Posted in Movies, Televison, Uncategorized


1halloween12No Halloween would be complete without TRHPS.

When I was young I enjoyed going to the theater, bringing my toast, newspaper, lighter, fish nets and loudly yelling, “Borrrrriiinng!” when the Narrator/Criminologist came onscreen, etc.


Now I’m soooo much older and way more mature, so I fondly smile at the astrophysically campy antics of Dr. Frank N. Furter, Brad, Janet, Magenta, Columbia, Eddie, Rocky, and sigh, Riff Raff, but on occasion, I still jump to the left, then a step to right…


Nothing beats a cheesy B-grade movie shared with friends.


If you haven’t seen this, you’re not interested or missing out…


I’d also like to wish Tim Curry a full and speedy recovery from his stroke earlier this year.


Posted in Books, Movies, Televison, Uncategorized

The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

HHgttg don't panic2The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams  (Del Ray)   

I can still read this and laugh so hard it hurts. Contains one of the best scenes ever written, in the tea house with the biscuits, I’m giggling just thinking about it; if you haven’t read it, read it just for that. What am I saying, if you haven’t read it?

One of the most entertaining books ever written and apparently inspired by a drunken evening in Austria with a Hitchhikers Guide to Europe in his pocket, sounds about right. 

Adams also wrote and acted briefly in Monty Python and wrote a few Doctor Who scripts. HHgttg don't panic6

Worked on video games.

I have no words.

A delight to the gray matter and darn you Douglas Adams, you’re one of the reasons my laugh lines are so deep! No, I forgive you and miss you. HHgttg don't panic4montyp3In this case as entertaining as the on screen offerings of this have been, the book is so much better. All 4 (or 5 depending on your belief system and the hour of day) books in the trilogy are fantastically mythically rereadworthy.

Although Adams left too early at 49, his written works, his activist causes and his understanding of absurdity of it all remains to entertain and amaze us.

And don’t forget a towel is one of the most useful things you can carry with you on your journeys so celebrate towel day May 25th.

Douglas Adams‘ present location: Highgate Cemetery, Highgate, United Kingdom