Posted in Blogs, Music

I Will Always #Blog Love You

If I should stay
I hope I won’t
be in your way
So I might stay or
I might go,
but I know
I’ll think of you
every step
of the way
And I will always love you
I will always blog love you

Mostly sweet memories
Is all I’d take with me
No more goodbyes
No outcries
We both know you
have all you need
And I will always love you
I will always blog love you

I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all
you’ve dreamed of
And I wish to you joy and happiness
But above all this, I wish you love.

And I will always love you…
even if you don’t agree with my beliefs, we don’t have to believe the same things to be friends, to find common ground, to wish each other well, and to support each other, because as humans, we’re all in this together. will always love you…even if you don’t agree with my politics. I’ll still say my piece, why is everyone arguing? We don’t need to agree on everything, we just need to believe simple things,

  • May the 4th Be With You watch out for Revenge of the 5th
  • Lying is still lying, truth is still truth, spinning just makes your head spin…do we sometimes listen to lies because it’s easier, what those lies offer is easier? The truth is hard, we think we can’t handle the truth.
  • We all want someone to look at us the way some of us look at: cake, steak, cookies, wine, bacon, beer, coffee, pizza, or anything that has the word, chocolate in it – how do you know if chocolate really loves you, when it’s an all-consuming love.
  • Even if you have to sing the alphabet song in your head when doing things, you’re still adulting just with help from your inner child.
  • Slavery was not a choice, Kanye West (being ignorant is a choice, clearly).
  • We wish everything was as easy as getting fat (it isn’t).
  • When you’re screwing something (mind out of the gutter, I’m talking IKEA and handyperson type things), it’s easier (at least for me), lefty loosey, tighty righty.
  • You only die once, but you live every day, so enjoy
  • Learning to love, and learning to love learning, those are the greatest loves of all.
  • Our brains and hearts are like the TARDIS in Doctor Who, bigger on the inside.
  • The Universe isn’t telling you anything, it has better things to do – and we rarely make the right choice when you’re already looking for someone to blame or praise for that choice.
  • Technology is cool, it’s not people, TV, movies (yes, like “Marvel’s Avengers Infinity War”) are cool, they’re not real people…
  • We don’t always get what’s coming to us, good or bad, life is a mystery.
  • Who you love is your choice (as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone). Don’t forget to love your or another Mom this Mother’s Day.
  • The world would be a better place if everyone felt safe – safe from rape, murder, torture, scams, lies, and they’d feel safe if everyone had affordable housing, enough to eat, an education, help when they need it – it’s not a Utopian dream, it’s more than possible, we just need to stop subsidizing the rich – funny how they say they believe in Capitalism and believe Socialism is ‘evil’ yet the rich always have their hands out for subsidies.
  • What we think of as rights are actually leased privileges, they can be repossessed any time. I could go on and on (but who would read it with WordPress and the lack of notification of posts, sigh, so bored), but what’s the point, change your expectations and be happy, life’s too short not to be.

Many books, songs, art, TV programs, and movies question whether we’re real, what is real. Hunger Games, “Real or not real?” and in Westworld, “What is real?”. overly simple, but perfect answer was, “That which is irreplaceable.”. Good people are irreplaceable. Good times are irreplaceable. Literature, music, art, TV/Movies – those that change you, move you, touch you, elevate you from surviving to thriving is irreplaceable, but generally, stuff is replaceable, or unnecessary. Truth is irreplaceable. will always love you…even if you don’t Like and share my posts (please Like and share my posts). will always love you…even if odds are you won’t always be on my side or ever by my side, we’re still together. will always love you…even, to paraphrase Maya Angelou, I forget what you said, what you did, I’ll always remember how you made me feel. will always blog love you because I’ve learned so much from blogging, my readers, and fellow bloggers.  

When this song was first written by Dolly Parton in 1973, yes, 45 years ago, it was a love song, not romantic, a goodbye song for Parton’s professional break-up with her mentor, producer, and longtime duet partner, Porter Wagoner.’s been sung by everyone, from Kenny Rogers (when he looked like Kenny Rogers, why do people do cosmetic surgery,  – own those wrinkles – they pay their rent in experiences, memories, days, weeks, months, years of being you, Linda Ronstadt, and little known singer in a little known movie, I think it called something like, “The Bodyguard”, with Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner? (“Are you pondering what I’m pondering, Pinky? “Well, I think so, hiccup, but Kevin Costner with an English accent?” don’t think any really beat Dolly’s version, but the song is an earworm, which, like blogging, once in your head, rarely leaves.


Very me

132 thoughts on “I Will Always #Blog Love You

  1. I always feel like I’m frolicking in an amusement park when I come here, Donna, I love it. I will always love it…you…here. Cheers my friend, and thanks for the entertaining quotes, clips, and freshened memories.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. And I will always love you, and your blog, even though we may disagree on some things.
    May the fourth be with you and the revenge of the fifth be sweet (though we really shouldn’t wish for revenge should we?)
    I hope you are feeling well.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    ❤ xoxo<3

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Isn’t it wonderful that we can love each other and disagree, we need more of that in the world. 🙂
      The worst part of the revenge was board games with my son and Mexican food so I’ll wish for that kind of revenge any day lol 😉
      Hope your week is wonder-filled so far and all the best for the rest. 🙂 xox

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice post Donna, you come around so much in your posts 🙂
    We can all have the need for a break from blogging to recharge our system. I haven’t been much online for a while, but I will be back again.
    Take good care of yourself.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Donna, you bring so many smiles and at the same time thought-provoking insights and inspiration to our hearts and minds. Your post is wonderful and I will always blog love you too, dear friend. I did not know that there are more versions of “I will always love you”. Will check them out! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I was on a break for a few weeks and so happy to find your post. Yes, all well so far and I hope your wekk has been a good one too!


      2. Thank you, Donna! A turbulent time but I am fine and content and also proud of myself of how far I’ve come. I hope you are doing well too 😊


      3. You are awesome, Donna! Thank you for your loveliness. I am getting better and better and stronger and stronger. Life has its challenges but they are only there to help our development, right? Lots of love to you 💖


      4. I love hearing that, dear Erika and wish you joy in your continuing journey. Lots of love and strength and more happiness than can fit in your heart (and knowing it’s TARDIS, bigger on the inside…). Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂 xoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I’m just so happy to be part of this amazing blogging family, Erika, even though I’m not writing myself at the moment (well, not writing blog posts, I’m trying to write a book but it seems to have ideas all it’s own), I’m still trying to keep reading and sharing. 🙂
        Hope the weekend ahead treats you kindly and all the best every single day. 🙂 xox

        Liked by 1 person

      6. I hear you! Sometimes we need to put some things aside in order to make room for other things. When even it is only temporary. I wrote a post exactly about this a week ago. This is great news and I understand what you mean with “ideas of its own”… lol! A book is a process and only when we are done we see where it wante to go.


  5. You sound like the most lovingest person in the World and believe me I can feel the love even over all this distance and it only travelled in the cargo hold.
    I think we need to stop having subsidies for the rich but your next door neighbour sets such a bad example (in everything)
    I know it won’t be noticed among all the well wrapped packages you’ll receive and the dying declarations on Skype but in there is a little box that contains all I have to offer. My heart. I love you but my heart will go on.
    xxx Cwtch Mawr xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad it reached you all the way across the Pond, dear David, I’d wrap my arms around the world, but they’re too short. 😉
      Our neighbours are having a rough time right now and I hope they know we still love them, well, many of them, some are making it pretty much impossible to love (sigh).
      I hope your heart goes on and on and on and on, dear friend, and like the TARDIS I know it can fill to love many and I’m so glad I’m one of them. 😉
      Massive all we need is love (and chocolate) hugs xoxox

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Donna, I never doubted the Fourth would be with you, I’m just sorry I’m late. As you said WordPress… I just can’t keep up.
    You did another truly marvelous post, brilliantly getting your point across, yet making us smile the while.
    The only version of that song I ever liked was Dolly’s. But like everyone else here, we’ll always love you. Mega hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, dearest Teagan and any time you come by makes the day shine! My blogdoor is always open to you, my friend. 🚪
      Thank you for your kind words, you’ll never fully know how much they mean, but know they are hugged, each and every word. 🤗🤗🤗
      Mega all we need is love (and chocolate) hugs 🤗🤗🤗 xoxoxox

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Christine and I’m trying, I really am trying to stay (Yoda would tell me, “Do or do not. There is no try.”), but WordPress and generally Life are playing tricks on me, but I’m going to keep at it. Hope your week is wonder-filled. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    And to finish this Saturday night..a post from Donna Parker of Yadadarcyyada… Dolly Parton singing I will always love you along with some great analogies and truisms.. “What we think of as rights are actually leased privileges, they can be repossessed any time”.. Unconditional love, remembering how people made us feel and making choices… a rollercoaster ride of a post…. #recommended

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly for this delightful reblog, dear Sally, not only for sharing the #blog love but for the kind words and the recommendation. Hope this week is being good to you so far and all the best for all the rest. Thank you again and again. 🙂 🤗🤗🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Donna, this is my favorite post from you (which is saying something). Also, I’m your hundredth like on it, which I think is pretty groovy. Also, also, I too miss the days when Kenny Rogers looked like Kenny Rogers!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That is a lot of #blog love, thank you, thank you! And thank you for the 100th Like!!!
      Yes, he sounds the same, but he just doesn’t look like Kenny Rogers anymore. 😉
      Hope this week treats you kindly and thanks again! 🙂


    1. I have all the wonderful hosts/hostesses and all the bloggers to thank for being there to connect bloggers and for us bloggers for finding each other in this giant virtual haystack:)


  9. Damn Donna, this is cruel – my love is still there (all the way across the pond) but those star wars clips – I’ve spent bloody hours trying to place them all. Cruel, addictive woman, you. Now I have half an hour to bodge a few tasks and pretend I had to take a long call from my mother in law… have a lovely week.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. lol But Star Wars love is never time wasted, ever! 😉
      I never meant to be cruel but sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind and those SW clips were kind-a awesome! 😉 I’m just a simple woman trying to make her way in the Universe (I know you know that one, changed just slightly).
      Thank you and hope this week treats you well.


      1. me too I’m glad to found you. This is a good week, thank you, I hope yours too ✨🍒✨


  10. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


    1. I’m not sure I’d know how to explain it it was so long ago, sometimes I forget myself, but I will keep your lovely offer in mind, you are too kind. 🙂 Hope the weekend ahead treats you well. 🙂


    1. Thanks for dropping by and I’m glad we found each other in this giant virtual haystack, hope we can virtually visit often. Followed you all over the place (hopefully not in a stalky way lol). Hope this week is being good to you so far. 🙂


  11. Bahaha! “There’s no crying in blogging!” Awesome!

    It struck me when you said good people are irreplaceable. So true! Good people are like gems. And good bloggers are like gems, too – good bloggers such as yourself. 🙂


    1. Aren’t they amazing over at #trafficjamweekend? That linky party rocks! I don’t know how they do it every week but I hope they never stop!!! Wishing you a wonder-filled weekend. 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly, Ian, I don’t know if you’re getting these comments, sometimes WordPress plays tricks (no treats) and says No!
      Hope this finds you safe and sound. Thank you for the lovely reblog! How delightful!
      Stay safe. Stay connected. 🙂
      Big non-contagious hugs xoxo


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