Posted in Family, Holidays, Uncategorized

The Mother Of All Blogs best motherhood move? Making my son  understand I’m flawed… seriously flawed. As is everyone. I wanted him to understand

1. Not being perfect isn’t necessarily a bad thing. No good deed goes unpunished, but do good deeds anyway, it will feel good. You can’t get rid of something or someone until you’ve learned what it or they need to teach you. Motherhood isn’t a club. We’re not all the same. We shouldn’t care or compare how someone else is being a Mom, do what’s best for your child or children.

5. We don’t really need a day, or a week, or a month, we need all people to be treated equally and respectfully. A woman isn’t instantly better because she has a child. We need just don’t one day where we get: flowers, diamonds, cards, ecards, buckets of chicken with recorded messages in the lid, spa treatments, edible arrangements… What we need a world where children are taught to treat others with dignity; who don’t see lying as a way of life and cheating as a lifestyle choice; and who think perception is more important than reality. I barely remember what I had for breakfast most days, but Jimmy Kimmel is right, that moment when doctors/nurses look concerned about your baby, that’s a moment frozen in time.
Despite reading What To Expect When You’re Expecting and other books on pregnancy and motherhood, I never expected to be in the ER when my son was a month old, never expected to see him quarantined, full of wires and tubes, having a machine breathe for him while he artificially slumbered.
Not being a doctor (although I play one at home), I didn’t know what was wrong. I’d never heard of RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus, while common, for infants it can be dangerous, even fatal). Approximately 11 days in hospital (5 on a respirator, isolated with 24-7 private nurse care). I lived there – slept, ate, read to my son: Dr. Seuss, E.B. White, Maurice Sendak, Star Wars, Star Trek (might explain a lot), and more while amazing nurses, doctors, and staff helped my beautiful, tiny, once-and-future-King-of-the-Wild-Things heal. These memories still bring tears, some of pain, some of joy. and friends were there for us (I can never thank you enough).
People often say not much else matters if you don’t have your health, I say, not much else matters if you don’t have your healthcare.

7. The Handmaid’s Tale might represent motherhood best of all. Margaret Atwood wrote this (although I bet she never foresaw the SNL version) as a cautionary tale, but there’s a more subtle message often lost, having a baby shouldn’t be about power, also, a woman’s worth isn’t tied to her fertility, she shouldn’t be treated better or worse because of it. Women and men should be treated with compassion, empathy, dignity, and kindness no matter their gender, fertility, status, race, religion, marital status, wealth, etc. People shouldn’t be rewarded for bullying, lying, cheating, controlling, subjugating…This latest adaptation (Hulu or Bravo or CraveTV) is addictive, mesmerizing; the cast is stunning, the tale chilling, eerie…if this is how we save the human race, is it worth saving?

8. How could anyone have a child if they watched Twin Peaks (Dual Spires for Psych fans)…because, the world is just like this show: weird, wonderful, strange, stunning, fascinating, frightening, and full of moments that will haunt you, and full of moments as sweet as cherry pie or donuts hear the nostalgic, evocative themes of the Twin Peaks… The X-Files…

Hmmm, maybe James Comey could get a new job on these reunion FBI dramas, after all, he knows FBI drama. truth is out there? Remember, life isn’t all about what’s under the plastic, it’s about what happens before, during, and after and it’s up to us to make it wonderful, not horrible (take note Trump). as I drop this,
er, ummm,
Mother of all Blogs?
Happy Mother’s Day
to everyone…
not just mothers,
but people,
enjoy this day
and everyday.

I have millions of reasons why I love my son. Reason #82: he wakes up singing or humming every day. I was thinking, we should all be so lucky to wake up that way.


Very me

143 thoughts on “The Mother Of All Blogs

  1. A brilliant post. Full of wise words and humour. Love your 10 Guidelines.
    That time with your son in hospital must have been a nightmare. Lovely to know your boy wakes up singing and happy 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Happy Mother’s Day to you dear Donna.
    Thank you so much for what you said about/to those of us who don’t have children. I freely admit that the attitudes of some people (primarily other women) about it can be disheartening. I also admit that some years it is easier than others to return “Happy Mother’s Day” with a simple thank you. But I do, because I’m always happy to have any good wish from anyone. There’s precious little of that going around. Which brings me to “What we need a world where children are taught to treat others with dignity; who don’t see lying as a way of life and cheating as a lifestyle choice; and who think perception is more important than reality.” Indeed, my friend. Indeed we do.
    Wishing you a satisfying Saturday and a beautiful Mother’s Day, because you truly deserve it. Mega hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think every day should just be treat each other well day, dear Teagan.
      Thank you for your lovely wishes, for me, every single minute I have my son is a gift, one I never take for granted, even if he is King of the Wild Things, he’s a character and definitely his own party, all of which I adore.
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly, dear friend. I’m going to be playing catch-up because we have family coming for out-of-town, but I’ll get there, because it’s worth it.
      Mega perception is not, I repeat not, more important than reality hugs xoxox

      Liked by 1 person

  3. All so true – my son had RSV at the age of 4 months. I work in Pediatrics – so I knew what I was facing, but I couldn’t convince the ER docs how seriously ill he was, until it was almost too late. But he is a strapping young lad now, healthy and full of himself, so it all worked out!!! Happy Mother’s Day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Such a frightening illness for babies yet most people carry RSV on them all the time without even knowing it.
      I’m sorry to hear you had such a time of it with the ER docs, I suppose it just depends on who you get (sigh), but I’m so glad to hear your son had the same outcome as mine, I’m giggling at your description, yes, that’s works well for my lad as well. Big hugs xox
      Happy Mother’s Day and to a wonder-filled week ahead.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Reading what you went through when your son was in the hospital revealed to me what my mother must have gone through when I was in the hospital inside an oxygen tent as a pre-school child. I don’t know the name of what almost ended me early but it was a virus that was attacking my heart. To defeat that virus, I was under a doctor’s care up to the age of 18 when he released me and said I was cured. It took almost 20 years to defeat that virus and during those years, my childhood was anything but normal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My goodness, that is some story, there are so many viruses and some are so scary. Your Mom must have loved you all the more and now I better understand your zeal for life even better and your passion for making the world a better place.
      Hope this weekend is treating you well and to a wonder-filled week ahead. 🙂


  5. Another Donna Scorcher and I oved it esp. as it hold lots of what I hold on to nd teach my children! The work that goes into your blogs is phenomenal…Let me chill out here for a bit. Thanks for sharing your post on Weleda toothpaste at the blogger’s Pit Stop. Keep em coming! 😊
    Pit Stop Crew

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I see your doolally tap has come out for a walk again. Sometimes I think you should remember to keep it on a tight leash Donna.Not that I mind darling as I’ve got bars on the window to try and keep mine in check. Not much chance of that though. Maybe people will just have t take us as the find us, under the bed in my case…….not in an actual case, just under the bed. It gets very lonely under there even though I’m civil enough not to ignore myself and will engage in some very riveting conversations about rotten rye sending whole villages doolally tap in the past.
    Well, it’s time to see if I can find someone to put this strange jacket on the right way round so I can drink my tea.
    Have a wonderful week
    xxx Gigantic Hugs xxx


    1. You not only made me laugh, dear David (and hope you’re getting lots of tea), but you taught me something, I had to look up what a ‘doolally tap’ was. I love learning new terms. Thank you.
      Hope this week is treating you kindly, dear friend.
      Massive how’s that jacket fitting hugs xoxo


  7. My idea of hell is a children’s hospital – no mother should ever have to visit a child in a hospital and money should not be a concern for them. Period. May you have a very magical Mother’s day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right, it’s not just having your sick child but seeing all the other lovely little ones who should be home basking in love suffering. That should never be compounded by thinking of money.
      Thank you and you as well, wishing you a delight-filled weekend and a magnificent week ahead. 🙂


    1. That’s so lovely, wow, I really appreciate that and you just spread those smiles around. Thank you kindly and hope this weekend is treating you well and to a magnificent week ahead. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Donna, have a wonder-filled Mother’s Day! Always love your thoughtful & thought provoking posts. Can relate to the horror of a sick infant son in the hospital. Happy it all turned out well. Your Mom’s Rules are so right on! Christine


    1. Thank you kindly.
      While I’m sorry to hear you can relate, I hope your tale has turned out well too.
      Thanks, they seem to be working, so far, too bad we can’t teach them to those in power.
      Wishing you a wonderful week. 🙂


  9. I think no one can really understand what motherhood means before it is experienced. Those little growing creatures give our life meaning. I and of course every mother can imagine what a nightmare that must have been when your son was hospitalized when even never the fully!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s certainly something that can’t be explained.
      He’s lovely now and it certainly prepared me for just about anything.
      Hope this weekend is treating you kindly, Erika and to a wonder-filled week ahead! :0

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I do enjoy your posts Donna, firstly I am so happy that your son is alright, I thank you for this wonderful post, for Ryan Gosling without a shirt, for your humor and wit and I wish you a very happy Mothers Day, hope you get breakfast in bed (if you eat breakfast) whenever I think of breakfast in bed I think of the scene from Childs Play (I’m a horror buff). Have a glorious day!!


  11. So many great lessons here Donna. So terrific. I’m with you on the Handmaid’s Tale too! Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. ❤


    1. I know, I remember asking my parents and teachers that, because they were always telling me to follow directions, but a lot of them didn’t make sense. 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. It is insane, those traumatic, terrifying moments with your children are the ones that stick with you. The ones that keep me up at night, and make me fret throughout the day. Will they be okay?

    And the mommy haters club that women hold for one another is beyond exhausting. You can get so caught up in what other’s will see as right sometimes you forget, I just need to do what is right for myself and my family.


    1. You’re so right, they always stay in your mind and heart, every moment.
      I just don’t understand it, but you hit the nail on the head, just do what’s right for yourself and your family, playing games should be more limited to boards and screens. 😉
      Wishing you a wonder-filled weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Jonathan, not only for this wonderful reblog, but for the kind words. 🙂
      I hope this week treats you well. All the best, always. xo


  13. Donna, so sorry you had to go through that with your newborn. Many great lessons here. I think if parents could instill, through example as well as teaching, kindness in their children, it would be grand. It’s more important to be kind than good-looking, intelligent, good at sports, “successful,” etc.


  14. Healthcare is so important, especially for children. Thank you for sharing about your son. Did your son have the same heart problem that Jimmy Kimmel’s son has?
    Happy belated Mother’s Day, and for being awesome and for your great sense of humor! ❤


  15. Great post… I like that list (my mom´s rules)… very wise!…
    1. Not being perfect isn’t necessarily a bad thing—> I love that statement, Donna
    I guess we´d be happier of we make peace with our flaws and accept them as part of ourselves… ⭐
    Sending much love & best wishes! 😉


    1. Seems to be working for me so far. 😉
      It’s true, this search for the ‘perfect’ everything keeps us from enjoying the imperfect here and now. 🙂
      Thank you kindly and love and best wishes, dear friend, I hope this week is being good to you. xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I was busy all Mother’s day weekend and it is always my excuse that I don’t get back to people since I always work 9 -11 hours a day. Except January and November. It is a car parts warehouse and every season has its roll-out’s!!


    1. Better late than never. I love finding blogging bits and pieces, there’s so much out there, it’s hard to keep up.
      lol I was just thinking, the word ‘fascinating’ always makes me think, may you live in interesting times, 😉
      Hope this weekend is being good to you so far. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. I believe children however they arrive are blessings, Donna. I was a preschool teacher with integrated classroom with 8 who had developmental delays, 4 typically developing “peers.” I loved these (9) years! In 2008, I didn’t have enough Master’s degree credits to “beat” No Child Left Behind Act. I miss the fun and variety. Never a dull moment. . .
    So happy you have your sweet singing (or humming) son! He’s lucky to have you. 😊 💕
    It is definitely amazing, but some of your wonderful friends are also mine.
    I love the visual of a “giant virtual haystack!”


    1. Learning is a joy that transcends everything, all the momentary madness and teaching those to learn must feel like you’re saving the world, a true superhero.
      We’re lucky to have each other.
      Hope you’re doing well and still teaching in one form or another, always. xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I like trying to be of caring assistance to my co-workers but mainly as a Nana, I impart small bits of tradition, wisdom and lots of love, Donna.
        I did feel special as a teacher. . .
        I like the funny memes
        *I may not be Wonder Woman but I can do things that make you wonder.
        **I’ve finally reached the Wonder years: wonder where I parked my car, where I left my phone and where did I set my keys down?? 😁 xo
        Youre a superhero to many who may need to be lifted up, Donna!!


      2. I really thinking making us others happy, caring for others does make you a wonder woman – I just hope there’s no bullets or bad guys anywhere near you, but I bet an invisible plane would come in handy. lol 😉


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