Posted in Chocolate, Christmas, Holidays, Political, Televison, Uncategorized

Social media can be flat, most humans are 3D know this might be a stressful time for some, but I hope this finds you in good stead. Every choice has consequences.
In the course of human events it
becomes necessary to distract ourselves at times, I don’t know about you, but there’s no limits to what I can accomplish when I’m avoiding doing something else, yet we hold these truths to be self-evident, some choices must still be made, hopefully informed choices.

Some choices are easy. Some hard. Some seem like a joy or a joke. Some involve danger, some choices even have underestimated peril, ie. household chores  – germs, cleaning tools, boredom, hiring strangers, using pets (who hasn’t wondered if pets could help with household chores?) and imagine trying to really ‘clean house’?

Then there’s the danger of choosing ice cream or chocolate and/or chocolate ice cream as a remedy for the common cold, it may not lessen the tyranny of the infirmity, yet if you add whining, comfy clothes, and sniffling, the choice is clear. Sniffle.

Admittedly, choices would be easier if everything was simply spelled out for us, without: lies, manipulation, false promises, hidden agendas, threats, deceit, complex small print, and if we weren’t at the mercy of drama ‘monsters’.
Life is a leap, we’re always jumping into the unknown – every second, minute, hour, day. Life changes, there are peaks and valleys, but as long as you breathe, there’s hope.

 Remember, even if…

1. You did something, said something that embarrassed or cost you, and/or offended, disturbed others. Learn from it. Social media can be flat, most humans are 3D. Keeping your dimensions, they’re important.

2. You stayed too long and gave too much, trying to save a toxic relationship with: a partner, friend, family member, group, organization, political party, etc. That doesn’t mean you’re trapped, mentally chew off that leg and get away.

3. You got caught up in the hype machine, most have at one time or another (even if they won’t admit it). Simple answer – accept responsibility, and change, start again.

4. You fell head over heels, with stuff, especially during the holidays. We instinctively hunt and gather, now for stuff. You felt momentarily joyful but less than triumphant. Don’t feed addictions, accept them to overcome them.

5. You found out the hard way talk is cheap – words, words everywhere but not a lot of truth, common sense, or depth.

6. You gave your trust, your love, your dreams to people who sometimes didn’t deserve or care about those gifts; that’s about them, not you.
7. You forgot, while you’re responsible to many in this life, in the end, you’re only responsible for yourself and your words/actions.

 8. You took things for granted, got comfortable and forgot everything can change, end or disappear. It can, they can, it does, they do…so don’t.

9. You gave up, settled, but it’s never too late, at least to have a modified version of your dreams.

10. You’ve worried, fretted, brooded, hoped, believed, over thought, agonized and still things didn’t go your way, the other shoe still dropped. You fell and it looks like you’re down for the count. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, get up, dust off, there’s no time limit on getting back up.

Halloween has come and gone, election buzz drones on and on, even if it seemed more like The Hateful Eight and clickbait than democracy. We lived through this horror for 9 years in Canada until we were,er, ‘saved’ by sunny ways.
Thanksgiving – we should be thankful every day, but maybe we shouldn’t eat that way.
Even before we take a day to remember and honour our soldiers,
Black Friday and CyberMonday deals send cash registers pinging, Christmas bells start ringing, everywhere there’s singing. What will it be like this year? Still holiday cheer? More chances to learn and grow, to stop seeing each other as us or them.

Love is all around, going backwards wastes it. You can never tell what’s next so just keep going. You’re gonna make it after all.


Very me

190 thoughts on “Social media can be flat, most humans are 3D

    1. You’re so welcome, as I said, we understand here in Canada, almost a decade in a horror movie that seemed to have no ending, but it did and it was a bright one, so far. Big hugs and hope this weekend treats you well, Lisa. 🙂

      Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you so much, dear David, once that other shoe has dropped we need to find a way to still find joy and hopefully, solutions. 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly, dear friend.
      Massive ice cream and housekeeping pets hugs xoxoxo

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I know it’s hard right now, dear friend, it seems like a big cosmic joke, but we went through this for 9 years in Canada, it felt like a horror movie that would never end, but it finally did. We kept fighting, struggling, agonizing to get our country back and we did, for now. I wish the same for our friends/neighbours in the USA.
      Mega throw our hats in the air hugs xoxoxox

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Whether it does or doesn’t, I’m certainly going to do my best to treat myself with all the love and care I think is missing these days. Then I’m going to find a way to share it – folks need some healing TLC. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. “Social media can be flat, most humans are 3D.” Wow! Donna, are you sure you aren’t a psychologist/self-help coach disguised as a blogger? Very profound post; I’ll try to keep up hope, as you and your fellow Canadians did for so very long. Thank you for the smiles, as ever!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lol No, but maybe I’m missing my calling, Leigh. 😉
      Thank you and today is an amazing day to remember what so many countries and their people have endured – war, invasion, abuse, torture, dictators and so much more and they’ve come out on the other side. America is strong and brave, it just needs to remember what it’s been through and prevailed to find it’s true voice again. I believe.
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. Big hugs xo

      Liked by 2 people

    1. We had 9 years of this kind of horror, other countries have been invaded, abused, faced all sorts of trauma and we and they came out on the other side, I have hope America can do the same. We can’t surrender. Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


  2. Wonderful post and I could not agree more! No matter what happened yesterday, today is today and we need to go from here! Trying to change what already happened does not help but makes everything worse. Let’s all (the world) stand up and make the best we can with a smile on our face and love in our hearts. Let’s enjoy our life and let’s not allow anyone to steal that light from our hearts… no matter what happened yesterday!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Candace, thanks so much for the mention, it’s been a rough week for many folks, all around, hope we can find our way as the days go by. Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂


    1. Glad you enjoyed it!
      Had to share your posts, especially the one about Italian food (you had me at Italian food, awww, who am I kidding, you had me at food lol). 😉
      Hope this week treats you well. 🙂


  3. Thanks for this breath of fresh air. Laughter , humor and optimism are the ultimate antidotes for stress and anxiety…( along with a cup of chamomile and a long night’s sleep)! 🙂


  4. Absolutely brilliant post Donna! Ours horrors haven’t ended yet either until we get rid of that octopus extension from the droppings left behind from the McGinty government – Kathleen ‘Lose’. They’re all the same. I won’t rant on after enjoying your hilarious memes! 🙂


    1. Every time I use the smart meters (keep a chart of the hours close at hand, sigh) and still pay more money for hydro and still pay the fee for splitting up hydro from the Harris days, yup, one way or another, we pay. And we will continue to pay as long as politicians know they can lie, er, sorry, use campaign devices and are not held accountable. The news makes a joke about it all because it’s all about ratings/advertising money for them. Oops, you might as well have ranted, Debby, I just did. 😉
      Hope this weekend is treating you well and all the best for the week ahead. Hallelujah.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Omg Donna, thanks for bringing up something I held back on, LOL. You said it!!!!! It sounds like you and me could talk a lot. ‘Smart meter’, LOLOLOL what a friggin joke, it’s a thief machine installed by greed mongers. But ok, I won’t go there. I caught up on house chores this weekend, sadly were in neglect, lol. Wishing you a happy week ahead my Canadian friend! 🙂


      1. I hope to goodness not Donna.. I think the emotional intensity that the majority of the world experienced is extraordinary. If only we could harness that in a positive way we could make a lot of changes. Leonard leaves a hole. I was more or less banned from listening to him as a teenager.. my parents were already in their 50s and found that time very difficult to get their heads around! You have a good week too.. hugs ♥


      2. We need to learn and go for the positive, so right, Sally, here in Canada we had a celebrity running (his Dad had also been Prime Minister) and he went for sunny ways which was a lovely change from the horror we were living under. I hope for the same for America and other countries being invaded by right-wing radicals. As for Mr. Cohen, he’s been a voice in my head so long, I doubt he’ll ever leave. I’m glad you have the freedom to experience his joy and wisdom now. 🙂 All the best and thanks again. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I just read this post and was blown away. I am sending it to my daughter who is beyond distraught over the election. She may understand what I said about life goes on. We accept the good with the bad. it’s part of who we are.
    Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re so right, it’s all part of reality, who we are. Thanks for dropping by, I hope this helps you’re daughter. 🙂
      I popped over to your blog and glad I did, now following. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you kindly.


    1. Thank you so much, Danny, not only for the delightful mention, but for placing me in such amazing company, host included! Hope the week is being good to you so far. 🙂


    1. Sorry to get here so late, Jonathan, it turned out to be an unexpectedly busy weekend (but not in a bad way) and I’m finally catching up or at least trying to. How has your weekend been? Great, I hope.
      Thank you so very much for reblogging this, I appreciate it.
      Hope the week ahead is wonder-filled. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you, Donna, for the positive vibes of your post. Things are going to get better. It has been a trying time for USA with the election. Love the GIFS. Best wishes for a lovely week. Blessings & hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think the world was holding it’s breath hoping for the best for America, since that doesn’t look possible right now we hope for the next best thing, thoughts of better days ahead.
      Thank you kindly and all the best xox

      Liked by 2 people

  7. A perfect ending with Mary Tyler Moore 🙂 I can hear the music now! You have many wise words here, including “We lived through this horror for 9 years in Canada until we were,er, ‘saved’ by sunny ways” –>> This Canadian gal (I’m in BC) is laughing!


    1. I always smile when I think of that hat toss, reminds me what women can do if we believe in ourselves. 🙂
      Aaah, I bet the weather is lovely out in BC now although we’re having unseasonably warm weather here in Ontario, sunny days. 😉
      Proud to visit with another proud Canadian, big hugs, Christy, hope this week is being good to you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re adorable. I’m glad you’re enjoying warm weather over in Ontario 🙂 Aww let’s toss our hats and make Mary proud! I’ll add in an umbrella in case the weather turns, hehe ~ Have a great week too! ❤


  8. Ha ha Kermit! Made me laugh – now going back to look again 😀. So glad Canada is back on track – I lived there under Trudeau No 1 and life was sweet (I had come from 70s UK so it was HEAVEN!) No 6 and 10 are brilliant but loved all of this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, we’re happy to be on track, not that any leader will ever be perfect, they’re human, after all, but we need ones that at least care about their citizens. Thank you for your kind words and for dropping by, Gilly, I’m glad we found each other in this giant virtual haystack, hope we can virtually visit often. All the best. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That’s a great description, haystack! And yes, must try to do the virtual visiting often. Looking after elderly parents now and sometimes don’t visit my online world for days so bear with me, I will always be back in between nervous breakdowns! 😀


  9. Great post…. as always love the blend resulting of funny twist and irrefutable truths. you are good with that, dear Donna…
    from choices comes consequences…. and we gotta need to start dealing with them… There are hard times in which we acknowledge how better we were in the recent past… But that shouldn´t stop us, nor our need to make a little difference each day…
    Thanks so much for sharing, my friend… wishing you a very nice day. Love. Aquileana .🙂


    1. Sorry to get here so late, Ian, it turned out to be an unexpectedly busy weekend (but not in a bad way) and I’m finally catching up or at least trying to. How has your weekend been? Great, I hope.
      Thank you so very much for reblogging this, I appreciate it.
      Hope the week ahead is wonder-filled. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, for the standing ovation and the feature. Very kind of you, I really appreciate people sharing this – we need more inspiration and positive thoughts, and less division now and always. Hope this week is treating you well so far. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for linking my post and choosing it as one of your picks of the week. I can’t really believe this year is heading toward its conclusion, it has been a rough year, here’s hoping for better in 2017. Thank you again and remember, it was written for you, as you’re one of my valued readers.🙂 Hope this weekend is as wonderful as you.🙂 Big hugs, now I’m off to visit the other bloggers and of course, share.🙂


      1. I’ve decorated for Thanksgiving…I’m waiting till this weekend to start. It’s a big project…I love it though, don’t get me wrong..just so many bins to bring in! Your son must love music!!


      2. So many bins, it’s probably best for us that Christmas only comes once a year.
        My son loves his version of music, for sure. 🙂
        Hope this week treats you well and Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I’ve nominated you for the Treasure Trove Award.

    You don’t have to do a thing.


    If you want to you can copy the award from
    my page and use it as an opportunity to
    to thank some of bloggers who follow your
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    Danica at Living a Beautiful Life made the

    It’s my way of saying Thank you for your
    support of Art by Rob Goldstein.

    To find out more click here.


    1. Congrats on the award, Rob, you are a treasure. I thank you kindly for the award. And look at the company I’m in, wow, that’s a lot of blogging gold there 🙂
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have done, but pretty sure MTM was there from the start, might have been overshadowed by the nasty WordPress ads they force on you – free they say, nothing is free lol 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m glad you included a link to this one in your post today, Donna.
    Now that the “king of Twitter” (POT-twits?) is in charge, there might not be room for anyone else on social media, but it’s still a great post. 😈 Mega blue Monday hugs.


    1. He’s appointed himself god of all, he seems to have no idea that he’s disliked by all, maybe he just doesn’t care. Odd. Mega the only blues today should be musical hugs xox


    1. Wow, Ian, what a lovely welcome back gift! I’m pleased to be back and barring any unforeseen circumstances (just waiting for yet another shoe to drop, hopefully not a whole closet full of them this time) I hope to stay. Thank you for reblogging this, much appreciated. I hope you have been well and happy, wishing for a wonderful combination of both for us, my friend. Best wishes and hugs xoxo


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