Posted in Canada, Christmas, Uncategorized, Zombies

Christmas Comes After Remembrance Day

ImageRemembrance Day and Veterans Day are about honouring those who fought for their countries, for others.

You don’t have to agree with war or the reasons for it to remember those that fought and those that died.

I’m saddened and disappointed to see stores, malls, and streets decorated for Christmas before Remembrance Day has been respected.

The commercialism of Christmas is bad enough, but this is rude and disrespectful.

In Tacky Stores

In stores Christmas decorations flow
between the candy canes, row on row,
With disrespect to soldiers gone
Christmas cheer doth early don
Cries scarce heard amid the carols blow.

They are the Shoppers. Short days ago
Was Halloween and now before the snow,
Bought and were bought, and now they shop
In Tacky Stores.

Take up the quarrel with the stores:
Pushing Christmas tackiness galores
The dignity of those we’ve lost.
If ye break faith and ignore the cost
If Christmas before Remembrance tore
In Tacky Stores.poppy2

With all due respect to John McCrae and all those who fought, were wounded, and died in service to their countries.

Christmas comes after Remembrance Day.



Very me

18 thoughts on “Christmas Comes After Remembrance Day

    It’s so true that Remembrance Day isn’t thought much of in stores…
    It’s all for Christmas and forget about people who died for us….


  2. In England this year people started wearing their poppies in October, which I also find slightly odd, even though it meant being confronted by a Gurkha military band at Waterloo station at the end of the month when there were marines collecting from commuters. When people first started wearing poppies in the twenties of the last century, they would only wear them on the 11th November. I’ve only been wearing mine since yesterday and that feels a bit premature, even though Sunday was Remembrance Sunday.

    We’ve been having Christmas adverts on TV since 1st November. Very annoying.

    Thankfully, we don’t do Thanksgiving.


    1. Yes, I noticed people starting wearing poppies earlier and earlier, maybe it’s meant as a sign of respect, but it seems odd. I generally start wearing mine on the 9th, then I lose it, buy another, lose it on the 10th, buy another…well, it’s all to a good cause. 🙂
      Yes, I was in the stores and being blasted with Christmas music, decorations and people are already in a buying frenzy here, it’s quite annoying.
      In Canada our Thanksgiving is early October so it’s been and done. And of course, everyone is already going on and on about Black Friday sales. Sigh. When do we ever get a chance for regular days?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We’re starting to get Black Friday here, as well, which I really don’t understand.

        I don’t mind starting to think about Christmas now, I just don’t want to be surrounded by it.


  3. In the stores, it is definitely getting the Christmas stuff out as soon as they can. What a great reminder to people this should be. I too detest the intense commercialism of the holiday myself.


      1. Wishing you well for Remembrance Day. I can’t forget because I started my job the day before… Been captive to Mordor since 2008… The whole world probably heard that groan! Hugs on the wing. 🙂


      2. We got our first snow/cold of the season, but I’m hoping it warms up for tomorrow, I don’t like to think of the Vets out in this. 🙂
        Oh no, poor Teagan, one job to rule them all, one job to find them, one job to bring them all and in the darkness bind them? 😉
        Mega “I’m guessing your 10 year anniversary will be celebrated with Sauron puppets and despair?” hugs xoxox


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