Posted in Books, Christmas, Movies, Televison, Uncategorized


bridgetjones20It is a truth universally acknowledged that just about everyone knows a Bridget, is a Bridget, or wants to be a Bridget.bridgetjones23

I get why this movie is branded a chick flick, but I respectfully disagree. This is a movie about choices, about being yourself and true to yourself even if that might be a little wonky, and about love. Aren’t those common themes? If not, maybe they should be.

And as funny as the movie is, I tend to think the book even funnier, but then you don’t get the cast, toss up.bridgetjones2So whether you’ve found your reindeer jumper magic or still asking where’s the loo, keep going, because as long as you’re having fun…that’s the real magic.bridgetjones17Happy Christmas!