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80s46Anyone?… Anyone? Bueller?… Bueller?

I doubt there are many people who haven’t seen this film at least once, if not many times, even if it’s just for curiosity. Whether young or old, FBDO holds mysteries to the Universe or absolutely nothing but a lot of laughter.

80s4I always felt FBDO was about freedom, not wanting to be put in a box or labelled. It was about feeling you could be who you really were. There are always going to be people who want to quell that independence. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue it, just be aware.

This was the most teen and least teen movie ever made. It roared through heights of maturity and smashed through walls of formative angst in a 1961 Ferrari GT California blaze. Oh yeah…

Sure, Ferris was a self-absorbed man-child, but he got something right, you can’t live for everyone else.80s45I always figured John Hughes didn’t like adults very much. His versions of them in his movies are mostly: puerile, prosaic, obtuse, petty, neglectful, and/or even vindictive…and worst of all, mostly irrelevant. Not very flattering.

It’s a tonic to make you feel happy and alive, to remind you to stop and enjoy life…

It gave us the line:  I weep for the future, which I still use to this day.

80s42And Charlie Sheen‘s performance is brilliant. His best ever; ummm, take that as you will. No problem whatsoever!

Anyone remember the short-lived and ill-conceived NBC prequel TV series around 1990 entitled: Ferris Bueller? Anyone?…Anyone?…It starred Charlie Schlatter, Jennifer Aniston, and Ami Dolenz. Nevermind, it’s best if you don’t.

80s44Bueller?… Bueller?… Bueller?… Bueller?… Bueller?…