyable for all involved.
        Hope this week is treating you well. Hugs and best wishes xox

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Sally, you’re too kind, really, but I thank you hardily anyway!!! Thank you, thank you, and what great company to be in, wow.
      I’m playing my least fav game, catch up, but in a way it’s my fav too, because I have time to read, at my leisure, wonderful posts like these.
      Hope this weekend is treating you well. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Jonathan, this is so kind of you, I can’t express how much I appreciate you sharing this. Hope this weekend is being good to you so far. 🙂


  20. Love “hearing” all your thoughts in a stream of consciousness way, Dee. I don’t understand why we must get into sexuality at all with children’s movies. Children don’t care. A flaming candlestick, great, but let’s not start thinking about who the stick is going to do and how. Kids don’t care and neither do I.
    I hope this new version of B&B doesn’t have Belle exchanging her dream of travel and discovery for a library full of books. Don’t get me wrong, I love books. But girl, don’t let love sideline your dreams. Bi-, straight, gay, furry, or whatever.


    1. Haven’t seen it yet, but I think it’s Gaston’s friend, LeFou (Josh Gad) who is causing the uproar, for me, in the original the candlestick seemed, either way, who cares, why do people care and you’re so right, it’s a children’s movie, children just want to have fun, laugh, sing, watch some exciting times, sheesh, people sure know how to suck the fun out of things.
      I agree, Belle needs to live her dreams, and now with ebooks she can have both! lol 😉

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  21. Donna, I loved reading this post! What a delight because you’re encouraging everyone to follow their dreams. And why not? Let’s face it, we all get older, and feeling that you’ll fail to achieve your dreams is perfectly natural—failed attempts are encouraged in order for us to overcome and succeed because that’s how we learn—after all, we’re all imperfect, so failure in our attempts at something shows us how to achieve our goals. Live… that’s the key, and we only get this one crack at it. It would be a shame (not to mention a regret) not to go after what you’re so passionate about and in love with doing. So grab onto your dreams, hold tight and go for it. Everything in your post here inspires hope and encouragement. Love and hope with a healthy dose of determination can help crowd out complaining, especially about trivial matters. Besides, if some can live in a delusional existence, then why can’t the rest of us live out our dreams? Glad to see you back, Donna. :O)


    1. Glad to be back and I agree with what you said. It funny, we accept that our dreams change every night, so why shouldn’t they change in life too?
      I’m determinely trying to ignore the orange delusionals, they are creepy.


  22. I have not read your blog before but this post and your writing style has got me wanting to check out more of your stuff. I love how it reads like you have just thrown all your thoughts down on the page, I mean this as a compliment! I really want to see La Lansinoh Land and who cares if the candle is gaya in beauty and the Beast?!Thanks for linking up with us at #BlogCrush xx


    1. So glad we found each other! I think splashing my brain on a page probably best describes my style lol 😉
      Happy to virtually know you, Wendy and hope we can virtually visit often. 🙂


  23. First; you must never go away again. All day, every day I quoted Edna St. Vincent Millay, “Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.” Second; Lumière is totally gay. C’mon. The guy was a flame(r)! I only hope the live actor can capture his style.
    And finally, as a professional cripple I agree that one can be disabled and happy. Especially if you get to run over rude people’s toes with your wheelchair!


    1. What a wonderful quote, I adore Edna St. Vincent Millay!
      Yes, haven’t seen the movie yet but LeFou sounds like he’s a ‘happy’ guy lol 😉
      Oh, that sounds like a bonus. Joy can come from so many things.
      Hope this week is treating you kindly.

      Liked by 1 person

  24. I have read MC Beaton’s McBeth but not Agatha, will do! My sister starts many discussion topics with “No Offense, but”. I tell her all the time when she says that the person she is speaking with has already taken offense to what she is saying and is not listening!


  25. Yay that you’re back and thanks so much for getting the Fresh Prince song stuck in my head…although I’m not sure which earworm is loudest for me right now, the song or the line, “Man, this place is huge! Next time I go to my room, I’m going to have to take some breadcrumbs or something!” Thanks for sharing this with us at #FridayFrivolity this week!


    1. lol That song is stuck in my head. I recently tried to watch a few episodes because I remember it being funny, I may have been remembering incorrectly though Will Smith was great. 😉
      Hope this week is being good to you, Lisa. 🙂


  26. Hi Donna,
    I love your posts. I loved La La Land. I love your view on politics. Well, today’s news stories are giving me optimism. Probably false hope, but hope none the less.
    Thanks for coming to Blogger’s Pit Stop last week.


    1. Thank you so much, Janice, it was an amazing movie, one of the first in a long time that immediately after it was over I wanted to watch again.
      Have hope, dear friend, the cream and truth will rise to the top soon. 🙂
      Thanks for having me, you all know how to throw a party! 🙂


      1. I sure hope the cream and truth rises to the top soon. Patience is not in my wheelhouse. I love how we are talking in code on your blog. I consider you a dear friend too.


    1. Thank you for having me, Shelbee! I hope to make it back soon and spend more time visiting and sharing (grrrh shakes fist at Time!!!). Hope you’re having a wonderful week!


    1. Yes, I loved him as Denny, I think it was when I first saw him and fell, then of course ‘Supernatural, ‘P.S. I Love You’ ‘Watchmen’, ‘The Accidental Husband’ and so much more, but I admit, I love him as Negan, he’s bad but he’s soooo good at it. 😉


    1. Thank you, thank you, for sharing all these posts!
      Sorry I missed this, don’t know how, but I’m here now, thank you.
      I’m off to share and visit. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂


      1. Hi! It is sad. Too much emphasis on the tragedies of life.
        Life is a struggle right now, not feeling much inspiration in life. Doing all I can to grasp those amazing moments that fuel me to inspiration again. 🙂
        Hope you are well and enjoying the holiday season! Wishing you inspiring moments filled with love, support and more!


      2. Thank you so much, Diana, there’s always a bright side, even if we have to send out a large search party with a lot of flashlights/torches to find it! 🔦🔦🔦
        Wishing you and yours all the best in the holiday season and all the year through! Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄🎄

        Liked by 1 person

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