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As interesting and bizarre as Inception was at times I had a feeling I wanted something more. But I wasn’t sure what more was exactly.


Certainly not the cast, they were amazing.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, and Michael Caine, all in one movie, wow.


Despite some flaws, issues with paradox, etc. this was a highly entertaining sci-fi, pseudo film noir journey into conceivably the future of corporate espionage.

Beyond writing, directing, and co-producing Inception, Christopher Nolan also recycled a lot of the cast in and from his Dark Knight Trilogy, which I have no objection to…really…really.

It was rumoured that the performers’ contracts featured a sequel clause, whether or not this is true, I hope it never happens. I don’t want tincept2o know what really happened. I have my theory. Millions of people have their theories. Let the Cobb conundrum rest.


Very me

9 thoughts on “INCEPTION

  1. Damn, now I’m intrigued. There are always other possible endings, but isn’t that the point of sci fi? If it doesn’t stretch the mind then, for me, it’s failed. A sequel…. could be an interesting debate. 🙂 Susan


  2. INCEPTION Sounds like an interesting bizarre movie… but it’s another one I haven’t seen.
    I love Leonardo DiCaprio so it’s one I must watch soon…


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