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Take On Me

1blogger26Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality.
Open your eyes,
Look up to the skies and see…
I’m just a poor girl, I need no sympathy,
Because I’m easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low,
Anyway the wind blows, does kinda matter to me…

If you didn’t headbang to that (preferably in a car with friends), I got nothing…


I’m back, it’s been a rough week or so, including, unfortunately, me being back to my usual sleeping issues – I see why they use lack of sleep as a torture method. Life, you spin me round (like a record). On the bright side, no bail money needed, no visiting the hardware store for: lye, tarps, a shovel, and I discovered I can still discover stuff about myself and others.1blogger23

I recently got new eyeglasses, progressive ones, a nice word for you’re old, deal with it. Getting old doesn’t bother me, it’s like watching time-lapse photos of myself decaying. Who doesn’t love arthritis, wrinkles, age spots, forgetfulness – what was I talking about? It could be an adjustment thing, but I find myself spending less time online, more in the real world…whatever that means.1blogger13

Also channeling my inner Popeye, yup, I am what I am with a spinach binge (even spinach tea), which in turn caused St. Patrick’s Day to come early, if you know what I mean…and no one was after those lucky charms, no pot of gold at the end of that rainbow. Enough said.1blogger1

I see The Bachelor is back, can someone explain this twisted take on Dunbar’s Number? To me, the concept is flawed, if I wanted to date a guy who was dating like 25 other women I would have just stayed in the music scene. And yes, I had to use the Blake Shelton parody (Farm Hunk) from SNL…you’re welcome.1blogger9

Speaking of reality shows, what’s with that new one, Pumpkin For Prez? Why do we want to watch a caustic, racist, sexist, grandiloquent pumpkin trying to become POTUS? Though funny, it’s on way too often.1blogger4

I could have done without the white Bronco flashback, do we really have to relive the O.J. Simpson trial? Couldn’t we just assume the LAPD still have evidence impotence? Perhaps Disney and Pixar could cash in on this O.J. stuff to promote Finding Dory. I can picture the trailer now: “Knife? I saw a knife!”. Or the chance for Paul Hogan to revive the nostalgia of his Crocodile Dundee films: “That’s not a knife…this is a knife!”.1blogger10

The older I get the more I feel like a charlatan, a flim-flam artist, fraud, poser, pretending to be an adult when all I really want is to run through a field with a kite, only stopping long enough to blow bubbles and count how long it takes them to burst. I’m sick of paperwork. Up to here with paying bills, errands, taxes, phone calls, being on hold, decisions, balancing budgets…1blogger20I’m queasy from being bombarded, sold stuff, even during TV, movies, books, etc. Product placement I understand, but I watch TV/movies, and read books to be distracted, entertained, having actors ad-roofie me to push it, push it real good for: Segway, cereal, Coke (not the real anything), Apple, Microsoft, fast food, junk food, candy, a car that parallel parks itself (would love that car, by the way), well, takes me out of my enjoyment zone. Instead, I want to tear off my adult costume and spend hours watching tadpoles in a stream. Go barefoot. No matter our age, whether you’re online or not, Adam Lindsay Gordon got it right: “Life is mostly froth and bubble, Two things stand like stone. Kindness in another’s trouble, Courage in your own”…I guess I’ll bravely, kindly continue adulting.1blogger25

I think I have a slow learning curve, who knows, but I find I don’t mind, I actually like the learning part. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results isn’t insanity, it’s living. So life, take on me, take me on, I’ll be yours if…


How is your week so far, dear readers?



Very me

215 thoughts on “Take On Me

  1. My week has been pretty good. I’ve been talking, writing, and actually doing a little bit of gardening. Gardening for me is the best therapy life has to offer. I also only watch the news every now and then and fully utilize my mute and fast forward buttons on everything. 🙂


    1. So glad to hear your week has been pretty good and you’re lucky to have found such a natural and productive therapy. 🙂
      Yes, I don’t think I could do any TV without Mute and fast forward. 😉
      Hope the rest of the week treats you well, Judy. 🙂


  2. We’re on the same thought train when it comes to ditching this adulthood deal and all that comes with it. I’ll meet you out in that field with the biggest bubble makers I can find…


  3. A-Ha, a bit of a rhapsodic take on What’s Going On. Yeah, I can relate to a lot of it. I didn’t sleep well last night, but the name of my disease is “dogs getting up barking at every tiny sound in the house”. And Pumpkin for President? Uhm, no, I hope not. There are days I would much rather hang in the real world than this one, though the blogosphere does have it’s charm and I do like chatting with some people here. I won’t even mention the whole I can’t read a thing without my glasses and it is bumming me out thing….

    Anyway, have a great day!


    1. And it isn’t even a full moon, hopefully they’ll bark less tonight. 🙂
      The world is a topsy turvy place sometimes, but surely we’re not in a bizarro universe quite yet. 😉
      Yes, I like it here and there and everywhere (well, not quite), I guess balance is the key.
      Sigh, yes, aging, I remember when all I wanted to be was older, if only I’d known. 😉
      Hope this week treats you kindly, Trent. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think all grown ups want to be out in the fields with the bubble maker; some are just better at pretending they don’t than others.
    My week’s a bit rubbish. Actually it’s a lot rubbish, but more because of what’s happening to other people than because of what’s happening to me.
    I hope you get on with the new glasses. My old optician used to tell me that my eyesight was really good. The ‘for your age’ was unspoken but understood. My new optician just prescribed new glasses.


  5. Yep, I was banging ( well, nodding) my head right along with you there. ☺☺☺ Great post. My favorite gif was Harpo…we all feel that way, zipping and unzipping in endless futility. Thanks for the morning smiles. I know where my pants are.


  6. You never disappoint, so much of me in this post. The glasses, sleep issues, this kid inside…you made me smile. Cheers (with my Spinach/Blueberry/Banana smoothie) it’s a good week so far -as I can remember.


    1. Thank you kindly and thanks for the reblog, I really appreciate it. Now guess what kind of smoothie I’m craving? 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you well. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for the reblog (just to prove once again what a week I’ve been having, now I’m playing major catch up), I really appreciate it. And thank you for the kind words…glad it worked for you and hope your spinach smoothie was delicious.
      I hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. You win the world of blogging today! Another great post 🙂 I laughed and (almost) cried! Any post with a Buffy AND T-Swift picture is a post after my heart.


  8. Gosh, I love your post, Donna! I don’t even know where to start first…. yes, I am also heading towards my upper 40s… lol! Pumpkin for Prez… awesome. I only hear voices against DT (thank God) I just don’t understand how he can be so successful… let’s hope for the best. Donna, I loved how you incorporated song titles and lyrics. Hope your sleeping issues dissolve! Big hugs 💖


    1. I guess we should be pleased, after all, the alternative to aging isn’t a good one. 😉
      I have no clue, yet in this new bizarro universe we seem to be going the wrong way.
      The 80s always seem to be singing in my head, sometimes they spill out. lol 😉
      I can only hope that some nights are better than others, thank you.
      Big hugs, Erika and I hope this week is being good to you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Seriously, I would not want to go back one single day…. I am rather curious about all that lies ahead 😉
        I could listen and sing 80’s songs all day. Never get tired of that.
        I hope it gets better with your sleeping problems. As you said, it is a torture and can drive you crazy. You don’t need to tell me, but do you know the reason?


      2. Life is all about the forward, the only place for backwards is in memories. 🙂
        The 80s were great times with amazing music.
        The sleeping problems are to do with my Fibromyalgia, they wax and wane, some things help, but not much.
        Hope this weekend treats you well, Erika. 🙂


  9. LOL…needed some of those today. 🙂

    My week has been exciting and in a bad way. Kids have been sick, I got sick…late night trips to the hospital, toddler throwing up in the waiting room…terrible twos, he’s into everything… One of these days, life will seem more calm, more balanced. Or I will have convinced myself this is the case, and I’ll happily live in denial. 🙂

    Good luck with the adulating! I feel your pain!


    1. Glad to hear. 🙂
      Sorry about that, hope everyone is starting to feel better. I remember those days and if this helps, it does balance out…or I’m still in denial. lol 😉
      Hope the rest of the week is less exciting, well, in a bad way. Take care and all the best. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. This is great, Donna. I smiled all through it, along with groaning “I can relate!” I love the summary, “Kindness in another’s trouble, Courage in your own.” That courage occasionally means tearing off the adult costume and kicking off the shoes. Summer is on it’s way – a good time for tadpole watching. 🙂

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  11. I’m feeling the same kind of fed-up! Plus I had to have a tooth removed and thus have hideous jaw ache which painkillers don’t touch. And I still can’t get new glasses until the cataract op double vision settles down. Well, you did ask!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sorry you’re also feeling fed up (ironically I just watched the documentary Fed Up but that’s about how the food industry is being allowed to destroy people’s lives). Ouch, that sounds painful, I hope your jaw starts to feel better soon. Gentle hugs. And I hope the double vision settles down soon, that must be frustrating and dizzying, take care, hope it singles out very soon. I’m glad I asked, I’m sending you positive thoughts. 🙂

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  12. Peaks and valleys for me, too, Donna! That’s what I’m always telling my therapist, except that I finally graduated and now I can’t tell my therapist. In any case, you take me back, as usual, to my (in)glorious past. I can still remember seeing the Aha vid for the first time at my grandparent’s house, possibly on the Casey Kasem (sp?) weekly countdown, that was on Saturdays if I remember correctly. It had practically everything I wanted at that time in my life: Cute boy-man, great hooky keyboard, a wild (at the time) hybrid video of comic books/superhero and reality, a Romeo-and-Juliet type love story. Ahhhh. I mean, Aha! Unfortunately, I didn’t know of Queen at that time, but I came to appreciate them later in my musical life.
    And I can’t even comment on the glasses thing, because I’ve been so encumbered since about age 7–but I can definitely sympathize. I think I’m now nearsighted (and astig) but also needing ‘progressive’ lenses. I wonder…how can that be? Universe, why do you hates me so much! And, yes, down with Drumpf, aka, the Pumpkin, the racist train-wreck orange man (actually there’s Boner/Boehner, too, on that shade). Anyway, wishing you a much better rest of the week–hang in there!!!


    1. Yes, I thought a-ha was amazing in it’s day and it’s an earworm that has stayed with me ever since. Same goes for Queen, doesn’t matter when you first heard them, the important part is, you did – yahoo! 🙂
      As for the glasses, been wearing them so long I feel like they’re part of my face, but these new ones are quite the trip (in more ways than one). )
      As for The Donald, arrggh, really bored. 😉
      Hope your week is delight0filled, take care, talk to you soon. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m trying to get back into blogging, probably leaving my job and planning for that in a few months, still unpacking, and pondering why I bother with dating (round 523). And it’s only Wednesday LOL


  14. Dear Donna, it’s a glorious day from Mother Nature and your delightful post to read on the shuttle bus. Only one thing missing… I couldn’t get the other passengers to head bang to the song… Mega hugs my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What spoilsports, they really missed out on some major fun, dudes. 😉
      It was a glorious day, Teagan, I was walking in a T-shirt thinking, really, wow, this rules! 🙂
      Megaheadbanginghugs dear one. 🙂

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  15. I can’t imagine dealing with anything without sleep. I couldn’t make a decision of understand how to zip my shoes without sleep. Sorry to hear last week wasn’t a good on. Hope this one is making up for it.

    The temperature is 17C today–like spring and supposed to get warmer. This after a storm about a week ago with tons of snow. I’m ready for a nap. Don’t know why I’m tired today. Slept well. o_O
    Nice to see you again. Treat yourself well, Donna. ❤ ❤ ❤


    1. I’d like to say you get used to it, Tess, but I think it’s always something you miss and crave, but it also makes one appreciate it, that’s for sure. 🙂
      I saw robins this morning on the green lawns, as surreal as that was for March 11, I love it, hello lovely robins, hoe you’re enjoying your worms and grubs. 😉
      Hope your nap went well and you have a delight-filled weekend, dear Tess. 🙂


  16. I spent the day with one automated phone tree after another to try and get answers to penetrating questions as to why my W2 seems inflated. I finally got through to a live person who needs to call me back. You think I’ll get the answer by April 15th? Bets? Huh?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I add extra water to the spinach as I cook it, then drain the water into a mug, add green tea – it’s delicious! 🙂
      Thank you kindly, hope this week treats you well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Oh no! I missed the head banging thing!! Is my life tragically flawed???
    I love Shelton!
    The Bachelor is polygamy, and sex for hire. I used to love it, then I really saw it for what it was.
    I need glasses too, real ones. So far, I’ve skated by on dollar store readers.
    Sorry to hear about the sleep issues, and the St Pat’s parade. Don’t ever eat bread dyed pink, same result! Ask me how I know….
    Yup, adulting is hard. If you need me, I’ll be in my blankie fort, coloring!


    1. It’s probably for the best, for your neck and brain. 🙂
      I just can’t understand some of these reality shows, it’s confusing.
      I was doing that, but then, time caught up with me…
      I had not thought of eating bread dyed pink, but I’ve eaten beets, similar results. 😉
      That sounds fun, is there room for me? 😉

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  18. My week is pretty good. I picked up my new glasses with progressive lenses yesterday. I know it means I’m old but I’m just happy I can see again!


  19. Sorry to hear you’re in low spirits due to not sleeping Sweetie. You wouldn’t believe it with this post. In amongst all the great musical inclusions……I’m waiting for
    He’s just a poor man
    from a poor family
    spare him his life
    from these long sausages.
    That would be me with my Thursday Bangers and Mash.
    I’m hoping the US sees sense and doesn’t vote for DT but I’m not sure they should have HC either. Still, people get what they deserve generally.
    Just a sec, I feel dizzy from the headbanging, I’m going round, like a record baby, round,round, right round. I’m OK now.
    Glasses aren’t so bad. Just think of all the things you’ll see that you’ve been missing like Judy in disguise.
    I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of, it’s tearing me apart.
    Like you I’ve decided that maybe reverting to childhood will be more fun. I’m just not sure what age I’ve settled on or even if I can walk or talk yet, Oh no, that’s my senility isn’t it, I haven’t changed age yet.
    Keep well Sweetheart and I hope you run faster and catch up on the sleep.
    xxx Humongous Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lol Your version is hilarious, David and tasty-sounding. 😉
      We already went through this extreme right-wing phase in Canada and have finally come out of it, I don’t know what the U.S. will do, but I wish them all the best. 🙂
      Careful with the headbanging, I have to do so gently these days, don’t want to throw anything out. 😉
      I like the seeing, but they take some getting used to.
      We should get a second childhood, one we can fully appreciate and enjoy. 🙂
      Thank you kindly, dear friend, but I’m afraid sleep is too quick for me which worries me, if I can’t catch up with it or my emails, how will I avoid the zombies? 😉
      Hope this weekend treats you well, David, I look forward to hearing about your week. 🙂
      Massive sleepy hugs. xox

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      1. Someone said ‘Childhood is wasted on the Young’ and he was right. We’d get much more out of it than they do.
        The Zombies are not allowed near you .I’ve had a word with Somnos and he’s happy for you to sleep more and to keep up with your emails.
        I hope your new week is set fair to be beautiful for you.
        xxx Hugs Galore xxx


      2. I think it was Oscar Wilde, but I wish we could have bits of both all at once. 😉
        Thanks, I think I could get away from the slow zombies, but those fast ones are another story.
        Thank you, dearest David, sleep would be lovely, as for the emails, I keep trying to get away but they keep pulling me back in.
        I hope you have a week as wonderful as you (if that’s even possible) – Happy Birthday!!! 🙂
        Massive chip and curry and birthday hugs xoxoxoxox


  20. I really admire how you can be creative with suffering, and how you are such a hero with humour. I have had months of intense emotional pain (mostly self-inflicted) but you have given me a laugh. Thank you for being.


  21. Thanks for asking, reading your blog always gives me the smiles 🙂 Oh and thanks – I was beginning to wonder if I was slowly going insane, but no – Life! Thanks for clearing that up.
    I hope you find time this week to go fly a kite barefoot through the mud.


    1. lol Glad I could help, er, sorta. 🙂
      Not so far, stupid adulting is getting in the way, but I got to watch some clouds so that made me happy. 🙂
      Hope this week (and weekend) treats you kindly. 🙂

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  22. My week has been an interesting experience in helping my husband research items for his elderly mother in law. Speaking of coming attractions, being a caregiver for someone in her late 80’s will give them to you. Agin’ ain’t for sissies, as a famous woman once said.


  23. Well, that was fun to read, Donna! Thanks for sharing your week! Mine sounds a bit like yours, with the sleep deprivation and feeling old parts. Oh and add to that the usual ‘pissosity’ I suffer from every time I hear or see that orange buffoon on tv and all over social media. I’m so done with him. Oh my….Anyway, I hope we all have a great weekend ahead! P.S. Not enjoying the TN allergens by the way making me suffer. 😦


    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. 🙂
      Sounds like we had a very similar week – sorry. 😉
      I really hope the weekend proves more fun and dare we hope for a better week next…I’m afraid the orange is here to stay for awhile – good ratings seem more important than sensibility. I wish you luck with allergens, I hope you find some relief. 🙂


  24. A week filled with highs and lows much like every other. Love that quote and the gifs. Now, I have that song stuck in my head…it’s a good thing though!


      1. Glad to hear that. 🙂
        Thanks so much! My mom is in town, so there has been lots of family time and not much on the computer. I’ll get caught up one of these days.


  25. Great post – well I got a little burned out from social media so I took a several day break and I feel much better now! So I definitely understand that feeling of being bombarded by stuff.


    1. So glad you found me and I, in turn, made my way to your lovely blog. 🙂 Hope we can virtually visit often. 🙂 Isn’t Danny amazing, so supportive and generous to other bloggers, I don’t know how he does it with all these awesome Meet and Greets. 🙂
      Thanks for dropping by, I hope your weekend is wonder-filled. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  26. I can relate to a lot of this post this week Donna. I’m tired of taxes and doing them, and injustice and of being sick with a killer flu for one week now. Loved headbanging to Bohemian Raphsody, and sometimes love a good TV escape on the couch under the blanket, just how I’ll spend this weekend. Here’s to hoping yours will be equally mindless. 🙂


    1. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, Debby, that’s yucky. Hope you start to feel better very soon. 🙂 I hope your weekend under a blanket actually happened (I know, the best laid plans and all that…) and helped. 🙂
      Mind has been busier than I wanted, but so far, all good. Big hugs and get well soon. 🙂

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  27. Haha , great post all together , I can so relate to most of it ! I love your funny style , will be certainly back very soon 😁 Have a relaxed weekend !


  28. Well, since it’s 1:30 in the morning, I kinda get your sleeping thing. And I really, truly need to take my adult costume back to the store. You had me at the Queen lyrics but I stayed for the holy-crap-there’s-someone-else?! Also, Allison with the dream monkey. 😄🐵

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry to hear about your sleeping issues, it’s frustrating and I tried already,apparently the adult costume store has a strict no return policy.
      Hope this weekend is filled with delights. 🙂

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  29. Sleep issues are the worst! But at least you’re maintaining your sense of humor. You may be tired but at least you’re still funny. Love the pumpkin joke, although I must admit I’m finding him less and less funny as he sinks lower and lower in civility.


    1. They are, I really do understand why lack of sleep is used for torture.
      Gotta laugh, it sure beats crying or complaining.
      I never did see how Trump was funny or interesting, I think it’s about how people worship the rich and powerful, not for good things either.
      Hope this week is treating you kindly. 🙂

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  30. I’m tired of being a grown up too! We go camping to escape it all and I wish we could just stay out in the woods sometimes. But we need showers, so…we come home.


    1. There are definitely pros and cons, for sure. 🙂
      Sorry to hear that, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, let alone someone as amazing as you, Carol. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you well…and there are robins out on the lawn, so soon, soon… 😉


  31. My week has been busy. I finally got time to take a long 2.5 hour nap after running the timer and scoreboard for the local elementary basketball games. It was such a long week, I could have fallen asleep on my feet in the shower. I took tonight off, just to surf the net, watch DVD’s and relax. I understand sleeping issues since I seldom sleep a full 8 hours straight, especially at this time of the year.


  32. I love your stream of conscience writing process (although I can’t say that spinach tea appeals even remotely to me!) and now I have Bohemian Rhapsody stuck in my head!


    1. Thank you kindly. 🙂
      The spinach tea is mostly just green tea with extra water added/drained from cooking spinach, it’s surprisingly refreshing.
      As earworms go, it’s a great one. 😉
      Hope this week treats you well. 🙂


  33. HI Donna,
    I enjoyed your post. I don’t know what I liked more– your sarcasm over aging or Taylor Swift, Mike Meyers, and the musical element. The one thing that concerned me was saying you are spending more time in the “real” world. We would miss you.


    1. So glad you enjoyed it, Janice. I’ve been enjoying your posts too, so much helpful advice and so generous and supportive with all the linky parties. 🙂
      I’ll still be here, just a little less, but thank you, I’ll miss all of you too. 🙂
      Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  34. Hello! I saw your post link on Blogging On Your Own Terms and had to check it out. I liked the quote about life being frothy and bubbly… and I loved the Doctor Who gif.

    Your post made me think of a quote, not sure where it is from originally, but appropriate for my life most days: “Please stop the world, I wish to get off.”

    Have a great day and fabulous week.


    1. It’s an awesome group, isn’t it, so generous to bloggers like us. 🙂
      I think I had a poster with that on it once…and it would be a perfect motto for my life these days, then again, if I get off, I’d miss too much.
      So lovely to virtually meet you, hope we can visit often. Wishing you a lovely week. 🙂


  35. Hi,

    I’m so tired of hearing about O. J. Simpson.
    What the knife going to prove? That the prosecutors still know how to not prove a man guilty?

    This is a cool blog you have here! I seen you a couple of time over at the meet and greet on Danny’s blog.


    1. Very true, Vernon.
      Thank you kindly and I’m glad we found each other, hope we can virtually visit often. 🙂
      Danny is awesome, I don’t know how he does it, he’s so helpful and generous. 🙂

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  36. I’m much rather watch tadpoles and fly a kite too than join in with ‘grown up stuff!’ And I’d love a car that parallel parks itself… I’ve never been the best at driving, parking is even harder, and crazy me I’ve got a massive 7 seater car. Why? It seemed like a good idea all those years ago, so parallel parking with my eyes closed would definitely come in handy.


    1. Join our club, the Childhood Never Ends Club, or something like that… 😉
      Wow, that’s a big car, I would not want to try to park that in any way shape or form, good for you. 😉
      Hope this week is treating you well. 🙂

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  37. I finished week 3 of a new job, so I’m proud of that. It has been stressful as all new jobs are, and I am looking ahead to the 6 mo mark when I will feel like I know what I’m doing. I keep the mantra going, “only 3 more years.” I hope this is my retirement job!


  38. Oops. It’s taken me so long to get through my email notifications that it is now Sunday. So, yeah, last week was not real great for me – and this coming week is going to be very busy and I’m starting it out in a depleted state, so wish me luck! I do hope that your week is off to a better start and that you have been able to get some rest since you wrote this. Wishing you well,


    1. I know exactly what you mean, Joanne, I feel like I’m always playing email/blog catch-up although at times I admit it’s a fun game. 😉
      I hope this week is much better than the last. All the best. 🙂

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      1. Thanks, D. I took advantage of my body not adapting to Daylight Savings Time very well to plow through some emails late last night. Now, I can get behind some more starting from being in not quite as deep a hole! I do hope that you are having a better period healthwise this week. I know those ups and downs too well…


      2. Isn’t it amazing how Daylight Savings Time takes a swing at us, but I think you’re awesome for getting through your emails, any chance you’d be willing to have a go at mine? lol 😉 Sigh, I know just what you mean, I feel like I’m on a email treadmill. 😉
        Thank you kindly and I hope so too. All the best, Joanne. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  39. Love that song. I am tired of adulthood, I would like to sit in a field of wild flowers and dream. I must say, we chucked cable and live off Hulu and Netflix so no commercials, it’s quite liberating. I won’t even sit through the ads before a movie in a theater, I have timed it so I arrive just as the movie is starting – usually about 20 minutes. I am not going to pay all that money to be in inundated with commercials.
    Hope your week to come is filled with nights of sweet slumber and days filled with small, unexpected joys.


  40. I’ve decided to try for balance. Or insanity, it could be either, I have to admit. I work at the responsible adulting, and arbitrarily do juvenile stuff. That being said, I think you could squish barefoot through mud and tadpole gaze. Or (as I did when I was a kid) dig a nice big muddy hole in the back garden and fill it up with the hose. Then bring those tadpoles home. You will be in for a surprise if any turn out to be huge toads, but that can be a fun departure, too. 🙂

    I hope this week is off to a more peaceful start!


    1. I think balance helps the sanity. Yes, slipping back from adulting helps…hey, think any of those tadpoles might turn into a Prince Charming via frog form? 😉
      Hope this week is treating you well so far. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Jonathan, for the lovely reblog…although now I’m wondering what I don’t know, sorry, what else I don’t know…lol 😉
      Hope this day is being good to you. 🙂


  41. Hi Donna,
    How exciting to see such an engaged community! You should be so proud of what you’ve accomplished. I’ve probably said this before, but each time I come it takes my breath away, seriously.
    I was entertained/amused when I read this before, and I’m entertained/amused all over again.
    Thanks for bringing your post to the Blogger’s Pit Stop
    Janice, Pit Stop Crew


    1. Janice, so lovely of you to say. It’s great being part of this blogging family, it’s wonderful to connect and share the good times and the bad. 🙂
      I enjoyed stopping by and glad you could pop over. Hope the rest of the week treats you well. 🙂 Big hugs xox

      Liked by 1 person

  42. Oh my gosh my week is better now that I’ve read this. I needed the laughs and I needed to read facets/snippets of this and think: IT’S NOT JUST ME!!!!


  43. I have been wearing contacts since college which apparently was progressive lenses years ago. I wanted a pair of glasses so that I could wake up with my coffee like the rest of the world, instead of waking up by putting cold contacts in not-ready-to-be-fully-awake but want to play Candy Crush eyes. I went for the eye exam and they were nice enough to say progressive lenses are not bifocals, but that’s just the new PC term. I send a picture to my mother, who promptly told me I look like my grandmother, so she’s off my Christmas card list and I will never leave the house without contacts.


    1. lol That’s funny, but such is the price of growing older.
      I used to wear contacts years ago and then I couldn’t, but I miss them.
      Hope this weekend treats you well…with coffee. 🙂


  44. My maternity leave is dwindling down and the anxiety that causes is starting to affect my sleep – due to the nursing I can’t take my meds, so while I fall asleep from exhaustion, I wake up (or am woken by a small child crying at the foot of my bed) and then I can’t get back after I’ve tended to his needs. Other than that, it’s been RAD! 🙂


  45. I totally find all the adverts in-between watching a movie very tiresome. I know where the shops are if I want to buy stuff. My week has been busy, but nice busy. I wonder if I am ready to use glasses yet 😉


    1. Yes, I don’t need actors telling me what to buy, if I want to buy something I will. Quite right, Jackie and thanks for the awesome blog party, found some great new blogging buddies. 🙂
      Nice busy can be fun, hope this week is just as good…as for the glasses, you’ll know when you need them, or you can stay in denial, as I did, for awhile. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  46. I’m right there with you regarding your thoughts on the Bachelor. It’s basically a publicized cat fight. I prefer not to get in line and take a number for my man. But that’s just me. 🙂 Great post!


    1. Ian, thank you, I really appreciate this reblog/feature. Hope this weekend has been good to you so far. The weather here is wonky – yesterday it alternated between rain and snow with high winds, today it’s back to full winter with snow, that staying on the ground. The robins and squirrels seem very confused…and cold. 😉 How is your weather doing?
      Thank you again, I hope the week ahead treats you kindly. 🙂
      Big snowy hugs 😉


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